Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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ker, I'd take that "spoiler" with a grain of salt. There's no confirmation, nor have we heard anything relating to that before now. Also, the blog where it was found doesn't seem too credible to me. So, I say use your discretion whether you want to believe it or not. I don't, but that's just me.
ok whew! I went in to serious freak out mode! More than I freaked out when I lost my paycheck yesterday! LOL!

Im really excited for this upcoming episode!

Im trying to "cast" a friend of Lindsay's who comes to NY from Montana and meets a friend of Danny's. Any ideas?

Im thinking Jacinda Barrett, but still not sure yet.
ker I didn't know that something like that was on a blog...If you were referring to my post I'd like to again emphasize that it was just a prediction :cool:...none of the spoilers tell us how the final ep will end :(...so everything you read about that anywhere is just speculation :)...And even the things we do 'know' can be changed when the ep finally airs... :)
Ha, ha, sorry dear, I already called that a page back. But the hallways and the cars are still unmanned...so you better hurry....

Oh! thanks Dutch, haha. Dibs on the Hallway AND cAR! can I do that?? hehe :devil:
I'll meet you there tomorrow to replace some of those cameras Stuffy!

Sounds good dutch ;) I'll bring us both a beverage and we can get to fixing those cameras. Maybe then we'll get a clear shot of our lovely couple, provided they don't fling more clothes onto our lenses :devil:. I can't help but feel bad for you about what happened earlier. You did underline "I think" in your post (I went back and checked), and look at the commotion it caused. *huggles to fellow buddy even if it didn't bother her*

Mo and Angel...where be ye two wubs?? :(
ker said:
who is excited for Wednesday. I seriously cannot wait! Any clips out yet?

Generally if there is a clip out it usually comes out on Wed.

The preview that airs right after the episode leaves the viewers with many possibilites. What happens next? What can be done?

And if there will be d/l in the next episode? :)
I hope that we do get some D/L action--at least one scene. A look, a stare, a quick "Da" comment. Anything. :)

I think I might have been the only one not to answer my own question from a couple of pages ago. At this point, I'm not sure where this ship is. Most of it is implied. I'm thinking that they are dating but not yet in that 'make-out' all the time stage. I sure don't think that they have been intimate except in our 'broom closet' dreams. I would hope in the next episode that we will be able to see something from them---otherwise, it's just all up to our imaginations. :devil:

Okay, to be fair to Lynny who plans on killing the D/L baby, I'll finish and post my CatNip and D/L fics. But Baby Doll, you must not kill Baby M&M! Yup, I saw that comment to Mer. Just thinking of a good comment for the CatNip thread. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Here I am Stuffy! ;) *Mo waltzes in, feeling a little bit of pressure now to be always cheerful whenever I pop in here! Just kidding!! :lol: I just love this thread and all y'all fun peeps so much that I can't help but cheerful when I pop in here...D/L make me happy! :D *

Niece Rad said:
Golly gee, this ship is so exciting!
Lol, it really is isn't honey! It just makes me so happy lately, I'm so glad we're over the angst of earlier in the season...this new fluffier, happier D/L is my favorite!! :D

spoiler Queen Catey said:
Anyway, Mo, thanks for clearing that up about the song, I had no clue what you were singing to. You are always in a great mood, singing when you come here first thing. How do you do it? I barely can think when you have so much energy and enthusiasm. Gosh, you help make this a great place to be.
Yeah I'm a huge fan of musicals...older ones at that..."Hello Dolly", "Singing in the Rain", "Summer Stock"...so if I come in here singing random songs you don't know, it's a safe bet it's from one of those! :lol: And like I said, I come in here in a good mood cuz I just wubs this thread, our couple, and all y'all! You make me happy, it's that simple! ;) :lol:

Stuffy dear said:
Auntie Mo is indeed always in a super mood, even when it's Monday and another work/school week. Honestly I don't think I've seen her in a bad mood since I joined this forum, even when the spoilers weren't going our way, she managed to be happy about it. Everyone did for that matter cause us DL fans are the shizzle.
It's cuz this thread is like my dessert, well that or my heroin! :lol: I'm addicted and I come in here and get my fix and it's all good! :lol: Really it's just that when I whine or complain its to Aud and Lynny most of the time. Lol, ask Aud how I respond to her when I hear bad spoilers! (You rock for calming my freak out's Fluffy Twin! ;) )

lovely Dutch said:
Hey Mo I was wondering when we'd get your prediction...I like it A LOT...It'd be as unsatifying as mine, but a lot less angsty. I'd be freaking out too if they end it like I anticipate, but I can't quite shake the feeling ....(LOL seems I have that 'voice' too catey )
Lol, thanks Dutch yeah I like my prediction too! :lol: I gave an original prediction a bit earlier, but I like the one I updated a bit this morning! ;) It's still a bit angsty, but as much as I don't like that I think it's fairly realistic to what we're gonna get...I'd predict a totally fluffy ending, but sadly I don't think it'll be as fluffy as we want! :p

My sweet fluffykins Aud asked:
The weather is finally nice and it looks like it's time to go out and make my lawn pretty. Any suggestions, Mo?
Ohhhhh! Yard work...hmmmmm...you mean like pretty plants to get? Roses are always good...serenity gardens with a little river covered by a wooden bridge and little rock path surrounded by greenery...bamboo is easy and looks really cool! How's that?! :lol:

Alright my buddies...bring on Wed, here's hoping we get us a scene or two leading us up to the LOVE that is our season finale! It's gonna be a good couple weeks here peeps...I'm totally excited about all these finales we've got coming and I've managed to stay in blissful denial that all these finales mean no more new shows for the whole summer! :lol:

*Mo grins and brings her fluffy bubble out of hiding...climbs in and sings happily to herself as she basks in the love that is D/L!* :D
Wow, I feel way behind on my posting in here!

kissmesweet said:
Mercy! I love your icon! Aiden totally rocks. :)
Thank you! Aiden is totally awesome. I always liked to think that Aiden knew Danny had fallen for Lindsay before he knew, and she thought it was hilarious that the great player Messer was ga-ga for a gal. That, and Vanessa Ferlito has great hair. :lol:

Aw, Dutch your banner makes me sad (but its pretty). I haven’t watched that show much this season because of my work schedule, and now it’s ending. :(

All these predictions are lovely! I even find the angsty ones interesting, even if I want a fluffy ending. Fluff rules. Right, curiously absent Lynny? If you say nothing, I will take that as agreement. :D

I luvs all my shipping buddies! I like coming in here and reading the discussions and speculations and spoilers! *passes around pints of Häagen Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream*
Mer I have never liked Aiden before, but that was always because whenever anyone talked about her it was always people who hated D/L...but when you say Aiden knew Danny was ga-ga for Linds and teased him about it, that I can totally picture and that makes me like her! ;)

Lol, nice one Mer hon...Lynny you gonna come in here and defend your angsty honor? Wait what, you're fluffy now? Oh my bad! :lol: *Mo huggles her Lynny honey!*

Ohhhhh ice cream? Sweet!! :D Thanks!!
Glad I can help spread more CSI:NY character love! In "Heroes" Danny mentioned he was supposed to be having dinner with Aiden, they were great friends, and ever since then I just think what some of their conversations were like (because Linds had been a part of the team for a while by then). As Danny would fill Aiden in on the lab gossip/stories, it was probably filled with "Monroe this, Montana that" etc without him even realizing it!
*slightly OT whisper* my ship list on lj includes Flack/Aiden

Yep, looks like Lynny is back to D/L fluffy again! :lol:

Less than 3 days till our new ep! Catey, I am looking forward to your spoilers!
Lol, yeah I read a ficce where Danny came to Aiden cuz he was afraid of falling in love with Linds and she basically told him to get his head out of his butt and realize 1)He was already in love with her! And 2)She was the best thing to ever happen to him so he better not screw it up! It was great and it made me like Aiden more! :D

Lol, yup no Lynny popping in means she's not defending her angsty honor! :lol:

Yeah Catey I second that...can't wait for spoilers, yay! :D
I swear we share a brain Fluffy Twin! Musicals rock! :)

I am tired but I really do agree about the Aiden thing. Come on, Lynny! We need you to argue with us. :lol:

I can't wait to read Catie's spoilers on Wednesday night! Also can't wait for the finale. :D

Here's to a wonderful ship sailing the ocean blue with no worries. ;)
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