Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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I've just watched another music video and yes! she really does! After she says "no" she walks up in front of him, he turns a little and ends up with his lower back against the pool table...right before they kiss it even seems like he sits down on the table...

When i first saw it i noticed that he nearly sat on the pool table!! You should have seen going back to itafter the ep finished just to make sure!! I just gotta say GO Lindsay!! :devil:
dutch_treat said:
Mercy was Marty Pino that sexy (imo) pathologist? :)
Oh my, yes. In fact, I was able to find a DL pic with Pino in it from ep 2x19 Super Men (ya know, the marriage proposal one, great ep):

audacity said:
I found a recipe for a drink called "Sex on the Pool Table."
Auda… you should post that recipe on your LJ. :D
^^ ohh yes i remember Marty Pino :devil: he is quite a dish... i remember him in trapped when he was on the phone to danny telling him to 'Take the guys temperature' haha that was funny lol
Hey guys, I have returned. Oh and Dutch? Although I am rather grateful that you did kick me in the ass :D (yeah that's a first) - no more kicking okay :)

I've had it up to here (indicates level above head) with Economics and am rather sick of studying all together. Luckily I'm done in 48 hours. :D

Anyways, don't hit me or anything but I much prefered DL's waking up scene than their smex scene. Sure it was hot and dirty (like my mind) :devil: but I guess I just love the sweetness that they shared so much more. :)

When Danny first woke up, he looked a little disorientated at first (but i guess everyone is) and the he pokes her in the nose! which is the cutest thing ever. Like Aud said earlier, Danny does like to tease and it's great that although we're getting what we want (she woke up in his arms for goodness sakes! not to mention on a pool table...) Danny's still staying true to his character. The poking was just...naughty :p Anywho, the whole snuggling and forehead kissing and chest kissing and more cuddling and grins was just so perfectly done :D They're so sweet together. I guess it's my fluffy side coming out.

Tht doesn't mean I don't have an angsty side. Del, I have to say that I'm probably about 10% angsty too, it all depends on my mood. And besides, who doesnt love the idea of make-up sex? :devil: and there is my dirty mind making it's grand entrance. That's gotta be hot. I'm rambling...but oh well.

We need more fluffy scenes between D/L, all that bantering just kinda..died. They need to bring that back! Especially now that we know what they're doin' off camera ;)

Now that my rant is done, I'm going back to study. Great...I've gotten back into the gutter again...someone kick me please :D

Oh, and btw, w/e happened to Pino? did he just...dissappear?
Auda… you should post that recipe on your LJ.
Will Do! :)

Mer Wub, you trying to kill me today? Gah, I wub Marty Pino! Looks at Danny, looks at Marty---gives Danny to Linds runs off with Marty and his Porsche. :devil:

I loved the "Super Men" episode...Marty kept going "Lindsay" etc. Danny was like, "I thought you worked the graveyards, Pino?" Lol. Then Lindsay says something like "Call me." Danny looked at her like "Huh?" She was reading it off the vic's chest. :lol:

"I might ask you to marry me." That line somehow just doesn't seem funny anymore---it seems so real. ;)
I always woundered where he disappeared to but I think that the writers were experimenting with differnt Medical Examiners untill they settled on sid and now Peyton!!
catey1234 said:
Okay, I was messing around with my digital imaging program and did this to one of the pics:

Sorry if it's stupid, I just liked the pool theme!

I like that Catie !

I wonder if Lindsay came over for "pool" ;) or was there an actual dinner involved?

Danny got what he wanted: "Drinks, Dinner and some Laughs"

i loved the d/l interactions this season. he was so sweet when he went to support her while she was in montana. she's great but he is amazing
I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!!! *Mo bounces into the thread, so very excited to be back with all her buddies, she can't even think of a song fitting enough to sing right now!* Hi Chell lol, you're too cute looking for me...I'm here! Bridal shower was 5 hours away and so it took a bit of driving to get home...but it was really fun, and only the beginning of what promises to be a looooong fun month of wedding preparations! :D So hello all my lovely buddies...I missed you all...and wow, y'all were busy while I was away...3 full pages of posts since I left, very impressive y'all!! :lol:
Natty asked about:
'the ship that strips'???
Yeah that was my brilliant Fluffy Twin's suggestion and I for one love that one as an option! But as an option we won't be discussing for another couple pages...no worries, Modie I'm not breaking the rules here! ;) Well not anymore than normal! :D (You rock by the way! :lol: )

Spoiler Queen Catey said:
I have 5 of my own so far, and 2 that have been mentioned on here already.
Wow chica, look at you be all on top it like that! Wow, I'm impressed! I can't wait for that poll and to see all those suggestions...sweet deal...In the meantime I'll make sure I come up with some good ones of my own to add to the mix...shouldn't be too hard with that freakin' awesomely brilliant finale we just had!

My dearie Del asked:
So do you guys see Danny/Lindsay living together in the next season?
Mmmmm, I could see it being one of the things they work on/out as a couple this season...In fact I see it being an issue the PTB make angsty (which we all know I love :p ) like Linds wants to move in together and Danny isn't sure...although I still see Danny as being the one wanting to move in and Linds being unsure...of course I'd rather they just open the season the way they closed it with them in bed together in Their own place...but I'm thinking the PTB :p are gonna mess around with that and them for a bit first! But yeah eventually I see it happening for them!

OMG!! Dutch hon, Daisies have always been my favorite flowers and now babe, now after that gorgeous wallpaper of yours...they are my ALL time fav ever!! That is amazingly beautiful!

Liff hon groaned:
I'm extremely annoyed right now. Yeah, I've heard that Danny's going to be "distracted" - came out in the tv guide or something like that for season 4. We just had a grand finale and they had to ruin everything with that? Hah, I guess some things are just too good to be true.

Wow Liff hon I think you are taking this way too badly! This does not have to be a bad thing at all!! This could be actually a good thing, distracted doesn't mean he's breaking up with her, or even that they're having problems or bad things happening to them...in fact I'd see this more as Danny is focusing on his relationship with Linds now (which we totally want him to do) and that is distracting him from other things, work or whatever...so really I do not think this is bad! Trust me babes, I know this from first hand experience, there is NO point to getting pissed off at the PTB until there is a triple confirmed bad rumor that you know will happen...otherwise it's just no point! ;)

My brilliant Fluffy Twin Aud pointed out:
First off, this is just speculation. Nothing has been confirmed. This came, I think, from someone at DLC. Also, like others have said over at DLC, notice the wording!!! He's not distracted away or from the relationship---he's distracted by it. This could mean that they are so hot 'n heavy that they are setting the lab on fire with their hot passion.

Aud wub, I knew there was a reason we are Fluffy twins, one of many reasons! We so think alike...same brain and all! ;) That is exactly what I thought when I read that he was "distracted", who's to say it isn't that he's so busy "doin' it" with Linds in the broom closet that his work is suffering! :devil:

The lovely Rhy said:
The actual comment says Distracted By. Now to me that is suggesting that Danny's relationship with Lindsay distracts him from something else.

Rhy OMG, HI Hon!! You finally posted in here! I love it! You so need to pop in more often! And thanks for pointing that out hon, you are so right! And heck come on I'd say the guy is allowed to be "distracted" he just had mind-blowing smex with the girl of his dreams who he is head over heels in love with...no wonder he's distracted!! :D So see y'all nothin' to be worried about here, I'd say anyway! :D :D

My food fight buddy Chell giggled:
Danny soooooo knew it was coming! lol
Lol, I love those pics hon! And yeah he totally knew it was coming, or if he didn't he was sure as heck hoping it would! :devil: He's been wanting her since his "Hey" at the zoo!! :lol:

ETA: has any one else noticed the way Danny rubs his arm on her back when they first wake up?! That is soo sweet! And he sounds soooo D4M sexy when he wakes up
Omg, I know how totally cute was he! I just "Awwwwed" through that whole entire scene...he was so stinking adorable! First with him pushing her nose to wake her up, and then his gorgeous morning voice...I completely melted at that, Oh My Lord...and then him rubbing her arm! I am so in love with him now...I mean more than ever, if that is even possible! :lol: *Mo giggles and throws some nacho cheese on Chell before running to hide behind Mer!*

Mer bear said:
Auda, great job on protecting the fluffy bubble while Mo is gone!!
Indeed, Fluffy Twin you protected our fluffy bubble brilliantly while I was away...but then again you are an expert at it, with far more experience than I...so I was never worried anyway! ;)

Angsty Niece Rad asked:
So, lets take a poll.. who's watched this scene over 5 times? I think I'm in that club, I'm going on about 10 times.
*Mo giggles and raises her hand...* 5 or 10 times...ummm, you mean 5 or 10 times a day right, well really an hour would be more accurate! :lol: I wish I were kidding too...I told y'all I got home from work on Thursday (an entirely unproductive day by the way!) and watched our scenes about 15 times each...then again on Friday and I'm planning to do the same thing as soon as I post this! :lol: Dedicated/obsessed...whatever, we're freakin' canon and I am SOOOO jazzed about it!! :lol:

My lovely Aud said:
I found a recipe for a drink called "Sex on the Pool Table." I'm not posting it because it's alcoholic, but hey Mo, when you get back---drinks all around!
*Mo tackles her Fluffy Twin in excitement!* That is awesome! :lol: We are SOOO making those tonight, rock on! Grab the ingredients and head over here hon, we're doin' drinks tonight! Yeah baby!!

Okay so now that this post is freakishly loooooonng, I'm going to go grab myself some dessert and catch up on everything else in my life that I missed while I was gone....oh wait, this is my life! :lol: Awwww, it's good to be back! ;) But seriously I'm off to grab some dessert...Danny boy, you coming? :devil:

*Mo giggles and scampers off...* :D
mess/mon said:
Oh, and btw, w/e happened to Pino? did he just...disappear?
He disappeared to the same place as Chad, Zach, Kaile Maka, Evan Zao... the list of the missing goes on.

Much Missed Mo said:
*Mo giggles and throws some nacho cheese on Chell before running to hide behind Mer!*
Chell, since I am being used as a sheild, please just make sure to throw something at me that Danny would like, such as chocolate sauce. :devil: *plots to 'borrow' Danny from Mo* :lol:

Rad, I forgot to answer your poll question in my earlier post! Let’s put it this way... my VCR is starting to make funny noises when it gets to the D/L part of the tape since it has been rewound and played so many times. :lol: (and thats not including the times I’ve watched the clips I dwnld'd from the 'net). ;)

I want a pool table.
Lol, since you're being my lovely Chell shield, I suppose you can borrow Danny for a bit Mer hon, just be nice to him, cuz he's pretty worn out after playing :devil: with me! :lol:

Mer high five hon, my VCR is doing the exact same thing! :lol: I'm planning on buying it from Itunes and burning it to DVD, immortalizing it forever! ;) Heehee! :D

And yeah hon, I have to have a pool table now! :devil:

*Founder of the Naughty Girl Stuck in the D/L Gutter Club*
Aud wub...I SOOO have to be a member of this club Fluffy Twin...can I be one of your helpful Co-founders?! ;)

"Sex on the Pool Table" is spreading. Holy Pool Tables, Batman! :D

*Mo tackles her Fluffy Twin in excitement!* That is awesome! We are SOOO making those tonight, rock on! Grab the ingredients and head over here hon, we're doin' drinks tonight! Yeah baby!!

Hey, Mer and I started drinkin' this stuff this afternoon. Got a hurricane glass? :lol:

I miss Marty, Kaile, Chad, and Zach....Especially Zach and Marty. :devil: We'll make D/L go visit them this summer (in between smex romps that is. ;))

I wonder what crazy place they'll be doing it after Danny recovers?? :lol: :devil: :lol:

Yes, Mo you can be a co-founder (but so is Mellie CSINYRULZ too)...the more the merrier! Huggles her Fluffy Twin... :D
AAAAUUUUUUUUDDDDDDD!!! *Mo giggles and huggles her Fluffy Twin again!* Hello wub! :D Okay first things first...*Mo grabs her Hurricane glass...* Pass me some "Sex on the Pool Table" babes! :devil: (Okay I LOVE that I just said that! :lol: :lol: )

Yay I get to be co-founder! *Mo does a little jig!* Hon you rock!! Yay, and yup babes, the more the merrier, for shizzle! *Huggles again!* :D

Hmmmmmm, crazy place they'll do it after Danny recovers...how about Danny's hospital bed AS his recovery? :devil: :lol: Heehee! ;) Now that's some good medicine right there! :lol:
So many great posts in the last page or two! Sorry if i don't touch base with all of them. i'll get around to them eventually.

For Rad's poll: as of today, I've watched the following from Snow Day (all are guess-timates :p)---the entire breakdown
the whole episode - 1 time
the wake up/cuddle scene - 13 times
the note and flashback scene - 8 times
the note scene - 9 times
the entire flashback scene - 8 times
the passionate kissing and smex scene - 15+ times
the breakfast shots - 4 times
the last scene - 5 times

YAY, dutch for the wp! it'll go in my Danny and Lindsay folder! i've gotta rewatch the part where he sits. danny losing his bet was probably the best bet he lost...yes yes! he got one priceless reward!

Aud, could you PM me the recipe of the drink?? And D/L gutter club? :devil: WHAT a club!! Next location? office and lab too cliche. anywhere from the shower to the subway station (okay, that's gross). Let's go with a sauna.

Danny and Lindsay could NEVER dump that priceless pool table.
They should buy insurance for it.
It's toooo special to them. I'm sure Danny and Lindsay could not play on that table with anyone else without making seductive eye contact and grins.

catey, or catie?, is the border 8 balls?? :snickers: it IS well-themed!

Everytime i see ya'll write Mo's name with lots of "o's"...i think of MOO! which of course leads to these chain of thoughts: Mo->Moo->Lindsay's reference to Montana->SOoH->Danny flying out for her->almost kiss->passionate kissing->Danny and Lindsay hotness on the pool table. Oh, and Nurse Lindsay would have the hots for Patient Danny.

OT, but Pino needs to come back! He is very yum-tastic. My soap-y mind had me thinking that because Pino kept saying 'lindsay...lindsay..." he liked her...can you imagine? *ducks out of the way for bashing comments*. It's not true, I know. Just my mind wandering stupidly. It's not like Danny would have any competition anyway...we all know where DL's hearts lie.

I want a pool table
^^^ ive got to clean my old one up.

chell, im sure lindsay was a good little girl and left danny's drawers alone. no wait, scratch that. lindsay probably darted for danny's undies drawer only to find a little note in it from danny saying "what brings your curious little self here, montana??"

Danny got what he wanted: "Drinks, Dinner and some Laughs"
^^^oh he did...oh he did. and we got what we wanted too!

delia, about Danny and Lindsay living together next season: it would be nice to see them as so. the team could also make reference to it (im seeing some Flack teasing here).

did Danny purposely say 'you're gonna have to wait till pay day' to provoke her and pretend to be all innocent yet knowing all well that something was gonna happen? and more seriously, was that their first time taking it all the way? cause i could see it being yes and no.

the famous pool table in the broom closet with DL...MmmmMmmm

heading back to watch more snow day clips which is becoming a ritual for me. :)
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