Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Here's a Fan fic I wrote just now.. The bar
Kind of different.

I want t ime machiene. I nice shiny one that lets me fast forward to Wednesdays. Actually the 13th would be nice. Yea, really nice. :)

I'm thinking of writing a very short fic about Danny and Linds talking in the breakroom before Stella walked in last week. Not sure though.

For old times sake I throw a pie at Mo wherever she is... :p
want t ime machiene. I nice shiny one that lets me fast forward to Wednesdays. Actually the 13th would be nice. Yea, really nice.

omg! Radical , i was thinking the same thing! i wish i could just skip to the next ep. im not a very patient person lol...
Hey guys!

I think that Danny would be the one to kiss Lindsay under the mistletoe. He would be sneaky and tempt her with those gorgeous blue eyes and she would be hooked. I would be hooked.

Dutch that's a good scenerio. You read my mind. I had that sort of scene going around in my head. :)
Radical618 said:
Here's a Fan fic I wrote just now.. The bar
Kind of different.
Rad, i love it, but if the show really played it out that way :eek: gawd, there would be some serious issues.
y'all should go read rad's fic. :D

It feels so weird not having an ep to look forward to this week. I am so used to catching spoilers and speculating what will happen and if there will be any good d/l, I'm kinda at a loss. TV Guide says the rerun they are playing Wednesday night will be People w/Money. Is it next week yet? :rolleyes:
Vexus, I agree with you. I think it would be Danny trying to sneak a kiss from Lindsay, and using the mistletoe as a legitimate excuse to do so. Then, Lindsay couldn't really be upset with him, after all, it is Christmas.Somebody should definetly write a fic about that. :lol:
You know, I think they'd both be trying to steal a kiss from each other.. :lol: I might write a small fic later on in the month after "Silent Night" see if maybe I could take off that.
dutch_treat, fantastic scenario!

Carmine/ Anna = Love
Oops sorry, I actually meant that.
Carmine = Love
Anna = Love

not together, since she's married and having a baby. Sorry for the miscommunication.'
Here I am! :D **Mo pops in, giggling and passing out mochas and scones!** :lol:
Okay so since I am clearly impatient and cannot freaking wait for our next eppy...seriously, I'm SOOO excited to watch it! So to pass the time...I wrote a fun little ficcie...I think y'all will like it, so check it out and review please! :D

"Never" my newest ficcie!
Fluffies are winning--even Lynn is leaning that way. LOL! We need some major fluff. I don't mind some angst now and then (I'm still fluffy) but come on, D/L is too fun to be 100% angsty.
Heehee, we SO are winning Aud! Fluffies rule...and all you angsty's know it! As much as you love your angst (or claim to! ;) ) You KNOW you love fluffy endings...even if you won't admit it! :D
Tackles Mo back!! Plot bunnies running around? Cool. How about some D/L Christmas fluff?
**tackles Aud again!** Hi Fluffy Twin! Stop filling my head with ficcie ideas! :p Just kidding honey! :lol: Hmmmm, Christmas fluff...maybe next week...for now go read my new ficcie and tell me what you think! :D
Who would be the first one to kiss the other under the misteltoe? Would it be mutual?
I totally see Danny planting the mistletoe somewhere and catching Linds off guard and laying one on her! And you know as soon his lips touched hers it would be totally be mutual! :devil: Hello who wouldn't love to kiss Danny Messer! :devil:
Angst is better Aud sorry.
Rad, Rad, Rad, tsk...tsk...tsk! ;) You know fluff is better honey, you can admit it! :lol:
I agree with Rad Angst is better! But there's always room for a little fluff!
Lol, oh my dear Dutch it's kind of like being an addict I'd say (I'm thinking like coffee here, just so ya know! ;) ) you can't say you're only a little addicted, if you're addicted it's all the way! So if you're a little fluffy then you're just fluffy! At least that's what I say! ;) :lol: :lol:
See, angst and fluff, D/L kissing, we can have it all!!
I guess we can! :D Nice scenario there hon, I likes it! :lol: Anything where D/L kisses....is good by me! :devil:
I'm thinking of writing a very short fic about Danny and Linds talking in the breakroom before Stella walked in last week. Not sure though.
Rad I read this and swear it said "a short fic about Danny TAKING Linds in the breakroom before Stella walked in" and I was like :eek: YEAH! :devil: :devil: My mind is guttery what can I say! Lol, but yeah either way...you totally should write something for that! :D
For old times sake I throw a pie at Mo wherever she is...
Oh you so did not just do that! :lol: **Mo giggles and wipes pie off her face...then grabs her freshly made banana cream pie and tosses it at Rad!** :lol:

Okay my lovelies...8 more days and we get our fabulous new eppy! I'm doing my best to stay calm and be patient...of course I'm failing miserably, but what's new! :lol: :lol:
I just want my D/L dang it...and I want it now! :D
We need some D/L Smex to hold us thru the holidays! :devil: Please PTB! Please!! :D
I want my Dl now too Mo!!! Lovely Pie btw, I love banana's. Oh and I should write a taking her into the brakroom ficcie instead.. he he he. That would be fun. And Dutch has hit it right on the nose with the angst stuff... it's superb.. :p
Lol, let's pout together Rad and see if makes any kind of difference! :lol: The PTB might listen to us...! ;)
Glad I got the right kind of pie for ya! ;)
You should TOTALLY write a Him taking her in the breakroom ficcie! :devil: I would LOVE it! D/L smex...mmmmhmmmm, baby! ;)

Lol, y'all and your angst...go ahead with it then, just know us fluffies will get 'em in the end...we always do!! Right Aud! :D
I just hope that after a two weeks break we will get everything we've wished for in #12 (as if that's even possible in 45 minutes :devil:). Especially since I've read in the spoiler thread that the next ep (our #13) will be January 17 :( :eek: :(

So we absolutely need some D/L stuff next week to help us get through that cold, cold winter month :rolleyes:

Luckily I still have a lot of fic's to read :) For some reason I hadn't been able to access ff.net the last few months, but suddenly I can again. So I will read everything you guys have written and will even try (if I can find the time to do so :D) to write something myself. I have so much little scenario's in my head :)

Lol, oh my dear Dutch it's kind of like being an addict I'd say (I'm thinking like coffee here, just so ya know! ) you can't say you're only a little addicted, if you're addicted it's all the way! So if you're a little fluffy then you're just fluffy! At least that's what I say!
Going with your coffee comparison Mo; I am a coffee addict! I usually need a double espresso in the morning to start my engine (never seem to be able to go to bed in time :p), followed by a few mugs during the morning to keep the motor running, but in the afternoon and evening it depends on how I'm feeling; I can be in such a hyper drive that I have to drink tea to not completely freak people out with my enthusiasm :eek: but there are days that I drink coffee 24/7. So the coffee is my angst -it's always there- and the tea is my fluff -only if necessary- :p

And please Rad write a fic about taking/talking/combination in the breakroom. I'm just curious what would've happened if Stella hadn't appeared at that moment :mad: -Great timing Stell- :rolleyes:
I started to write one but I didn't like where it was going and how I wsa writing it... I'll do when though. Inspiration will just hit me and BOOM! It'll happen... I'll make it for The Holidays for this thread... How's that?

I hope eppy 12 lives up to all we're making it to be. A lot of the time the eppy's I'm looking forward to aren't all that great. I'm a hopin' and a prayin'. :rolleyes:
Especially since I've read in the spoiler thread that the next ep (our #13) will be January 17

what!?!!?! ahh thats so far away! I dont think i could last that long with out D/L, the summer was hard enough!!
goodnite_tonite, I learned this from the girls a couple of weeks ago. The mods frown on double posting. Just edit your post to include something you have forgotten. I only started posting not long ago, and quickly learned this lesson.
Yah, Rad, your avies are awesome. I just love the one you did for me. thanks so much.
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