Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Thanks everyone for clearing the "benjamin" thing up for me :) I'm in Canada so yeah that pretty much explains it for me. Guess I should have clued in after she said "You owe me a hundred dollars" :lol:

Anyone see the diary that Carmine did for People? It's really funny ;)
I keep thinking what was meant by the 'destiny dashed coment' and have no idea what the truth behind it is. I have given up and have decided to go with- it was something Zuiker just said to give us something to speculate about never mind get a worried!

I might just be having a real blonde moment but what does danny mean when he says 'enjoy your snow day' on his note????
Snow Day is when everything closes down when it snows (pretty clear right?) so its basically a holiday when everything is closed :D I've actually only heard the context in the US and Canada...but i guess it's everywhere.
^ I've explained it in the spoiler thread too, but since not everyone goes there...this is what 'wikipedia' says:

"A snow day in the English-speaking world is a day in which school classes are cancelled or delayed due to snow, heavy ice, or low temperatures. Sometimes the phrase 'snow day' is used for the cancellation of work in businesses as well."

In this ep it has a double meaning though; it's for the coke (sometimes referred to as 'snow') and the fact that Lindsay didn't have to work her shift. :D

Guess I should have clued in after she said "You owe me a hundred dollars"
LOL stuffy! That's when I figured out who that 'Benjamin' was too :eek:...it's been a while since I've been to the US and I had no idea that Mr. Franklin was on the $ 100.- bill. :)

Just something that I have been thinking about: the D/L-scene outside the truck at the end and especially his head turning. Why did he do that? Has that something to do with the "destiny-dashed-thing"?
I don't think it has anything to do with the 'destiny dashed'. After she said that she should've been there instead of him because he took her shift, I believe he looked back kinda scared because he suddenly realised what they could've done to her had she been there. :(

Perhaps in that piece AZ tried to say that something bad would happen to Danny (and it did :mad:) in the finale that might dash their destiny...fortunately for us it all turned out for the best. :D
^Oh yeah, one thing that I wanted to ask. Is that "destiny-dashed" thing for the finale or an idea that was hinted that would carry over to season 4?

Cos seriously, tht is going to plague me for the entire summer.
^^ Well he said something like: "...Danny and Lindsay are taking their relationship to the next level, only to have their destiny dashed by Danny's season ending distraction." So I guess he was talking about the finale...

Perhaps we'll see the effect that the hostage situation had on Danny at the start of next season, but I doubt that..
Loved the new fics especially 100 Bucks. Too cute. :)

I think that whether or not Danny's being hostage/hurt affects DL, it'll still end good for them. After all, AZ used the word *destiny*. Yup, they're meant to be together... :D
*Mo pops in singing her favorite Friday song..."It's finally Friday
I'm free again
I got my motor running for a wild weekend
It's finally Friday
I'm outa' control
Forget the workin' blues
And let the good times roll!"

Okay I'm a little pissed at my computer right now...I had this awesome loooooong post, that was giddy and brilliant and squeeing and then I went to submit and my comp was retarded and could not submit it! Grrrrr! :p

So yeah, and it was one of those, everything I said was of course brilliant and as soon as I typed it I forgot it...cuz that's always how these things go! :rolleyes:

So yeah...I love Fridays, I love this ship, I love this thread...my comp I'll beat later :lol: and all y'all are swell...that's what I have to say!

As for the "destiny dashed" thing...my answer to this was where the real brilliance lay in my earlier answer...to paraphrase in way less brilliant terms...I think that comment was Mr. A.Z. being mean and attempting to scare the crud out of us shippers and throw us off the scent of the lovely D/L-ness we were to get in our awesome finale! I do not think that D/L's destiny is dashed or hurt or anything along a similair negative vein...we are canon, UBER Canon at that and this ship will not be stopped! (And that I will hold to with my life!) And can I just say I will never get tired of pointing out just how awesomely canon our ship really is! :lol: Oh the joy, it rocks!!

Okay now that I've done my best to recap my previously unposted brilliant post...I'm gonna go see if we can get in to watch Shrek 3...fighting hordes of other folks too...yay!

Oh and I'm off to a lovely bridal shower this weekend, so if I don't see y'all until Sunday that's why...no worries! I'll be high on this ship and it's pure WUB all summer!! Hold down the fort while I'm gone my buddies and remember, copy/paste just in case your comp is dumb like mine! :lol:

*Mo giggles and strolls out of the thread, still singing!* :D
I think the "destiny dashed" was for the finale. The hostage situation was Danny's season ending "distraction."

I just love that we are CANON now. It's about time! The chemistry these two have is amazing. :)

And maybe I'm the only one who noticed this, but is Lindsay getting the New York accent?
Vex I totally agree...I LOVE that we are finally, really, truly CANON! It is SOOOOOO dang time for these two!
And yeah their chemistry is like lightning...lol, I'm watching "Sweet Home Alabama" right now (awesome movie by the way! ;) ) and all I could think of was that scene at the beginning where the two kids kiss and lightning strikes them...that's D/L to me...not that their kids (at all! :lol: ) but that when they kissed it was like lightning! :devil: So freaking HOT! :D

And I noticed her "accent" too when she was teasin' Danny while playin' pool...I think it was her I'm feeling bold and like sassin' you voice! ;) Hello hottie Linds! :devil: :D

Okay I think I'm off to bed...and then I'm off to the bridal shower early tomorrow morning, so I'll see y'all again on Sunday! Have fun with our ship! ;)

*Mo waves and dances off...*

Pssstt...Aud guard my fluffy bubble for me while I'm gone, ok Fluffy Twinnykins! :D
I searched half the town for one package of M&Ms, would you believe it? thanks god for Lentilky :)

I havent been here since Thursday morning because I didnt want to be spoiled - and I almost managed and Im definitely reading all your posts but let me share my impessions first


I mean seriously. it wasnt long but it was so packed with sweeteness, hotness and love you could suply a few small countries with electricity from the heat they were producing.

I really liked that they actually started with the morning after and then showed how exactly they ended up sleeping on the pool table hot hot hot

the voice-over on the note Danny left for Linds was a brilliant idea and the daisy ... if they managed to put the sweetness of the gesture in bottles they could sell it for millions a bottle and it would still be oh so worth it

and it was actually Lindsay initiating the kiss

we dindt get a kiss at the end but she was caring and didnt care who would see

*is off to re-watch but be back soon to squee some more*
Good Mornin' to my fellow shippers!!! This is the place to be right now!! hehe i am soo tired from working all night.. but i jus HAD to come here hehe Bed can wait - D/L Comes first!!!! :D :devil:

Chelliyah I'm glad that it worked for you!!! But I have a feeling that when we get to ep 18 onwards over here we will have to baracade our selves into a little corner on the 'season3 UK thread' and fight on behalf of the D/L thread- don't you think!?!?!?

OMG hehe i actaully have been tryin to stay out of there since epi 18... there are a lot - and i mean ALOT - of nonDL'rs in there :( but .. as we are getting closer to that very same episode in the UK i am definatley going there hehe me n u will have to stand up with our little pickets hehe wooo' Heart of Glass' is on tonight!! :D

Danny: 'I don't cuddle!!'
Such a lie....See how he's changed since linsay came along!! But I like the way he still teases her even after they have spent the night together on a pool table (sorry had to mention that again!!

hehe and you are sooo right about the cuddle thing lol wouldnt it be funny if Stella bought that up in the next season?! hehe
'Hey, Messer... thought u didn't cuddle?' lol i can jus imagine his face :lol:

chell, thanks for the song name & artist! oh,i'm gonna dub it the pool table smex song! pool table...danny and lindsay...music...whoa

No probs huni!! I absolutely love it now lol and to make things even better, it came on over the radio at work this morning! hehe man, those scenes were just brainwashing me.. i couldnt concentrate!!! lol :D I think the Lyrics kinda fit them quite well too lol ;)


Would have liked to seen more of the kiss...but who am I to complain? We got three beautiful scenes with them; couldn't ask for more than that

I am so in agreement with u there huni!!! wouldnt it be great if they put some out takes of that scene on the special features when it comes out on DVD?? hehe that part would definately get worn out! :lol: i cant wait til july.. thats when the first part of the season comes out over here!!! Woo!! :D 2 days after the finale has aired! Yay!!!! :D


Wow huni i LOVE ur banner!!!! heck, i love all the new DL banners in here! hehe i needs to get me one lol :D


Well, firstly hurt Danny = very worried Lindsay = prime meat for fic writing! I've already got a fic about when they're at the hospital half done. Anyone want it? Or should I just scrap it?

ooohhh the start of the new ficcies!! Dont scrap them!!!! I have to confess i havent read many on there for about the last month or so... havent even updated mine either :( *i know, smack my hand!* lol but from what people have said.. i cant wait to read them!!! :D

**Chell Runs off to the fan art section to get new banner ;) before belting over to FF ;) **
Chell everytime I go to the UK thread to say my piece I have to come on her to calm my nerves!!Can't wait for tonites ep eve though theres no D/L :(

Everytime I come here I have t go watch those D/L scenes again- I have actually lost count of how many times I have watched it now.

I'm off to find a good D/L banner!!
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