Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Just need to straighten a few things out! :)

Danny will be distracted by his relationship with Lindsay next season.

First off, this is just speculation. Nothing has been confirmed. This came, I think, from someone at DLC. Also, like others have said over at DLC, notice the wording!!! He's not distracted away or from the relationship---he's distracted by it. This could mean that they are so hot 'n heavy that they are setting the lab on fire with their hot passion. We don't know though.

I'm extremely annoyed right now. Yeah, I've heard that Danny's going to be "distracted" - came out in the tv guide or something like that for season 4. We just had a grand finale and they had to ruin everything with that? Hah, I guess some things are just too good to be true. Like the fact that TPTB is actually on my good side for once. Maybe they don't like being on my good side, who knows but still. Why can't they stop picking on Danny and Lindsay? Can't they pick on someone else?...say HAWKES?? Who doesn't even HAVE a story at the moment, quit picking on D/L and go do something horrible to someone else! (Can anyone tell I'm annoyed?) *mumble grumble*

Like I said, distracted in what way?? With Lindsay or away from Lindsay? We don't know. I think Keri and Rhylee at DLC were talking about the fact that we won't know any concrete spoilers until the episode scripts come out in July. Also who says he will be distracted by something else? Maybe or maybe not. ;)

But at sometime or another, there will be angst in the relationship. Like others have said, it creates ratings. :rolleyes:

Right now just enjoy the beauty of the last episode over the summer. If we start worrying, we are going to have a long summer! Have fun. :)
This could mean that they are so hot 'n heavy that they are setting the lab on fire with their hot passion.
Gee thanks for that, I was JUST climbing out of the gutter now I've somehow cemented myself in! :lol:

This is the point in time where I love everyone who decides to point out things that I say to make me feel better. YAY! Thanks Aud you rock! I'm in a mood now...a sappy guttery smexy mood. off to go watch more pool table smex!
I dont normally post in here, but I felt the need to comment on the distracted thing.

The actual comment says Distracted By. Now to me that is suggesting that Danny's relationship with Lindsay distracts him from something else.

If something was going to cause him to lose interest it would be worded differently. Probably Distracted from.

I think most of us see the word distracted and instantly freak out because of AZ's comment.
I don't believe that anything will tear D/L apart! Not after all they've gone through. I'd like some angst in season 4, actually, I love angst^^ Still haven't seen the whole Snow Day epi but by what I've heard so far it must've been awesome. And with the D/L scenes (which I have seen!) it's definitely the hottest and sexiest epi ever :lol:
Hi Rhys!. Thanks for coming over here and clearing that up for us. :)

SandleDL, I hope you get to see all of "Snow Day" soon. It's fantabulous!! :D

Aliff, we are here to make you feel better but also keep you in the gutter too. Just call this the 'gutter lovin' thread'! :devil:

So I wonder what D/L are doing right now? Of course, poor Danny can't do a lot but still... :devil:
^^Hehe, glad to be a part of the 'gutter luvin' thread then!

What D/L is doing right now....

.....oh making out on Danny's hospital bed whilst the doctor stepped out to look for a nurse...and then some :devil:
Rhylee, I'm so glad to see you over here! Yes, it's just speculation at this point. there was a lot said in the last little while, that turned out to be just speculation. That's the problem, you have to wait to see the finished product. I don't think they'll let much out until July, that's when they start shooting again. Even then, we won't find out too much.

What are D/L doing right now? Hmm, I think maybe Lindsay is playing nurse to Danny, bringing him back to health. (and you can take that whichever way you want).
^First of all LOVE your banner Catey :) It's rockin'.

Anyways, I guess you're right when it's all speculation. :) Happy me, perhaps whatever "distracted" means, whether good or brilliant, we'll just have to wait and find out. They start filming in July right? When does the next season actually air? Any info on that at the moment?

Lindsay playing nurse to Danny? Hmm...maybe he'll have to stay at her place for a few days till he gets back to his old self? And you never know what Nurse Montana has up her sleeve. Tho I don't think Danny's up to alot of action at the moment...don't think that's gonna stop him though. :devil: Lindsay is after all....hot!
Chell I had one made if you go back on to the thread that you posted on there are two other sigs!! I got the creator to mix them to creat another for me!! I'm sure she will make yoou one if you wish!!
Guys, we can't talk about thread names until page 22 if I'm correct.
Okay, txs delia, didn't know that - sorry modie :)

I think that Danny was forced to make that call to Flack since he was the detective who took the Irish guys' drugs...

If he could call Linds--he would just to tell her not to worry. (Because--she did of course!)
That's absolutely right...they wanted that cop there that took their drugs...I'm sure that when Danny tried to use his phone the first time, that he was about to message Lindsay though... :D

I just read this on another thread..

Danny will be distracted by his relationship with Lindsay next season.
Natty (or anyone else) can you tell me where I can read this and what the rest of the article says? :)

Aud and Rhylee (it's great to see you here btw! :D) txs for reassuring everyone...I believe you're right; perhaps because of the thoughts about what could've happened to Lindsay -had she taken her own shift- makes him a little over-protective :) and makes him screw something up :eek:...so that gives us a little angst...which is great, but that doesn't mean their relationship is over... :D

what are D/L doing right now?
Lindsay is nursing him and he is taking a little advantage of that :devil:...glad to have her close all the time...

Oh and
, but delia Sara's faith has me worried too :(...I was so caught up in the D/L spoilers that I hadn't paid much attention to the LV news...the end of LD completely surprised me... :eek:
About the speculation that "Danny will be distracted by his relationship with Lindsay next season". Of course he is distracted from everything else! He can’t take his eyes of his Montana! Everyone can see that! :D

That man is so in love and you can see it in his eyes. Especially when he looks at Linds and get that goofy smile ... it's so sweet! :)

And if the story doesn’t end up as you want it to do, you can always change it in your head. I always do that when a tv series or a movie doesn’t go my way. And then they all live happily ever after ... (I’m naive I know! :))

By the way, you all have so lovely banners and avatars here. I wish I also could be so creative!
Thanks, messermonroe! Our own lovely Dutch made up my banner for me. She is terrific, I love it too!

We have to be careful with speculation, simply because we can get too far ahead of ourselves. As I recall, there was a rumour started based on speculation, just in the last couple of weeks. Somebody took speculation as fact, and didn't say it was just speculation. While it is fun to do so, we have to check our sources.
Moriel21 said:
Good morning all!*Mo bounces in singing..."I've got the world on a string, Im sitting on a rainbow...Got the string around my finger...What a world, what a life - they're in love!!" *
I love that song! I just bought Michael Buble's CD to put on my iPod and that song is on there! I know that was off topic and I'm sorry!

Back to D/L! I totally love the flashback scene when Danny says he has to pay Linds later. Then she says 'no' and her face is so Lindsay! I love it. I'm trying to picture another time she's had the same face but I can;t figure it out. I know I've seen in before though!

Dutch, your banner is so adorable! I absolutely love it!!!
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