Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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He called her Montana! YAY!!!
Ahhh! I noticed that too. :) I'm so happy; I'd LOVE a cute nickname like that, especially from a cute guy. The first time he called me that, I would have jumped him. :lol: The episode was fantastic, but Pam's D/L-ness made it that much better.
WE LOVE YOU, PAM!! We think you're the best! It almost makes up for the lack of DL we've been getting for the past days.
All concerned about their friend and colleague but again he cannot take his eyes of of her
I saw that too; I was like "AWWWW. Isn't that cute?"

I'm so happy & giddy! I'm hugging everyone, including dutch and Mo[//b]. MWAH! and kissing them too!
Just a question for you all, which writers seem to feature any D/Lness? I know that you mentioned Pam Veasey above, but who else? And I'm lazy, but did this Pam have any part in writing Silent Night, or the episode where she leaves the note? Can we maybe be hopeful of some D/L in those episodes? Because I sure loved the Montana when I first heard it last night. And the fact they were actually in the same scene for more than once was nice too. :D
Aloha from Down Unda!
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Hi everyone!!! oooo i haven't been on here in awhile :eek: oops.... well, SQUEE!!!!! sorry just had to get that out of my system :D.... i have days when i hate tptb then days where i love them, they sure like making us wait for D/L to become full blown canon :( im sooooo glad that he has gone back to calling her Montana *sighs in relief*..since i'm in england i have to wait till freak'n april or something urg :rolleyes: so i'm relying on all you fellow shippers :) i want to say thank you though, some times i really freak out about the well-being of our ship... but reading all ur guys (girls) has made me all happy :D you know when i heard that Anna was still shooting some scenes while pregnant i was like 'i wonder if her hormones will cause her to just grab Danny while they are filming and just kiss the hell outta him' imao hehe.... that would make me one happy CSI nutter :D oh did anyone else think that when Danny was in the locker room with no shirt that Lindsay should of been there, and not Sheldon??? :devil: :eek: :lol:..... *Squees over pictures* yay!!!. lol xxxo Lila

I would have loved to see a conversation between Danny and Lindsay if Stella hadn't walked into the room! :eek:

I loved the episode last night. Lindsay looked right at Danny when he left to go to the crime scene with Stella and he looked right at her too. Squee!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good evening all! **Mo pops in, still squeeing and jumping for joy!** :lol: :lol: We got scenes...we got "Montana"!!! :D :D YAY!

Lol, yeah I'm gonna be sailing on that up thru "Silent Night" when hopefully we'll get some AWESOME shippyness to carry us through Christmas! :D
*kicks TV* Damn hospital tv's. bastards.
Lynny! :eek: Are you in the hospital? Oh my poor honey!! :( :(
you're right almost any guy in a peepshow boot would at least check out the girls. But he didn't and after that he called her Montana again. Almost like he, again, had realised how special she is (to him)
I totally noticed that too!! The half nekkid girl got up and left the booth and Danny didn't even notice...YAY!!! :lol:

Dutch!! I heart you! Thank you for the caps hon, gah I LOVE them!!! :D They're SOOO perfect together! Them staring into layout together...they are so totally cute! :D
Mo. MWAH! and kissing them too!
Kissme kissed me! :lol: **Mo giggles and huggles her back!** :D

I dunno who wrote Ep.13 or 14...I don't think it's up anywhere yet...I can check but I don't think it is! :p

Yay for our ship!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Remind me to scream and yell later..

Anyways, aww thanks dutch & Mo you guys are way kind and all :)

Probably someone I don't like wrote it. These writers hate me these days, but I guess they like me on this ship though. :D
Why are you screaming and yelling later? I's confused now hon... :confused:

No problem hon...**huggles!**

Someone you don't like wrote what? Our eppy's? Oh no someone who likes you wrote them! ;)

Mo's so confused right now...confused but so happy cuz her D/L is happy again baby! :lol: :lol:
Welcome NSW! Welcome back IHeartCSI! :)

Mel, Lynny always thinks I'm crazy. That's because it's her fault that I am. LOL! Not really. My dear IHNC are you ill? Hands you some chicken soup and runs before it gets dumped on my head! :)

Catey said:
Just a question for you all, which writers seem to feature any D/Lness?

Excellent question. One in which I have the answer. Lynn stares again..wub you! :)

Some people read liner notes about the musicians and producers/writers on albums and CD's. I read the credits a lot. To answer your question, all of the main staff writers are D/L writers. What I mean by that is--the main NY writers have all had several great D/L scenes. What really rocks is--most of them are also producers. The reason we love Pam, besides her D/L comment in TV Guide, is because she has written some significant D/L scenes. She, along with Peter Lenkov (someone that has written several good episodes along with Pam) are executive producers. Semi-staff writers (or those that don't write as regular as the others) have written some great scenes as well. :cool:

Here are some great D/L scenes/epsiodes written by our beloved NY writers.

Papa Zuiker: RSRD, All Access, and Risk.
Goddess Pam: City of Dolls (hand holding scene--wub!), Supermen, Live or Let Die, Raising Shane, Not What it Looks Like (shall we say porn hug!)
King Peter: Fare Game, Supermen and Not What it Looks Like(along with Pam), and Zoo York.
Timothy Lea (great writer and supervising produer): Love Run Cold, Charge of This Post, Youngblood, and Stuck on You (date!!).
Zachary Reiter (great writer as well and the NY story editor): Raising Shane, Stealing Home, Bad Beat (walrus video lol), and Fare Game. ;)

Mo is right! Our ship will sail! ;)

Hey to all D/L shippers. Have a lovely evening. It's snowing here. :eek: :lol:
Aud!! You ROCK!! I heart you Fluffy Twin! *Huggles!* Yay for our whole bunch of shippy writers...I always knew we had bunch of them, but that's like all of them! Rock on! :lol:

Our ship is SOOO sailing...it can't do anything else! We've got everything including the kitchen sink on our side! ;) YAY!! :D :D

Aud you have snow? Where is you? ! :D
Why are you screaming and yelling later? I's confused now hon...

One word -- Needle. I saw one go by earlier..

Mel, Lynny always thinks I'm crazy. That's because it's her fault that I am. LOL! Not really. My dear IHNC are you ill? Hands you some chicken soup and runs before it gets dumped on my head!

You are nuts, And I'm glad I made you that way! :D ... Oh come on, come back, How'd you know?? Thats not fair! *looks at Mo sadly*

Lynn stares again..wub you!

wub you!.. Now Aud tell me, why do I stare at you? I'll tell you why. Its freaky you know these things.

*kicks floor* I demand snow...wait, I don't have a 4x4. I change that. *sends snow to Danny* there play in it!
Thanks, Mo! I love our writers. They know a good thing when they see it. I think we will have many more. I mean Pam was gracious to give us some lovely D/L scenes last night. I heart Danny and his Montana. ;)

Lynny needles hurt! Sorry. If I told you that D/L were be naughty and really loud in the broom closet would that make you happy? How about finishing up Texas ficcie soon? Somehow, D/L keep creeping into that one...it's all good however. :rolleyes: :lol:

Where is me, Mo. Why state home of Nicky Stokes of course! We've got about 2/3 of an inch. We can't handle that much. It's like a blizzard to us. Northern people stare at me. Are you kidding? :eek:
ihnc, i'd loan ya my tape of the ep (if we pretended there was no geographic impediment ;)), but I just dropped it off at another hospital (friend's munchkin had emer appendectomy) otherwise, it'd be all yours! :D

The newest ep was just last night, but I am already going through withdrawal at the thought of no D/L till the 13th, I think I am gonna go nuts :eek:! Lookout fanfics, here I come!

aud, no fair, you have snow! (even if it is just a little) :( **pouts** they keep predicting it but it never shows up. hmm, danny & lindsay & snow ...
You always heart Danny and his Montana. Every since I've meet you, thats all you've ever talked about.

Needles are evil, complete EVIL. .. Well now that you mention it, both would make me happy really :D Gimmie Aud

Awws, poor Auda playing in the snow..
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