Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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OH MY GOD, IN about... less than 15 hours... ITS OUR SUPER EP!
^^^ you are too cute. how sweet it is and very understandable. But you’ve still got a locational danny!
:) Haha, thanks Angel... I'm so lucky. I really do love him... ;)
Wheee, I can't wait for the ending.
*Mo comes skidding into the thread...practically shaking, she's so excited!!* It's today, it's today, it's today!! Lol, I SOOOO should not be this awake already...it's way too early and I have a full day of work :p and stuff ahead of me...but my first thought (literally :D ) when my alarm went off this morning was "DL smex today!!!" YAYYYYY!!! :lol:

I really don't even have much more to say...I am SO excited for this eppy and that excitement has been trying to convert into nervous anxiety for the last couple days but I am holding the worries at bay with my D/L bubble! I'm not sure how the eppy will end, but there is NO denying the D/L is in love and made for eachother...everyone in here and all the tvguide people think so too...not to mention the actors and writers...so angsty or fluffy ending tonight, either way I'm certain our ship will be sailing happily on! Cuz why again peeps.....cuz we're CANON!! Oh yeah baby!

Gah I am gonna be SO useless at work today and the sad thing is, it'll just be that much worse tomorrow! :lol: Awwwww, I love this ship!

Alright... :( Off to work... :p But I will be back..."To read, or not to read that is the question...whether it is nobler of the Mo to wait, or to be spoiled...!" (Yeah good ole Hamlet! :lol: )

*Mo prances out of the thread...tossing confetti and party hats in preparation for tonight as she goes!* :D
12 hours from now! :D

I am SO ready!

I have never been this excited! :D

I have to work too, so hopefully the day will go by fast cause I get out at 9 :D
Dutch I hate getting up in the morning as well but.....

I will have to get up tomorrow at 6:00am to watch the ep on the internet before I go to school!!!

See what I have to do because I live in England!!!

OK I can't wait (aaaaahhhhhhh)even though I have to get up early there is no way that I will be getting a good nights sleep!!
I’ll try to see the episode as soon as I can, but till then I’ll try to content myself with pics and caps…please, someone post them as soon as possible or I could die…

xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
It's not only him hun, but Linds has gotta do some sizzlin' movements too! Now...we just need to make sure that we put the cameras in the right places so we get good 'SHOTS'.
we’d have to mop the dance floor almost as much as the broom/supply closet!

Mmmh…they dancing tango…it would be hotness, but in the living room there is the pool table and they would need more room, so they could move in the bedroom… :devil:
Just so you know everyone, Aliff is the one with a dirty mind. Not me, nope :) but I loved your lollipop comment hun, made me laugh :lol:

Wow, so there's only 10 hours to go :eek: I can't believe it's already here. Although...

this isn't the last eppy. The show has been renewed for next season :D

Angel love, Liff and I enjoy teasing each other :) we do it on FB constantly. It's all good though, he wubs me and I wubs him, right Liff buddy? *huggles*
^^Me? Dirty minded? Not as much as you my dear ;)

Why is this finale taking so LONG to arrive? I mean, it seemed alot faster when it was so far away! But now time seems to be as if it's crawling! LoL.

Glad you guys liked my lollipop comment, but who's talking about candy? :devil:

la la la la, I didn't say anything :D

^^and of course I wubs ya hun ;) Stuffy is the shizzle! *huggles back*

Oh and hun? Remember that broom closet? Yeah...they're still going at it...i hear more moaning. :devil:
I'm so excited about the episode. Even if I'll watch it in a week or two... I'll be here tomorrow and read the spoilers. I hope tptb did a good job. Yes, of course the smex scene is a lot, but i want a nice story for them at the end. Something that will help me through the summer... ;)

But please, nothing like in CSI Miami... :rolleyes:

Hot Danny shirtless and D/L smex that will make my whole summer... oh yeah :D
messermonroe said:
^^Me? Dirty minded?
Noooo, you're the impersonated innocence Liff *LOL*

Oh I guess I'll have to get up early tomorrow to read all about Snow Day. Hope you post a lot and tape it and make screen caps and all!
Can't wait to see more of THE scene that made me all excited today when I first saw it. If even the promo has this effect on me I really wonder what the whole episode will be like?
All those finales plus a very exciting fanfic I'm reading, that's too much for me. I should spend the night watching some old NCIS episodes...
No, I can't. I won't have my mind on it, I suppose, I'm just too curious!
^Hmph, I am innocent - to a certain degree :D Hehehe.

I'm putting my house on internet lockdown tomorrow so I can watch the finale in peace! hehe, gosh I cannot wait!!! *breathes* I WILL KEEP MYSELF SPOILER FREE!

*tear* this is going to be so hard...
Fluffy Gutter Bubble Queen said:
Mer, Mer, Mer...*Mo gathers her buddy up and bundles her right into her lovely fluffy bubble, wrapping her up tight in all the lovely D/L love we've had and will have!*

*snuggles into the fluffy bubble*
Ah, much better!

My Dear Delia said:
Have fun at work, Mercy sweetie!
You gave me good luck, Delia! They let me go home early! Yay! More time to devote to D/L!

Miss SF Dreaming said:
"To read, or not to read that is the question...whether it is nobler of the Mo to wait, or to be spoiled...!" (Yeah good ole Hamlet! :lol: )
Hmm, Catey gets to see the ep at 7 my time, and will probably post her spoilers at 8. So I only have to be spoiler free for a couple of hours, whereas you would have to avoid Catey’s spoilers and all the eastern time spoilers for 5 hours or so… can you even do that? I think it will be hard enough for two hours, let alone five!

I am so looking forward to the Danny/ Lindsay scenes tonight.
It is going to go down in CSI shipping history!!

I will not worry about the ending, I will not worry about the ending, I will not worry about the ending…

Okay, here’s the breakdown:
3 hrs 40 mins till Catey sees the ep
6 hrs 40 mins till eastern time sees the ep (me in indiana!)
7 hrs 40 mins till central time sees the ep
8 hrs 40 mins till mountain time sees the ep
9 hrs 40 mins till pacific time sees the ep
Hey guys! *Hugs to everyone*

Gahh! I'm so excited! I have only 5 hours and 55 minutes left until the finale! So exciting. Hopefully there wont be any spoilers (anymore than we already have anyway) because I'm not sure I will be able to stay spoiler free! I can't wait until tomorrow though! One, because we'll have pictures!!! (I hope!) Pictures are always awesome in this thread! and Two because it's almost Friday!
smiliee said:
Hopefully there wont be any spoilers (anymore than we already have anyway) because I'm not sure I will be able to stay spoiler free!
Hiya, Smi! Want a cookie?
There WILL be more spoilers before we get to see it. Spoiler Queen Catey will bring us the scoop around 8-ish our time... but I am trying not to read them.

So, y'all, if I disappear from the thread you know I am trying to stay strong. But I will be online on IM.
*whines* Isn't it time for the eppy yet?
*Takes Cookie* Thank you!
Who's 'our' in 8ish our time? *EDIT* Ahhh.. I see our time! You're in Indiana Mercy! I'm not too far away from you then! Weird! I'll prolly be watching Bones at eight anyway. At least that way I wont be able to see the spoilers! I'm such a spoiler addict. If I see a spoiler box I just have to click on it! And this is the one episode where I would like to stay semi-unspoiled!
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