Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Mo, no, I have no real preference for how you spell it. Either way is good, I'm pretty sure you know it's me with my unimaginative 1234 after my name! Spoiler queen is good too!

Del, I spell it Catie in real life(just changed it a bit when I joined here, not really sure why)

See, in two days, we've added two pages of posts! We'll be there in no time! Unbelievable, although I knew that this super episode would do that. We are so canon now.

Regarding the episode, I preferred them waking up and having that sweet moment to the actual smex scene myself. Call me square, it just was a nice sweet moment.
Good Monday afternoon at all!

For me the best moment is when she read the note and smiled…her eyes were saying “I love him”…

messermonroe said:
Oh? And the hallway, and the car, and of course, the classic - Mac's desk :devil: Perhaps whilst he's in London? hehehe.
*Gutter mode on*. I think that if they are at work the bathroom could be a good place, too…or maybe the elevator…‘accidentally’ it could break down :devil:. Only, I hope that nobody would have problems to climb the stairs :lol:. *Gutter mode off*

Aud ,maybe Danny has got a supply of "Sex on the Pool Table" in his kitchen… :D
WoW, I haven't been here for one day and I've missed two pages of fun... :eek:

You guys probably won't be surprised but I really wanna join the 'Naughty Girl Stuck in the D/L Gutter Club' :devil:

And Mer txs for posting that D/L-Marty Pino-pic. He really is gorgeous. :D And I agree with Angel, in SM he really pays a lot of attention to Lindsay. Maybe TPTB could bring him back to make D a little jealous... :D

Liff sorry for kicking...I'll stick to whacking from now on!!! :p You did ask for it though... ;)

Mo It's great that you had so much fun...love to have you back though and I'm glad you liked the WP! :D

As for 'strange' places I'd suggest on a blanket (or the grass) in Central Park after a pick-nick on a hot summer's day...making it even hotter :devil: (if that were possible :rolleyes:...)

This was posted by PerfectAnomaly in the 'spoiler'-thread:
From TV Guide dated 5/28 - 6/3: "After their hot hookup in the CSI:NY finale, will Danny and Lindsay still be a steamy item next season?" CARMINE GIOVINAZZO (DANNY) SAYS: 'I don't know exactly what the writers' plans are, but I think they can't not follow this up. It's the beginning. Lindsay (Anna Belknap) is over the thing that's been holding her back, and now she can get involved with Danny. Everybody's finally looking the same way.'
Don't you just love him?!? :D
I heart you, Dutch, and I heart Carmine! :)

Hi family, friends, shippers, and my daugther Rad. Huggles you lots! :D

Everyone is welcome to join the "Naughty Girl in the D/L Gutter Club." All you have to do is love D/L with all your heart and soul and enjoy smut! But I do feel like we are leaving our guy out here! Sorry, MM. Should we make it the "Naughty Girls and Guy Club?" :devil:

Hey, Abby, that's a good thought. I bet from now on that's their favorite drink and pasttime. :D

Okay gutter time! :D You know I was thinking---the TV is just across from the pool table...Danny wouldn't even have to 'stop' to watch baseball or football...he could do both. Touchdown! :lol: :devil: :devil: :devil:

**Runs off before I say more naughty stuff**

I'm just in an extremely giddy mood. :lol:

EDIT: For those that want the drink recipe, I have it posted on my livejournal! Friend me and you can see it. It sounds yummy! :devil:
^^*grunts* I'll go drag and join in anyways ;) Right, that was a strange thought. Ignore tht. D/L's worth it.

We shall be the 'Naughty Candy Gutter Club' :devil:

M&M's anyone? Oh Aud that was guttery thought :devil: heeheehee. Nice.
Everyone is welcome to join the "Naughty Girl in the D/L Gutter Club." All you have to do is love D/L with all your heart and soul and enjoy smut!

Looks like we have all been in this club for quite a while now!!
I think I have lost count of how many times I've seen the D/L scenes in Snow Day....I just so love them...

The wake up scene was just beyond cute...the way he still teases her when he touched her nose... and then what a loving smile on her face when she looked up at him... and oh boy his sexy morning voice,,, then him stroking her arm,, him kissing her forehead and when she kissed his chest,,,and that they both were happy it happened... I mean could that scene get any more cute...

And what a lovely smile on her face when she saw his note.. and then her remembering the night before... talk about smokin hot... that kiss sure was hot... and I'm glad she was the one to move in on him first,,,actually backing him into the pool table...

They both were awesome in this episode... Danny sure showed what he is made of... such a loving boyfriend but also a brave guy to stand up to the bad guys,,, and how he saved them out of it... and I'm sure Lindsay will take good care of him after everything he went through... and I think he is glad he was the one to be there and not her,,,

I'm sure I will be checking out those scenes so many more times I think I will lose count...heck I already have *lol*
Moriel21 said:
Mo pops in unable to be anything but cheerful in this lovely place, even if it is a rainy Monday morning where she is...
Um, Mo... isn't it always raining where you live? :lol: Kinda famed for it, just like Indiana is famed for corn. (We actually have an amusement park in the state who's slogan is "There's more than corn in Indiana..." I beg to differ.)

messermonroe said:
…and of course, the classic - Mac's desk :devil: Perhaps whilst he's in London? hehehe.
Ooh, the fics that could come out of that idea…

chelliyah said:
Chell throws bottle of sticky toffee syrup over at Mer

nattybatty55 said:
*Nat tips Chocolate, toffee sauce and SPRINKLES all over Mer, Mo and Chell then makes a swift exit!!!*
Now we’re talkin’! Oh, Danny honey, can you come here for a moment? :devil:

I was checking TVGuide.com to see what rerun we will be treated with this week and it is Obsession. But next week is LG, MOO!

Dutch! Thank you soo much for posting PerfectAnomaly's spoiler! Carmine is such a D/L shipper. I am looking forward to whatever happened with Danny and Lindsay this upcoming season, while still celebrating our Snow Day!

*does the canon dance*
Now I've been gone all day to work and we have a Naughty Girls Club now?

Can I join?

And I noticed something after watching the finale about 10 times, but did anybody else notice that Danny did not wear his wife beater t-shirt the night that they had the "pool table smex"?

But you want to know the real reason that he didn't wear it?

Easy access!! :)
*Mo strolls in, loving that her day is not only over but now sunny...singing happily..."He is a man who will fight for her honor, He'll be the hero that's she's been dreamin' of..." (Gotta love Chicago!)* :D
Hello my lovelies! How are y'all this fine Monday's eve? This is so funny but I had a total freak out squee moment at work today, I was just sitting there, bored, which made me think of D/L (of course!) and for some reason it just hit me...they're in love! Now I know all of you are like duh...and it's not like I didn't know this before hand, but it just totally struck me again today and I could not stop this huge grin from forming on my face! I'm sure I looked like a total dork...but I just couldn't help it! This ship SOOOO rocks! :lol:

Chell belle giggled:
the while scene was OMG- GUH-I-WANNA-BE-ON-THAT-POOL-TABLE-RIGHT-NOW-freaking aweSome! lol ( lol that makes noooo sense ) i the best bit for me was the whole lil soft gentl kiss she placed 'Next to his heart' and then leant on it, as if to seal it i squeeeeed the most at that part

Lol, what's funny is as incoherent as that was, I still totally understood it! :lol: And yeah I LOVED that little kiss she placed on his chest...I swooned...seriously I spent the whole episode, either squeeing, swooning or melting, and most often a combo of all three! :lol:
*Mo giggles and dumps rainbow sherbet over Chell's head and runs away to hide behind her Fluffy Twin!*

Lol, so Aud my Fluffy Twin, it looks like you started a craze with the 'Naughty Girl Stuck in the D/L Gutter Club'! :devil: I likes it! It's a good club to be in for sure...as a definitely naughty girl myself, I can say there is no better place to be than the gutter! ;)

Dutch hon, I LOVED that "spoiler" you posted...as if I needed another reason to love Carmine, gah the man is so amazing!! Heehee! It's so good he doesn't live near me, I'm fairly sure I'd stalk him! :lol: It's great cuz, Mer emailed me at work with that spoiler and it made my day! :D

My Fluffy wub Aud said:
Danny wouldn't even have to 'stop' to watch baseball or football...he could do both. Touchdown!
And right there is the reason you are the founder of the naughty girl gutter club wub! My dear I adore you...that was freakin' awesome! :lol: I can totally see it in my head too...that is SOOOO funny! :lol:

Nina said:
They both were awesome in this episode... Danny sure showed what he is made of... such a loving boyfriend but also a brave guy to stand up to the bad guys,,, and how he saved them out of it... and I'm sure Lindsay will take good care of him after everything he went through... and I think he is glad he was the one to be there and not her
That's so true hon, they were amazing in this eppy! I cannot wait until D/L actually call eachother "boyfriend/girlfriend"! Just reading it as you wrote gave me this shiver of excitement, I love it!! And yeah they will be taking care of eachother...forever! Squeeeeee!! :D

Mer bear teased:
Um, Mo... isn't it always raining where you live?
No! Only like 10 months of the year...Lol, okay so yeah pretty much all the time! ;) But July through September are awesome here, but yeah the rest of the year tends to be pretty wet! :lol: But this past week was awesome, it was sunny and gorgeous and hot! I loved it! :D

Vex bud said:
Easy access!!
Lol, I didn't even notice that...but you are SO right hon! Nice catch there babes! ;) So Danny may not have known what was coming but he was sure hoping! :devil: Can't blame the guy he's been in love with Linds since day one! :D

Alright buddies...I'm off to find a place to live...yeah fun times, I get to move, I got an extra week to find somewhere...but still not such a fan of moving...oh well! D/L wub makes it all good! :lol:

*Mo giggles and scampers off to check out her Fluffy Twin's lj for the delicious "Sex on the Pool Table" recipe!* :lol:
I preferred them waking up and having that sweet moment to the actual smex scene myself. Call me square, it just was a nice sweet moment.

me too, though I think it has to do a bit with the editing on my side.

I mean, the waking-up-on-the-pool-table was calm and slow and it was sweet and you could see how comfortable she was and how happy he was. the smex scene on the other hand was too video-clip like. before you can really process whats going on on the screen, the picture changes.

in the first scene they laid it all on the table :) whereas in the smex scene they were hints and the rest was left on our imagination. which is a rather dangerous thing to do considering our Club :D

and I love the fact that Carmine is a DL shipper. the DL Love is contagious and soon we will spread all over the universe
I've thought they have such great chemistry since their first scene together in season 2. I'm so happy they finally "got together".
With all the things going on and me without time to catching up on everything, I'm just super happy that we are all very exacited around here. And reasons for that, we all know and love :D I haven't seen the episode, but have counted when I will, and that is...the 21st of August :( yeah, I know, so far away. I just hope my parents do not decide to go on vacation in that week, or I'll freak out :eek: Anyway, even before that, I will have other cute, sweet, loving moments: holding hands,almost kissing :rolleyes: I will survive, hopefully!

But yeah, thank you TPTB, Carmine and Anna for making our dreams came true and for leaving us super excited ;) I am so curious about everything, OMG, I can't help the excitement at all *goes crazy* :lol: Anyway, love that icon with her waking up, that must be extra cute :rolleyes:

I'm also Glad that Carmine is a D/L shipper just like us. Even though it's not him who writes the script and everything, he may give some opinions, or not, anyway, but at least he's there, and we are not, and he is part of it...So, yay Carmine :)

They are just lovely! No matter what everybody says, I love them. And that's it! :p
Dutch sweetie! THANKS FOR THE SPOILER! I giggled and squealed and even awwwwe-d when I read it! Thanks. :)
lol dont even get me started on the whole Forehead thing again huni!! I would be here all evening and all night and would never get to work! hehe but yeah, its just the way he says 'Im glad this happened' so close to her.... guh... im gonna have to watch it again! lol
You rock huni!!!! Mwah X
:lol: I hope that you WON'T have to go to work so you can hang out with us! So how's life for you? (How's your man? ;) I hope you don't mind me asking) :lol:

But yeah, thank you TPTB, Carmine and Anna for making our dreams came true and for leaving us super excited
I get you! :lol: Carmine is such an adoooorable D/L shipper! Well of COURSE he is, when our ship is soooo lovable!
Gotta love that man.
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