Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Thanks for the update hun! Sounds like a great ep. Good to hear that Linds is in it alot, and Anna does look amazing for someone who gave birth three months ago. Not surprised there's no DL...they're getting us ready for the big finale!

Have fun watching that camera dutch, I'm sure there will be lots of action hehe :devil:
*Mo bounces into the thread...happy because her ship is rockin!...you know what they say...if the ship's a rockin', don't go a knockin'! Hey it's HUMP DAY! I'm allowed to make bad smex jokes!!* :lol: :lol:

Howdy Stuffy, Rad, Vex, Soph, Dutch, Del and all my lovely shippy buddies! You all rock and make my day each time I come in here! :D Aud fluffy twin I adore...can't wait to squee and dance together over this finale...and Lynny my darling angsty/fluffy buddy...you know I want you in here all the time, I just figured if I mentioned betting you'd come in here that much faster! ;) (I was right! :D )
Okay...so I would love a kiss to start the eppy and one to end it, but I gotta say I stand by my prediction...that's how I think it's gonna go down! Lynny wub, I know it's a totally fluffy scene, but I still think it's gonna go down that way...and like Dutch said, I think it'll be angsty at the end...(I don't want it to be! :p ) but I think it will be. And now onto the other spoiler...Stuffy hon...did you just say that THERE IS A D/L SEX SCENE????? OMG!!!! I would DIE!!!!
*Mo gasps and attempts to breathe after realizing what that could mean...breathe Mo...breathe...in, out, in, out...Oh good lord...I just took that straight to the gutter! I'm hopeless! :devil: :lol: :lol: *

Thanks for the info Spoiler Queen Catey! Cool beans! :D
I'm watching tonight's ep
although there is no D/L, I gotta say Anna looks simply stunning. I mean, really good. Not only has she lost most of the baby weight, but she has a glow to her, her hair looks great, just wow. And in character, Lindsay's smiles look so much more natural. Danny is obviously making her one happy woman! :devil: And Danny just looks friggin hot in a smokin light green shirt. Yum-yum.
I agree that Anna looks awesome tonight. I like Lindsay so far tonight.. shuddaup, don't push your luck she still has awhile to piss me off.
Sweet deal Mer I can't wait to watch it! :D And yeah, yeah before you tease me, cuz I know you're gonna! :lol: I'm planning on watching the ep as it airs...it's this new thing I'm trying...taking control of the remote to actually watch the ep when it airs, like I want to! :lol: :lol:

Oh and on another note...I was thinking I should write a ficcie based on my finale scene speculations...anyone like that idea? :lol: I think my muse will agree to that! :D
*Mo ambles away...plot bunnies multiplying in her brain!*
Aw, Lynny!
You wubs Lindsay! You so fluffy!

Oh, Moriel dearheart, you must write that ficcie!
We can never have enough D/L ficcies, and I love yours!
Since you have a plot bunny already, here is a plot bunny cheering section:
I don't wub her, and I'm not fluffy. And If I remember correctly, You owe a post in CN!

Plot bunnies can be evil if not used.
Lol, I got a plot bunny cheering section? Rock on! :lol: Thanks Mer hon! :D Glad you like me ficcies! That's sweet! ;)
And Lynny you may not wub her yet, but you do likes her again! I know it! ;)
And for some reason, not sure why, our lovely spoiler pics make me think of Top Gun...interesting! More plot bunnies maybe...hmmmm! :lol:
I like her a touch. I'm not her biggest fan yet or anything, I told you when I'd love her again, and I meant it.

Yeah, be glad you got a section.. I never get a section.
You are on your way to lovin' her though!
I'd give you a cheering section, but you may not use it for D/L, so I am wary. Here, I'll give you the bunny who looks dazed and confused (the thing keeps hopping in circles) but still very cute and cuddly:

You'll get a cheering section when you give us a Danny/Lindsay fic (with a HAPPY ending *glares warningly*). Think you've got it in you?

Oh, All Access is on SpikeTV right now and Danny just told Lindsay about what happeded with Stella. God these two are good together.

Why is it that even though I own the season 2 dvds, anytime an ep comes on I have to stop everything to watch it?
I told you all that
looks great tonight! Trust me on these things, I'd never let you down. Her hair is a tad different, and she just looks fabulous. Plus, she's much more like her old self, and that is a total relief. I really hope the drama is over with(at least until the finale), because it's nice to see Lindsay this way. On the other hand, Danny really wasn't around much in tonight's episode, and I totatlly missed him in it.
Lol, Lynny you don't need a "section" you've got me and Aud! ;) We're all the section you need...now stop pouting honey! :D
Lol, cute bunny Mer and yeah give her a "section" when she gives us a happy D/L ficcie...I like that! :lol: But she'll give ya a fluffy CatNip ficcie in a heartbeat if you give her a section! ;) Ain't that right hon! :D

Yay Catey I'm so excited to see the eppy now cuz of what you've said! Yay! :D

ETA: I added text to my lovely spoiler pic WP...so enjoy! I just wub these pics! They make me happy!! :D
^^Thanks for the spoilers, Catie. :)

Rad! My youngest daughter has returned!! Hugs you! Gives you M&M's to munch on. :D

Right on, Mo. Lynny does have us. And yes, she wubs D/L and she hearts Linds in her own odd way. :lol:

Lindsay looked good. Danny's color is definitely GREEN. Mo you got to go check it out. Linds is so going to be all over him in that shirt!! I think Mer caught that one too, right? Hugs!

Nighty night, shippers. My pc stinks and so does MS word. I'll think of something else to say tomorrow or Friday.

P.S. Mo, so we going shopping for party stuff before the finale?? :D
Aud did I catch you?! Hi wub! *Snuggles!* :D Lol, see Lynny babe, Aud agrees with me and said you have us...no need for a "section"! ;)

I'm gonna check it out Fluffy Twin, no worries...I want to see the gorgeousness and hotness! ;)

Awww sad day about your computer honey... :p to it! And yeah we're SO going shopping for party stuff...confetti, party hats, noise makers, candy...champagne to toast our ship! Totally babe! :D
Maybe we should toss both of them on the elevator and deliberately sabotage it between the 28th and 29th floors, the same one Mac and Stella were trapped on. :devil: :D :lol:

Either that or Danny regains much of his former roughneck nature and learns that Lindsay has actually been involved in the bomb squad in Montana before coming to NY. A roughneck!Danny and Bomb Squad!Lindsay, oh my! :lol: :devil:
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