Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Liff hon, I love how you've got it timed down to the second where the D/L scenes are! Lol, you rock!
THAT's RIGHT Y'ALL! Right down to the second for your convenience!

*hands out vials of 'essense of danny'* courtesy of DL themselves! Hehehe, first one goes to Dutch! since she was oh so dissappointed! WEEEEEEE!

WE ARE CANON, UBER CANON! Oh god, I jsut watched the entire episode again, but better! I hooked it up to my home theatre system and kept repeating teh DL scenes! I think my brother thinks ive lost it! GAH! i neeed to watch it again! (can you sense excitement? cos im having a rather hard time typing here!)

I'm off to make play around with screen caps! yay!
Hey guys! :D Just popped in to say i've seen the finale by *coughothermeanscough* :lol: and i almost died from lack of oxygen! It was absolutely awesome! Not just the DL bits, (but they were, as Liff's banner says, breathtaking) but the plot and the SMaCked and Meyton in there too! It really cheered me up, since my Vegas ships (YoBling, SNickers, Sandle) aren't doin too well :(

Anywayz, I felt so sorry for poor Danny and Adam :(, and I wanted to kill the guys who did it to them! :mad: Danny's voiceover was so smexy! :devil: And when he was talking to Mac with half his shirt hanging out, was so funny! :lol: I definitely agree that Mac knew what he had been upto! :devil: :lol:

Love all your DL banners and avvies, they're great! And the caps too! They're wicked! :D

As many people have said, I will never be able to look at a pool table the same way again! :devil: :lol:


PSG xxx

ETA: I've made a very simple wallpaper based on the caps from the finale! Please bear in mind, that I haven't got Photoshop, so I made it on Word and Paint. Let me know what you think, please, and be nice, i'm not very good.

DL Wallpaper

Thanks, PSG xxx
^^Well *ahem* Liff txs...I guess... :rolleyes:

Luckily my system plays MPEG4 files too ;)...I also did turn up the volume quite a bit to catch their 'flashback' conversation (txs to Stuffy and HHH for the first and second line):

- They're laughing and having a good time shooting pool (Lindsay's obviously winning)
D: "There's no way you're gonna make this shot too, Montana"
- they're toasting and drinking shots
Montana: "A benjamin says I do"
- She aims and like a pro pockets the final ball
- She walks over -hips swaying- and backs him up against the pool table
Montana: "You owe me a hundred dollars"
- He looks at her (kinda provocative)
D: "You know what? I think you have to wait till pay day"
- She leans in
Montana: "No! You can pay me now…OR…come up with something better..."
- THEY KISS!...clothes are flying...we fill in the blanks :devil:...

Can you tell I love that scene? :eek: :eek: :D

Okay, and the thing I find so funny is that in the background (when Lindsay wakes up) you can see his bed and it's not too far away! I think it's funny that they couldn't walk twenty feet to the bed so they just got it on right there on the pool table!
:lol: LOL, txs for pointing that out smi...I hadn't noticed that...I almost start believing that TPTB are really reading here :eek:...it's CBS so they couldn't show us the actual sex on the pool table :devil:...instead they made them wake up there so everyone knew they hadn't made it out of that room all night (as if we expected them to :rolleyes: ;))

Who has a board anyway?
:eek:*raises hand* I have two...well sort off...one of my kitchen cabinets' doors I've painted with black blackboard paint to scribble on and the inside of my toilet's door I've painted with pink blackboard paint for family and friends to write fun stuff on... :)

I love all the beautiful art work everyone's making with the finale caps too... :D
Mildly Obsessed Mo said:
I watched their scenes like 5 times last night and then I watched them again like 10 more times when I got home from work today...memorized them already!
My best friend missed the fact they were on a pool table, and since she had it on DVR, I flipped to the scene and we watched it 5 or 6 times (and she doesn’t even watch CSI:NY regularly!) and she was making fun of me cause I could say the lines. Of course she cheered for the pool table sex too, so she was forgiven.

Vex Thinking About Teh Sects said:
They wanted each other so intensly they didn't care where they were when it happened. I'm surprised we didn't see pool cubes, and cue sticks flying all around!
Lol, Vex! That must be some of what wound up on the editing room floor, 'cause you know it happened!!

Dearest Delia said:
… then he wrote the message on the BOARD (Who has a board anyway? :rolleyes:)
Pool players keep score… oh word, my mind is in the gutter again… so the board is for scoring (even though it seems our ship uses the pool table itself for scoring :devil:). I have a chalkboard, bought it at a sale for $5, it is about 4’W x 3’H. I have a big blank wall in my kitchen, too big for one piece of artwork but too small for two, so I hung it there. Useful and decorative. Dutch, I love that you have it on your cabinets! I would do that if I weren’t renting. Great idea! (love your banner!)
Today I could see Snow Day…I think that my neighbours are still swearing at me :lol:.
When I’ve seen they waking up, I think that those who were within a radius of one mile heard me squeeing, especially when Danny poked Lindsay’s nose.
Also I enjoyed the moment he said “I am glad this happened” and she answered “Me too”, but for me the best moment is when she reads his note on the blackboard and thinks at the night before.
When Danny was taken hostage, I had to go outside, in the fresh air of my garden to get over the shock. I couldn’t stop swearing at the mob, then Lindsay helped him walk…it was so sweet, I was going to cry…
Definitely this is my favourite episode :D!

PintSizeGenius , thank you for the wallpaper, it’s so cute! :)
Hey guys! *Liff skips in still singing aloud "everything I do, I do it for you"*

Loving all the new art guys. Hehe - all hail the beauty that is snow day. I loved Lindsay's expression as she read Danny's note. It was sweet. :)

Anyways, I have presents for you all! In the form of fics if that's ok :D

100 Bucks is about Hawkes & Flack daring Danny to kiss Lindsay for 100 bucks. What they don't know is that it's his favourite past-time. ;)

Signs is a Post Snow Day fic. :D Lindsay thinks that its a sign that after their first night together, Danny gets kidnapped. Maybe they're not meant to be together *read first! no chucking things at me!*

AND! For Him is the sequel to For Her (yeah I know cheesy title). It's Lindsay's turn to be there for Danny when his nightmares surface.

Anyways, hope you guys like them! Leave a review so I can continue living in peace. :D
^^Well you already know this since we're talking over MSN as I type this...but I sent in a review for all three :D

Question: What did Lindsay mean when she said "A benjamin says I do"? If she's refering to a drink I'm asking because I don't drink *shrug* so I don't know all the names :lol:

Thanks! :) much appreciated shipmates. Not only did I have no clue as to what she said, I don't even know what she meant :p
I think a benjamin is note right?? (money) Isn't the picture on an US note Benjamin Franklin?? I'm from th UK so i'm not positive can any from the US tell me i i'm right or wrong?? :)
^^OOh thanks for clearing that up. I dont live in the US either and have no clue what so ever in the art of US slang :p

Anyways, thanks Stuffy for reviewing! you're the best hun!
First I must say that I absolutely loved this episode! And not only for the D/L-scenes. :D It’s a bit sad though that writer of the reviews on CSI files is so anti-D/L. Someone should write an analysis which is more positive to the whole series and not some parts of it. I mean, I think that the producers of this series are doing a great job and I sure couldn’t do a better one. Yes, I know it is a crime series but the characters are only humans! Some love only makes the series more human I think. More love to the people! :)

(Now I have totally wandered off from what I was supposed to say ...)

Just something that I have been thinking about: the D/L-scene outside the truck at the end and especially his head turning. Why did he do that? Has that something to do with the "destiny-dashed-thing"? It was like he was afraid that someone would hear them (because he lied to his boss regarding the reason of shifts trading?). Or am I over-analyzing this? Well, I’m with those people who think that, when Lindsay "carried" Danny to the paramedics and she said sorry to him and he kind of froze and stared at her, it was like he thought that she was sorry for what happened the night before and that she regretted that. And the thought of that made him worried and a bit scared that she maybe didn’t want to see him anymore. And when she then said to him that he wouldn’t have been there if not for the shift trade, he was relieved. Isn’t that love, so say?! :)

And thanks TPTB for this wonderful episode! Keep up the good work, especially with D/L! :) We are many here who want them to be together.
^^I think you're right there. When she says "Sorry," for the first time, Danny looked a little scared, as though he thought she was talking about them together. After she told him that she was sorry he wasn't supposed to be here, I think he was relieved when he hung his head. I think the turning back was just a moment for him to recollect, and possibly seeing if anyone heard him. Contrary to what ppl say of Danny's character, I think he really wants the relationship with Lindsay to work, "I'm glad this happened" - you dont exactly say tht after waking up from a one night stand. Clearly they both want more out of this and it's such a sweet thought.

D/L is LOVE! and we are SO CANON! TPTB lives for another summer as we D/L shippers give our support for the time being :devil: I hope they continue to serve us well or there will be Hell to pay. Standby the pitchforks and torches. Season 4 is going to be a blast!

Personally, I think TPTB are going to keep Lindsay together, just minimise the love we're seeing. After all it is a crime show, not a soap. Not to say I wish there are seriously smokin' DL scenes, those are always welcomed!
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