Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Chell I had one made if you go back on to the thread that you posted on there are two other sigs!! I got the creator to mix them to creat another for me!! I'm sure she will make yoou one if you wish!!

hey! Yeah i jus got one hehe well actually i saved them both and it was sooo hard to choose! lol but i went for the first one 'Danny and Lindsay' hehe

i sooo cant stop myself from watching 'teh Pool-Smex' :lol: :devil: i even made my mum watch them! lol (she said im naughty for not waiting til july) :lol: who COULD wait that long, knowing wat happens?! hehe

omg u know wats really funny? I just went to the Carmine Daily site... and i clicked on the screencaps for snow day.. and an advert came up for ' Play pool online!' :lol:



guh... jus HAD to post these two.... Danny soooooo knew it was coming! lol :devil:

ETA: has any one else noticed the way Danny rubs his arm on her back when they first wake up?! That is soo sweet! :D And he sounds soooo D4M sexy when he wakes up ;) hehe
Chell- Thanks for the caps (I actually watched the scene again after you posted!!) I couldn'd choose which banner to use but i'm glad I got one. I am stocking up on M&Ms and D/L caps to take over to that UK thread after certim eps... :devil:

Like Smiliee said the 'pay up line' made me squee like mad..I still go funny when I think about it!!
First off, beautiful artwork, my crew! Thanks to the lovely episode TPTB handed to us. he's glad it happened, she's glad it happened, i'm glad it happened.

Vex, i took you up on that cereal comment and rewatched that part. how cute is that: he set up a hearty breakfast for her! cereal (nuts and more....'low in fat'), a spoon ON A NAPKIN!, and what i'm sure is his favorite bowl!

dutch, the daisy wallpaper is dreamy! may i save it?

okay, i want a chalkboard in my kitchen now. some people have it in their kitchens to write down recipes or their grocery list like on the Rachael Ray Show. danny's apartment is one nice place. the pool room is even nicer. their talking during that pool scene was smexy-tension filled: danny bending down to watch lindsay make the $100 shot, lindsay being aggressive...did lindsay really back danny up into the pool table?!

for me, it's DL till the end of the series, no matter. going back to revel in snow day clips (why werent my snow days that memorable?!). hot, sexy, sweet.
It's going to be a long hiatus for the summer but we can spend the time speculating what will happen next. That's the real fun, imagining what our CANON couple will do next.

Angel Did you notice that the cereal bowl is a NY Giants bowl? The same team that the murdered football player signed for in "Super Men".
Vex, I did notice that it was a NY GIANTS bowl! And yeah, it was on Super Men...isn't Marty Pino a big GIANTS fan too? I wonder if Danny bought that bowl himself or it was a gift from someone...

Just a thought: Danny and Lindsay at a football game with the Giants vs the 49ers. Hee-hee.

I'm sure Danny would've cooked a warm breakfast for Lindsay, but it would've been cold by the time she woke up.
Oh there's gonna be lots of talk during the hiatus about our lovely CANON couple!!
Moriel21 said:
And I noticed her "accent" too when she was teasin' Danny while playin' pool...I think it was her I'm feeling bold and like sassin' you voice! ;) Hello hottie Linds! :devil: :D
When she said the line about the Benjamin, I think her voice was influenced a bit by the alcohol, and I think she was doing a bad imitation of a NY accent, trying to bait Danny. Gawd, that was a hot scene.

Marty Pino was indeed a Giants fan, Angel! It was a Giants jersey he wore under his scrubs. I miss him. :(

Auda, great job on protecting the fluffy bubble while Mo is gone!!

And to y’all in the UK, make sure to squee in here when you watch the good eppys, ‘cause you know we enjoy reliving the D/L moments!

[OT] Delia, I know what you mean about cliffhangers. When it reached the end of that eppy, I actually said out loud to my tv “They did NOT just do that…” :mad: [/OT]
*eats mudpie & M&M's* Thanks hun! I feel so much better now
Haha, you're welcome Aliff! :) Actually, I think I put the m&ms in the chocolate mudpie. ;)

Sorry to hear about Sara tho, She'll be fine Sara ain't going anywhere (no pun intended) and Greg will find her, leaving Grissom stuck somewhere in the storm - he'll get lost. Boy that would make great TV.
ALIFF: YOU'RE A ROCK STAR! Yes, I like Grissom but I don't want him to stand in the way of my Sandle-loving! :lol: I want Greg to find her and kiss her! :)

I still don't like TPTB for picking on our ship. They need a better hobby. a MUCH better hobby that has nothing to do with D/L unless they feel like making them move in with each other (faints) or marriage (highly unlikely but I'll faint anyway).
Haha, actually. Oh god, Lynny has influenced me. I'm starting to like some angst. It keeps the flames and chemistry alive. :)

First off, this is just speculation. Nothing has been confirmed. This came, I think, from someone at DLC. Also, like others have said over at DLC, notice the wording!!! He's not distracted away or from the relationship---he's distracted by it. This could mean that they are so hot 'n heavy that they are setting the lab on fire with their hot passion. We don't know though.
Actually, I noticed that when I first read it. :rolleyes: I just hope that they can do their jobs without bunny-hopping against each other. (Sometimes is good enough for me!)

Here's to everybody:
Chocolatey mudpie with M&Ms mixed it for great D/L love!!
Good Morning Shippers!!!! How are we all this gorgeous sunday?! lol


And to y’all in the UK, make sure to squee in here when you watch the good eppys, ‘cause you know we enjoy reliving the D/L moments!

D4m Straight we will be Squuueeeeeeeeing to the high heavens in here when those famous DL eps are on :D oooohhh i sooo cant wait! hehe Next saturday is The ride in and then...... Sleight out of hand i soo cant wait for that one! I think i might cry when it comes on! :p :lol:


I am stocking up on M&Ms and D/L caps to take over to that UK thread after certim eps...

im with you on that! hehe that thread has nearly come to the end now.. so i might wait until the 2nd one starts lol heck, i might even start it my self and big up DL lol ;)


I'm sure Danny would've cooked a warm breakfast for Lindsay, but it would've been cold by the time she woke up.
Oh there's gonna be lots of talk during the hiatus about our lovely CANON couple!!

that would have been sooo sweeet if he had done that.. but just think, if he had.... maybe she would have been woken up by the smell of the food and not let him take her shift!! then we wouldnt have got to see him leave her the note :( lol Cereal is the best idea lol I wonder what she did in his apartment befire she went down to the lab.... did she snoop around in his drawers?! lol :devil:


Hey huni! Hows u been? oh no.... bad Lynny!!!! she naughty for turning you into liking angst!! hehe :lol: :p
Every time I come on to this thread I leave squeeing- we don't even have any new D/L news but I just can't help it!!!

And to y’all in the UK, make sure to squee in here when you watch the good eppys, ‘cause you know we enjoy reliving the D/L moments!

Mer- Don't woory there will be no problem there hon! I think at least 99% of the UK thread are anti DL!!! Even though I have seen the DL moments in Sleight out of hand I can't wait!!

i might even start it my self and big up DL :lol:

Chell- I have been thinking that my self, when do you have to start a new thread?????

Did I read somewhere up there ^^^ about Lindsay backing Danny into the pool table???


That night must have been fun look at them!!!

^^ I don't think he looks scared at all...he looks like he's hoping she makes that shot...that was one bet he really wanted to lose... :devil:

has any one else noticed the way Danny rubs his arm on her back when they first wake up?! That is soo sweet! And he sounds soooo D4M sexy when he wakes up hehe
I noticed that back rubbing too Chell...it's just so adorable...That whole scene is just beyond sweet...I love the moment after he touched her nose...she touches her itching nose and snuggles against him again before her senses take over, she suddenly realises where she is and slowly wakes up...the smile she gives him is so full of love... :D

dutch, the daisy wallpaper is dreamy! may i save it?
Of course Angel txs for the compliment!...I love it too, it's my current wp... :)

Just a thought: Danny and Lindsay at a football game with the Giants vs the 49ers. Hee-hee
That would be fun to watch...they should defenitely go to a game next season...maybe take some bets... ;) :cool:

Mercy was Marty Pino that sexy (imo) pathologist? :)

Haha, actually. Oh god, Lynny has influenced me. I'm starting to like some angst. It keeps the flames and chemistry alive.
Yeah! *huggles delia* a little angst is great :p...I'm really hoping we'll get some next season... :eek:

I wonder what she did in his apartment befire she went down to the lab.... did she snoop around in his drawers?! lol
LOL I know I would've... :rolleyes:

Txs for all the pics guys! :D

Chell- I have been thinking that my self, when do you have to start a new thread?????

hehe when it gets to 1000 posts, it has to be locked by a mod.. Once it gets to 1000 we can open a new one lol woooo!! Cant wait :D And i know how you feel! lol i jus cant help but watch them again and again! hehe ~SqUeEEEEeeEeEE!!!!~ :D


noticed that back rubbing too Chell...it's just so adorable...That whole scene is just beyond sweet...I love the moment after he touched her nose...she touches her itching nose and snuggles against him again before her senses take over, she suddenly realises where she is and slowly wakes up...the smile she gives him is so full of love

you explained it perfectly hun!!!! i watched a video on youtube earlier with just the DL scenes, and it had some" turn me on" song playing... and the person put it together so the scenes were kinda slow.. and it looked amazing!! to see the kiss between them and the way she slowly wakes up... i couldnt help but get butterflies!! :D

Love your new banner too huni!!! And the Wallpaper?! Sitting right on my desktop! :D hehe
So, lets take a poll.. who's watched this scene over 5 times? I think I'm in that club, I'm going on about 10 times. Ahhh, to be young and cray about a ship. I can not wait for next season and where these two are going to take us, up or down, as long as they're together.

Not gonna lie, I'd like to see some cases where they work together and they're mad at eachother, and they're making it blatenly obvious. How funny would that be... oh and they make up by finding another weird surface to have sex on, like a ping-pong table or something. :lol: There's something wrong with me. No lie.
Rad I love your avvie! It's so...caught in the closet-y :D

^^And you've scene it 10 times? Oh umm....I've err...seen it about...err...wait let me check my play count... the whole episode...9 times. THE scenes....34 and a half times. :D Well call me obsessed I don't care.

It's DL, DL ARE LOVE! Oh and them mad each other would be so cute...cos then they get to have a great time making up :devil:
lol, your so funny Rad. I can't wait for Season 8!

Btw, i've posted a song over at the song thread, so check it out! It's very relevent considering the finale... :devil:

PSG xxx
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