Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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I'm here!! :lol: Lol, you weren't seeing things or experiencing insomnia Liffy bud, and all your waiting paid off Rad my darlin' niece! :D
*Mo skips into the thread, happy as a cute little 5-year-old-girl on Christmas morning, hugging everyone as she comes in...* Hello my wubs, long time no see I know...Real life took me over and kicked my butt this weekend! I mean it was a good weekend, but still I am dead tired today and that's not the best way to start a week! :p But then again it's all good...why you ask...cuz I just checked my mail and..."I got my DVD's, I got my DVD's, I got my DVD's...hey, hey, hey!" :lol: I officially own and have in my lovely hands right at this moment, Season 2 of our lovely show...also known as "Where it all Began!!" :D Oh the joy! :D Yay, yay, yay!!

My bud in the place where my heart has it's roots, Dutch grinned:
Aaah Mo, that's so sweet...and I loved the 'homeland of my heart' *hugs*
*Hugs back!* Awww, I'm glad you liked that! And I really do think something in me loves Holland...I flew over it and landed in Amsterdam and I swear it just felt like "home"! It was so cool! :D

Naughty gutter bud Liffy winked:
Oh look Linds dressed up as a naughty maid for Danny
Ohhhh yeah baby! She is so hot! I love that pic! Lol, I am a very straight girl who loves her Danny, but seriously Linds is very fine in that outfit! :devil:

My darlin' bud Soph grinned:
Mo would certainly like to play twister with Danny
Ohhhh yeah I would baby...lol, now that brings back way bad guttery ideas...lol, anybody remember nekkid Twister? ;) Heehee! :devil: Yeah now that, that I would LOVE to play with Mr. Messer! ;)

My Fluffy Wub Aud hon shrugged:
Basically. I never thought I'd admit to be a nerd to anything. I've called people nerds though. But now I'm kinda proud of being a D/L nerd.
Lol, yeah me too hon...never thought of myself as a "nerd" but now, it's all good! I have an "I heart nerds" shirt...think it's appropriate? ;)

Watch out, Danny's a bit jealous! *Gives Mo Danny to cuddle while I run off with Marty Pino!*
Sweet! Thanks Fluffy Twin, I'll keep Danny nice and happy :devil: while Liffy plays in the tree with Linds and you go off and have fun with Mr. Pino! :lol: Definitely works for me! :D

Dearie pie cute bug Stuffy who still flirts with Liffy ;)
Where art thou, dearest Mo?
I'm here hon! I was just fighting off real life for a bit there this weekend! But I'm back and happy to be here...as always! :D

Darlin' Dutch rolled her eyes and tried to block our perfect D/L view:
Mo, Aud where are you guys...ever since you two got that place together you are mia...get away from that telescope you naughty girls and join us in the streets again!
*Mo grins devilishly!* But our view of D/L is just so perfect...I mean from our house you can see right into their front window, which they have foolishly left uncurtained...and that window looks directly into their bedroom and there's just SO much fun stuff to watch...lol! :lol: (What? ;) I'm not called the Gutter Queen for nothing! ;) )

My dear bud Jen said sadly:
I lost the baby this weekend...
Oh darling...*Mo sets the flowers she picked on her buddy's kitchen counter, along with the yummiest casserole you've ever had...before giving her bud a great big hug of comfort... I'm sorry hon, that's one of the hardest things to go through. Our prayers are definitely with you.

Gutter King in need of smuffy fix Liffy shouted excitedly:
Oh Mo! Where art thou Moeness! D/L's got a show on and I need ya keys babe YOOHOO!
*Mo giggles and opens her door and hands her buddy the extra pair of binoculars and a blanket...* Come on in, we're just getting to the good part! ;) Heehee!

whole Linds riding Danny strapped to a horse thing
OMG!! *Mo reads that and spews her mouthful of dessert almost all over her computer!* And that right there is why you are the King of the Gutter bud! :lol: :lol: That was brilliant...wow, talk about some MAJOR Gutter images that that brings to mind! :devil: Ohhhhhh yeah baby! ;)

My Brilliant Fluffy Twin Aud questioned:
Two questions for y'all to ponder:
1. Would D/L go to a water-themed park? Are they into boating and water sports?
2. How would D/L keep their relationship separate from work? Would they still flirt like before or just maintain a working relationship while at work?
*Brownies and cheesecake for those who answer*
Ohhhhh, good questions wub! Let's see...
1. I actually don't really see them as the Water park, water sports type of folks...I dunno why, but I just don't really see it! I could see them on a sailboat maybe...but not really a speedboat or waterslide. *shrugs!*
2. I think they'll flirt like before just because that is the way they work together, it's how they interact ya know. But I think they would do their best to keep it professional while at work...what I can't wait to see is now that they're together what happens when one of them is threatened or in danger at crime scene...will the other stay neutral or uninvolved or will they not care and jump in because the person they love is in trouble? Ya know! :D

So yeah...I've seen most of Season 2 already...okay all but like 4 eppy's...but still I CANNOT wait to watch them over again...all that lovely D/L wub to revel in! Yay! :D :D :D Have I mentioned by the way, how fantabulous I think each and everyone of you is? You all rock, lots and lots! I love coming in here...it's so fun...I think it's my happy place! :lol:

*Mo grins and after spontaneously hugging all her fabulous D/L buddies, climbs into her Fluffy Bubble and shimmers away to begin her Season 2 marathon!* :lol:
Mo, your back! Nice to see you! So glad you've returned to our lovely thread. You have been missed!

I made it to CSI Level One! Yay for me, I've been trying really hard to reach the level this week. I did it!
Hi Catey darlin! :D Yup I'm back...lol, you know me...come hell or high water (and even then! ;) ) I'll alway come back in here! :D

Congrats on making it to CSI 1 hon, rock on! :D

Okay have I mentioned how much I LOVE our show? Lol, I just started Seas. 2...first eppy, not even a sign of Danny yet and no Linds for a couple more eps and still I'm so excited to watch it all as it begins and progresses...I'm sitting here already grinning like a total idiot! Heehee! :D
Jen, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Something like this puts all everything else into perspective. :hugs:

Vex, congrats on the Accounting final. I knew you could do it! :)

I'm so glad I'm back here. I've been MIA because, well, you all know why. I'm glad to be here with you guys. Now what's up with the freakin' goat? :eek:
PrettyEyes!!! Hey hon, yay for you being back! I haven't seen you in a loooooong time! *Hugs!* :D
(Can I call you Jo? ;) )

Yeah the goat...the giraffe...and our fair town of Gutterville...Liff and Stuffy explain it best...so I'll let them go for it! :lol:

One more eppy and then Linds is on my tv for the first time ever in Seas. 2...yay! :lol:
*hands on hips* Where IS everyone??
I was out all day :lol: Leading around little kids. Fun, fun , fun! We are doing this program in our church and I have to help lead... all week!! Oh this is going to be fun :lol:

I don't have time to read through all the posts so sorry if this was mentioned but, I really need to party because today was such a busy day! Whens the next one?

One more eppy and then Linds is on my tv for the first time ever in Seas. 2...yay!
I wish I could go back and watch some of the first episodes which her. It was really quite funny because they was a lot of banter between them two. There still is but its much for funnier in the beginning :lol:
jen said:
Mercy, I'm afraid this all won't be happening.... :( I lost the baby this weekend... :(
I just need lots of hugs now, and you're all welcome in my house! Love you all!

Aww...sweetie, I'm so, so sorry to hear that. :({{{hugs}}}

If you need anything, please let me know. Maybe Danny could come over and give you a backrub? I'm sure Lindsay would understand.

Luvs ya!
Good morning! *Mo wanders into the thread, a bit tired and not quite awake yet...clutching her coffee tightly in her fist...* Lol, I was going to sing a lovely Good morning song...but all the ones I could think of are kids' songs and all of them inevitably make me think of the Good Morning song I'm NOT supposed to sing cuz it reminds Catey and I of something funny and not so good! :lol:
Anyway!! Hello my dears...Happy Tuesday! I wish it were Friday again, but oh well! :D

I got to watch "Zoo York" last night...(aka: The One Where It All Began! :lol: ) I love that eppy...Linds is SO cute when she's babbling while holding that tiger for Mac! And I LOVE how Danny winks at her (he totally does!) when he walks in and calls her "Montana" for the very first time! And all the "checking eachother out" stuff they do while processing for this case...fabulous! Awwww D/L how I love thee! :lol:

Alright my dears a bit short I know...but I must be away to the real world at least for the next 10 or so hours...yay... :p Have a great day and I'll catch y'all on the other side of it! ;)

*Mo raises her coffee cup in a toast and shimmers away in her Fluffy Bubble!* :D
*wishes everyone a good afternoon and hands Mo some extra strong fresh coffee* :D

aud love the questions! :)

1. Would D/L go to a water-themed park? Are they into boating and water sports?
I don't exactly know what a water-themed park is. As for water 'sports'...I suddenly have visions of D/L, a bath tub and a shower :devil: guess we all live in GutterVille for a reason :p

2. How would D/L keep their relationship separate from work? Would they still flirt like before or just maintain a working relationship while at work?
I think they have a hard time trying to act as if nothing changed between them...so there will still be bantering, but they have to be very carefull (if they don't want the rest to find out) to not cross the line at some point. :eek:

anybody remember nekkid Twister?
Mo hon, txs so much...when Twister was first mentioned a couple of pages back I immediately thought "Yeah nekkid Twister!" :rolleyes: and I didn't know whether it was my own dirty mind or if it had been discussed her before...When Danny's playing, I'm so joining that game too... :devil:

and that window looks directly into their bedroom and there's just SO much fun stuff to watch...lol!
*runs to her neigbours' house to check how the view is from their window - big sigh of relief - it's about the same* :D

Liff[/b]! Run and don't look back!]Over in the spoiler thread there was some D/L info about ep's 2 and 3 of next season. #2: 1CSIMfan mentioned something about Danny and another team member being in danger and Lindsay getting upset. #3: celtess said that there will be lots of D/L in this ep and that they're working a case together! Anyone has more info 'bout all this?

Vex congrats for passing your accounting final!

Catey Great that you're a CSI level one now too! :)

Liff I think Pavarotti likes the name you picked for his giraffe friend!

Danny and Hawkes are diving in 4.02 and the team lose the video feed (they are watching it from the shore). Lindsay gets upset since Danny is down there. As for the next episode, they are working together and, based on their interactions, they are doing fine. Say hello to more bantering and flirting :D
*anffy pets Pavarotti, good goat.*

dutch, re: spoiler. tell me more.
PrettyEyes, great to see ya around here!
stuffy, you gots a new fic??

Auda, lighthearted questions! good good.

1. on the contrary, i could see danny and lindsay at a water park. they would tease each other and slide down those 2-person rafts snuggling/kissing. splash around (at each other; flying into one another’s arms!!) in the wave pool, then settling down on the chairs to sip drinks and eat snacks. then they can head to their little romantic beach walk or fun beach walk. romantic: lindsay in her light summer dress…sandals in one hand, danny’s hand in the other. danny whispering sweet words to her as the water laps at their feet. :) fun: danny and lindsay build a sandcastle on the beach. danny purposely steps on it as she yells at him. he grins as they fall onto the poor defunct castle and make out (leading to more? :devil:)

2. hardcore bantering. like i said before, i’d love to see some D/L versus bad guy interrogation. watch out for this smexy power team! oh and of course, invasion of personal space in the lab (touch of the hand!).

*anffy hugs Larry and blows kisses to Jen as she heads off*

thanks for more, stuffy.
Anffy, I heart your avvie :)

stuffy, you gots a new fic??

That I do, shipmate. It's called Twin Shadows I just uploaded the latest chapter last night, and there's a challenging riddle included.

Just for some fun, does anyone want me to post the riddle up here? It's tough and will get you thinking.
tell me more
Didn't know more :(, but Stuffy did! :D - Txs! :)
Oh wow that sounds great...both angsty moments and bantering...let's hope that's something TPTB will keep up the rest of the season!

Angel I love that sandcastle idea... :devil:

*walks Pavarotti to the zoo to visit Larry* :)

edit - re: Stuffy
Hon, at the moment I have no time to read as many fics as I like (am gonna read your fic sometime soon though), but I would love to see your riddle already - I love riddles :D
a riddle for us, huh, stuffy? when i just read that i thought of the five for fighting song ("here’s a riddle for you..." this song was featured on a CBS commercial before!)! glad you like that cut-and-paste avvie i made. :lol: i even had my personal “DL signature” on it. that’s the DL i write on my calendar. i try to be creative even if that means drawing/making things like i did when i was in the 3rd grade! *holds crayon in hand with childish grin*

dutch, care to follow that intro storyline up with a fanfiction? its yours to take! ;)

*heads for the zoo too*
Awwww dutch you're a sweetheart :) *hugs* it's that damn thing called RL again, eh? Bleh.

Alright y'all, time to get those thinking caps on! Before I post the riddle, I need to go into copyright issues and all that jazz. This riddle does not belong to me. The words do, but the idea is owned by Mr. Brian Jacques, author of the Redwall series (that's where I got it from, since I'm a huge fan). Enjoy!

My first is in water and also in war,
My second in ambush, battle and soar.
My third and fourth are in present and preach,
Five of line three, and at the start of reach.
My last make up but a single word,
Eight, fifteen, twenty-one, nineteen, five.

Do you know the answer? PM me when you figure it out. As for a prize...Danny is available for a night of your choice :devil:
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