Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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I like the one from dutch_treat most, "they've pooled through!" Especially since the pool-table is such a HOT item right now! :D
hey guys question... are we not allowed to say s*x?? I blanked it just in case...
I started to wonder about that too. This is what the 'thread title'-thread says:

"~Thread titles cannot contain anything rated above PG-13 (anything explicit or suggestive) because some shippers do not watch all shows and may see a title in a different way than intended"

So I don't know if we can use some of our suggestions :(. But if we can't, we still have very, very many options left. I cannot believe the number of suggestions :eek:...That would be quite a poll you have to make catey! :) And then it's gonna be even harder to vote...I love so many of them... :D

The strip poker idea is great, but by now I think whenever they're gonna 'play' together it's easier for Danny to just take his clothes off before they even start...we all know he will lose again and again... :p

When (yes WHEN!) D/L moves in together...will Danny move in to Linds's place, will she move in to his, or will they get a new place that is "theirs"?
Great question Mo! But to answer it I think it's only fair if we get to check out Lindsay's apartment first too...we need to see what fun furniture she has in there...perhaps she has a classic interior and we can watch them swinging on a chandelier next season. :devil:

Oh and inspired by aud's avvie I came up with another thread title (yes *sigh* one more):

Danny/Lindsay #17: The eight ball is a 'canon'ball :)

I'm off to watch the 'Heroes' finale :cool:...*is excited*
I am ashamed that I haven't posted here since about the 14th or 15th thread, you guys post so fast.

Loving all the names
Especially these two:

D/L #17: They've pooled through!

D/L #17: He lost their 2nd bet, but loved his consolation prize
^^Great title Dutch, can't wait to see what our next thread's gonna be called. When do the polls start?

Hehe, hanging off a chandelier? I still say she'd have a nice oak dining table that they could have some fun on. Besides, it all adds to the age ;) Maybe some family heirloom :devil:
And besides, she has him wrapped around her fingers...not to mention other body parts :devil:

They could (and probably would) jump each other anywhere. They must have the best self control ever to work with each other, but then again, we don't really know how 'clean' that lab's gonna be anymore do we. Perhaps recent events could pursuade some people that having glass panels everywhere may NOT be such a good idea after all. :devil:

Oh I think Danny would appreciate that! :)

o_O! Ooh! I just realised that tomorrow is my one month aniversary on talk! YAY! *takes out stash of M&M's and passes around slices of mouth watering (admit it Stuffy) double chocolate cake with a side of vanilla ice cream, doused with creamy chocolate sauce AND freshly picked strawberries*

I just found my first post :p Seemed like ages ago now. First welcome was Del, thanks hun! :D

Is every Wednesday now special? or every 16th?, or every wednesday the 16th? Or is hump day just when Mo says it is? :p
Oh I'm really curious about the thread name. I love "I got you covered!"
I know I don't post here often but I've got a suggestion:
Danny/Lindsay #17: Just play the game.
Danny/Lindsay #17: Nothing to feel sorry about.

Just came to my mind.

Oh and Liff, congrats for your 1st month anniversary! Times flies by in here - I can't believe I haven't even been here for a month! :lol:
^^Alright, fine. I admit it. Your cake is indeed mouth-watering...*wants to throw a chunk at Aliff but won't* Happy early one-month anniversary!! :D

Now I'm all psyched for the new thread. Nearly at 20 y'all!
Stuffy said:

Alright, fine. I admit it. Your cake is indeed mouth-watering
:D I will conveniently leave out the rest!

*sigh* <- Oh that's a happy one! I just watched the "moments" again for the...umm...*shrugs* I've lost count of how many times I've seen it. All I know is that I've seen it 5 times today :) It's just the sweetest thing ever!
This thread has gone extremly fast- I've got a few..

D/L #17- Bets and pooltable smex!
D/L #17- Snow days with daisies!
D/L #17- Top score!
D/L #17- Nose poking naughtiness!! :devil: :devil:
ok so i'm really a lurker round here but just gotta say...love the thread names!!

i got one too...

Danny/Lindsay#17: Pool Tables and cannon BABY!!!!

just thought i'd suggest it!!

nic xx
You guys are going to make this poll very very hard to narrow down in choices! I think we are up to 25 titles that I have to make a poll out of! There are so many good ones, that when it comes to deciding what to put on the poll, it's going to be very hard to leave anything out. You all have been so helpful with the titles, I can't wait to make the poll out and have you all vote and narrow it down. I know I'm having a tough time. Keep coming with the ideas, and within another page, the poll will be up!
Work has bummed me out so I haven’t felt very post-y, however I was still hanging around reading and enjoying the posts. It suddenly occurred to me that *gasp* I’ve been lurking! Wth? I’m a dork. Time to rectify the situation.

Stuffy, I like your avvie. Liff, you made that? Nice Shakespearean reference.

For thread titles, I still like Auda’s initial suggestion D/L #17: ”The Ship that Strips”. Suggestive, but not too much so, and just the right length too.

Looking forward to the poll, Spoiler Queen!

I'm watching Obsession, but I am looking forward to next week's eppy, Lying Game. I want to watch the card scene and the longing looks all over again! MOO!
YOu know, I saw another pool table commercial and this time it was based on Centrum, the multi-vitamin. The woman was shooting pool on a pool table shaped like a pill bottle.

Isn't that a coincidence?

I don't think so!

As far as the thread titles go, they are all very good suggestions. What ever one suits the best will be the winner. :)
Hello my buddies!! *Mo scampers into the thread...high on a happiness that can only come from your ship being...UBER CANON!! Mo giggles...* Yeah I pretty much will NEVER get tired of pulling that one out! :lol: Gah, life is good, this ship rocks and I just have to say...all the fluff and optimism, it totally paid off dang it! Finally!! Nothing personal to my angsty nieces and buddies, you know I wubs ya...but admit it, this fluff is just dang fabulous!! :D *Mo grins and basks in the fluffy love!* :D

Liff dude said:
Oh and Mo? I think they should get a new place So they can properly fit Lindsay's stuff + the pool table (Danny will NEVER throw tht table away)
Lol, yeah I think I agree with you...on the one hand I like the idea of Linds moving into Danny's place but I think them getting a place that is "theirs" is even better! And yeah that pool table, it's gonna be immortalized and saved forever! Can you just imagine Danny telling his son someday "Ya know, ya may not want to hear this...but you were conceived on this very table..." :devil: Yeah baby! :devil:

Dutch honey said:
Great question Mo! But to answer it I think it's only fair if we get to check out Lindsay's apartment first too...we need to see what fun furniture she has in there...perhaps she has a classic interior and we can watch them swinging on a chandelier next season.
Lol, now that would make a great scene...oh my lord that'd be hot! :lol: But yeah I agree, we now need to see Linds' apartment and get our fair share of D/L smex in there and then they can go have their own place where we'll get lots of D/L scenes as well! :D Works for me! ;)

Liff asked:
Or is hump day just when Mo says it is?
Of course it's only when I say it is, silly! :lol: What else would it be? ;) Nah just kidding...heehee, "Hump Day" is just what we (or maybe just I!) call Wednesdays...so every week there is a "hump day"! Although to be fair...every day with D/L is "hump" day! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Spoiler Queen Catey dear said:
I think we are up to 25 titles that I have to make a poll out of! There are so many good ones, that when it comes to deciding what to put on the poll, it's going to be very hard to leave anything out.
Wow, we really rock at this! Lol, give us some good D/L and our creative juices start flowing! (Oh lord, "juices flowing" and I am SOOO in the gutter! Gah, y'all I'm SOOO bad! :lol: Aud Fluffy Twin...good thing you formed that gutter club! :lol: :devil: ) Catey I think you should just put all of the titles in one massive poll right now and then we'll start narrowing them down! They did that over in GSR I saw once...posted like 30 titles and you could pick 15 to start and then went from there... :D

Mer bear said:
I still like Auda’s initial suggestion D/L #17: ”The Ship that Strips”. Suggestive, but not too much so, and just the right length too.
Ohhh, right! Thanks for bringing that one back up Mer! I had meant to mention that one earlier, yeah I totally love that one too! It's straight to the point and sweet and HOT! Definitely love that one! :D

And can I just say Mer hon, O.M.G, you're avie is HOT....holy heck hon!!! *Mo stares at it and starts drooling!* WOW!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Okay y'all...I'm off to watch the rest of the American Idol finale...I'm not hugely into it, but it's entertaining and I'm hoping to catch Kelly Clarkson on there (she's my favorite!) :D

Can't wait to vote on our thread titles...fun times! :lol:

Pssstt...Aud wub...where is you? ;)
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