Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Wow, Im surprised people remember me, I haven't been around here in a loooong while. Probably back around thread #12 or something :lol:

I've played pool with a lot of guys and a lot of them find a girl who already knows how to play pool very attractive ;)
^^ Of course we remember you, I even know you on LJ! :D
Awww, it's so sweet of them to play pool together. Lindsay looks stunning. Anna lost a lot of weight post-pregnancy and she looks really great. Love those heels by the way. :) I want them! And I love her outfit... anyway, its so cute how they're doing such a fun thing together in his apartment. I love his apartment by the way! :D
Oh boy! What a great way to wake up! :D
The thoughts going trough my head when I saw that pool table are way to dirty for this early in the morning :eek:...but now I probably can't stop thinking about that all day ;)...Love the apartment, the outfits, the possibilities :devil:...And we did only see the entrance, but what a great apartment! :) (are those paintings Carmine's btw?-don't like them - too dark/depressing for my taste)
Txs so much for the spoilers catey and everyone else... :)

Off to work! *tries to stay focused*
OMG!!!! Thank you soooo much for the pics!!! *jump around*

Anna looks GREAT!! D/L playing pool together, OMG, this is the best thing today! This totally made my day, my week and my month! I can't wait for this scene!!! *does a happy dance* Looks like its in Dannys Appartement, this guy has a pool table in his appartement? OMG, I soo love him more now LOL soooo cute. Can't stop squeeing LOL Argh, but he has again this green shirt on, come one, lets collect some money for a new shirt for him...
thanks for the pics

OMG Danny & Lindsay & pool table & shot glasses & lemon ... tequila is missing. but the possibilities here are endless. and my mind went straight to gutter and its not leaving for some time
^^ Mine too. Dumped right in the gutter!
I actually really love that shirt of his. My friend and I were just talking about how tight and snug it was. :devil: Totally gorgeous. I love how relaxed they seem to be playing snooker and they're in his apartment! How cute! :) I love that they seem to be in a great place in their relationship. The CSI franchaise sure likes their romance to be revealed in finales... :rolleyes: GSR as well... Not Miami really though.
now for some mins, something came in my mind... Danny has 2 snapsglasses in his hand, maybe Lindsay got drunk and this is the reason why she slept in his bed and he took her shift... I really don't hope this, I pray they've slept together in his bed for a reason but could be possible... OMG my shipper heart will broke if they won't let our ship start this season, yeah, I know the spoilers said they will be kissing at the end when Danny got free from the hostage but TPTB could always change that scene... Oh god please not, I really hope she slept in his bed for another reason than she got too drunk to drive home...
hi this is my first post so i just wanna say first hello to all dl shippers out there from the beautiful country of australia. i've just seen the latest pictures and i'm on cloud 112 ok maybe thats pushing it a little bit but what great pictures.
hopefully someone out there can help me out with my question but i've read some of the spoilers for the finale so i guess my question is where did the spoiler of danny taking lindsays shift and lindsay waking up in danny's apartment alone come from?
Hi and welcome, Sydneycsi. :)

One suggestion sweetie, you might want to put some of those spoilers for episode 24 in a spoiler box---just press 'continue' and press the spoiler button. Again welcome, we are always glad to have new shippers!

I have a motive for suggesting why she should at first 'pretend' that way. I love playing pool, and yes guys find it attractive. It's just that pretending to 'need' help at first might get Danny closer to her---help her shoot. Then she turns up the heat by kicking his ass at pool. Works every time. Sounds sneaky---but all in the name of flirtation. ;)

I don't see Lindsay just getting drunk and sleeping with Danny. And I don't think Danny would take advantage of a fellow CSI that way let alone a woman. So I don't think we have to worry about that scenario. Also are we sure that Lindsay runs up and kisses Danny near the end or is the kiss during the pool scene maybe? Or both????

Okay, I'm off to work in the real world and be Ms. Serious. Later. :D
hi this is my first post so i just wanna say first hello to all dl shippers out there from the beautiful country of australia.
HI!!! :D I'm from Australia too :D But I'm a queenslander chick.....my heart is somewhere off in LA following Emily/Anna/Carmine around like a lost puppy dog while the rest of my body tries to catch up ;) :lol: Wow, that sounded....unique? Yes, that's it. Unique.... :p

WOW.... :devil: *squees loudly and runs around like the fangirl she is* hot, hot, HOT! :D Those spoilers and that wallpaper of Mo's.... Gah, Chica! :eek: that's hot :D
Good morning lovelies! So far this morning I'm feeling better...here's hoping that stays the whole day through! :D Lol, glad y'all liked my little wallpaper of our spoiler pics...*Mo sighs happily!* they really are great pics aren't they! :D Aud wub, awww, you're my hero too Fluffy Twin! (I love that song by the way! :D ) And of course you can use my WP for your background! I'd be honored! ;) It's pretty fun huh! :D
Okay first of all, Aud you asked if we got the kiss at the end and as far as I know and have "heard" the kiss is NOT at the end after Danny gets free. So here people, is how I say the finale is going to go...or at least the start of it! Show opens...it's night time, we see the "bad guys" casing out NYPD HQ figuring out how best to cripple the place tomorrow...cut to an apartment living room with a pool table, Danny and Linds are playing pool (Linds is kicking his butt!), he pulls out a couple glasses and puts on some music....cut back to the bad guys making sure everything is in place for the next day....cut back to DL...pool is done, Linds won and she wants to know what she gets for winning... ;) Danny backs her up against the pool table and follows her until they are holding eachother, her hands on his hips and his framing her face...he grins his famous Messer grin and softly kisses her lips before pulling back...she stares at him for a moment before pulling his head back down to hers again....cut to credits....commercials...open back up with Linds in Danny's bed, the note, the flower...the day! And that is how I say it will go down..SQUEEEE!!!!
Seriously...where's Lynny? Woman get in here, I need to bet on the finale with someone! Cuz I so think I'm right in my prediction! :D :D :D
*Hughs, kisses, hugs again and kisses again Moriel* Thank you sooo sooo much for these spoilers! Why can't May 16 be tomorrow? OMG, I sooo can't wait *hughs Moriel again*

Thanks a lot also for clearing this up that the kiss isn't at the end (I really hope that will not only see this one kiss at the beginning, aren't we? ;) ) Thanks again!!
I agree, Audacity:
he wouldn't take advantage of her. I think that they're already in a very steady relationship by now... It's obvious since at the end of SOOH, it seems as if they were already getting somewhere in their relationship. Besides, it seems stupid for TPTB to get her drunk and hook up with him based on alcohol. :rolleyes: But thanks for the suggestion. :)
hi this is my first post so i just wanna say first hello to all dl shippers out there from the beautiful country of australia.
Hey, sweetie! Welcome to the D/L thread! You'll love it here & I love Sydney by the way! I planning my wedding to be there if I ever get married. :rolleyes:
Moriel! I love your spoiler. I think that is exactly what's going to happen... I gotta hand it to you if you get it right! :D
Ahhh!! I love that!! I love all of it. The only thing missing that would have me SQUEE!!!ing until next season is if Lindsay were to be wearing Danny's awesome green tee when she wakes up!! :D
I love your idea Mo I so hope its going to be something along those lines

but I like the idea of the kiss at the end with Lindsay all relieved and stuff, too . any chance we could get both? I know I shouldnt be too greedy. and danny defeinitely wouldnt take advantage of her.he loves and respects her - and himself too, to do it.
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