Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Ooooo don't you worry Aliff, I'm keeping a close eye on that broom closet yonder. They won't escape from me, oh no!

You and your lollipop comment. Oy vey. :rolleyes: :lol:

Mer I'm proud of you hun...kudos to everyone who is staying SF tonight. Y'all have strong minds :) to me it's more of how the actual scene plays out rather than the spoilers *shrug*

To everyone who is unable to watch Super Ep #3 tonight...huggles to y'all!!!! *runs around hugging everyone who will not see the eppy for a few days*

4 hours and 48 minutes to go :D and this is going on a brand-spanking new tape. This eppy deserves it.
Stuffy!!!!! Hehehe, good thing you're lookin' out for them cos I have to go! I'm going off, and I'm refusing to come back to this thread until I've seen SD! I refuse to read any spoiles. So...that means y'all wont be hearing anything from ME until...Friday :) or...thursday night perhaps. *hugs back*

Oh and Stuffy? Don't you DARE post up spoilery things onto my FB wall or I'll never speak to you again! (that's a lie, but you get the point)

Me wubs you hun!

Goodbye to all! (oh look, it's 10pm here right now...wish it was airing now huh.)

and yay for season 4!! Can't wait to see what's in store for D/L!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Have fun droolin' guys!

*shimmers away*
my first thought (literally ) when my alarm went off this morning was "DL smex today!!!" YAYYYYY!!!
Aaah Mo you so had the same thought when you woke up that I had :D...ín less than an hour it's thursday here and I'm still as excited as I was when I woke up this morning :)...

See what I have to do because I live in England!!!
I know exactly what you mean Natty I think all of us in Europe and anyone else who doesn't live in the US or Canada has that problem... :(

dutch, where are ya??
*hugs Angel*I'm here hun, but when you posted it was 3.30 PM for me and I was working hard and trying not to think of tonight's ep...(didn't succeed :rolleyes:)

Oh and you can order the Danny on a stick through dannyandlindsay.com/danny_is_the_sex (rofl)
essense of Danny of course
LOL Delia and Liff I've already ordered four large boxes to help me through the CSI/DL-less months... :devil:

If they ever bring back Louie and/or Tanglewood I think it would be great if Lindsay was finally given the change to be there for Danny. I think she already knows a lot of what happened in his youth and about his brother and she will be the perfect person to keep him from getting too emotional if that part of his life comes back to haunt him. Our country girl can kick some Tanglewood ass! :D

*puts on one of those silly party hats Mo brought and goes to bed hoping to get some sleep before the first spoilers pop up here* ;)
Dutch honey, you cant get 'essense of Danny' on the market. It's a....family thing. Only Danny makes it, and Lindsay...helps. :devil:

Gosh that was dirty, even for me. :D

Sorry dear! What you can order is Danny flavoured Lollipops. Those are together with Danny on a stick's. They're different. That one you can order.

hehehehe....*no whacking please*

^ Than they should really put an 'essense' flavoured one on the market too...I think it will sell like crazy...

Every one who's gonna watch the ep in a few hours (you're almost there) have fun and I talk to you tomorrow...let's hope that D/L live up to our expectations and give us a finale worth remembering....Sweet dreams!
Like dutch said hope you have fun for the next few hours!!! I have a feeling the clocks will be going half the speed as normal!!!!

Any way I am going to go bed for 6hours sleep max!! because like I said I habe to be up at 6 am to watch the final on the internet before I go school!!!

Do I seem a little desperate to see the D/L scene???? Maybe... but then again this is THE scene that we are talking about here.

Hope you don't eat to many M&Ms and I hope the final is good, sorry excellent!!! I'll be on here tomorrow to see what you thought of the ep... Night Night!
Ok so my timer's all set! Woohoo. I'm watching live tonight, but the timer is set just in case. People know not to bother me, so my D/L viewing checklist is complete. Now I just need the show to come on! LOL
I'm so so so ready for tonight, I couldn't stop thinking about it all day! This is the PERFECT way to start my summer vacation... an AWESOME CSI:NY finale. I can just imagine this thread tomorrow after what we're gonna see tonight, it's gonna be like a grand opening to a new club or somethin'... it's gonna be of the heezy... wow, scratch that.. :D
i haven't had chance to be in here fora while cos of work and stuff but oh my god!!!

roll on tomorrow morning (it's 12.35am here) when i get to watch this using "other means" ... i seriously cannot wait!!

will be on here to see what everyone thought tomorrow too.
Radical618 said:
This is the PERFECT way to start my summer vacation... an AWESOME CSI:NY finale.
Congrats on surviving another year of torture, Rad! JK! :lol: It really is a great way for you to start your vacation!

I am so exited for this eppy. I just spent 10 minutes wiring the tv to the stereo speakers, 15 mins adjusting the equalizer for the perfect tone, 5 mins looking for the stereo remote, and 15 mins going to the store to buy batteries. This, my friends, is a deep level of obsession. :D

FYI, right after tonight's Danny and Lindsay show, uh, I mean CSI:NY, if you are in the states and want some CSI:NY background sound for while you type your squeetastic reviews (3 lines, don't forget) SpikeTV is airing 2x23 Heroes at 11 pm.

Oh my, look at the time. 2 hrs to go. That means Catey will be here soon with spoilers. I gotta run...
Do not read this if you don't want to know about tonight's episode.

this has got to be one of
best episodes this season.. Danny and Lindsay wake up in each other's arms. ON THE POOLTABLE, Just so you know, the pool table scene is a flashback to the night before. They were playing pool, Danny lost and didn't have enough money to pay up. Lindsay told him to come up with something better to pay for it. They start kissing, and Lindsay wakes up the next day to Danny's note on a chalkboard. The pooltable scene is not too big, but Ilove how Danny wakes Lindsay up by touching her nose. Danny's in a world of pain in this episode, and once he's rescued she helps him out of the truck, saying she was suppose to be here, he took her shift.
I'm reading the spoilers by catey now but I won't say anything. *zips lips shut*

I'll just act like I haven't read any spoilers...wow so it's 2 hours until the grand finale. Got my tape ready :) so psyched for this one. We've been waiting so long for this and now it's finally here!!
Hey M&M fans! I'm new to the forum and I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashley and I am a HUGE Danny & Lindsay fan! :D I am sooo excited to see the finale which comes on here in 2 hours, which is gonna seem like an eternity to me, lol! :lol: I can't wait!!
just read spoilers from catey and i won't say anything but OH MY GOD!!!! :D

just have to wait a few more hours to get this eppy..... it's gonna be so fantastic... :lol:

well done to all those who've kept themselves spoiler free..unfortunately i just couldn't avoid temptation...

this has been such a long time coming :)
Welcome Newbies! We are very happy that you are joining in. Now get ready for the M&M food fights!

Mo and Mer, come back! We need you here! :(

I was so calm today and then got so bouncy I couldn't stand it. I just had to look at tonight's spoilers.

May I say, Catie, that you are the Queen of the D/L thread. What would we do without you? :)

I guess those spoilers sound pretty nice....hmmmmmmmmm....PRETTY FREAKIN' TERRIFIC I mean! And from what you told us over at DLC, Catie, Lindsay rocks! Poor Danny---later on. I don't know if I can tolerate seeing him suffer at the hands of the bad guys. :eek: Only one thing left to say, POOL TABLE SECKS! POOL TABLE SECKS! POOL TABLE SECKS! :devil: Okay, that was three.
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