Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Good Morning, y’all! There is only 35 hours till our new ep airs on the East Coast!
*crosses fingers for a good Danny/Lindsay scene*


Here’s to you, Moriel, and to another great year of watching the developing relationship between your OTP, our Danny Messer & Lindsay Monroe! I was hoping to beat you in here this morning with the flower, but you just get up too darn early!

Psst… I found your first post... :D
Mo dearie, I wish you a very happy anniversary :D Here's to a wonderful friend (even though I don't know you personally) and shipper buddy! May you continue to bless our thread with addictive and cheerful songs *joins mer in tossing confetti into the air and breaks out the champagne, M&M cookies, chocolate, and bedroom tapes*

catey love, I answered your question over at DLchem but I'll put it here for your convenience...I am indeed Canadian :)
Hey guys! I know i ain't posted much lately. School's been hell and i haven't had time to post. (I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, so shhhhh! :lol:) First off, Happy Aniversary, Mo! It was my one-year anniversary on May 6th! And i've just discovered i'm now a police officer, so i'm mega happy! Sorry, a little OT! :lol:

Back on topic: I can't wait for the finale, and i'm loving the Messer-Monroe baby pictures, very cute!

I have my own finale prediction, which i will share with you, but it is unlikely to happen!

The episode starts with Danny and Lindsay in Danny's bed... :devil: (Get your minds out of the gutter, people! They're asleep! :lol:) Danny is awoken by a mobile phone ringing. He answers it listens to Mac on the other end, says he'll take Lindsay's shift and hangs up. He gets up, writes a note and leaves a freshly picked daisy, kisses the sleeping Lindsay on the forehead and leaves. Later on in the ep, Lindsay wakes up to find Danny gone. She briefly panics until she finds the note. She reads it (with Danny voiceover) and smiles. She puts the flower in a vase and heads back to bed. Later on, after Danny is taken hostage, Lindsay gets a call from Stella saying that Danny is in trouble. Lindsay rushes to the lab. On the way there she has a flashback of the night before at Danny's place - them two playing pool. She pretends to be bad at pool, so Danny helps her... :devil: :lol: They almost kiss, but Lindsay is pulled back to reality when she arrives at the lab. :)lol: I'm so mean! :lol: Don't worry, you'll get your kiss! :lol:) At the end, Danny is freed. And a typical fluffy ending, since i love them, Lindsay runs into his arms (careful of his obvious injuries) and we get that long-awaited kiss. The last scene is Mac making the others pay up because he won the bet! :lol:

So what do you think? And be honest.

Wow, this is one of my longest posts! :lol: I better get back to my homework before my parents kill me!

Peace dudes and Happy DL Lovin! :D PSG xXx
Well, happy anniversary to...anyone who is having an anniversay :lol:

P.S.G, me liketh your finale prediction very much! D/L is the best!

Psst...can anyone imagine CSI:NY with Mr. & Mrs. Messer working? :D I wonder how things would change, if anything would aside from the tonne and more of PDA :D and that they're married.

Everyone say "awwwwww".

:D :D :D we're getting CLOSER!
aww, someone's having an anniversary?? sorry, I havent been posting much lately. Congrats to whoever it is. How many years> Aww, PintSizeGenius i believe you are YoBlngSnckersFan! hey! I can soo imagine their wedding! Lindsay would look so beautiful in white! And of course, Hawkes the best man and Stella the Maid of Honour...I love youre final prediction!
Soph, happy anni to you, too! I went back and looked, and you delurked on the D/L thread two posts before Moriel's first ever post!

See, the Danny/Lindsay love draws everybody in!

Okay, I am getting a little antsy waiting for our next eppy, so I've got a question for y'all. Let's start at the beginning:

What do you think Danny and Lindsay's first thoughts were of each other during Zoo York, (either the first meeting or throughout the first case)?

I think we can get some interesting and varied responses to this!
Woohoo another question from mer :D

Hmmm let's see...I think Danny saw her as a new target to aim all his smart-ass comments at, but once she made some clever retorts he realized she could stand on her own two feet and this caught his attention in a good way. He saw that she was an intelligent person who wasn't going to let anyone push her around.

Lindsay saw him as an ignorant cop who was just trying to get her into trouble with the boss (i.e "Make sure you call him sir"), but once she dug down deeper she realized he was a good guy who meant well and cared for his co-workers. As the episode went on she became more comfortable around him and saw him for who he really was.
First I wanna congratulate everyone on their promotions and anniversaries :D *hugs and hands everyone a big box of Belgian chocolates*

Oh congratulations! :) btw I'm gonna pm you soon
Txs...and feel free to ask whatever you wanna know... :)
Anyway, if anything important happens Wednesday night, you all know I'll tell you. If not, I tell you that too. And you better believe I'll be posting the night of the finale. If I can arrange it, and I'm not sure of the rules regarding pics(I'll have to look it up) I'll have pics to post too. If I can't you'll have to pm me for them.
Yeah catey I'll be so looking forward to that! It's great that you can make caps too :cool:...I'm always a day late and now that CSI-caps is not working it would be great to see some pics right after the finale :D...I think it's okay if you just post the links and mention that they are spoilers for the finale...after the US westcoast has seen the ep too you can post the actual pics... :)

Anniversary girl Mo:
for my lovely Fluffy Twin's garden... I was totally gonna suggest daisies hon, but for a lawn they're weeds...as flowers I wubs them...but they can be annoying to have in your yard!
But they look wonderful in a large flower pot...And if they're like weeds in your garden, you'd better find someone who picks them once in a while... ;)

Txs for the link to Mo's first post mer...I read a little of that old thread...It was pretty funny since it was right around the time of last year's finale...Everyone was expecting so much D/L-wise for CotP and we 'only' :rolleyes: got "You okay? and "Still want that ride?""...I hope this year's finale we'll get more than we are hoping for... ;)

P.S.G.That's a very plausible scenario...
Stella can't call Lindsay since she's stuck in the lab and all communication is cut off...I'm guessing the reason Lindsay finally finds out is that she cannot contact anyone and goes there to see what's wrong

What do you think Danny and Lindsay's first thoughts were of each other during Zoo York?
Great question! :D

Lindsay: "...beautiful eyes...great voice...wouldn't know the difference between a cow and a horse...not my type...that's a relieve..."

Danny: "...kinda short...nice figure though...wouldn't know the difference between the Empire State and the Chrysler Building...not my type...too bad..."

Welcome abby! :)
Thank you dutch ! :lol:

Uhm…I think that when Danny met Lindsay for the first time, he thought she was the unprovided fresh-comer. Maybe he intended to tease Lindsay playing jokes on her (when he told her to call Mac ‘Sir’), but immediately Danny realized that she was smart and nice, even if he’s kept on calling her Montana. I think that she has fascinated him since the first time they met, even if he didn’t want to admit it, at first.
As regards Lindsay, I think that she has liked Danny since the beginning, for that reason she needed to prove that she wasn’t a country-girl lost in New York.

Oh, happy anniversary!!! :D
Happy anniversary, MO! I lurked a long time before I actually joined, but since I did join, you've made this group very memorable. As I said before, You are always in good spirits, and make this a happy little thread.

Danny and Lindsay's first thoughts. Hmm, I'd have to go with this for
Danny: Let's mess with the new kid. This is going to be so easy.
Lindsay: City boy. Seems nice enough though.

I don't have a big imagination, so I think Danny just seen someone to pick on who wasn't Aiden. Lindsay, I think was nervous, and actually thought Danny was being helpful.
Ahh.. Its okays Catey :)

My Aiden didn't do anything dangit!.. Stop trying to make her fluffy, she isn't fluffy, gots it?? *snuggles Aid* Those fluffies won't get you.

Mo -- Wow, its your anni on here? Nice!

Lindsay's on her own.. Stella can't call her, ha ha ha ha.

ETA Soph you gots a new name!
my crew!! i miss you lots! ;) cute babies!

happy Anni of posting, Mo and Soph! love the link, mer, back to a long long time ago. brings back memories of my lurking time!! dutch, your response to mer's question had the milk coming out of my nose! great countdown to both you and Liff!

catey, you are def the beloved spoiler queen! and i'm with you about being cautious about the finale as well...

Finale info: (There's an old pic of D/L) "CSI:NY--Between a Danny-Lindsay development and a drug kingpin's attack on the lab, we'd say the crew is about to see more action than ever!"

my pal, STUFFY!!! :D we're all D/L friends! thanks for relaying the message. i'm here, i'm here for this quickie blurb!

oh, and watch it, Linds!---she just threw a sock at me. i think it was danny's sock.
Angel wubs!!! *tackles fellow buddy and gives her lots and lots of hugs* Glad that you're back hun :D Have some yummy M&M cookies [insert cookie icon here] ;) dutch and I have been manning the observation booth and we've set up cameras around Danny's apartment hehe *evil grin*
dl_shipper34 said:
Angel wubs!!! *tackles fellow buddy and gives her lots and lots of hugs* Glad that you're back hun :D Have some yummy M&M cookies [insert cookie icon here] ;) dutch and I have been manning the observation booth and we've set up cameras around Danny's apartment hehe *evil grin*

Okay, we have set up around his apartment. We can set up chairs and pass out drinks and some goodies *Psst, I'm bringing some peanut butter m&ms, cause I can!*

Sounds like TV guide is being pretty hush-hush about the finale, which I expected them to be. I really ready for tomorrow and I'm hoping for at least a hug, a tough or some heavy flirting.
*Mo waltzes into the thread, high on the lovely spring weather and her anniversary joy!* Hi my lovelies! "Joy to the world, all the boys and girls...joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me!" And yes, Jeremiah WAS a bullfrog! :lol:

My Mer bear said:
Here’s to you, Moriel, and to another great year of watching the developing relationship between your OTP, our Danny Messer & Lindsay Monroe! I was hoping to beat you in here this morning with the flower, but you just get up too darn early!
Lol, yeah I'm up pretty early! :p It's that whole having to be a grown up and work for a living thing! I still appreciate the flower though babes, thank you! *Hugs!* :D Ohhh and lookie it's my very first post, that rocks hon, thanks! Heehee, look at how "newbie" I was! :lol: I love it! :lol:

Stuffy thanks for the congrats honey! And you too Soph! You guys are too sweet! And Soph happy belated anniversary to you too hon! :D

Soph wow awwww, honey...I would LOVE that for the finale!! That would make my whole summer if we got that for our finale! Awwww that makes my fluffy heart SOOO happy hon! :D

Mer asked:
What do you think Danny and Lindsay's first thoughts were of each other during Zoo York, (either the first meeting or throughout the first case)?
Ohhhhh good question! ;) Mmmmmmm...
Danny: "Hmmmmm, new girl's cute, totally gotta mess with her and see how she takes it!"
Lindsay: "Wow, city boy is Hot! Totally have to play this cool or I'll embarass myself in front of the new boss!"

Yup Lynny, one year on here today!! Cool beans huh! Yay me! :lol:

*Mo giggles and dances out of the thread...."Jeremiah was a bullfrog, he was a good friend of mine...!"* :D

ETA: Okay did y'all see the full transcript of the promo for tomorrow night that Talk posted? :D
Apparently we do get a scene after all!! And one where the words "Safe Sex" are mentioned at that! :devil: http://www.csifiles.com/news/090507_01.shtml
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