Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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dutch_treat said:
I'm thinking I'll be avoiding anything that is stain producing Wednesday night!
Even Danny? :devil: What? *ducks to avoid the meter - points at Mo* - she said it! ;) LOL, that one sent me into to the gutter at light speed! :D
*wipes soda off laptop* LOL! Have I mentioned recently how much I love you guys?
*plays happily in the gutter*

I just watched my downloaded clips of the ending of NWILL, ending of LRC, then courtroom scene of SOoH, follwed up by this week's promo. I didn't know it was possible to get this excited about a tv show. I have to work from 8 am to 3 pm tomorrow, and I have no idea how on earth I will be able to concentrate with all the D/L running through my head!
Auda[/b] said]about thread names "Danny/Lindsay #17: The Ship That Strips" Gah, it is just so fitting. I keep looking at the promo where their clothes are coming off. I'm obsessed! And I'm happy to be obsessed!
Okay, well I work tonight, so I better go get ready to leave (how will I concentrate tonight even?).

30.5 hours till showtime for the eastern time zone!
I'm gonna go to sleep right now. It's 10 PM in Holland, and I need my nightsleep.

BUT HOW CAN I???? :confused: I hope everything is goning to be fine for D/L, and I can't wait to read about the finale! PLease hurry when you've seen it!
24 hours exactly, and the show starts. Gah, I can't wait! I will miss giving you guys the updates. Here's a question for you all that read my spoilers, do you want me to post as the show goes on, or do you want me to do a recap at the end? I can do a play by play(Only of the D/L) or just what I usually do, the recap at the end. I thought I'd ask and see. And more power to all you that can resist those little boxes. You are a much stronger person than I am!
Thanks for the bowl of M & M's, I'll pass it on to the next person now. Cannot wait for tomorrow night!
^^catey dear, IMHO whatever way is convenient for you :D

Less that 26 hours...and it's storming here. Bad. Thankfully it's tonight and not tomorrow *blows sigh of relief* I would freak if this storm happened tomorrow, especially at night. Really looking forward to this eppy :)
^^tell me about it Stuffy. The satellite went out here about 6:30 for 15 minutes. I said that to my husband, how it couldn't do that tomorrow night, that I had too many people counting on me. He now thinks I'm ready for the psych ward!
^^Recap at the end pls! I'm gonna try and keep spoiler free until I see the ep on friday morning. If you keep posting spoilers I may just lose my will to keep SF!! :D

So yes, recap please! Besides, I'm sure you'd prefer to not be disturbed during the airing right? (See I think of others too!)

Current thought: Danny needs to take Linds dancing...perhaps some dirty dirty tango? :devil:

Interesting thought: I live in a country with no clouds - we get perfect satellite :devil: (tht comment was specifically for you my dear Stuffy)
So, it's tomorrow night and how are we holding up? Anyone need oxygen yet? lol I haven't hyperventilated yet, but I might tomorrow night!

Eeeek! The anticipation is painful right now. I'm so ready for Canon D/L it's pathetic. :)
Okay we have 24 hours till the finale and the good news is that are probably 90% sure that we will be renewed :)

So with me saying that, so what do you think Danny and Lindsay will be like in Season 4?

Tougher Danny? or Tougher Lindsay?

Or will both characters do a complete 180* and do something that we would have never expected?

What are your thoughts?
Oh dirty dancing and dirty tango...hmm. hip action, danny, hip action...

catey, dear catey, as much as i love love love to read your gifts to us in those little boxes all the time, i will have to resist them tomorrow! :p maybe i'll lock my laptop up somewhere...:lol:

dutch and Mo, i didn't realize that it was the Phantom music until now. i love that musical! beautiful words and sheet music.

delia, you have your own danny from new york?! :)

vex, not sure exactly what i want to see in season 4 yet (but i know i would love to see some fun times mixed with the crimes. tougher danny and lindsay would be interesting). let me get through the next hours coming up here! ;)

i did not see ZY until much later because i started watching the show with reruns of season 2. so, the first episode i saw in its entirety and noticed that SOMETHING was there between Danny/Lindsay was Cool Hunter. after that, i was hooked. somewhere between that and CoTP was when they became the main reason why i watch the show.

welcome, newbies! and congrats to the new title holders! wow, these pages are moving right along!
Exactly 24 hours until Super Ep #3 :D

Hmmm...where do I see them in season 4? I agree with Angel...I want to see more bantering mingled with solving the crimes and such. I also see them feeding off each other's courage and support because they are two strong individuals.

I'll think of more later, but now it's time for sleeps. This time tomorrow I'll be snuggled up in bed watching this grand finale (y'all know what I'll be keeping my eye out for, but I'm too lazy to put anything into SB :))

Happy DL luvin'!! :D *huggles to all her DL buddies*
Hello, hello, hello!! *Mo trips into the thread out of sheer excitement! Giddy and nervous all at one!* :lol:
26 hours exactly for me right now! Gah people I am SOOOOOO freakishly excited, it's not even funny...Catey it's probably good your husband can't see the rest of us, he'd call the psych ward on all of us for sure! :lol:

For all my fluffiness y'all...I had a huge attack of nerves today, and I was terrified that somehow the PTB are gonna completely screw us over and make D/L die at the end of the finale or something...so forgive my momentarily lapse in my happy giddy joy...I think I'm back to being good now...besides the PTB know I would stalk their asses to the grave if they do anything remotely bad to our D/L! Besides like I said before, we've got picture proof and you know what they say...picture's say it all! :lol: *Mo grabs her nervous thoughts and bad feelings and drowns them in the guttery ocean of D/L smexy love!* There, much better! :devil: :D

Oh and I can't believe it but I might actually end up taping the show and watching it after it airs tomorrow night...*Mo ducks away from Mer before she gets whacked!* Wait, wait...I have a good reason! I'm gonna do my best to kick my roommate and bro out of the apt, but if they won't leave I just know they will totally make fun of me for watching CSI (they're NOT fans!) and I really want to be alone with the finale to squee to my hearts desire! So yeah...if they're gone then I'm all over it! And if not, then as soon as it's done taping I'm watching it like 3 times in a row and probably not sleeping at all tomorrow night! :lol:

Catey, my spoiler queen friend, I think you should post a recap at the end...that said, I just might try and resist reading any spoilers tomorrow night...what do y'all think? Anyone want to take bets on how long that will last for me? :lol:

Danny totally needs to take Linds dancing...although speaking of dancing, they'll be doing plenty of "dancing" (tango even!) tomorrow night! :devil: So couldn't resist! ;) :devil:

As for D/L in Season 4...hmmmm, totally in love and smexxing it up all the time? Does that count? :lol: Ummm, honestly I hope they develop them more as a couple and let them work through any issues that come up together...I would really love to see that! :D

Okay peeps...I am freakishly excited about tomorrow night...Aud wub where are you? I need my dancing, singing twin! ;) You gotta hold onto me and keep me from floating right away in my fluffy bubble! :lol:

Oh and by the way, as of this minute...25 hours, 47 minutes! WOHOOOOOOOO!!!! D/L smex!

*Mo melts into a gooey giddy puddle and drools at even the thought of D/L smex!* :devil:
I think you should post a recap at the end...that said, I just might try and resist reading any spoilers tomorrow night...what do y'all think? Anyone want to take bets on how long that will last for me?

I'll take that bet! Since we share a brain, I doubt your hold-out will last too long. :lol: ;) Hugs you so tightly! It's sailing Twinnie. :D

MM, love the idea of the dirty tango!! :devil: Dirty Dancing burns calories...lots. ;) Lap dancing sounds fun too.

What will happen next season for D/L?? 'Teh sex' of course. Linds will be more aggressive....throwing guys against cars again! :eek: :D :eek:

Let's spend the night together....now I need you more than ever....satisfy.... :devil: :devil: :devil:

Don't poke the bubble!! :p
Aud! There you are wub! *Mo tackles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* Hi honey :D Lol, since we share a brain is it fair that you take that bet? Cuz you KNOW I won't be able to hold out! :lol: We are sailing, we're really sailing...awwww it's been so long coming, which makes this so very much sweeter! :D

Ohhhh, I would love to see Linds be more aggressive with suspects...she's hot when she's pissy like that...and you know Danny would appreciate the show of power! :devil: ;)

Aud can I just say again how much I LOVE your siggy...that quote is WUB! And Hot too! ;)

Getting giddy y'all...seriously minutes are passing and I'm just getting more hyper as each one goes by! I'm gonna be higher than a kite tomorrow night! :lol:
I wub my siggie too. :)

I just hope we get everything that we want out of tomorrow's episode. We need lots of D/L wub. ;)

I guess it's not fair that I take that bet, but hey I'm on cloud nine so I can't really think straight. :eek:

Here's to sailing smoothly...Lynny, please don't put gum in my hair again...it's too long to take the torture. :eek: :lol: Hugs!

Will it be angsty, will it be fluffy?? Either way, it's the last episode of the season. :(

Okay, I'm happy right now...Mo, grab your bubble. :lol:

Later. :cool:
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