Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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that does the angsty parts and does that? *raises hand* Can that be me? Well guess it is...Okay A) LUCKY BITCH!.. B) You should've asked him if he was okay at least, he could've been ready to pass out. Let Flackie ask for you.. C) You should feel guilty, He took your shift, maybe it wouldn't have happened if it was you.. or hell it could've been worse, who knows! ... How's that? Does that work for you?
Mer and Mo---and all shippers! Good Canon Evening to you all!

Paraphrasing right now---Holy Pool Tables, Batman! I like aggressive Linds! She knew what she wanted. I'm not letting anything disturb my bubble...so I'm not trying to think of angst right now...that doesn't exist. At least not until next season. Lol. The Bubble is Good. I loved the flower too. I still say he swiped it off the neighbors! :lol:
I have to say my favorite moment was Danny smushing Lindsay's nose to wake her. So adorable. The other parts were really great too, but that moment made me smile. :)
That's it, Lynny! *whacks you*

C'mon, admit it, you know your little fluffy heart went aflutter during the history making scene... (refer back to catey's screencaps)

D/L PWNS YOU! (well, D/L pwns you, me, and all of us actually)
Lynny even you cannot deny your hear went fluffy at our "scenes" tonight, or the ones we're gonna get since I haven't seen it yet! :D Angsty though you claim to be, I KNOW you are squeeing right along with the rest of us! :lol:

Hello Fluffy Twin! *Snuggles!* you get to see it soon right? Or are you watching it now...I get it in 1 hour and 17 minutes...YAY!!! :D
Angsty though you claim to be, I KNOW you are squeeing right along with the rest of us!

LMAO thats funny, that you think I'm squeeing. Although I did squee. Want me to tell you?

Peyton. Smacked. WET!MAC, Mac/Peyton, Mac/Flack.. Danny.. Shirtless!Danny.. Did I mention wet!mac?
OMG that cap is LOVE....right there...I am SO not sleeping tonight...that is SOOO love, oh honey that makes me so happy, thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 hour and 9 minutes!!! :D

P.s. Lynny I knew you squeed! ;) And Catey hon, you can start the next thread...it's cool by me! Especially after the joy you shared tonight! Definitely! :D
yeah, but did you see anything you wanted to see in that squee?

Catey we might if you go and find out if CN has a scene in the finale. what? Yall want me nice don't you?
Danny made Lindsay's dream come true! He cares so much about her. They're so natural together--in response to Danny and Lindsay, I'm glad it happened too! ;)

catey, thanks for the links to the pictures! i resisted in reading your pretty little boxes though (but still of course, thanks for putting them there anyway). :)

let the exponential increase of posts commence!
Lynny, Catey doesn't get to see Vegas before us, only NY and MIA... which is why we can thank her heartily for all of her great D/L and E/C information. Oh wait... you don't ship E/C, oops. *giggles*

So, how soon do ya think the D/L fanart will appear? Is fanart considered spoilers if put up before pacific time sees the ep?
You squeed Lynny that's enough for me...cuz I know you wouldn't cop to what I know you squeed about! ;) Even though we both know what we know you squeed over! :lol:

Lol, yeah Angel by the time I see the eppy...(curses on the West Coast! :p ) there will be like a million posts to read and reply to! :lol: But I don't care...cuz D/L rocks babes! :D
Well, I'll do what I can, Lynny. Let me check my sources, and I'll see if CN have a scene tomorrow night. Geez, you are going to put me through hoops, aren't you?

And I know what you mean about Wet!Mac. OMG!
I'm a relatively new D/L shipper (since February), but after tonight...

...I'm totally in love with this ship!!! I read spoilers about the episode and was eagerly anticipating this episode, but when the waking-up scene opened and Danny touched Lindsay's nose...my heart felt as if it could leap mountains. Their little interaction was so sweet. The end of the episode was especially satisfying. The way Lindsay ran to Danny's aid and helped him walk was just the cutest thing!!! She cared about nothing else at that particular moment. It was so nice. Now I'll be a regular NY viewer just to see what happens between these two next season.
Lynny, Catey doesn't get to see Vegas before us, only NY and MIA... which is why we can thank her heartily for all of her great D/L and E/C information. Oh wait... you don't ship E/C, oops. *giggles*

I knowshe doesn't. Mention E/C again. do it.

So, how soon do ya think the D/L fanart will appear? Is fanart considered spoilers if put up before pacific time sees the ep?

When you shush, possibly? :p

You squeed Lynny that's enough for me...cuz I know you wouldn't cop to what I know you squeed about! Even though we both know what we know you squeed over!


Well, I'll do what I can, Lynny. Let me check my sources, and I'll see if CN have a scene tomorrow night. Geez, you are going to put me through hoops, aren't you?

I love you Catey :D

And I know what you mean about Wet!Mac. OMG!

Anyone seen that drool smiley?

ETA: EYEHEARTH! *tackles
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