Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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^^ I'm not sure about a romantic dinner either...Perhaps Lindsay in her beautiful 'opera' dress could fit in, but Danny looked really out of place in that restaurant he was waiting in for her in LRC :rolleyes:...maybe some nice family restaurant in Little Italy, but not that place he was suppose to have taken her the first time she agreed on going on a date... :p

I think they'd have way more fun making dinner together at his or her apartment...YEAH...FOOD FIGHT... :devil:

btw catey were almost on page 22...are you ready to start collecting thread titles?!? ;)

LOL we are on page 22 (txs Natty!); can I start:

D/L #17: They've pooled through!

D/L #17: He lost their 2nd bet, but loved his consolation prize
*stares in admiration* Ooo shiny...names for the next thread :) I'm in.

Danny/Lindsay #17: "I'm glad this happened"
Danny/Lindsay #17: "Enjoy your snow day"
dutch_treat said:
D/L #17: They've pooled through!

D/L #17: He lost their 2nd bet, but loved his consolation prize

These are great, dutch. I like that you brought back the cute bet from Fare Game, for the second one. I'd have to go with the first one, the other one might be too long.
Great ideas for thread titles, everyone! I told you all that it wouldn't take long to get to page 22. Stuffy, those were two I had, great minds think alike! A couple more I had were

D/L#17: Pool Tables: Not Just for Playing Pool!
D/L#17: You owe me a Benjamin, it's time to pay up!

Aud's already given me a couple of great ones too, so keep the ideas coming. I'll get a poll together and we'll put it to a vote. Thanks for the ideas!
D/L#17: you owe me a benjamin, it's time to pay up.

* I love this title!!**


Ever since I have seen this finale, I have seen pool tables everywhere. I even saw 2 pool tables stacked on top of each other at a billards shop and of course the only thing I thought about was "Pool table sechs"!
'The Benjamin' one is good, and I also like "I'm Glad this Happened"---because we are glad this happened! :)

I think one title this summer though, should include something about a pool table. It's so apart of D/L now. ;)

I keep seeing eight balls everywhere! :lol:

Nothing about this ship is ordinary. Everything seems to be 'way out there'. They met at the zoo---not a normal office setting, they ate bugs and also watched their boss play jazz. They saw "Rough Sects" and watched a 'walrus' documentary together. :lol: So they couldn't just have smex anywhere---it had to be a prime location. :devil:
audacity said:

I keep seeing eight balls everywhere! :lol:

Nothing about this ship is ordinary. Everything seems to be 'way out there'. They met at the zoo---not a normal office setting, they ate bugs and also watched their boss play jazz. They saw "Rough Sects" and watched a 'walrus' documentary together. :lol: So they couldn't just have smex anywhere---it had to be a prime location. :devil:

And how can you forget the rooftop with the shoe "experiment"? I wonder what could have been said if the CSI tech hadn't been standing there handing Lindsay the barbell. :devil: ;)
[/b]Danny and Lindsay #17 - Mission Accomplished[/b]

They're all fantastic though, either way I'll love the title of the thread. So Wednesday CBS is playing "Obsession". Not watching, there's no Lindsay and no DL action. Shallow, yes, crazy, no. :lol:
Hello my dearies! *Mo skips into the thread...giggling and humming happily!* Awww the joys of this ship! I just wubs it!! Ya know y'all...sometimes I think I should act more excited about our ship, cuz really it just seems like I'm pretty passive about it sometimes :lol: then again if I acted anymore excited I think I'd probably get arrested for disturbing the peace, so maybe I'm doing okay! :lol: Heehee!

Natty asked:
What do you lot think Danny would get Lindsay on her birthday???
Mmmmmm, now that's a good question! I see him doing something romantic, but unusual romantic...like something that would be special to just them two ya know...like a pretty necklace with a tiny spider charm on it to remind Linds of their first "date" when they ate the bugs...or something totally cute like that! :D

Dutch said:
Good luck finding a new place, Mo! Just make sure you find one that has room for a pool table.

Thanks hon! And you saying that is totally funny! I was looking online today at places and there was one listed that was furnished and had a bunch of pics of it's "furnishings", and one of the things it did have was a pool table! I swear I almost swooned and took the place right then and there! :lol: Just cuz of that! :lol: Awww good times! ;)

Niece Rad said:
Next time, Danny and Linds could play air hockey or something, they'd be nice and cool after they "played"...

Lol, darlin' I knew there was a reason I liked you! :D Nice, hon, very nice! :devil: Heehee...and yeah that does seem to fit them...I could see them getting all competitive over the game and then falling onto the table totally making out! ;)

Dutch said:
think they'd have way more fun making dinner together at his or her apartment...YEAH...FOOD FIGHT...
Mmmmmm, as cute as I think it'd be to see Danny get all dressed up and take Linds out to nice or even cute restaurant, I totally agree with you on this one Dutch...I see them much more likely staying home and cooking dinner together...although like you also said, I see a good bit of it ending up "on" them instead of "in" them...leading to all sorts of delicious fun as they "clean" each other up! :devil: :lol:

Yay, page 22!!! We can post potential thread titles...gah I think this is gonna be hard choice this time around! They're all gonna be good...I likes all the ones y'all have come up with thus far...they're good! At least whatever we choose we know the opening will be full of lovely D/L wub...yay for that! Catey you'll have fun for sure hon! ;)

Fluffy Twin Aud said:
include something about a pool table. It's so apart of D/L now.
Hi honey! :D *Huggles!* I totally agree...that pool table is goin' down in the D/L hall of fame and I think we should definitely immortalize it with a thread title name! :D

Danny/Lindsay #17: "Pool Table Smex!"
Danny/Lindsay #17: "They Did It on the Pool Table!"

I'll come up with more...but right now, I'm distracting myself with D/L smexy wub! :D Awwwww good times, good times! :lol:

Alright y'all...American Idol finale tonight...well part one anyway...I'm sad, my favorite got kicked off last week, but I'll probably watch anyway... :p

*Mo shrugs, giggles and climbs back into her Fluffy Gutter Bubble!* :D
Hey, Mo! :D

I can definitely see D/L getting into a food fight...Danny likes it when Linds plays naughty...Linds likes it when Danny is wet 'n wild. :devil:

Okay, a few variations on our new thread title. If they suck, don't use. I hope we don't have so many that it gets confusing. Sorry. :eek:

Okay, these are corny, but I had to share. :lol:

D/L #17: A Benjamin or Pool Smex
D/L #17: I'm Glad We Did This...on the Pool Table.
D/L #17: From Rough Sects to Pool Table Smex...
D/L #17: And the Eight Ball Makes CANON!

Later. :cool:
Wow, already time for a new thread? Freaky.. really.

I haven't been in here in awhile. *sighs* Crazy.

Somehow I figured you all would have smex in the title.
Aud! Hi Wub! I likes the title suggestions ;) ...we just SO need to have "Pool Table Smex" or some version of it in the title, don't we! It's just too hot and delicious and perfect not to be in there!!! :devil:

Lynny Hi babes! :D Yup new thread time soon, crazy indeed! But then again, we've been movin' pretty fast in here! This new thread is gonna be good I can tell...cuz we got D/L smex and cuz 17 is my favorite/lucky number...we're good to go y'all! :lol: And yeah like I said..."smex" has GOTTA be in the title! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Danny/Lindsay #17: "City Boys like it on the Pool Table!" :lol:
Danny/Lindsay #17: "Got Lucky on the Pool Table!"
Danny/Lindsay #17: "Lucky in love...on the Pool Table!"
Danny/Lindsay #17: Dinner, Drinks, Pool, Smex & Daisies!
:lol: Kate Hi hon! Lol, nah I think we can say it...I just say "smex" cuz I'm weird and I like to say that! :lol: I dunno...I'm a dork, whatever! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Anyone else? Modie?? :D
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