Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Lol, we so do need a whole lot of D/L wub tomorrow night! My hopes are SOOO freakin' high it's not even funny...but then again, those pics fulfill every single one of them! So really I'm good to go! Gah I can't wait hon! :D

And I was just teasin' about the bet babes! ;) You can take it...heehee, in fact I may as well just pay ya right now cuz we both know I'll be losing that bet! :lol:

I want it to be ALL fluffy the whole way, wouldn't that rock Fluffy twin! Sadly I'm pretty sure it's gonna be both, the question then is will it end angsty or fluffy? That I'm afraid to guess on...and as for it being the last eppy of the season, yeah I'm pretty much in denial over that! :lol:

*Mo giggles...snuggles her Aud wub and dances in her Fluffy Bubble!* :D :D
I think we all have pretty high expectations for tomorrow. I am still biting my nails over the possibilities for the ending, though.

On my way home from work, I was behind a car whose license plates said "AZ GIRL". And AZ promptly made me think of AZ's comments... oh no, I've been away from the D/L fluffy bubble for too long!! :(
Mer, Mer, Mer...*Mo gathers her buddy up and bundles her right into her lovely fluffy bubble, wrapping her up tight in all the lovely D/L love we've had and will have!* Have faith dearie...like my lovely Fluffy Twin said...we are SAILING!!! No worries, D/L is so canon that we need a new word for it! :D

25 hours exactly!!
OK this is getting serious :rolleyes:...I so don't like getting up early, but guess what...I woke up, looked at the alarm and it said: MAY 16! :D and then I couldn't sleep anymore... :(

I'm getting more and more excited (as if that were even possible :lol:), but I'm very nervous about the end too mer... :eek:

D/L next season...I think they both will be tougher...they now each have someone to look out for and who is expecting the other to come home safe and sound each day... :)

And I agree with whoever said it...they really should go dancing...love to see that... :devil:
Lol, Dutch! :lol: That's really funny, cuz I haven't gone to bed yet and here you are already awake! :lol: Sorry you can't sleep hon, but in about 8 hours I'll be right there with ya! ;)

I've decided to be in denial about any bad ending and just focus on the fluff and the smex...it works well for me...Heehee! :devil:

Yeah I agree, them having someone to come home to next season should make them both that much happier...I really hope they show it to us! :D

Dancing it is...and again to the gutter for me with that one! :devil: Heehee! :lol:
^^It's okay...I've taken a shower and should be at work in an hour...so breakfast and then I'm off. :(

I think the coming one will be a short night for me too...we can all keep each other company... :D

They should show how they both are much happier next season...perhaps not so in the foreground, but just little bits and pieces now and then would be great... :D

LOL 'dancing' *heads for the gutter too* :devil:
Current thought: Danny needs to take Linds dancing...perhaps some dirty dirty tango?

that is an excelent idea. Im still kinda set on him serenading her but this would make for a truly hot scene too.

They should show how they both are much happier next season...perhaps not so in the foreground, but just little bits and pieces now and then would be great...

yeah, they both have been through enough and even though the S4 most definitely wont turn out to be all hearts & roses for them at least they will have each other to rely on when the going gets tough
Del you rock! OMG you made me laugh so hard, I almost spit my coffee out on my computer! And yeah totally with ya on that one by the way!
Haha, Mo sweetie--you're the one who rocks! I'm so glad that you enjoyed that, because HEY--Danny is so yummy, delicious and---L-I-C-K-A-B-L-E!
Oh, Delia where can I order those, that would be a treat while watching the finale... *hugs back*I'm happy I was there to welcome you when you first posted here!
Haha, Dutch! You're so sweet + thanks for the welcome! I love this place!!
Oh and you can order the Danny on a stick through dannyandlindsay.com/danny_is_the_sex :lol: (rofl)
Current thought: Danny needs to take Linds dancing...perhaps some dirty dirty tango?
Ahhh Aliff! I think that they should definitely
So with me saying that, so what do you think Danny and Lindsay will be like in Season 4?

Tougher Danny? or Tougher Lindsay?
Or will both characters do a complete 180* and do something that we would have never expected?

What are your thoughts?
Hmmm, we saw a hell lot of character developement in Season 3, especially for Lindsay... but some for Danny too--hey! He's a romantic. :eek: Lindsay is definitely more stronger as she knows that Danny has her back and she has put Daniel (STUPID CHOICE FOR A NAME BY THE WAY. :rolleyes:) Katums in jail.
I see Danny's vulnerability in the next season as we probably--I HOPE TO ANYWAY!--will see something about his brother and Tanglewood...
delia, you have your own danny from new york?!
Wheeeeeeee, ;) Angel sweetie! I've got a boyfriend, A (Sorry, I don't feel comfortable putting his name across the Internet.) who lives in New York. But unfortunately, he doesn't have Danny's hot accent. He's from the Upper East Side, not Staten Island. (Eh, I don't know New York that well).
*stumbles into thread, rubbing eyes*

Yawn. Too early to go to work, I wanna stay home. But only 15 hours till 'Snow Day'!!

Delia, I agree they should really let us know what happened with Louie and possibly Tanglewood. I think it is something that could have impact on their relatioship (not necessarily bad) and the Continuity Fairy needs to keep everything going.

I'm off to work, but I can promise my thoughts will be here and with D/L today!
^^ I think that the Continuity Fairy to fly back to New York City. :lol: I think that the strain of Louie and Tanglewood would only bring Danny/Lindsay together in another possible way... :)
Danny was there for her when she faced her demons as he arrived at the Montana court... and this time, I want Lindsay to be there for Danny (not that she isn't already).

Have fun at work, Mercy sweetie!
Seeing Danny having to deal with some Louie-drama and Tanglewood AND having a girlfriend he can rely on...Gee, wouldn't that make him an interesting character to watch next season? :)
^^I agree with you there Del, I think that Louie and Tanglewood could potentially bring Danny & Lindsay together. Like I said before (looong time ago - me thinks), we need to see more of Lindsay's take on their relationship and her own desire to keep it burning. So far, we've only seen Danny. Perhaps...some daydreaming on her part? :devil: (all PG-13 rated of course - the M rated stuff is for the offscreen moments ;) )

So with me saying that, so what do you think Danny and Lindsay will be like in Season 4?

Tougher Danny? or Tougher Lindsay?
I have to say, I think we need a tougher Lindsay. Why? Cos it would make them the best interrogation team in the history of man kind. If those two went in, you can bet that most suspects would lean towards Linds as the 'good cap', and then BOOM! she transforms. Guaranteed technique to break even the most thick headed weirdos.

Oh dirty dancing and dirty tango...hmm. hip action, danny, hip action...
It's not only him hun, but Linds has gotta do some sizzlin' movements too! Now...we just need to make sure that we put the cameras in the right places so we get good 'SHOTS'. :devil:

Stuffy!, I'm gonna say something dirty now! Why? Cos apparently ppl think I'm not? :devil: hehehe.

Lindsay's favourite lollipop flavour? Why....essense of Danny of course :devil: *train of dirty thoughts ended*
^^ :eek: I LOVE THAT YOU SAID THE THING ABOUT THE LOLLIPOP! It's put a giant smile to my face!

For an English assesment: I got A*... which apparently was the best grade in the year. :rolleyes: (Haha, I'm such a geek.)

we need to see more of Lindsay's take on their relationship and her own desire to keep it burning. So far, we've only seen Danny.
I totally agree! :) I want TPTB to show that Lindsay can be relied on too when times get tough and Danny loves her for that, just as much as he loves everything else about her!
Taking a break to say happy hump the D/L day! Yup, it’s finally here: the 3rd season finale.

Wheeeeeeee, Angel sweetie! I've got a boyfriend, A (Sorry, I don't feel comfortable putting his name across the Internet.) who lives in New York. But unfortunately, he doesn't have Danny's hot accent. He's from the Upper East Side, not Staten Island. (Eh, I don't know New York that well).
^^^ you are too cute. how sweet it is and very understandable. But you’ve still got a locational danny! ;)

It's not only him hun, but Linds has gotta do some sizzlin' movements too! Now...we just need to make sure that we put the cameras in the right places so we get good 'SHOTS'.
we’d have to mop the dance floor almost as much as the broom/supply closet!

Lindsay's favourite lollipop flavour? Why....essense of Danny of course *train of dirty thoughts ended*
oh my…I can’t imagine what is running through everyone’s minds right now. :p lollipop could be used so many [ahem, ‘wrong'] ways. It’s a pretty sensual candy, don’t ya think?

tanglewood boys and a loving girlfriend...i'd watch more religiously than i already do! tougher lindsay and couple dany/lindsay would be awesome!

containing my enthusiasm for the episode but also if-y about that ending.

ETA: dutch, where are ya??

*crosses fingers for an all-in-all pretty nice day and night (no body double, simply anna and carmine, action (D/L), loads of good shocks, & wonderfully written finale)*

ETA:*waves at stuffy and liff who seem to be up to something*
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