Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Everytime i see ya'll write Mo's name with lots of "o's"...i think of MOO! which of course leads to these chain of thoughts: Mo->Moo->Lindsay's reference to Montana->SOoH->Danny flying out for her->almost kiss->passionate kissing->Danny and Lindsay hotness on the pool table.
ROCK on!! I love that my nickname leads you on a chain reaction train of thought to D/L hotness...my mission in life is complete! :lol: Love it! :devil: Especially since we all know D/L hotness is my freakin' obsession! ;)

Nice with your exact count of the times you've seen all the scenes...that's awesome! :D

Lol, that's totally something I could see Danny hoping for...maybe if I tell her I can't pay her she'll let me "pay" her in another way! :devil: Love it! ;)

Awwww I just wub this ship, they make me so very, very happy!! :D
good morning every one

I wonder what crazy place they'll be doing it after Danny recovers??

in the whietfields :) I think someone mentioned his bike before although that my turn out to be quite uncomfortable. but the first think coming to my mind was - all over their places

*Founder of the Naughty Girl Stuck in the D/L Gutter Club*

can I be a member? pretty please

I think them living together can be an issue in S4. not necesserly a bad one but I think they would take their sweet time on this. and I think it would be Lindsay rather then Danny having a problem with it too. but I wish - in the case the question is opened, they make it an amusing issue and not an angsty one - I dont mind angst (that much) but I prefer it would come from a different source not this.

I cant even tell you how much I love the forehead-kiss & chest-kiss. it was so intimate and sweet and it felt like they were doing it for years - waking up in each others arms I mean

I should go to work now but I so dont want to
lindsay probably darted for danny's undies drawer only to find a little note in it from danny saying "what brings your curious little self here, montana??"
Hehe, I can soooo see him doing that :p It's completely Danny.

Anyways, I think I was more annoyed at TPTB cos my exams *sheepish grin* One of those moments when you get annoyed at something for absolutely different reasons. But...exams are over in....25 hours :D so I'm happy again! D/L soothes me :D Oh and nice count there Angel but I think I beat you in every category :D heeheehee.
One look at the smex scene and all your fluffy notes in here and it keeps me smiling all day long. :D

Have a nice day everyone! I'm off to work.
Delia: hehe how could i stay away from here?! huh?! **hugz back** have missed you lots n lots and jelly tots!
Awww, Chelle--you're my S-T-A-R! You seriously rule! Thanks for the piccy you posted. I loved how Danny kissed her forehead. It's just so sweet and emphasizes just how much they care for each other + aren't afraid of showing it! So affecitonate, so adorable.

lindsay probably darted for danny's undies drawer only to find a little note in it from danny saying "what brings your curious little self here, montana??"
Oh that dirty boy! :devil:

^^My, my, aren't we a naughty group this morning! Danny's underwear! I think that gives you free passage into the Naughty Girl Club. :devil: :lol: :devil:

And Carolina, of course you can join us. Remember 'love the gutter' and you'll fit in just fine. :)

Angel, you old enough to drink? ;) Just wanna make sure that those of you that want the drink recipe are over 21. I don't want mommies and daddies pm'ing me saying "I came home and my kids were trying to make "Sex on the Pool Table. You're ruining their lives." Parents scare me....my mom is wonderful and nice, but she still cares me. Dang, I'm so much like Linds sometimes. :lol:

After the hot hospital smex, I say that D/L go the traditional route and do it in the bedroom. Then maybe kitchen, living room ,bathroom, and back to the pool table. They should line that thing with gold I tell ya! :devil:

Later. :cool:

P.S. Bye my Fluffy Twin! :D
Angel, yes, it's an 8-Ball frame around the pic. I found it on a program I had, so I added it to the pool table shot!

And I go by both, depending on where you are. Here I'm Catey, other places I'm Catie. Same person, slightly different spelling. A few know me by Catie, so they use it here and there.
^^ Do you mind if I ask: Is your real name spelt "Catey" or "Catie"? :) It's such a pretty name!
^^My, my, aren't we a naughty group this morning! Danny's underwear! I think that gives you free passage into the Naughty Girl Club.
:lol: Thanks, Aud! I just jumped into the Naughty Girl Club. It's a nice place!
Good morning! *Mo pops in unable to be anything but cheerful in this lovely place, even if it is a rainy Monday morning where she is...but who cares because the sun is always shining in the land of D/L Love!!* :lol: Hello my lovelies...welcome to a new week, bringing the start of summer that much closer...is it sad that I want to start a countdown for us until the season premiere now...don't get me wrong I am still totally basking in the awesome D/L love right now...but new D/L is always good too! :lol: (Gah look at me be greedy! ;) )

Carolina yup that forehead-kiss, chest-kiss thing was perfect wasn't it...one would think they'd had practice waking up in eachother's arms that way before! ;) Awwww wub, gotta love it! :D

Aud hi Fluffy Twin! :D I forgot to have you PM me the recipe for "Sex on the Pool Table" I was too busy enjoying it with you! ;) And well done hon, sounds like we've got a good smex plan laid out for D/L should keep them busy for a while here! :devil: Heehee! :lol: We know they certainly won't complain! ;)

Catey do you prefer one spelling over the other, or as long as I call you Spoiler Queen is it all good? ;)

Alright my dears...it is off to the grind for me...oh the joy, if only work was as fun as this place, or even half as fun would be nice! Awwww well, gives me something fun to look forward to after work! :D Have a fabulous Monday peeps and I'll catch ya later! ;)

*Mo skips out...humming a random tune only she knows!*
I miss all the fun conversations... I want to be in the Naughty Girl Club... What do I have to do? :lol: Macayla made some amazing DL icons of our scene... A few of you guys have them, but holy cow, I just want to keep watching them and watching them. Danny and Lindsay making out make my whole house burn up.. that's how sizzilin' they are!
Woooo!!! Almost at page 22!!! (thats when we can start talking about ship names, right??)


chelliyah I love your avatar... I love that part... it's so cute!

hehe isnt it just?! I snagged it from the wonderful macayla She is awesome!!!! :D


Hey hunii!!!!! **big hugglez** we missed you over the weekend! i bet you have had soo much to catch up on! lol

Omg, I know how totally cute was he! I just "Awwwwed" through that whole entire scene...he was so stinking adorable! First with him pushing her nose to wake her up, and then his gorgeous morning voice...I completely melted at that, Oh My Lord...and then him rubbing her arm! I am so in love with him now...I mean more than ever, if that is even possible! "*Mo giggles and throws some nacho cheese on Chell before running to hide behind Mer!*

the while scene was OMG- GUH-I-WANNA-BE-ON-THAT-POOL-TABLE-RIGHT-NOW-freaking aweSome! lol ( lol that makes noooo sense :lol: ) i the best bit for me was the whole lil soft gentl kiss she placed 'Next to his heart' and then leant on it, as if to seal it :D ;) i squeeeeed the most at that part :p :devil:
**Chell wipes away the lovely 'gooey' Nacho cheese, and creeps up behind Mo and Mer dumping melted Marshmellows and chocolate over Mo's head before running away giggling** :lol:


hey huni!!! Thanks for reviewing my new chapter :D

Chell, since I am being used as a sheild, please just make sure to throw something at me that Danny would like, such as chocolate sauce.

hehe im thinking he might like a bit of 'sticky toffee'... what do ya think ;) hehe
Chell throws bottle of sticky toffee syrup over at Mer


wonder what crazy place they'll be doing it after Danny recovers??

im thinking the shower would have to be the next place.. i mean, if he has his poor hand in a cast.. hows he gonna wash?! he needs help ;) hehe if Lindsay is unavailable, ill be sure to give him a helping hand lol :devil:


as of today, I've watched the following from Snow Day (all are guess-timates)--the entire breakdown
the whole episode - 1 time
the wake up/cuddle scene - 13 times
the note and flashback scene - 8 times
the note scene - 9 times
the entire flashback scene - 8 times
the passionate kissing and smex scene - 15+ times
the breakfast shots - 4 times
the last scene - 5 times

hehe you've watched my fave 2 parts the most.. go on girl!! haha i have no idea how many times i have watched it lol ithink ive watched the whole episode about 3 x.... and all the individual DL scenes... pffpt! well over 30 i would imagine! lol everytime i hear a song that reminds me or see something about DL.. i have to watch it! :devil: We are sooo naughty lol :lol:

chell, im sure lindsay was a good little girl and left danny's drawers alone. no wait, scratch that. lindsay probably darted for danny's undies drawer only to find a little note in it from danny saying "what brings your curious little self here, montana??"

haha you have no idea how much i laughed when i read that :lol: that is sooo something Danny would do/say! lol that could become part of a fic ya know.. any one up for that idea?! lol


Awww, Chelle--you're my S-T-A-R! You seriously rule! Thanks for the piccy you posted. I loved how Danny kissed her forehead. It's just so sweet and emphasizes just how much they care for each other + aren't afraid of showing it! So affecitonate, so adorable.

lol dont even get me started on the whole Forehead thing again huni!! :lol: I would be here all evening and all night and would never get to work! hehe but yeah, its just the way he says 'Im glad this happened' so close to her.... guh... im gonna have to watch it again! lol
You rock huni!!!! Mwah X
Angel- "im sure lindsay was a good little girl and left danny's drawers alone. no wait, scratch that. lindsay probably darted for danny's undies drawer only to find a little note in it from danny saying "what brings your curious little self here, montana??"

I'm loving your idea but she would probly have a look around for his *coughs* "toys"!!! :devil:
*Liff pops in singing happy dancing bollywood songs*

Hey guys! ^_^ Hehe, I'm listening to hyperactive bollywook hindi songs for some reason. The ones that just make you want to hop up on the dining table (or pool table :devil: and dance your ass off!)

that is sooo something Danny would do/say! lol that could become part of a fic ya know.. any one up for that idea?! lol
Haha, that was what I was thinking too! But right now, I've got an idea in my head abt Lindsay kickin' a little more ass during the stake out :p Interested anyone? I mean, seriously I wish Linds would stop hiding it and just storm the place to get her man ;) That would have been the absolute best! :D

Oh and Chell, love your avvie :) that was definately my favourite part too! It was the sweetest thing ever! and then the arm rubbing :) So cute. Those two really are perfect for each other. It's amazing how blind some ppl are, we need to put a motion out for free prescription glasses, I'm sure u guys agree with me, but there seems to be alot of ppl out there who's having problems with their eye sight ;) :devil: We should help them a bit ;)

After the hot hospital smex, I say that D/L go the traditional route and do it in the bedroom. Then maybe kitchen, living room ,bathroom, and back to the pool table. They should line that thing with gold I tell ya!

Oh? And the hallway, and the car, and of course, the classic - Mac's desk :devil: Perhaps whilst he's in London? hehehe.
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