Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Fluffy Twin, Hi! *Mo giggles and snuggles her musical loving twin!* We are SO identical! :lol:

Lol yeah Lynny I can't believe you haven't popped in here yet with something to say, either on us calling you fluffy or on Aiden! ;)

The finale is gonna rock...seriously y'all I'm SOOOO excited for it, you don't even know! Even people who are nay-saying and harping on it can't bring me down! (although really there haven't been many, if any really, people with negative thoughts about the finale!) *Mo giggles and sings..."I'm SO excited, and I just can't hide it!"* :lol:

Oh and y'all look at how totally ADORABLE this little baby is...I saw her and thought of D/L in a second! :D
Baby Messer Monroe :D
^^Mo! That's a perfect Messer Monroe baby! :) I can't wait to see the kid they're going to have! He's going to be so cute! I wanna see their daughter as well! Please, anybody? Fetch me a cute MM baby?
Lynny sweetie! We miss you here! We need you and your non-angsty ways!
Less than 3 days till our new ep! Catey, I am looking forward to your spoilers!
I might read them actually... I'm so terrible! I live on the West Coast--its so sad really, but I can't ever wait to read spoilers, especially if theyre about D/L!
*Mo pops in, singing as always...even though it's Monday which is never her favorite day..."Good Mornin', good mornin'! We've talked to the whole night through, good mornin', good mornin' to you, and you, and you, and you!"* :D (Fluffy Twin that's for you! ;) )

We're down to a single digit countdown for our finale folks...9 days! WOHOO!!! I do the hours but that'd just look obsessive and it's best I don't show that side of myself quite yet! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Yeah Del D/L will have such adorable children...I can just see them...little sandy blonde ringlets, big brown eyes playing CSI just like Mommmy and Daddy! Awwwwww! :D

My problem is I still haven't decided if I'm going to read the finale spoilers or not...I mean any actual ones posted as the East Coast peeps see it first...(cuz I'm plenty spoiled already! ;) ) Part of me wants to know, cuz then I can breathe easier and not be worried about will they/won't they whatever...I'll just know...but at the same time if I find out and it's that they don't *knock on wood that they do!*...then it'll kill my finale watching joy and that would suck! So I haven't decided yet what to do! :lol:

But for now I must go be a grown up :p and make money to pay bills... :rolleyes: Lovely!
See y'all later! ;)
Oh, honey. I hate Mondays too! *Hits her calender and groans*

Oh my God, sweetie! You're right, Mo! :eek: ONLY N-I-N-E days until our beloved awesome SuperEp #3! :D It makes me excited, but nervous all the same. But I have faith: it always (nearly anyway) turns out better than I expect it to!

They'll have VERY cute children. I can see them having brown hair and very storm blue eyes like their adorable Daddy's. A bright, shocking blue. :)

I've MADE a promise to not read East Coast Finale Spoilers! I'm a good girl... and I just want to be S-U-P-R-I-S-E-D in the good sense! I'm being... BRAVE!
I am one of those people who like to know what is going to happen before it happens. So I will be reading Catey's spoilers. But, if I remember correctly, Catey did not say that we would have the almost kiss last time. She said it was a very good episode he went to Montana, etc. but unless I overlooked it, I was very suprised when it came to the almost kiss part.

I still love your spoilers thought, Catey. It was nice to be suprised at the end.

Oh! thanks Dutch, haha. Dibs on the Hallway AND cAR! can I do that?? hehe
Sure you can mm! :) and don't forget any elevators they may use on their way home from the lab... :devil:
we'll get a clear shot of our lovely couple, provided they don't fling more clothes onto our lenses
I think if we put those camera's on the ceiling we will be fine... ;)*takes a sip of the lovely drink stuffy brought* cheers! And you're too sweet *hugs back*, but there's no need to feel sorry...I actually thought it was kinda funny! :p

I'd predict a totally fluffy ending, but sadly I don't think it'll be as fluffy as we want!
Aah don't worry Mo for all we know there may be a whole season of fluff starting in September :eek:...Oh and don't you think Aud's garden needs a large variety of daisies? ;)
Aw, Dutch your banner makes me sad (but its pretty). I haven’t watched that show much this season because of my work schedule, and now it’s ending.
Txs! This was actually one of my favorite seasons...and I'm very sad this the show is ending at this point! :(

And your idea of Aiden being 'in the know' is great...I never thought about that, but I can imagine that when Danny talked a lot about Aiden to Lindsay he would've talked about Lindsay to Aiden even more... :D
We're down to a single digit countdown for our finale folks...9 days! WOHOO!!! I do the hours but that'd just look obsessive and it's best I don't show that side of myself quite yet! Heehee!
LOL well...no shame here... countdown to finale

I'm one who likes to know what is going to happen too :eek:...I already know so much about the finale that I'm certainly gonna read catey's spoiler to see how it is gonna end... :lol: ...

Okay all-you-can-eat-M&M-muffins for everyone...I just noticed I got promoted and am now an official CSI
Oh congratulations! btw I'm gonna pm you soon, somehow I'm just too stupid with that pc stuff... On the other hand it's good b/c I should learn tonight and not spend all time in front of the pc *lol*
I'm really curious abot the final even though I don't even know season 3 (yet), I just hope there'll be loads of D/L moments!
I'm new in this thread.
I really love D/L...they're so cute!
I've just read the spoilers (I taked the risk of a heart attack) and now I'm very excited.
I hope that the finale will end fluffy (yes, I've got a fluffy mind! :D)
but there's no need to feel sorry...I actually thought it was kinda funny!

Well that's good to know :). *shrug* I have a habit of feeling bad for people when there's really no need to :lol: Putting the cameras on the ceilings should suffice, least then we can get some clear piccys of our couple :devil: We're in the same boat too, I know a lot about the finale. Still hyped though :) hehe who isn't?

BTW, love the whole countdown thing. I've got one going on my MSN, complete with one of the spoiler piccys. Oh and Mo...how adorable is that baby! I can totally see him being Danny and Lindsay's son.

Just think y'all...in three days we'll have the promo for the finale. *tries to steady her breathing at this though, then runs around hugging everyone and giving out loads of M&Ms and homemade chocolate chip cookies*

Mo, you got that song stuck in my head now! You and your songs...they're so infectious! :D
Hey all! I am SO excited for the finale! I hope we get something this week to help keep us sane until the finale, but its gonna be worth it!

I wouldnt be surprised if Danny and Lindsay have been "dating" or "sleeping together" since Montana. I mean, the scenes that we have gotten have been looks of two people who arent just friends.

If I am wrong and we get to see their first kiss and whatever else we might get, I will be squeeing too. I am SO excited!

here are my two Danny/Lindsay babies! I call them Brooklyn and Dominic:


*crawls in* Hello everyone! Hope everyone's dng alright, haha - im sure everyone's waiting for that 9 days to hit 0. :p gettin there....gettin there. Slowly but surely.


Im pretty sure I came in here all tired and cranky, now i seem to be hyper and happy *whistles* Thank you D/L - it's therapeutic! hehe ^_^ :lol:


9 DAYS! woooo

...(where's Lynny by the way, I'm a bit surprised she didn't pop in here with a major angsty prediction!

Oh sure, I'm only missed when it comes to angst speculations.

Lynny you gonna come in here and defend your angsty honor? Wait what, you're fluffy now? Oh my bad! *Mo huggles her Lynny honey!*


Lol, yup no Lynny popping in means she's not defending her angsty honor

Again, only missed when it comes to angst.

Lol yeah Lynny I can't believe you haven't popped in here yet with something to say, either on us calling you fluffy or on Aiden!

Leave my sweet Aiden alone! and read above.


Okay, to be fair to Lynny who plans on killing the D/L baby, I'll finish and post my CatNip and D/L fics. But Baby Doll, you must not kill Baby M&M! Yup, I saw that comment to Mer. Just thinking of a good comment for the CatNip thread.

Give me ficcie, I'll be nice. How's that?

I am tired but I really do agree about the Aiden thing. Come on, Lynny! We need you to argue with us.

Hey! Thats my Aiden, leave her alone! *snuggles her* Its okay Aiden, I know those nasty DLers are mean to you. DnA baby!

Is that better?


Right, curiously absent Lynny? If you say nothing, I will take that as agreement

Is the world flat?

Yep, looks like Lynny is back to D/L fluffy again!

Must be another Lynny you talking about. Because my ass isn't D/L Fluffy again.


Lynny sweetie! We miss you here! We need you and your non-angsty ways!

Sure you do, honey, Sure you do.


Abby & Ker! Welcome to our little D/L thread and have fun here! We'll make sure of that. :)
Sure you do, honey, Sure you do.
Haha, sarcasm is pretty fun, Lynny! And I love how you did that POOOOF thing. Very cute!

I just rewatched Not What It Looks Like and it was so sweet at the end when he hugged her! He's so protective of her! I love that.
Aww, you all make a girl feel so wanted around here. *sniff, sniff*
But, I feel like I must defend my honour here. In my spoiler for that night, I did mention that they almost kiss. I had to go back and track my post down, but it's there. I would not leave something as important as that out. Thread #14 page 20. In the spoiler box. I knew I had let you guys all in on that little spoiler when I posted. You better believe I wouldn't have left out as important information as that.lol.

Anyway, if anything important happens Wednesday night, you all know I'll tell you. If not, I tell you that too. And you better believe I'll be posting the night of the finale. If I can arrange it, and I'm not sure of the rules regarding pics(I'll have to look it up) I'll have pics to post too. If I can't you'll have to pm me for them.

Oh, and Stuffy, thank goodness the song stuck in your head isn't the one for the viagara commercial that Mo managed to get stuck in my head awhile ago. lol
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