*Mo waltzes into the room, humming and singing "Love is a Many Splendored thing!"* Good morning my shippy buddies! Ohhhh
Stuffy cookies? Yum! Thanks hon, that's so nice of you!
Today's Anna's birthday? How was I not more on top of that? :lol: Thanks for the reminder
So then...
"Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday dear Anna! Happy Birthday to you!" :lol:
Awwww I just love this ship, love this thread...I was thinking about this thread and how fun it is and how much I love that we are still posting like crazy in here and then I thought of course we're posting like crazy...
A) This ship rocks and we got a kick butt awesomely hot finale to squee over still!
B) We are a pretty awesome set of shippers, who can make good things of almost nothing, so give us "something" and we'll talk forever!
C) This is when all the lovely rumors for next season start...so all that to say, I'm looking forward to a hoppin' summer in here, and I can't wait!
Sadly though I now have to be off to work...seriously don't they realize I have more shippy things to do than answer phones!
Oh well...off to be a grown up
Heehee! :lol: Later my lovelies!
*Mo waltzes back out...still swooning and giggling in her totally Guttery fluffy bubble!*