Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Catey you have sources that can actually tell you that? Oh goodness...you'd make Lynny's day if you could tell her that! :D Huh honey! ;)

EyeH!!! Hi hon, yay for you being a D/L shipper! This ship totally rocks...it's my first Talk ship and I adore it! Haven't seen the eppy yet and I'm already high as a freakin' kite! :lol:

Mer I'm on the west coast and don't care if you start the fan art...just post it as a link and I'll think you'll be fine! ;)

54 minutes!!!! :D :D
:lol: I gotta just say...if anyone has actually managed to stay spoiler free this whole evening they have my hearty congrats...I guess it's possible if they don't pop in here at all...but still, I'm glad I caved...not that I thought I'd make it without reading stuff...but still! :lol:

Fan art, ficcies and videos...oh this is gonna be a good summer! :D :D
Oh honey, if this wasn't the D/L thread, I could tell you who the miniature killer is. I already know, but so far, I'm coming up blank on Lynny's request. Give me a little time. My main source was closed down a few weeks ago, and the ones I have left are, let's say, focused, on something else on the show. But yah, I have sources.
Previously, I would view this ship as suffering from excess juvenilia but after tonight, I see Lindsay in a much different light. I could easily sense that they seemed compatible. Both seem to have a kind of childish demeaner compared to their peers. Calling her Montana easily made the D/L heart beat for the first time in a long time. For once they actually handled it right. If they slip back into the mushpit of old, at least we can worry about that come September (Wah!).
Wow, Catey you really are the Spoiler Queen...I'm impressed! Rock on...now let me guess, your sources are all focused on GSR and whether or not Sara's coming back huh! ;) PM me and tell me what you know about that would ya pwease! :D

Axa I adore D/L and pretty much think they've been brilliant and in love and awesome since day 1! :D

41 minutes...until it airs here...*Mo drums her fingers and stares at the clock!*
Mo, ya know if catey gives you the goods, you gotta share it with me, right? :lol:

I forgot to mention I did manage to stay spoiler free! And it was hard to do!

I am already wearing out certain parts of my VHS tape.

they ever look at that pool table in the same way again? Danny comes home from work, tosses down keys and mail, walks into the living room and there sits the pool table. Yep, his mind is in the gutter. Could he ever invite friends over to play pool again, or would he be beet red the entire time?
Mer of course hon! ;) No worries! :D
Well done on staying SF...that's awesome...I didn't even try, well I thought about it and then my brain over-ruled me and took control of my hand and that was that! :lol:
I'll be there in just a few short moments too hon! ;)
And as for spoiler box...yup, don't think it'll ever be the same for them! :D But what a good difference! :lol:

21 minutes til it airs! :D
Definately! *jumps up and down and squees happily* I don't know about anyone outside the thread but I loved it. Hot shirtless Danny was yummy too :)

Now she can take him home whenever he finally gets out of the hospital and take care of the poor baby.
Melly shhhhhh babes, it hasn't aired by me yet...lol! :lol: Not like I don't know everything that happened, but just in case! ;) :lol: (by the way, still totally squeeing with ya babes! :D :D )

5 minutes by me...but then I gotta wait another hour to watch it...I know, I know...Mer I caved...but I want to squee on my own without being made fun of...so I'm gonna wait...but only til it's done taping then I'm up for the rest of the night, for sure! :D
Well, have fun Mo! Proud you made it through Mercy. I had some mighty tempting pics for you to look at, but you made it. I'm calling it quits for tonight, but I'll be back tomorrow for more discussion. Lynny, I'm still looking, believe me I am. I hope I can find anything out.! Have a good night squeeing, and I'll see you tomorrow.
This is officially the definition of torture people...THE eppy of our season, of our whole ship is currently airing and I cannot watch it yet...have to wait a whole nother hour...gah, I'm gonna die...offically dying here! I want my D/L smex dang it! :devil: :lol:

Thanks again Catey you rock...sleep well...cuz I sure won't be sleepin' tonight! :D
Mo! So by the time you finish watching the eppy it will be after 3 am my time, so I won't get to read your review till tomorrow. Y'all need more cable outlets in your place!

I am still reeling over how good the ep was. Pam V really does need a fan project. :lol: It's good to know TPTB are D/L shippers.

ETA: Psst... go check out stolen-glances
Yeah pretty much honey...but I'll make it worth you're while...or try to! ;) So totally need more cable outlets...but at the moment the tv belongs to my roommate...sad day!

Cannot wait to see it! So freakin' excited!!! :D

And it's here...I am FINALLY able to see it!! Yay!!! OMG I'm so excited...I'm SO not sleeping tonight!!! :lol:

*Mo skips off to her tv and vcr!!* :D :D

ETA: Mer hon here it is, as requested...what may be my longest review of an eppy to date! :lol: Enjoy!

Okay what a way to start...Flack with his shotgun double cocked and his "let's do this" awesome way to start!!

Okay as much as I love this show...they need new opening credits, come on peeps! Something with some smex in it! lol!

Mac and Stella and Peyton all talking...triangle anyone?? Lol!

Okay first glimpse of D/L on the pool table...not even gonna lie y'all...I totally paused my tape just to squee and giggle...okay commencing with the scene!! OMG...OMG...OMG...I am a puddle people...I am a puddle...that scene was the cutest thing ever...him squishing her nose, her morning voice "hey"...his bare chest...him kissing her forehead....her kissing his chest...his "I'm glad this happened"....her "me too"....I am in heaven...5 minutes in and I'm overjoyed...OMG...YAY, YAY, YAY!! It's love, love, love!! Second time watching that scene...only makes it better...their smiles are SOOO cute! Gah I love this ship, so freakin' much!!!!

Mac walking with the Cocaine...hot shot of him coming through the door...nice Mac! ;)

Okay how ADORABLE is Danny making Linds' excuses for her to Mac and can I just say, how freaking hot he is in the shirt...untucked as it is...WOW...and I gotta say, he totally has that "I just got some!" look about him! :devil: Totally! :lol:

OH crap...10 days away from the office for Mac...wow, that can't happen!! :p She bought the ticket...dang it...I don't want her to go...ohhhh gas leak! Attack on the lab commencing in 5...4...3...2...1...(wow I'm good!) :lol: And STell chases after him...well done Stell, go after you're man! ;) Awww I love Smacked working together! :D

Awww crap again...Danny leave the wherehouse...now dang it! Forget looking around...go, leave, run dang it! I don't want you hurt...how does he not know what's coming...the place is empty...CRAP!! I'm SO kicking the guy's ass who hurts Danny...seriously, that is not allowed!!

Smacked alone in the building...ohhh, I likie!! Heehee!! Splitting up? Why does no one ever figure out that that is never the smart thing to do...stick together...always the better option! Come on Mac, you should know that!

Ohhhh LInds is waking up!! Okay how cute was she panicking for a split second there...and then his note, love that it's on a big chalkboard! And his voice as he reads it...OMG it was sex...that is the only way to describe his voice...pure smex! And her smile, love...that was her smile and her smelling the flower...gah peeps, I cannot contain my joy! And there is more to come...pool table scene, yay!!! Okay...she rocks at pool, and he calls her "Montana" and she's aggressive?! Can this ship get anymore perfect? I love the look on her face when she says "No..." she never wanted the money...it was all about getting him out of his clothes...and fast! Did you see how fast she had his shirt off? And their kisses...we knew these two would sizzle...but I think they just set my television on fire!! :devil: Have I mentioned how much I love this couple?! :lol:

OMG...poor Adam! Can I just hug him and make it better...gah how sad for him!! And I swear if they do that to Danny, I'm kicking some SERIOUS ass!!!

Mac way to save your lady...that grab was pretty sweet! ;) Smacked to the rescue...they're so taking these guys down! If only the bad guys knew what they were up against! :D Meanwhile Hawkes..if a brilliant genius! Heehee, I love this show...love it, love it!

Peyton...dang you woman! You may have just given Mac up to the bad guys...dang it!!

Danny's hand...oh baby...that is gonna hurt so freaking bad!!! Gah...I can't even watch this...Danny you are a hero yes, but please please don't get hurt more...oh my god I can't take this...you're gonna get tortured you hero you! Ohhhhhh...while I'm really glad that it was not Linds in that place, sooooo glad, why does Danny have to be a smart ass hero? Why...his beautiful mouth is all bloody...poor baby!!

Run Smacked Run!! Can I just say how glad I am it was Smacked and not Peyton and Mac locked in there together! Smacked all the way baby! :D

And there's Linds...oh poor baby, she has no idea what's happening to her love!

Stella saves Mac's life...well done STell...that rocks hon! Beautiful teamwork right there...and Mac sending Hawkes the body...nicely done! Lol! I so love this show!!

Awww Linds is worried for her love...she is so adorable! Yay! Sad day that she has to be there cuz Danny's hurt...but still I love her concerned, she's so cute!

Have I mentioned yet what a great team Smacked makes...they rock! I love it! They are so freakin' brilliant...gah, this eppy rocks on so many levels!

OMG Hawkes is awesome...when he gets pissed don't stand in his way! Putting that guy in the body drawer like that...wow would that suck...but still nice move Sheldon! Very nice! :D

Working the lab when everything is down, when they're being robbed and chased...can this team get any cooler or more brilliant, I mean really? NY rocks like none other! Mac is a freakin' genius...genius!!

And there's WET MAC...ohhhhh yeah baby! Yummy, yum! Not as hot as Shirtless Danny...(but then again who is! :devil: ) but still Wet Mac's pretty hot in his own right! :D

Lol, don't these bad guys realize they're screwed already?! Geez, they're up against the best and when you go against the best you lose, every time, plain and simple! :lol: I do have to give it to these bad guys, they're good...not the best (duh!) but good for sure...alot of planning went into this! :D

Wow Danny's brave...that last move was nice...smooth Messer, and while injured too! And I love how Linds is right there rushing in with Flack, bullets or not she's going to her man! You go girl! Okay her helping him down from the truck was so sweet and you could tell for just a second when she said "I'm sorry" he had a moment of panic that she meant the whole night...but she cleared that up right away, it was just him taking her shift and getting hurt she was sorry about...none of the rest of it, for sure! ;)

Knew the bad guy would trigger the pipe bomb, totally saw that coming! The slow-mo running of Stell and the boys running for Mac and then him walking out...very dramatic and very nice! Lol, love it! Crap, crap, crap...loved the Smacked hug...dang the Peyton hug, dang it! Dang it even worse that he's going to London and Stella smiled...fight for your man woman! Come on!

Okay people this has been a lot of fluffy chatter...much squeeing and plenty of drabble and now it is time for me to attempt to sleep...not that I'll be able to...D/L smex on the brain and all! But I will attempt! Mer hon how was that for a looooooong review? Modie I know some of this isn't D/L related, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me since I'm in a such a giddy mood right now! ;)

This eppy, this is what a finale should look like people...awesome drama, even better love scenes for our ship and hot heroes and heroines! CSI:NY rules and D/L....well as many of us have said and will continue to say over the whole summer....

D/L is FREAKING CANON BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good night and sweet dreams all...may the LOVE be with you! :lol:
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