Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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with this episode! Finally it happend! Finally! Yeah Lindsay, go girl, get your money, or even better: Danny Messer!! I can't stop squeeing!! *squeeeee* This episode made my whole day, they match perfect! Thanks TPTB for letting this happen and don't mess it up! :D
Good morning - even that now sounds like the understatement of the year - GOOD FREAKIN' D/L ARE TOTALLY CANON MORNING!!! :cool: - better :)

First I gotta say I love you guys! Frequent posters, newbies (welcome btw!), lurkers *starts randomly hugging everyone* :rolleyes:

Catey txs so much for that first little love-filled spoilerbox :D, you so deserve to open the next thread :)...and those caps WOW -don't know what to say- that kiss is totally hot and Mo your recap is awesome :eek:...I still have to wait a while before I can watch super ep -it deserves not only a cape, but a mask and a logo too! :lol:- but my imagination is vivid enough... :devil:

Oh my that pool table...what did we ever do to deserve that our wishes about what they would do with -or rather- on :devil: it would be fulfilled...TXS PTB! :)...I know they will never look at that pool table the same again, h*ll, I can never look at a pool table the same way after that!.... :D

I'm off to play with catey's caps :D
Woah. That? Was awesome! DL were so so amazing. Such a great episode for them. But forgive me for asking, but was that really Anna during the strip down scenes? :eek: Holy hell! The woman just had a baby a few months ago! I thought they'd use a body double or something, but that sure as hell looked like her! Brownie points for her for that if it was really her. lol
Moriel that was the best review I've ever read! I feel like I know the whole eo´pisode although I haven't even seen it. But I've seen the D/L scenes already, *squee* that's soooo awesome! Cute and romantic and hot and sexy and... oh I'm running out of words. That's more D/L than I've ever dreamed of. There were times I squeeded b/c of a touch, a look, and now that... can it get any better?
I haven't been here a while, and I was totally floored when I saw the season finale. To take a page from Mo's book:

Does anyone ever read the reviews thru the link May 17 - Review: CSI: New York--'Snow Day'
After a successful drug raid, the drug lords storm the lab to recover their stash and take Danny and Adam hostage @ the side? Who ever write them is nasty. They never have anything nice to say about Lindsay.

It makes me mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I'd wirte stuff, but you've all said wahat I wanted to say. The kiss was AMAZING, not to mention the pool table secks. That was fantastic. Lindsay was so amazing how she reacted to Danny... she cares for him so so so much... Gosh, this was with no doubt the best episode of CSI:NY I've ever seen. AMAZING!

By the way folks we are now OFFICIALLY CANON!!!!!!

hugs to family and my DL shipping friends!
oh fr@k !!! I knew it I knew it I knew it...

I knew when I saw the pics that the pool table wasn't there without a reason. I can't believe it. I must watch it. Can't wait til next week. Gosh...

All sounds so exciting!! After two years of dancing around each other, something like that happens... I just wonder... just a question.... was that their first REAL date?? because there wasn't anything about them after 'DoWaR' til now... :)
OMG you guys are sooooooo lucky!!!! i soooo hope that i get to see this eppy at some point today ... im getting excited!!!!

Mo OMG i jus love , love LOVE your eppy reviews! hehe it just makes me wanna watch it even more!! damn i wish i was in US lol :( i wnna c it!!!! :(

Catey omg huni!! those caps.... :eek: i tried so hard to stop myself from clicking.... but Danny made me hehe They look sooo gorgeous together on the pool table!! and the one of him kissing her forehead is soo adorably cute!!!!!! WOW!!! i cant wait to see more caps!! :D

fingers crossed everybody that us poor UK'rs will get to see it really soon! :D
Yay!!! Danny and Lindsay get it on!! Was that sexy or what? And then at the end she was so sweet to him. And you could kinda tell, all through the ep, that he was *so* glad he'd taken Lindsay's shift, so he could get tortured instead of his beloved Montana. Way to go!!
*Mo strolls into the thread...beyond tired, but blissfully unaware because DL is SO CANON, serioulsy they're now like "Uber Canon"! :lol: * Good Fracktacular Fantabulous...(D/L did it!!) sweet shippy smex morning to you all! :D :D

Keich! Hey hon! Yay for you popping in and what a fabulous eppy to pop back in on, lol!

Lol, not only are we official Rad...we're notorized, signed, stamped, sealed, dated, canonized and documented! :lol: Uber Canon folks, I'm telling ya! :D

Chell! *Mo giggles and pours champagne over her buddy's head in celebration!* I'm glad you liked my review hon...I literally just typed random notes while watching the eppy...lol, it was SO fun! :D

Seriously y'all that was the best eppy yet...and that one shoots directly to the top of my favorite D/L eppy's list...no questions asked!

Pam Veasey...Peter Lenkov...*Mo gives them a standing ovation...and several encores!* You both are my heroes for giving us such a perfect eppy for our ship! That was perfection and I am SOOOO glad you both decided to give us that!

Gah peeps I don't know how I am going to be any kind of productive today! :lol: All I can do is picture their adorable just-woke-up-smiles as they lay on the pool table after Danny woke her up...and then the amazingly hot kiss-strip-holy-hotness-Batman scene that led to them waking up on the pool table...I don't want to go to work! :p I want to stay and have my own Snow Day! ;) :lol:

But I can't...dang being responsible! :p Alright I'm off...looking forward to being back tonight and seeing all the posts and fanart that I'm sure y'all talented lovelies will make! :D

Aud wub....where is you? Floating somewhere happily in the air, high on D/L love too? ;) Heehee! :D

Later y'all! :D
Okay I've watched the ep...twice already :eek:...and I just gotta say that even with all the spoilers I've read so far (which were pretty accurate btw ;) -only thing changed was the note that turned into a black board- :)) and the pics I had seen it was still absolutely freakin' awesome... :eek:

They had such fun playing pool together, how he woke her up was just aaawww :), when she read the note was adorable, how worried she was for him :( and that look he threw over his shoulder after she said it should have been her on that shift...like he suddenly realised that too and the horrific images of what could've happened to her flashed through his head :mad:...

And boy did Danny look hot :devil: with that white shirt hanging out of his pants, the unshaved face and the nervous smiles when he was lying to Mac...

Now that we know what they can do with a pool table I really like season four to start with D/L being creative on the bike that was in his apartment... :devil:

And I went nuts :D making screencaps so here they are:

waking her up

look how happy and beautiful she is

kiss on her forehead

the note and the handpicked -stolen from his neighbour- daisy


they know they're gonna...


Lindsay I need you

I'll take care of you

don't feel sorry, I'm glad it wasn't you
Mo, great play by play recap & review.

D and Montana came full circle after tonight's episode. The first scene was beyond sweet. Was this their first time smexing it up/together (note his comment and hers)? I loved Danny's light kiss on her forehead and Lindsay's kiss on his chest! AHHH! He made her dream literally come true: writing the note. AHHH! Then during the pool scene, the kissing was smoking. Lindsay was so sexily aggressive, and we all know how much Danny wanted her so bad...put that together and well...! :devil: They're the first on-screen couple to have shown it. YEAH! ;) I was trying to figure out if there was a body double in that flashback scene (cause to me only Anna could rock Lindsay that way :)). Like everyone has said, i don't think i could ever look at a pool table in the same way again. Destiny-dashed better not come back and bite us on the rear with the couple. Grrr. Thank you TPTB for a great episode and sweet, hot loving between Danny Messer and Lindsay Monroe!

*waves back at dutch and hugs her for the caps*
*stuffy, hun, where are YOU??* :p
Dutch thanks so much for the caps! They're so sweet! Oh I'll never be able to play pool without getting dirty thoughts *lol* I guess I have to watch the D/L scenes again...
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