Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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dutch_treat said:

The more I think about TPTB actually making them have smex on the pool table, have them get some blankets and pillows and just staying there till morning, the funnier it gets :lol:...and yeah, smi there really ON the table :devil:...in one shot there's still a little chalk cube (don't know what it's called) lying next to Lindsay's head. :eek:

Ha ha, thanks! I just rewatched it on cbs.com like... I don't know.... a twenty times. I actually lost count after six. I can't help it though! Danny and Lindsay on a pool table is just freaking sexy!

Okay, and the thing I find so funny is that in the background (when Lindsay wakes up) you can see his bed and it's not too far away! I think it's funny that they couldn't walk twenty feet to the bed so they just got it on right there on the pool table!
i agree with ya there, dutch, stuffy, csifray, natty...he could very well be referring to them all together and this thannngg they have. they're so natural. Danny's so sweet just looking at Lindsay in his arms. When Lindsay puts her finger on Danny's chin, I love how he breaks out in a genuine chuckle as they are both amused. And when Lindsay says 'me too', she sounds emotional and absolutely touched by Danny. so much for 'a few drinks' and 'some laughs'...pool table: ooh la la (sound familiar?)!

And I strongly believe it's actually her...in none of the shots you can clearly see her tummy...very nice editing ...and it's not too bad that there's another very yummy body blocking the view
now that i've watched the episode, i'm thinking it's her as well (raw and real!). :)

emily_barton, hun, sorry but i think dutch is right; i don't think links for full episodes are allowed to be posted here.

Off to watch the DL clips of the episode AGAIN!!!!
Angel wubs!!! *tackles fellow buddy and gives her lots of huggles* I replied to your PM ;)

Question: During the flashback of them playing pool, Danny says "There's no way you're gonna make this shot too, Montana." What does she say? I only got the last part of the sentence. Much appreciates shipmates :)

Still watching "Teh Scene".
^^She said "A benjamin says I do"

I think this is going to be my favorite episode. I think it was a very good episode all together.

Of course, DL made it a whole lot better.

EmilyBarton said:
Snow Day epi

struck gold guys, you havent seen it you can now!!

enjoy :D

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Sleight Out of Hand and Snow Day are my two favorite eps... Not just because of the D/L but also the whole plot line... but the D/L really made them shoot out on top...
didn't really get to respond last night but I thought this was one of the best episodes that I ever seen!

Waking up on the pool table! : TEH SECKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They wanted each other so intensly they didn't care where they were when it happened. I'm surprised we didn't seel pool cubes, and cue sticks flying all around!

The scene was nicely done, and I love how sweet Danny was to Lindsay. The way the he rubbed her back when she was talking was beautiful. When she talked about her dream and then he made it happen with the daisy, the chalkboard and the bowl of cereal. Danny is such a romantic and you can tell just how much he loves and adores her.

I know Mac knew what was up. Danny running around with half of his shirt hanging out and Lindsay having to take some "personal time".

It was so heartbreaking to see what the Irish Mob did to Danny and Adam. Danny pushing his fingers back up

When she ran in and went over to Danny, I was about to cry! The way that he said "Liiindsssay" almost broke my heart. Flack tried to call EMS but Lindsay took him and Flack understood. I wished I could have seen a scene where they were in the truck and she took him to the hospital.

I loved how Hawkes, Stella, and Mac were great last night. All of them carrying the AK-47'S were great.

Here's a question though: How can you have the time to run fingerprints and do lab work when someone is trying to kill you?
Howdy, howdy hey y'all! :lol: *Mo dances into the thread...giddy over THE SMEX...!* Oh peeps...seriously still giddy over our eppy last night, didn't really sleep and woke up early with "The Smex!" on my brain! :devil: People that whole eppy last night was awesome and the D/L stuff...made it the BEST eppy I've seen yet...I think I can safely say that! :D I watched their scenes like 5 times last night and then I watched them again like 10 more times when I got home from work today...memorized them already!

Dutch hon, thanks hon, you rock the caps!! Awww the love is so good and sweet and *Mo sighs blissfully...* :D

My Rad niece pointed the love out:
Danny: I'm glad this happened [kiss on Lindsay's forehead]
Lindsay: [kiss on Danny's chest] Me too.
Yeah babe, wasn't that the totally cutest line ever...I love that Danny said that, it is so much better than the "we shouldn't have done this" dance...I love that they wanted this, both then and now! It makes me SO happy! :D

I melted all over my living room floor.
I totally did too...I was a puddle on my living room floor for the rest of the eppy...and all night and again this morning! :D D/L are just SO sweet! :D

Mer bear said:
Moriel my dear, I loved your review! I had much the same thoughts, so reading your review felt like I was watching it again!
Glad you liked it hon, I knew you'd like all the random fun thoughts I had...heehee, you did ask for a loooooong review! ;) Heehee... :lol:

My Aud Fluffy Wub said:
And yes, Danny cuddles.
He SOOO does hon! And yeah I agree...it was realistic cuddling...not too mushy, but still SO sweet and loving! He maintained his "masculinity" while still clearly showing her he is happy right where he is, holding her close! :D YAY, I so love it!!

She rocks at pool! She wasn't agressive in a bad way, but rather agressive in knowing that she cares for this man so much she wants to show him. Danny has made most of the moves in this relationship, so it's good that she took the first step.
I agree...I'm really glad that she made that first move...I mean I like aggressive Linds...good-finally-go-after-the-man-she-loves-and-wants-aggressive-Linds! I likes it, I likes it alot! :D And yeah she rocked at pool that was awesome...I was hoping they'd have her kick his butt at pool and they did! And I loved her betting him that she'd make her final shot...and I love that he still called her Monanta...small in the face of this :devil: , but still loved it! :D

Niece Rad thought:
Lots of people have said that it didn't sound like her when it was a voice over cause it sounded too mew yorkish. I think it was her..
Yeah I totally noticed that too...and I gotta say I loved that! :lol: It was almost like she was teasin' him...or better yet, sassing him! I think she did it on purpose and I loved it! :devil: It was HOT! ;)

Oh peeps...this is going to make my summer so dang fabulous! D/L love, D/L smex...it's gonna make our summer go fabulously well...and now I can handle the summer months with joy! :D

*Mo giggles and dances back out of the thread...still giddy!* :D

ETA: I just had to pop back in to say thanks to all y'all for the purty caps...and to Rutta and the others who's pretty caps I used for lovely new avie and banner that I can't stop staring at! :lol: :D

*Mo huggles her fluffy Twin and runs off to sleep...ya right! :lol: *
Hello All! *Liff wanders in singing "LOVE IS IN THE AIR!"*

Stuffy! Where are you my dear? I'm baaaack! After a whole day of not going on to here, I come back and have to root through 3 pages?? :D

Oh gawd, I woke up at 6am this morning to watch the ep in bed *heaven* and...my thoughts on the episode? I didn't like it...I didn't like it at all
I FREKIN' LOVED IT! Argh, my mind went straight to the gutter when Danny and Lindsay woke up, and the nose poking? Too cute. :p I love the fact that Danny got hurt so bad *curls up awaiting to be pummeled by inanimate objects - WAIT! You have to hear why first and throw later!*

Well, firstly hurt Danny = very worried Lindsay = prime meat for fic writing! :D I've already got a fic about when they're at the hospital half done. Anyone want it? Or should I just scrap it? :)

Shoot! Me gots to go, and Mo! Me wubs ur avvie n banner! I want to go make one now! LoL

Hehehe, here are the D/L minutes of the entire episode!

04.45-05.48 ->Waking up and nose poking! :D :D
13.30-14.38 ->Lindsay waking up, Flashback & Daisy!
37.55-38.25 ->Lindsay rushes in, They walk out...

I am NOT obsessed (it's what I've been telling myself for the past few days - I dont think it's working!)

*sigh* I need to watch it again...and again. and oh! I can :D
I loved the flirty conversation they had when they played pool & she was challenging him. The short sex scene was perfect. Sweet and just enough to keep us wanting more. :)
The episode was a blast... Poor Danny.... :( I cried at the end when Lindsay helped her walk...
That was so sweet...

Ah, it's made my day! :) Hell, it's made my YEAR.

I loved that she had a dream about him leaving & then he wrote the message on the BOARD (Who has a board anyway? :rolleyes:) + the daisy. So adorable.
Their kiss was hot too. God, such passion. Such rhythm. :)
Seriously, that was the best finale ever for any show this season (at least for me). I still feel tingly all over and I've seen the clips so many times. It's not even funny. LOL.

Love the excitement here. We deserve this. We are the luckiest ship evah! Can't wait for more. :)
^^ it seems like Danny has everything... except a good bed :lol:

god was that uncomftable... the whole night on a pool table.

but it was a great episode. The sex scene was not too long. Perfect.

The best thing was his voice reading the message for her.... fr*k was that hot... I just wonder if he always sounds like that after such a night... I want this man too... d*mn lucky Lindsay. This man is pure sex.... hot... and she has him... thats so unfair!!!

I hope that next year will be better than this one. Having a relationship on the show is possible and I'd love it.

It's canon... :D

Good morning all!*Mo bounces in singing..."I've got the world on a string, Im sitting on a rainbow...Got the string around my finger...What a world, what a life - they're in love!!" *

Awww what a day, not only is it Friday, yay...but it's the Friday after the greatest eppy our ship has seen yet! I am so glad they finally gave us this eppy, it was a loooooong time coming...but D/L deserved it! Liff hon, I love how you've got it timed down to the second where the D/L scenes are! Lol, you rock! ;)
And Del yeah I loved the playing pool banter, it was great cuz she wasn't just flirting with him like she normally does, she was hard core coming onto him and that is fun to see! :devil: Have I mentioned that I love aggressive Linds?! ;) And yeah her "dream" and then Danny's response "Where would I go? This is my place." I totally laughed and then Linds' finger to his chin as she said her "I was hoping for a better answer!" And then their grins at eachother...*Mo melts just thinking about them!* I love just how happy both of them finally looked ya know...I mean this has been a hard season for both of them and to see them both finally really smiling and really happy and relaxed, that was so fabulous to finally see again! I LOVE this ship! :D
Annie yeah his voice as he "read" the note to Linds...yeah I pretty much swooned right there...talk about a morning after voice...oh good lord, I'd have jumped him again right there! :devil:

I can't believe we have to wait 4 months for our season premiere, but then again with such deliciousness to tide us over...we'll survive just fine! :D

Alright my dears...I'm off to work, oh yay... :lol: Have a fantabulous Friday all y'all and remember...
D/L = Uber Canon!!! :lol:

*Mo dances off...*
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