Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Dutch, I've met some amazing people on this board, and you're one of them! You are some of the nicest and funniest people I've "met".

Messermonroe, you wouldn't believe how I started giggling when I seen the new map for Gutterville. Both suggestions I made are there, and our community keeps growing. Love the Fluffy Pool and spa, and the street names. Keep them coming!
DTD said:
Hey was I evicted and moved from my house that was backed onto the park? I swear all those loud noises weren't coming from my house!
Erm...you were? *sigh* I kinda lost the orinal name set I had so I went around and redid the entire thing. Sorry about that...but now you're further away from Pavarotti I guess it's all for your own good really.

Really sorry about that, but you're at least on the same street right?!? :confused: -heheh, I'm hopeless I know. Spent too much time droolin' at my pic in the gutter :D

Oooh, yay me! I finally learned how to make animated avvies! I'll just go stare at them "caressin'" now...*drool*
Hey guys... I just got back from a 3 day weekend of walking and camping in good old british weather (rain!)

SD aired over her on sat and I had to get it recorded- I just finished watching it :) POOL TABLE SMEX :devil:... ok I think the lack of good food and warmth seems to have gone to my head...I am so far down the gutter at the mo its unbelievable!!

OK i'm off to soak my acking feet in some warm water while sitting on my sofa at my residence on Gutter Drive and drink some hot chocolate...oh and i'll probable watch SD again!

*Nat crawls out of DL thread because she can't stand and longer!*
Geeze we're all DL nerds.
Basically. :eek: I never thought I'd admit to be a nerd to anything. I've called people nerds though. But now I'm kinda proud of being a D/L nerd. :lol:

So the goat won at volleyball? That's just our luck. :p

I'm suprised that there isn't any Rough Sects Motels or Inns, Walrus Video Stores, or Bug Take-out places. This ship is full of some crazy s*it I tell ya. The writers definitely love giving us crazy stuff to work with here. :lol:

Liffy and Lindsay sitting in a tree... :devil: Watch out, Danny's a bit jealous! *Gives Mo Danny to cuddle while I run off with Marty Pino!*

Catie Darlin', don't worry! You're not the only one who's totally different in real life. I wouldn't be caught dead talking like this with my friends or co-workers(Mom knows though :eek:). I must keep up appearances and not let them know I'm so fluffy. D/L just brings out the 'cheerleader' and fluffy persona in us all. :D
Liffy and Lindsay sitting in a tree...

*giggles* Nice one Aud. Awwww Liffy you know we wubs you :)

Marty Pino? That guy was awesome! I'm pretty sure he had a crush on Lindsay hehe. He was too cute. I miss him :(

RL? What's this strange term you speak of? :lol: I've mentioned Gutterville to some of my friends. They all just play along cause they know I'm obsessed :p but whenever I see anything that even remotely reminds me of DL, I get all giddy and excited. Don't we all? :lol: ;)

So dutch...according to Liffy, the goat is yours now? Cuteness :cool:
^ Yup, he is mine now :D...I've already built a nice shed in my garden and I will take him walking around Dantana Memorial Park every day... :cool:

I'm suprised that there isn't any Rough Sects Motels or Inns, Walrus Video Stores, or Bug Take-out places.
Love those suggestions Aud and if we need more streetnames what about 'Skyline Avenue' and 'Daisy Lane'? :D

People in my RL know how much I love this show and that I like (big understatement :p) Danny & Lindsay together; I even told some that I post on a message board, but I think I'll keep GutterVille to myself... :eek:

Dutch, I've met some amazing people on this board, and you're one of them!
*blushes* Txs Catey you're pretty amazing too :D...I'm still glad for the day I finally decided to de-lurk...this place rocks! :lol:

Liff that new animated avvie is pretty (I still don't know how to do that :() and so is your new banner...

*sigh* Marty Pino *drools*
^^*swoons* dutch love, you're the bestest! Pino rocks. Speaking of which, where did he go? He was amazing. Sid rocks as well (nothing can beat the infamous "crush" line) but Pino was great. He was so adorable.

what about 'Skyline Avenue' and 'Daisy Lane'?

Ooooo I like them. Yo Liffy! In here, pronto! I love all these ideas y'all are coming up with. *hands buddies a cookie*
RL? What's this strange term you speak of? I've mentioned Gutterville to some of my friends. They all just play along cause they know I'm obsessed but whenever I see anything that even remotely reminds me of DL, I get all giddy and excited. Don't we all?
...Guilty :D

Im glad you all like the Twister idea. It's a great way to inhance flexability, stamina, oh and seeing Danny bend over ain't gonna hurt anybody ;)
"Montana. See a view like this. Huh? Beats the wheatfields, no?"
"Have you ever even seen a wheatfield?" *walks away*
"What's to see? It's just wheat."

*gets all giddy again* I'm watching that scene now. I managed to download the song that is being played when Lindsay is looking over the "mermaid". Gorgeous. Simply gorgeous.

I can see it now...Danny and Lindsay playing "Twister" and all of us watching/spinning the wheel. Oh boy. That'll be a sight, eh ladies and guys? :eek: :devil:

ETA: Oh, and vex dear? MOO! ;)
Im officially part of Gutterville, Woohoo *throws confetti* :D Let's start that party already :lol:

Im listening to Michael Buble's "Everything" song. It's so totally reminding me of D/L. For those of you who have never heard this song, it's just like a love song. It's this guy singing about this girl and saying how she's everything and she's all his. Total D/L. Im picturing Danny singing it which is a tad weird because he doesn't have a New York accent :lol:
Mmm....I'm here, I'm here! I went back to me "naughty" avvie until I can "perfect" my animation skills. :lol: Besides, we all love naughty Danny don't we? :devil: Naughty Linds is just... well hot -DAMN! *drool*

Ooh, great suggestions guys! I'll add them in at some point, whenever my next update will be :lol:

As for me, I think everyone pretty much knows my obession for D/L. Haha, it's cool :cool:
dl_shipper34 said:
"Montana. See a view like this. Huh? Beats the wheatfields, no?"
"Have you ever even seen a wheatfield?" *walks away*
"What's to see? It's just wheat."
Funny you mention this today, Stuffy. I couldn't believe when, this night, I woke up in the middle of the night after a crazy dream where I was just running and running in a wheatfield. It was so weird. It was so huge, it seemed like it would never end, and well, it was really just wheat :p Seriously, nothing really happened, it was just me running like crazy :eek: I coulnd't stop thinking about them when I woke up! (btw, I have never seen a wheatfiel, so mine can be so totally wrong :p) Yeah, it was really strange :lol:

Rad , I am looking forward to that mini pool table photo.

Twister seems like a great idea! I only played it once but it was so much fun :)

Cam, I'm glad you liked the cioccolata calda and that you're feeling better...And thanks for the lemon cake, it tastes so good ;)

PSG, you're not weird, don't worry!

Liffy, congrats on making animated avies! Also, congratulations and thank you for our Gutterville map, that is just awesome ;) And I think it's totally adorable your crush on Anna, as someone also mentioned :) She looks hot in that picture :rolleyes:

Cool dutch said:
Catey I understand exactly what you mean...and that's why I love this thread and all you guys ...this is just such a great and fun way to escape RL every now and then...talking about two fictional people in a fictional relationship, having on-line parties in a fictional town and losing a limbo contest to a fictional goat named Pavarotti with people you've never met from all over the planet...It's just totally amazing...
You're so right! So right! :D Though people would think we are all crazy if they read our thread :lol: Yeah, we go so wild at times :p But it feels good, I mean, we obviously can't be like this, partying all around all the time in RL, so it's good to have a 'place' where it's all fun and great things :D In the same line, Catey, I'm so totally different in RL as well, I am super shy and so much not like here :rolleyes: Stupid example, but I have drunk champagne in here and not in RL :lol: I have tried alcohol online, RL would consider it underage drinking :p But I am not the only one who is under 16 (in Portugal we can drink with that age) in here, am I ?!
But I am not the only one who is under 16 (in Portugal we can drink with that age) in here, am I ?!
I doubt you are the only one, theres D/L lovers of many shapes and sizes and ages :D

Anyways this might be a totally retarded question but is the goat a boy or girl? I have absolutly no idea what Pavarotti means so Im lost :lol:

Rad , I am looking forward to that mini pool table photo.
Ditto :)

Cool dutch said:
Catey I understand exactly what you mean...and that's why I love this thread and all you guys ...this is just such a great and fun way to escape RL every now and then...talking about two fictional people in a fictional relationship, having on-line parties in a fictional town and losing a limbo contest to a fictional goat named Pavarotti with people you've never met from all over the planet...It's just totally amazing...
It is very awesome, I love it :) I would have said "Totally Awesome" but that just reminds me of that crazy movie so I try not say that :lol:
*mer enters thread, heaving a sigh of relief*

I have been without internet for a few daaaayyysss now! I am in agony! It could be anywhere from a few days to four weeks before I can get back online at home, so I am going to be hitting any wi-fi hotspots that I can. It seems like I'm not the only one who went MIA, I have only missed a page and a half. I figured I would've missed at least two by now! I missed you guys, it was such a relief to catch up on y'all's posts.

Speaking of "y'all"... ILJT, "y'all" isn't a redneck term, it is just country... and an important part of my vocabulary ;) (and I'm from Indiana, not the south). How's that phrase go... "American born, but country by the grace of God"? :lol: When I worked in a business office and dealt with clients on the phone, I once had someone compliment me because I was able to use the word "y'all" and still sound professional. He was being genuine too! :lol:

Auda, you are part Italian, too? :D
I don't know about you guys, but I think Cammie and Dutch should give all of us some language instruction in Italian! ;) The thought of Danny speaking Italian to Linds just gives me chills (the good kind)!

Jen, I like Liff's name for you, it is so cute! Don't let him shorten it though, because the further along you get, you might get offended at being called a "Carrier ship", :lol: I keep trying to think about what would be a cute (and innocent) D/L pic to put on the front of a onsie! When you get further along, I'll host a baby shower for you at my place in Gutterville. Just imagine the presents!

I love all the fanart everyone is doing. I really need to get Photoshop, if only it weren't so darned expensive! Oh, and I’m glad to see Liff finally gave you your house, Vex!

Phyx great job on guessing the challenge! HHH, I am glad that you knew it too! I was trying to give hints that wouldn’t totally give it away. There were so many quotes and scenes that would have made it really obvious, so I was trying to be sneaky! Oh, and you can guess without having to post pictures! I just say post pictures and stuff so that we can get the whole group involved! I don’t have a challenge ready right now, but if y’all are still interested, I can post one tomorrow night. I plan on stopping by my parents’ after work tomorrow and abusing their internet. :D

Catey, my close friends are aware of my obsession with CSI:NY, but I try to hide the depth of my obsession, and my obsession with Danny and Lindsay. I think my best friend/pseudo-sister is starting to realize the truth, though. I got kinda excited when spoilers came out… :eek: I get to share a part of myself with you guys that not a lot of people get to see, and my shipping buddies mean soo much to me. *mwah*
I have to admit, that I do say y'all sometimes. I try not to but is does slip out.

I was just watching "Pretty Woman" and Richard Gere's lawyer in that movie (Jason Alexander) was in his office playing with a minature pool table.

And you KNOW what I was thinking of when I saw the pool table.

*Vex passes out strawberry daiquiris to her fellow neighbors, waiting for Danny to take his shirt off again*
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