Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Stuffy swoons into the room, all giddy and happy*

*takes deep breath*SQUEE!!!!!!!!!

*takes another deep breath* SQUEE!!!!!!

What's better than one pool table? How about TWO pool tables?? I was just at my brother's beach volleyball game and I went upstairs to the restaurant and they had not one, but two pool tables!!! I literally walked around both of them, feeling the felt and thinking naughty thoughts (credit goes to Liffy for this hehe) As soon as I saw them I thought to myself "I've got to tell my girls (and guys!) at Talk" I would have played, except that I had no one to play with *sniffs sadly*. But the dirty thoughts and visions made up for that :devil:
I'm glad everyone liked my names for the park and the courtyard. I was so tired last night, I wasn't even sure if they were that good. I wonder what I could have done if I was more awake! Personally I'm fond of Dantana Memorial Park.

Party, what party? What did I miss? We're having a party, and I'm just realizing it now? My, oh my, what should I bring?
*Mo oozes into the thread...failing miserably in her attempt to not melt in the persistent heat that will not go away even though the sun has set and the night has come!* Hello my dearies...there is nothing like excessive heat to zap ones energy and life force right out of your very body! :p But have no fear, my fluff is made of sterner stuff than my physical body apparently...cuz here I am...fluff and all! :lol: Liffy I'm jealous of your 50 degrees, I'll trade ya bud! It got to be 97 degrees here today...yeah for us here in the NW who don't see the sun...you may as well have stuck us directly into a campfire! :lol: Which brings me to a question...Who handles way too hot summer weather better...Danny or Linds? And what would they do in NY together to beat the heat? :D :D

My easy going darlin' bud Stuffy giggled:
I certainly do get a kick out of it. And no, it won't ever bug me. I'm easy-going like that
Awww, well good hon! And so you know, that's why I likes you so very much! :D Glad you get a kick outta it, it's fun! :lol:

I bet Linds would wear that every day.
She so would...well that or every night! I'm sure Danny would enjoy proving to her often...that "Cowboy's" do indeed make better lovers! :devil: ;)

My dearie Angel grinned:
Mo, time after time is such a sweet-tuned song. i can listen to it 100x over and never get sick of it. *hums along* that was really fun spending time at the coolest hotel ever! i really like what you’ve done with the place considering we’ve only stayed a couple nights. you know how to rock it. alas, its time to pack our things and move into our new DL-ishly-lavish homes! all furnished too.
I know hon, I totally love that song too! Glad you had a fun time in my hotel...well our hotel (right Aud!)...lol, we definitely had fun decorating the place...all those D/L pics...I figured a mandatory D/L kissing pic in each room was a given! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Wishin' to be cooler than she already is, cool bud Mer winked:
Watch it Moriel, or you’re gonna find yourself with a new roommate! It has been around 98F plus unbelievable humidity for several days now. When I got home from work at midnight, it was 87F in my APARTMENT! I caved and turned on the a/c.
You resisted turning your A/C on that long? Wow, I woulda cranked it before leaving for work so it'd be sweet and cool by the time I got home! ;) Lol, if you want to room with me when it's cool you're welcome hon, just be forwarned...cool here also means rain...usually lots and lots of it! ;)

Gutterville King Liffy grinned:
I lurve dirty pics. Well...D/L dirtyness anyways
I have no words dude...I just... :lol: :lol: I agree by the way...but still you crack me up! :devil: :lol:

Maybe I should demolish Aud's home and make the smut library there Easily excessible through the park
Like that idea Fluffy Twin hon? You get half my house and we share the Gutter Tower anyway! ;) And if you built the library Liff you should totally call it the "SMUT" library...that'd rock! ;evil:

How hard would it be to convince D/L to get a see-through roof? Dibs on the top floor, east side, Gutter Tower!!
*Mo grins and attempts to look innocent!* Ohhhhh....First of all did I mention to forget they recently added that lovely new architectural feature to their love shack? ;) And second King dearie, you just called dibs on my room...sorry bud! ;) Heehee! :lol: But you're welcome to come visit and take a peek at that see-through roof! ;)

My cool water saving grace Dutch:
*Aims her garden hose to spray over the fence and soaks Mo* I can handle the fluff in this town so far ....but can you handle the angst that's coming?
*Mo relishes the soaking...glorying in the blessed cool relief from the hellishly hot temps still going on at her house! :p * And yeah I can handle the angst! :D But then again love, I don't have to...our ship is perfectly canon and in love...can't get more fluffy than that! :D

Dutch I LOVE those shirts....those are awesome, AWESOME!!! Thanks for finding and showing us those!! (Wait did you design those??!) I totally want the "I Saved A Horse" one! :devil: That's my favorite one...it is awesome! I love it...laughed SOOO hard when I saw it! :D

Party planning bud extraordinare Cammy asked:
but… where’s the champagne ? We need champagne!
Who can bring the champagne?
Well I'm sure old enough to bring and since I haven't signed up for anything yet...I've got that covered! ;)

Catey darlin' you can help us get Linds and Danny to the party...I think we're planning on either kidnapping them or attempting to lure them out of the love shack to make an appearance! :D

Alright my dearies...the air has finally started to feel slightly cool and a bit more bearable...have I mentioned my favorite season is Fall? Yeah, love the cooler weather! :lol:

*Mo grins and grabbing her box of popsicles, climbs into her fluffy bubble and shimmers away to somewhere cooler!*

Aud wub...where is ya and how ya doin? :D
I love the pic and the conversation with Danny and Stella about D/L on the pool table. Da! ;)

I haven't even moved into my new D/L Gutterville home and it's being knocked down? Huh? :confused: Ouch! I'm still not even sure where I was supposed to be living there. Oh, well. Rio here I come! :lol:

Mo giggled: Who handles way too hot summer weather better...Danny or Linds? And what would they do in NY together to beat the heat?
Linds! She handles it better. Danny complains that it is too hot. So Linds tells him that he must take off his shirt and then his pants. Then she makes him run through the sprinkler naked. Or maybe they just cover each other in ice cream and then... :p

Wait that might make things hotter... :devil:

Mo, how did you know that As Time Goes By is my favorite?! Hugs you. :D

Later friends. :cool:
Aud!! *Mo huggles her Fluffy Twin!* No, no...you live with me!! We got the BIG house directly across from D/L! But of course if you want your own house hon, that's perfectly awesome too...nothing has been touched yet! ;)

:lol: Now that is definitely one of many ways I picture them "handling" the way too hot heat! :devil: *Mo grins and swoons at the mental image of Danny running nekkid through the sprinkler!* Oh yes please!! ;) But yeah it'd make things hotter...then again, at that point, I don't think they'd be complaining anymore! ;) :devil:

Awww I knew it was your favorite cuz we share a brain...remember, wub! ;) Great minds....great minds...! :D
Mo, the humidity broke today and we had a breeze! It felt so good I actually went hiking and took some pictures by the reservoir and on a country road! I’ll post them on my LiveJournal before I go to bed. I agree, fall is awesome. Jeans with a sweatshirt is one of the most comfortable outfits in the world. (if Delia were here she would cringe at my lack of fashion :lol:)

Okay, Time to Play “Name That Episode! *applause*

Today’s episode hints:
1. The B case vic died of a fentanyl overdose.
2. Lindsay processes a pair of boxer shorts.
3. “There is no explanation for what happened in the hallway. I‘ve been through them all already.”

Post some pictures, your thoughts, speculations on behind the scenes activities, etc!

Liff/Stuffy, on the last map, it seems you have Montana Road listed twice. Might I suggest changing the eastern road to ‘Chemistry Court’ or something like ‘Memory Lane’? ;)
Hello my buddies! :D
I got up very early today cuz I’ve a lots of things to do… I’m very tired! :(

Catey hon said:
We’re having a party, and I’m just realizing now? My, oh my, what should I bring?

You can bring the chocolate sauce! We all love the chocolate sauce, especially Liff ! :p

Mo buddy said:
Well I’m sure old enough to bring and since I haven’t signed up for anything yet… I’ve got that covered! ;)

Yay! Mo! You’re great! You’ve solved a huge problem! Well done hon! :D :D :D

My dear Stuffy said:
How about TWO pool tables??

Awwwwwww Stuffy! :) That’s a great idea! But… I’ve got just ONE pool table! :(
Who’s the kind man that could bring another pool table on No.2 Montana Road?
Mer said:
Jeans with a sweatshirt is one of the most comfortable outfits in the world

Yeah hon, I totally agree. It’s my favourite outfit! :)

See ya later gus! :D
Hello everyone! This afternoon is our party! I'm thinking about bringing M&M ice-creams for everybody...What do you think of the idea? I'm so excited for it! Cammie, think about how funny it would be while relaxing in Gutterville Spa and I'm sure you're gonna feel better *huggles*

King Liffy said:
Dani said:
*Dani leaves her computer and goes to take a walk in Gutterville, passing by D/L holding hand and kissing* :)
Oh is that all they're doing? Hmm....must be saving their energy for later then. :devil:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were ;) :devil:

Dear Abby said:
I hope that the other inhabitants of Gutterville love it too, because when my grandma cooks something we have a supply of it for almost a week...
Just like dutch, I also LOVE Italian food :D It's my favorite food, I think...

Naughty Stuffy said:
How about TWO pool tables?
:lol: I'm sure Danny and Lindsay would apreciate that as well :devil: Oh yeah, they would love it :p

By the way, I think that the idea for "Wheatfield Zoo" is awesome ;)

The T-shirts are just amazing! I can imagine Lindsay wearing one of those :rolleyes:

Dear Aud said:
Linds! She handles it better. Danny complains that it is too hot. So Linds tells him that he must take off his shirt and then his pants. Then she makes him run through the sprinkler naked. Or maybe they just cover each other in ice cream and then...
:lol: What a good way to deal with the hot temperatures! Danny and Lindsay certainly have things like that to do on a hot day :devil:
Mornin' everybody! Beautiful day for a party! :D

*knocks on Cammie's door, hoping it's not too early*

For the non-drinkers at our party today, I thought I'd bring some Sparkling Apple Cider; the Sex in a Pan is all ready to be devoured.

Oh, I thought I'd share something with y'all....I picked my mom up at the airport last night (she went on a Russian cruise, the lucky wench), and one of the little gifts she brought back for my son was a large box of M&M's...haven't decided if he's going to get 'im or not. ;) I gave you a wave, Stuffy, as I exited the 401. :)
Okay dears! :D :D :D
2 hours to go! The party is coming soon! :)
But now… some rules (just to keep my home clean during the party :D)!

1) Please ring on No. 2 Montana Road (in this way you can take part in the party :D)
2) Bring something to eat or (drink)… Obviously if you can! :)
3) Keep the pool table clean… (maybe later Danny and Lindsay would come to the party :devil: :devil: :devil:)
4) Have fun! :D :D :D

Except these four rules, you can do what you wanna do!

Phyx hon said:
For the non-drinkers at our party today, I thought I'd bring some Sparkling Apple Cider; the Sex in a Pan is all ready to be devoured.

Okay hon, ya can bring some Sparkling Apple Cider! About the ‘Sex in a Pan’ dessert… it’ll be a huge success. :D

See ya later guys! :D
*Liff pops in lugging Stuffy's goat*

Stuffy has a goat? :confused:

Guttery Stuffy said:
What's better than one pool table? How about TWO pool tables??
Oh dear...oh dear the dirty thoughts...they're baaaaack! :devil:

Naughty Mo said:
I figured a mandatory D/L kissing pic in each room was a given!
:lol: Oooh and those were donated kindly by our couple cos they know they're HAWT :devil:

And if you built the library Liff you should totally call it the "SMUT" library...that'd rock!
Why, what else could it be called my dear? :p

And second King dearie, you just called dibs on my room...sorry bud! ;) Heehee! :lol: But you're welcome to come visit and take a peek at that see-through roof! ;)
Well pull out the couch cos I'm stayin' the night! hehehehe :devil: I'll bring the snacks. :p

Mer said:
Liff/Stuffy, on the last map, it seems you have Montana Road listed twice. Might I suggest changing the eastern road to ‘Chemistry Court’ or something like ‘Memory Lane’? ;)
*whacks Mer* honey it's one road! it goes all round gutterville :devil: That's why it's in there twice. :p Hehehehehe. I'll gladly add in a "memory lane" though, it'll be the entrance to our petting zoo :p

(if Delia were here she would cringe at my lack of fashion :lol: )
Hahaha, Del might be my haute coutoure buddy but I know she appreciates jeans and a t-shirt anytime! hehehehe. There's nothing better ;) Cept D/L runnin' round in their birthday suits...but that may attract more attention.

Fellow baker Cam said:
You can bring the chocolate sauce! We all love the chocolate sauce, especially Liff ! :)
Well you gots that right hun! :lol: I'll bring the strawberries :devil: and we'll have ourselves a partay! Woo!

Who’s the kind man that could bring another pool table on No.2 Montana Road?
Are you suggesting I drag MY pool table out of my bedroom to your house?? :lol: *whistles...* I'll get Danny to help me carry it down :p

hehehehe. I have stawberries and I have to go melt some chocolate since Im fresh out of chocolate sauce. :devil: Maybe I'll stop over at Danny's :p

Does anyone like chocolate covered raisins? Random...yes I know but you still love me :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D WELCOME TO THE PARTY BUDDIES!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
*Cammie hugs everyone*
There’re M&Ms for everyone! Please eat them! They’re so DLicious!
The M&Ms cake and the “Tiramisù” are in the kitchen. You can take a slice now (or later, if you prefer ;))
The 2nd pool table isn’t arrived yet, but we can use my own! Let’s use the pool table!

Liffy hon said
I’ll bring the strawberries!

Awwwwww Liffy great idea! I love strawberries! Bring a lots of strawberries!

Are you suggesting me I drag MY pool table out of my bedroom to your house?? I’ll get Danny to help me carry it down

Wow thanks man! Maybe Danny could stay with me :devil:… I’m kidding guys, He’s Lindsay property!!!

Main topic of the party: our DLicious couple!

I’m waiting you all dears! :D :D :D

Please have fun! :D :D :D

*Cammie now is singing ‘Far away’ and she’s waiting her buddies*
*brings party favors* partay!

Twins Mo and Auda, yup definitely love your hotel. i must admit, there was only one complaint: i could barely sleep with all the noise from the occupants in the cottage!

great [insert word: DIRTY] captions on that danny and stella billiard place scene.

stuffy, aww, you can play your pool game at the party, that is if danny and lindsay dont beat you to it first.

Does anyone like chocolate covered raisins?
*raises hand*

Maybe I should demolish Aud's home and make the smut library there Easily excessible through the park
^^^^^ am i gonna wanna live next door to Smut Library? (where great minds are fostered!!)

*peers over at awesome neighbor, Auda: do you have a house anymore??*, you gutter-minded shipper you! oh the possibilities with the heat, no clothes, danny and lindsay, and ice cream…

of course, lindsay can handle the heat better than danny! he would complain and lindsay would have to bring him that tray of ice: lindsay slips a cube down his boxers, danny slips a cube down lindsay’s shirt…oh man, i better go do some work (bad influence, Cuz! :devil: )!
Good morning all! *Mo pops in, so much happier this morning as the temperature in her corner of the world has decided to return to "normal" and she is no longer roasting like a marshmellow!* :lol: How are we all this fine morning? Well I hope...especially since the weekend is almost here! Yay! Although isn't it funny, how the weeks seem to go by so fast, yet it still feels like FOREVER until we'll get our new season...it's so odd, why is that?! *Mo shrugs!* Oh and before I forget...Cam here hon...*Mo grabs several bottles of champagne she brought and deposits them on Cammy's kitchen counter...* not sure when I'll be back tonight and I wanted to make sure you had those! ;)

Mer=bear bud grinned and nodded:
I agree, fall is awesome. Jeans with a sweatshirt is one of the most comfortable outfits in the world.
*Mo high fives her fall buddy!* Thank you, that's what I'm saying! I mean I love summer and I love getting tan...but there's just something about Fall that is so amazing! That crisp feeling in the air, the smells, the holidays...I just love it! :D And I totally agree about jeans and a sweatshirt! ;)

Party planner extraordinaire Cammy grinned:
Yay! Mo! You’re great! You’ve solved a huge problem! Well done hon!
Anything I can do to help! :D I'll do my best to get back in here tonight, but if I can't....it's on your counter all ready for ya! :lol:

King of the Gutter and my new couch buddy Liffy winked:
Oh dear...oh dear the dirty thoughts...they're baaaaack!
Yeah or I think they just never left! ;)

Well pull out the couch cos I'm stayin' the night! hehehehe I'll bring the snacks.
Already got it made up for ya bud! Lol, I'm way ahead of ya! May as well bring Stuffy and the gang too and we'll just make it a sleepover...Aud you're helping me host this thing right? Everyone can head over here after Cam's party and we'll spy on D/L for a while! ;)

Cept D/L runnin' round in their birthday suits...but that may attract more attention.
Dude, have you been sneakin' into my house to watch D/L do this through their see-through roof again...I mean...um*Mo looks sheepish and mumbles...*....yeah nothing better than watching D/L in their birthday suits...not that I've done that recently, through their see thru roof or anything...*Mo whistles innocently!* :lol:

Oops time to go to work! :p Have a fabulous Thursday all y'all! And I'll see you all later this evening!

*Mo grabs her coffee to go and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*

Psssttt...Aud I need to go shoe shopping...wanna come? ;)
I love a good party! This is very exciting, have we ever had a party like this in another thread? Cammie you might've started one of the best moments in DL Thread history. I'm passing out favors as we speak, so hope you like them, (they're cookies that look like pool balls).

As for Aunt Mo's question, they can both strip down and handle the heat exactly the same. If you catch my drift. :devil:
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