Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Ok so either I'm having a brain fart or I just wasn't paying enough attention...

I was just over at the NY spoiler thread and they were talking about an alleged sex scene between Danny and Lindsay. I'm completely lost here :confused:

*slowly walks away and hides in her bed embarrassed* :eek: :eek:
Oh sure, Mo only wants me when it comes to betting on finale's. :( I'll remember yall.

Ooh lookie its allstar, another one for me to pick on perhaps?

DL's supposed to do it..:p

*sings* Its not going to work..Your going to lose, cause thats to fluffy, and NY doesn't do fluffy.. la la la la la.
Am gutted. Cannot view these. Not sure if it because you are so far in front of us or what, but when I clicked on the link, it came up that I was unauthorized to view.
^I have no problems viewing them, but you can also find them in the picture thread.

Good evening all! Wow what a commotion two pics can cause.. :D

You rock! :D (still want those broom closet pics :p) I think and really hope you're scenario is what will happen or at least something very similar...now that we've seen almost all of his appartment I'm pretty curious what his bedroom will look like :cool:...and we get to see his kitchen too...Perhaps we should all look for places where we can hide some cameras... :devil:

MesserGroupie I love your suggestion with the shirt...that would be awesome! :D

you're right it's kinda fluffy, but that's only the beginning of the ep...The fluffier that gets the more I'm convinced that there will be a totally angsty ending to this ep :devil:...[speculation]something will happen at the end of the ep just before they're reunited[/speculation] Somehow (with Zuiker's comment in mind) I think D/L's faith will be this season's cliff hanger... :eek:

Welcome sydneycsi! :)
Hey guys! First of all, is the finale showing on May 16th over there? Lucky you, it's not showing here til July 14th, I think. Wait... I have my german oral exam on May 16th! :lol: I'm petrified about it, but that's OT! I so wish it was July now!

Lovin the spoilers! So can't wait, it's gonna rock!

Glad you're feeling better, Mo!

I Love DL!!!!

Peace dudes x
those pictures are hot hot hot... I'm so psyched for the finale now... I'm going crazy cause of those picturessss... lucioussss.... May 16th needs to come a hell of a lot faster... not gonna flippin' lie...

hugs to all my DL shippers, mommy, twinny, and auntie Mo too!
^^ Yeah it will be showing on the 16th YouBlng...I'm so sorry for you, we all will be happy because we are looking forward to that ep and you will be fearing your exam :(...Perhaps the spoilers will give you some distraction :D...or to practise you can translate D/L fics or this thread... :)
Ahoy there me hearties!! Lookie what I have...*waves broom cloest photos* :lol: I "borrowed" them from Mo hehe ;) *gives the puppy eyes to her favourite aunt* Ooooo that reminds me...have any of you seen that Bud Light commercial where it's like "financial planning" and "road trips"? At the end they have a shot of a guy and girl awkwardly coming out of a closet (aka "questionable office behaviour"). Definitely reminds me of our DL in the broom closet hehe.

So no DL tonite eh? I can understand that...they're saving up for the grand finale. Two weeks y'all! Honestly it doesn't matter to me what Danny and Linds do in those scenes as long as TPTB actually keeps it in.

Setting up cameras around Danny's apartment sounds good to me. Shotgun bedroom :devil:
Welcome, SydneyCsi!

Hi everyone, I'll be back with updates tonight, so you'll know whether to get your hopes up or not. You never know what may or may not be in an episode. We are all still excited about these pics, aren't we? I can't believe the finale is on in 2 weeks! This month is going fast already! See you tonight, everyone!
Honestly it doesn't matter to me what Danny and Linds do in those scenes as long as TPTB actually keeps it in.
Well at least we know
Lindsay makes it to his apartment :)...I cannot come up with any reason why she would leave again...I CAN come up with plenty of reasons for her to stay though :devil:

*went out to get some camera equipment* :D

Setting up cameras around Danny's apartment sounds good to me. Shotgun bedroom
LOL I know Stuffy! And since we're setting them up I call shotgun for
pool table area :p

I have to get up early tomorrow, but I will stop by here to read your spoilers catey! :)
I'm back!
Okay, no D/L interaction whatsoever, but I think that was pretty much expected. Besides, we have much to look forward to. Cases were both very good. Lindsay worked the angel case, Danny the Cold case. By the way, Lindsay is looking amazing and she was in a fair bit of the episode. So, there were no little asides or mentions, but still, good episode.
Thank you, catey darling!

I was thinking about the finale when reading the day's posts (great speculation, Mo) when something occured to me. As... important as our spoilers are (trying to keep this SF so I don't have to box), there are undoubtedly some things we don't know about. For example, for SOoH we knew Danny was going to Montana, and that she would be laying her head on his shoulder. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, but that near kiss was nowhere in the spoilers before Super Ep aired. So just imagine what the finale could be like...
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