Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Rad I love your avvie! It's so...caught in the closet-y

hehe yeah.. Poor Danny and Lindsay thought they would be in there all on their lonesome.. and then ~FLASH!~ here comes Rad With her camera :lol: bet they were almost blinded! lol


Awwww that song is gorgeous..... i love that song!!! nice one :D

**Checks watch** Wheres MO today? thought she would have been in here by now?! lol :(
Hey huni! Hows u been? oh no.... bad Lynny!!!! she naughty for turning you into liking angst!! hehe
Wheeee, Chelle sweetie! I'VE MISSED YOU LOOOOADS! :) *Hugs my VERY FIRST D/L online shipper friend!, because Chelle is a rock star!*

Yep, Dutch: I'm like 10% angsty now... :eek: *Hides from fluffies!*

hehe how could i stay away from here?! huh?! **hugz back** have missed you lots n lots and jelly tots! :lol: :D

oh and btw people, fo rthose of you who read my "This wasnt meant to happen" fic.. i just updated it :D woo!!!
Guys! I'm still stuck in this gutter buble Mo put all around us...

Not that I mind but I have an exam tomorrow...Someone kick me out! I simply dont have the ability to do so myself :(

*sniff* so sad...
i watched a video on youtube earlier with just the DL scenes, and it had some" turn me on" song playing... and the person put it together so the scenes were kinda slow.. and it looked amazing!! to see the kiss between them and the way she slowly wakes up... i couldnt help but get butterflies!!
There are some amazing mv's of the D/L scenes on youtube :)...So to add to Rad's poll; I haven't counted them, but all those video's included, I've seen those scenes far over 5 times.... :eek:

LOL *sniggers* :lol: :lol: ping-pong table...would be fun to see how they *ahem* 'work' around the net :eek:...and them having arguments at work AND making up (or out) again combined with the 'weird' surfaces made me recall a discussion from a while back about D/L and Mac's desk :devil:...

Love your new banner too huni!!! And the Wallpaper?! Sitting right on my desktop! hehe
txs Chell! :D

*takes aim and kicks Liff in the butt* :D Start studying! :)
*Slowly raises hand* Me, i've watched the scenes a little more that five times- everytime I come one here have to go and rewatch dam it!!!

Did I here a Season 8 calling from up there?? :lol:
well, Im joining the club since I have seen the scenes 6 or 7 times - and cant wait to see some more

I love the waking up part too. first Danny pressing on her nose to wake her up and then the confused look she had for about 1,5 second after she opened her eyes a saw a mens chest. and then she looked up and it all came back :)

I didnt realize he prepared breakfast for her the fisrts time I watched it either but it is just yet another proof of how much he loves her

make sure to squee in here when you watch the good eppys, ‘cause you know we enjoy reliving the D/L moments!

I ve just seen the Supermen epi for the first time and it was so sweet. his tone was so suggestive and the smile on her face after his proposal was priceless

enjoy the rest of the weekend and the beautiful love that is DL
I seen it like 5 times on Wednesday night. I watched the early run at 7, then I reviewed it so many times because of the questions everyone was asking me about, who hadn't seen the show yet. lol. I didn't mind one bit! Best show they've had this season.

And I'm another one, where Danny woke Lindsay up by touching her nose, that was my absolute favorite part. It was just so sweet.
I loved danny waking up techniques!!!Like Carolina said she looked slightly confused when she woke up then when she remembered what had happen the night before her smile was pricless.

Then again if she was confused about seeing a mans chest first thing in the morning she must have woundered wat they were doing on ahard snooker table for a couple of minites before the night before events came back to her!!!
Yes Danny's wake up was so sweet! And the way she looked at him, totally happy and like "I've just had the best night of my life" :devil:
Just watched Snow Day for the first time and I love it. poor Danny, his hand looked really bad. But I'm sure Lindsay will find a way to ease the pain. ^^
I found a recipe for a drink called "Sex on the Pool Table." I'm not posting it because it's alcoholic, but hey Mo, when you get back---drinks all around! :)

I've only seen the episode once...uhhhh...once every hour. Okay, not that much, but I've seen it a lot. ;)

I love the way he poked her nose. :lol: It so like Danny Messer to tease people, and Lindsay is no exception. When she first came to work at the crime lab, he teased her. I'm glad that they haven't gotten away from all of that. :)

I'm going back to the gutter for the summer. See y'all when the season starts. Later. :cool:

P.S. I say we lock the pool table up in the broom closet now. :devil: It seems so right. ;)
Okay, I was messing around with my digital imaging program and did this to one of the pics:

Sorry if it's stupid, I just liked the pool theme!
Love it, Catie! :)

I think D/L might frame that picture. Can you imagine them (years down the road) playing pool with their children?? :eek: :eek: :eek:

I mean they wouldn't want to get rid of the priceless pool table...but you know it would be hard to play pool with anyone else after that! :lol:
^^natty I think she was so into the moment that it never sunk in that she was on a pool table ;)...They were both awake and talking and neither one of them even suggested moving to the bedroom...must be more comfortable than we think... :D

did lindsay really back danny up into the pool table?!
I've just watched another music video and yes! she really does! After she says "no" she walks up in front of him, he turns a little and ends up with his lower back ;) against the pool table...right before they kiss it even seems like he sits down on the table... :D

Suddenly realised that -again- he bet against the country girl and lost :D...but in this case I think he really liked the consolation prize.... :devil:

aud that's too funny - there really is such a drink - start mixing! I'll join you - pssst, how did you find it *wink*wink* :)

That pool pic is cute catey! :D
evening all!!! Wow.... this is a first.. there's no sign of Mo still!!! :( maybe she got a hangover... Aud... have you been supplying her with that Sex on the pool table drink?! hehe


P.S. I say we lock the pool table up in the broom closet now. It seems so right

hehe can u imagine how squashed they are gonna be in that closet?!.. they are just gonna have to be rubbing up against each other.... thats not such a bad thing ;) :devil:


I love the waking up part too. first Danny pressing on her nose to wake her up and then the confused look she had for about 1,5 second after she opened her eyes a saw a mens chest. and then she looked up and it all came back

i still cant get over how cute it was when he did that.... (Check my avvie ;) :devil: ) hehe and i just love love LOVE the way he kisses her forehead and strokes her hair from her face...... i am sooo jealous! lol
Welcome to the club btw!! :D


Then again if she was confused about seeing a mans chest first thing in the morning she must have woundered wat they were doing on ahard snooker table for a couple of minites before the night before events came back to her!!!

hehe i sure as heck wouldnt mind spending a night on a hard, pool table.. if i was to wake up the way Lindsay did! hehe :devil:


Okay, I was messing around with my digital imaging program and did this to one of the pics:

Snagged!!! :D i think its really good!!! Well done huni :D
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