Wow, you guys rock

I haven’t been in here for 2 days doing most of my holiday shopping and not only did I miss all of you and the gorgeous D/L, but we’re already on page 4 now

Took me forever to read and reply
glad that he has gone back to calling her Montana
iheartCSI, nice to meet you. And I’m so cheering with you for that. I thought he was gettin’ rid of it

when he started using it less and less and then suddenly it was there again last week. Totally surprised me. But I loved it!!
Here are some great D/L scenes/epsiodes written by our beloved NY writers
Aah txs
Aud!!You’ve made a great list. But after reading it I’m now so hoping that
our ep #12 was a ‘joint venture’. If they have all put their heads together that would make it the best ep
I just wish they had kept along those lines instead of the left turn to nowhere they took after that
Actually most of the writers/producers have pushed D/L quite a lot..
catey, I think we were all hoping for that. But I somehow get the impression that Anna’s pregnancy has somewhat changed the initial plans they had. Since like,
kissme said, this relation was always rather up front (just check out
Aud’s list for prove of that) and then all of a sudden it was almost non excisting

(at least on screen –after all, we all know better-)
Which made me think of something…

given the screentime Anna had last week (plus the almost unnoticeable pregnancy ) and the guest role of Edward Furlong is it perhaps possible that this ep was shot immediately after HotD
..he's looking at her!...
I'll say it again and again; I loved how many little glances we got from Danny last week. They were definetely squee-inducing
Great catch
Rad with that pic! Cannot believe I didn’t catch that while making caps. He is sooo in luv!! Seemed like he was keeping an eye on her wherever they were
…he would act on that, not just stare at her from afar
catey who knows (well WE do) what he was just planning to do

If only Stella hadn’t walked in :devil:
Lookie at my new avie...ain't it purty!
…welcome to read and review my first fanfic…
I made this Danny and Lindsay mosaic thing. It's called "She Completes Him"
Well, at least the 2 weeks without D/L brings out people’s reactive sides
Mo love your avie. The
’hello, Miss Monroe’ pic is still soo beautiful.
mercy I will read you fic and comment there. And
darx2 I love those mosaics. They're just amazing!
And I’m just so jealous of everyone of you who is already having snow or are having snow forecasted. I've just heard that we had the warmest November in 300 years here, so any change of snow in December will be most likely out of the question
And just the thought of snow and X-mas coming kinda brings out my fluffy side

I just cannot seem to shake the image of Danny chasing Lindsay through Central Park after her secret is revealed. And when he finally catches up with her and she faces him the first snow is starting to fall…
For all you fluffy’s I will leave it at this, but angst is already winning back terrain and is determined on getting them to start some nasty argument right there…
*Welcomes all new people and hugs to all D/L’ers