Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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I'm sos sorry if i had any effect on your blood presure!!Mine is affected to every time i see that someone has posted on the spoiler thread sometime i read sometime i dont and honestly i have decided to be SF for csi ny this year cause its gonna afect me to much!! So we'll see how long i last without checking!
:lol: It's no problem. Just dont scare my pants off next time. I don't visit the spoiler thread, never do since there's just so much speculation you wonder what nonsense could appear.

I'd rather wait and see either "solid" spoilers and the real thing. Now lovely speculation is if we get to see D/L come out of a broom closet together. Now THAT I would gladly turn to spoilers for.

*drool* We'd make that cupboard D/L central sanctuary for the crimelab. ;) Can't go wrong there!

Staying SF isn't as hard as it sounds...at least not at the moment. I'm only staying SF till the premier to help my self control. After that -we'll see.

*hands on hips* Where IS everyone??
veggie hun, just ignore the naysayers. I know it's hard sometimes, especially when they are saying negative things about DL/Lindsay/Anna, but there's nothing we can do. As Liffy (messermonroe) said, they have the right to dislike DL. Stay here in our fluffy DL bubble :)

Oh Stuffy where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are!

*sighs* What is it now? This better be important, I'm working on my ficcy. Oh, I see you have another pet. Hi Larry. You know, I think my mom would rather enjoy having this animal around. She loves giraffes. [/random observation]

Liffy? I heart you :)
^^^Yes, Liff, she's just talking about the interview with Carmine. Calm down, think happy thoughts, relax, go horseback riding(lol). Honestly, it's another 2 months and a bit to the premiere. You are going to keel over if you don't learn to calm yourself!

Jen, I'm so sorry. I'm just checking in now, and read what you wrote. I am very sorry, and here's another one here for you. I hope you feel better soon.
Yes, Liff, she's just talking about the interview with Carmine. Calm down, think happy thoughts, relax, go horseback riding(lol).
Now HOW do you expect me to calm down with THAT quirky comment huh? My mind just exploded with excitement the moment I read "horseback" and the whole Linds riding Danny strapped to a horse thing came charging back.

Wait...I think I got my wording wrong cos that sounds horribly dirty.

*shrugs* Ohwell!

Liffy? I heart you
Aww, I heart you too hunni! :) Mwah!

Oh as for the premier, Im FINE. I that's why y'all gotta keep to the empty boxes labled "GO AWAY LIFF" so I don't freak out.

Bad news freaks me out ya know! :lol:
Glides in singing... :D
Fly me to the moon,
Let me sing among those stars....
In other words, hold my hand.
In other words, baby kiss me... :D

No freakin' out peoples! I know how ya feel. It can be unsettling. :eek:

Who's Larry? A D/L mascot? :confused:

Two questions for y'all to ponder: :D

1. Would D/L go to a water-themed park? Are they into boating and water sports?

2. How would D/L keep their relationship separate from work? Would they still flirt like before or just maintain a working relationship while at work?

*Brownies and cheesecake for those who answer* :cool:

Jen, I am sincerely saddened by your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. We shippers are here for you. :(
Liff, did you not read that I was laughing while I wrote that! I knew it wouldn't calm you down, but at least it got your mind off of other things that had you hopping! See what you guys do to me? You think a lot of dirty things anyway, from what I've read of your thoughts. I've been over to other threads, and you are the same way there, as you are here, Messermonroe!.

Aud, question #1, I think they'd go boating or swimming. I'm not sure they'd necessarily go to a water-themed park though. I think they might be more beach people than theme park people.

#2. Honestly, I think they'd still make their little comments to each other, and flirt, but I don't think they'd let a relationship interfere with their jobs. I think they will probably keep it from everybody as long as they can. Sid excluded!

Can I have my brownies and cheesecake now, Aud?
I've been over to other threads, and you are the same way there, as you are here, Messermonroe!
:eek: catie1234 are you stalking me?!? (yea know we gotta resort to calling each other our usernames cos we don't know eachother's full name - it's amusing :lol: )

I'm guttery through and through! :lol: Which means I pretty much spread my dirty influence everywhere I go. Lynny has a dirty mind too! When it comes to CatNip tho. :lol: Oh well!

Oh, lovely questions Aud! I can definately see them more as beach people, holding hands while they walk along the seaside, a lovely breeze in the air....ahh sweet sweet love!

Oh they're definately going ahead with their usual bantering. Pretty soon you're gonna have Stella going up to them and demanding to know why they're NOT bantering. :lol:

Who's Larry? A D/L mascot? :confused:
Honey you need to pop by more often! Larry is Jen's giraffe :p Upon typing that...I've realised what lunkheads we all are. But we're cool lunkheads whose ship is...


[insert squee here]
Jen, hun, I'm sorry. :( You have a hug coming your way.

BTW: I passed my Accounting final!! I was having such a hard time getting through it but I passed....barely!

And I'm not even paying attention to that interview anymore.
Life's too short to worry about the negatives.

Carpe Diem!
Nope, I'm not stalking you, messermonroe. But apparently we are interested in some of the same ships, and CatNip and D/L are two of them. I only visit 4 or 5 other ones, but I've seen you around. I'm glad to know you are no different here then you are anywhere else. Oh, and I was at DLC first, so are you stalking me? lol.
Oh, and I was at DLC first, so are you stalking me? lol.
Nope! :D I'm stalking Stuffy :lol:

I see Mo online! Here MO! D/L misses ur love!

Congrats Vex! Damn straight we're goin' carpe dium!
Auntie Mo's online? I've been waiting and waiting! Finally. I need to get that pic up soon, I feel so guilty about it taking so darn long. We have a really old digital camera, so we cant just upload the pics to the computer, we have to get a disc made at the store. *dumb thing*. I should by my own, that way I can take pictures of random things that remind me of DL, as crazy as I am, I find DL related stuff everywhere I go... :D
I thought I saw her.....maybe insomnia has just caught up with me :(

Ack. Need sleep...

Lindsay would be nice :D
I'm stalking Stuffy

And I'm stalking Danny :devil:

Gotta love a ship who has a goat and giraffe as its mascot :D. I heart you all (don't worry Liffy, I still heart you too).

catey dear, thanks so much for reviewing my fic :D any luck on figuring out the riddle yet?

Alright, I'm off. Up early for work. Ya hear that Liffy? W-O-R-K. ;) wubs you *mwah*
Maybe if I was more awake, Stuffy. It's been a long day, and my mind is not working. Fanfics are my way of winding down for the day, and I love a good mystery, as well as a good D/L fic. With your story, I have both!

And how does it feel to have a stalker in messermonroe? He's not dangerous or anything, is he? lol. Just kidding, just kidding. Wubs you all!
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