Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Mo said:
Catey I think you should just put all of the titles in one massive poll right now and then we'll start narrowing them down!
Ditto! That would be awesome!

Envious of Icon said:
And can I just say Mer hon, O.M.G, you're avie is HOT....holy heck hon!!! *Mo stares at it and starts drooling!* WOW!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thank you, I saw it and had to have it! It was made by sugah66. I put a link to her icon journal in my bio. At first I was worried that it might be a bit too risqué… but then I realized how often does any ship get to have an icon of their pairing having sex on a pool table? And you can see Lindsay’s jeans so it isn’t entirely pornographic. *whispers* darn it. :devil:

Wherever these Danny and Lindsay live, they gotta keep this pool table! I loved this ep, and I love all of the fanart and fics that are coming out of it, too!
Yup Catey it's unanimous...big poll it is! :lol: Pwease! ;)
"Most Definitely Envious of the HOT icon" giggles and huggles her Mer bear!* Ahhhh, Sug rocks! And risque be hanged... :lol: When your ship does it on a pool table you are freakin' allowed to be a bit risque! ;)
And yeah, I'm tellin' ya that pool table is now a family heirloom! :D

Seriously y'all I think if I get anymore giddy about this ship I'm really gonna get in trouble! :lol: It's a week later and I still can't stop randomly squeeing! :D
good morning everyone

I cant believe it has been a week and Im still on a cloud #9

with this many suggestion for thread title we have enough till #30. and one is better then the other

I think they should get a new place So they can properly fit Lindsay's stuff + the pool table (Danny will NEVER throw tht table away)

I agree. besides, we havent seen Lindsays place yet as was already mention and we so need to. and i think they would need to find a bigger place to fit in all the naughty furniture pieces
Concerning the Over-PG-13 Thread titles: I'm pretty sure that we cant have it, since other threads haven't done that yet... :lol: And its a tad unneccessary because we don't need to go TOTALLY OVERBOARD. :lol:
Del babes, Catey actually asked to do the next thread a while ago...you wanna snag #18? Cuz it's not like we won't be flying through the threads around here...with D/L being....*dramatic pause followed by giddy sigh!* Uber Canon now and all!!
Oh thanks Mo sweetie! I'll GLADLY take #18! :)
*Hugs Catey + Mo and EVERYBODY!*
Stuffy, I like your avvie. Liff, you made that? Nice Shakespearean reference.
Haha, yep I made that - I work by commission ;) lol. But your avvie is HOT Mer! It's...drool worthy! *wipes mouth*

Lindsay is hott.....:devil: Danny is one lucky guy.
Okay, these are all the options we have so far. We had more than that, but it's going to be difficult enough to narrow down. Let me know if this is too soon, I hope not, but if it is, we'll redo it to give you more choice. You vote, I'll narrow them down, one by one until we have a winner. So, here are your choices:
Good morning! *Mo waltzes in, almost starting to sing "that" song that will get stuck in Catey's head and never get out again...but stops herself in time!* :lol:
Happy Thursday to all my shippy buddies! I love Thursday cuz it's the day before Friday which makes it a good day already in my book! :D

Del sure thing hon :D , now you get to remind us when we get closer to needing #18 that you called it! ;)

Catey wow....that's alot of thread titles! And we only get to choose 2?!! It took me SO long to decide, I was like well I want that one, and that one and that one and... :lol: Thanks for the poll though, and whatever our new title, it'll be great cuz our ship...it freakin' rocks! :D

Alright, I gotta be off to work... :rolleyes: but have fun voting today y'all and I'll be back tonight...of course! :D

Later! ;)
Afternoon my lovely Shippers!!! :D how are we all today?
*Chell hands out a large tray of the fave M&M cookies (Just for u, Mer ;) )* hehe


good morning everyone

I cant believe it has been a week and Im still on a cloud #9

it has gone soo quick!!! :( but at least it is a week closer to the first episode of Season 4! Whenever that is :( lol


wow! that thread is freaking awesome!!! :D there are tooooooo many favourites in there.. its sooo hard!! but, like Mo said, which ever one wins, will be freakin hot! They all The best! :lol:


hehe hey huni! yeah he is good thanks for asking! (and yeah so is Danny ;) :devil: ) hehe


awww happy One month anniversary!!! I think i should find out when i first joined.... lol :D
Hey, guys! :D

Sorry I haven't been around anymore to see you guys and our favorite couple...... I just haven't had enough energy to do so :(...

Anyways, how are we going? and how is the D/L lurve? :p :devil:
Stuffy, I like your avvie. Liff, you made that? Nice Shakespearean reference.

Thanks hunny! :) I like it too. Liff made my purty banner too. Your avvie is love...very nice indeed.

Happy one month Liff buddy!! :D

Wow look at all the thread names we can choose from. Great choices everyone *thumbs up*.
thanks, catey, for putting together the poll! it was hard choosing only two! its like trying to pick the best of the already best!

"the ship that strips"-- :lol: is the only reaction i have.

Mo, or should i say 'Moo', you always have a song in your head! hee-hee. let me guess: when you hear a song anywhere, do you see if it can pertain to Danny and Lindsay in some way?? i dont know about you, but ive started attributing random songs to Danny and Lindsay. :p and WHEN (yes yes yes!) DL move into together (they would buy a whole new apt for themselves and make their home): i could see them having a paint fight while they decorate, then maybe something more. :devil: wet paint, dirty clothes, their own apartment and DL.

here's some DL randomness: i started class yesterday and in the lecture slides, my professor explained something using COWS! i squeaked a little 'eee'...i think the girl next to me, who ironically was named anna, thought i was a bit loopy. then i drove back home and the car in front of me the whole way back had 'DL' on its plates!

delia, are you getting your DL episode guide ready?? its a really good reference guide! #18 will come real soon for you.

Happy one-month of posting and many more, Liff!

By the way, in reference to the TV Guide article, Danny and Lindsay are in the section “They did WHAT?!” :lol: :lol: That barely scratches the surface of my reaction to D and Montana!!

Hi newbies!

*waves at stuffy: make sure Danny doesnt find out i took his favorite bowl*
*takes Danny's GIANTS bowl and fills it up with M&Ms to hand out to everyone*
Okay, do you want me to do a revised poll, letting you chose 4 option instead, and narrowing it down from there? I should have done that to begin with. I can redo the poll, no problem. Sorry, I know there were a lot of choices. I'll revise the poll, and everyone can revote, getting 4 choices, okay? I'm sorry, I'm messing this up already!
^^CALM DOWN hun! :) It's fine if you want to revise the poll or if you want to leave it.

2 votes means you'll have to vote for your absolute favourites! and not just what you like :)
Catie, you're doing a great job!

Even if we don't use some of the titles now, we can use some of them later. There's always room for more thread titles pertaining to this episode---it's going to be a long summer! :p

I don't know if they are ready to move into together, but when they do, I say they get their own place. They can put the pool table in their bedroom. :devil:

Later. :cool:
Catey, you did an awesome job! :D It made me so very happy when I saw that incredible long list of beautiful options :eek:....and no worries about the only 2 choices, I think it would've been just as hard -at least for me- if I could've made more choices...besides you cannot edit a poll after you've posted it... :(

I finally decided on "The pool table rocks", because it mentions the pool table and has just the right double meaning without becoming too suggestive :p...and my second choice was "Not waiting for pay day" because I think they AND we have waited long enough and I was very glad Lindsay decided -for all of us- ;) that 'enough is enough' and there had to be some action...come to think of it....Lindsay deserves a cape too :D....Wonder Woman... :cool:
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