Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Jen! *HUG* I don't know what to do or tell you to make you feel any better...what a terrible, unbelievable loss...I hope you, your family and friends can find a way to handle this...I guess it's a good thing you're looking forward to your vacation...a change of scenery may help to ease the pain a bit...

PM'ed you!
Jen hon... I'm so sorry to hear. *hugs fellow buddy*

I...wow, can't really find anything to say. I just hope you're alright hun. :(

Now I cant use my nickname for ya anymore...so you gotta pick another one! My dear! You have my family's condolences.

Well I best be off to do a spot of writing. Hope you all have a cheery day!
Jen that's terrible news :( *HUG* At least you can try and escape the news when you're on vacation:)

Here's a little something to cheer you up...

Jen , I’m sorry hun, that’s terribile… :(
I hope that this vacation will make you feel better. *Hugs*
*gives Jen a giant hug and kiss* Hun I'm so sorry for your loss :( my thoughts are with you and your family. We're always here for you love. If I could, I would jump on a plane and fly to wherever you are and give you a bundle of flowers and hugs. Alas I cannot, so I'm sending them virtually.

We all love you Jen. Always remember that!
I'm so sorry, Jen hun! :( *gives Jen a huge hug* You have my condolences and for your family. I'm glad you're looking forward, tho. You'll get through this, just remember, we're all here and we all love you! Here's some pics to cheer you up:


Hope you feel better soon, hun! If you ever need someone to talk to, just look me up, ok? *hugs*

PSG xxx
Jen, I am so sorry dear *huggles buddie* I don't really know what to say in this situations, I just want you to know that you have my support and I just hope you can get over this as well as possible. I hope and I think holidays will be good for you. Lots of love for you and your family hon :) [wow, i'm really seeing now how much online friends mean to us...well, to me at least...I feel for you like if I know you for real]

(now behind is what I had already written. It's just that when I read that, I needed to post that^^first)

ILuvJonathanTogo said:
I doubt you are the only one, theres D/L lovers of many shapes and sizes and ages
Oh yeah, I am sure there are ;) I still wonder if I am the youngest in here...

Surprising Liff said:
I was born with the odd (and sometimes annoying) ability to change accents depending on the person who I'm talking to. Which means I speak english with a Malay accent when talking to someone malay (and I ain't goin' into our regional accents -that's a whole bucket load) and I speak american english, british english, spanish english and...

southern english. Had a fascination with that once....
But that's great ;) I mean, at least you can do the one you want. At least you can speak with one. I have no accent, so I guess I mix a bit of a lot of them, with some portuguese in between :rolleyes: I don't know for sure because no one hears me speaking, really...

Yesterday, I saw this movie, I think it's called "Diary of the Princess" (or something like this), and they mentioned two things that imediatelly made me think of D/L. Guess what it was? M&M's and 'Montana' :p

*Dani leaves, but not before hugging Jen again* Always remember that we are with you :)
Thanks guys, for thinking of me. You're all very sweet!

*hugs everyone back*

Those pictures cheer me up, definitely! I hope I have time to check on you tomorrow. But otherwise: see you in three weeks time! I'm going to Austria, camping!

Don't post too much, otherwise I have to read too much when I get back! If there internet on that camping (and not too expensive, like the other time we went to Austria...), maybe I have time to pop in.

Can't wait to see how Guttersville gonna look... :lol: Take care of my giraffe and feel free to come up with a name for him!
Jen here's a hug... *throws hug* That's terribble news, but at least your okay, and the vacation will make you feel better, no doubt. We love you, as crazy DL freaks we are, we love you!
at the begginning i didnt want to sign the petition but i keep reading the spoiler and i get mad every single time!!! So i signed it and i'm happy to see a lot of people sign it too. TPTB wont win this!!!
Spoilers make me sick to my stomach... Cause I never really know what to expect and they could mean anything and be missintepreted... But, I read them anyways...
Awesome! Glad you decided to sign it! the more the merrier.

Where is everyone? The thread is slow today.

Well, when you all arrive here from where ever you are, hugs to all!
i keep reading the spoiler and i get mad every single time!!!
WHAT ARE YOU ALL HIDING FROM ME???? *peekaboo* Nothing bad right..? Right? You're talking about the interview right? Oh please tell you're talking about the interview cos I'm this close to running away and joining Jen on her camping trip.

ack. Yes, where IS everyone today? Oh Mo! Where art thou Moeness! D/L's got a show on and I need ya keys babe ;) YOOHOO!

Me waiteth for you next challenge Mo dearest! Hope your internet comes back up soon-ish!

Oh and I love you all for the spoiler titles! Yay for my spoiler-free-ness. Yay for more petition signatues. Yay for the giraffe!

I'm namin him Larry simply because I like that name for some odd reason.

Here Larry, Larry, Larry.... ya can eat Stuffy's untrimmed hedges. Oh Stuffy where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are!
i really dont want to spoiled you but let say that its hard to understand the spoiler when everyone change it somehow so the interview was bad for me i really hated it i mean why cheat on her break up with her if you dont want to be with her they are not high school kid they are 2 grown up people. Honestly i hope season 4 is good for them but those stupid spoiler are making me sick but i think its because its people who hate D/L that are interpreting them in they own way its like some people say she's selfish because of what she said at the end of Snow day. If she was selfish she would not have been there worring about him and she would have lest the recue team get him out there on stretcher( is that the right word? im talking about the think the paramedic put people on) So what she didnt say " are you okay" you dont say are you okay to someone who's bleeding and look beat up its stupid its like saying are you okay to someone who want to jump the brooklyn bridge!
^^You're talking about the Interview right? And not a solid spoiler? *blows out held breath* DONT SCARE ME! And this is why i hate surprises...call me boring.

As for the interview, we'll we've probably broken every word down of Carmine's words and have decided that he's been plain cheeky with us. They're not going to employ a cheeting storyline because...well it's inexcusable. So simply. They're not going to do it if they know what's good for them.

As for the anti-dl community, we can't do anything. They have their right to interpret things as they will just like we do. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

It's official, being SF keeps your blood-pressure down until someone leaks a vein-popping piece of news. Fabulous.
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