Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Hey everyone!!! I fnally got on a computer here that has free internet access :D

I'm a flungsty too! :)! I think...I just prefer which ever is more believable.

I had this DL dream that involved Lindsay having to go undercover as a stripper that prostituted on the side..and Danny went undercover as a guy in the bar where she danced (It was strangly similar to the Without a Trace episode where Elena goes undercover :lol:). Hmm I think it's time I wrote a dream-fic :lol:

Only a few more days till the next episode :)

I was so excited to go walking down on South Beach because I thought that I might by chance run into any celebrity..but then it just hit me that EVERYONE is at the Golden Globes...and NOT in Miami :lol:. Anyway...I'll be back wednesday. :)
Dutch, if your a flungsty, I think I maybe one too.
I'm a flungsty *waves hand*
I can deal with you being one
I'm a flungsty too!
Whoohoo, the flungst is already spreading - I just knew I wasn't the only one! :p
he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal)
LOL Mercy, but how can he ever say something like that in a way that doesn't make it a big deal....
However, note I didn't say Lindsay would buy that
That would make it a fun scene, Mercy. He all nervous trying to find a way to casually mention that and when he finally does she will be trying really hard to act like he didn't say anything significant while secretly smiling :), because she sees right through him...
I'm Vave by the way. *waves*
Hi Vave, welcome *waves back*
LOL, and maybe Lindsay wouldn't notice herself hitting or strangling Danny because of the excitement/suspense.
:lol:ROFLMAO:lol: Keich! - Oooops!!
So like Danny does another risky thing and finally Linds can't take it and gets "mad" at him and he walks out of the station into the rain, and Linds chases after him...catches him on the street and says whatever she'd say and he whips around and they stare at eachother for a long moment filled with heat and then before Linds can catch her breath he's kissing the life out of her as the warm New York rain soaked both of them!
Mo when you add a little extra to the fight and her being mad ;), that's exactly the kind of scenario a flungsty likes :D
Did yall know I updated my D/L baby fic?
CathStokes, baby? fic? Title please!
I was so excited to go walking down on South Beach because I thought that I might by chance run into any celebrity..
LOL darx2! I was in LA a few years back and just had the same hope to see a lot of famous people...but I didn't even see one :(...Enjoy the rest of your stay! :)

I'm -like you all- so excited to finally see a new ep this week. And I'm confident it will have some D/L in it! With all that has happened recently and the upcoming events, there has to be something to give it all a bit of continuity :rolleyes:

BTW shouldn't we be seriously thinking about new thread titles. I know there were a few suggestions recently, but we could use some more. I'll start (couldn't think of any nice quotes):

D/L #14 - Silence before the storm

And bad weather inspired me to make this angsty wallpaper
Oh dear it's like an epidemic. A rainstorm of flungsties? I need an umbrella. Twinnies this must stop, we're losing our beloved full bred angsties. I sound like a total jerk right now, I'm not supposed to be.. I'm trying to sound funny, hope it's working... :D.

dutch the avvie is quite funny, I might steal it... And I like the wallpaper very much, talk about angst, that wallpaper says it right there. A+++
ahh, thanks TwinCStokes! Thank you for the compliment of the writings, hugs to ya, girl!

Where's my umbrella! All the fluffies are raining down on me!, Ahhh!
**Mo pops in singing cheekily (to the tune of "It's Raining Men")...."It's raining Fluff, Hallelujah, it's raining fluff, good stuff!" :lol: :lol:
Good evening shippy buddies! How are all of you lovely folk? It's been what... **Mo checks her watch...** a whole like 6 hours or so since I was here... :D Heehee! ;)
*pushes Auda out*
Hey! Angsty niece Lynny, don't you be pushing your Mom! That ain't nice!
Whoohoo, the flungst is already spreading - I just knew I wasn't the only one!
Lol, Rad's right, Dutch it's an outbreak of flungsties! :lol: I gotta say it cracks me up a bit :lol: I'm still a Fluffy, bona fide tried and true! :D
BTW shouldn't we be seriously thinking about new thread titles.
Yeah we should start thinking of new titles...I know we had some ideas a few pages back, so I'll try to find those and any new suggestions, give them to me asap and I'll try to put a poll together for us! :D

Love the WP by the way hon, gorgeous! :D

Can't wait til Wed., can't wait til Wed., can't wait! **Mo dances out still singing "It's raining fluff...Hallelujah...!" **

ETA: I'm not gonna make an official poll yet, but I'm gonna start a list of possible titles that we can add to before we start voting...cool?! :D

Danny/Linds #14-"Little less conversation, little more action!"

Danny/Linds #14-"Whoa! Slow down, Montana!"

Danny/Linds #14-"What'd You Have In Mind?"

Danny/Linds #14-"It's a Fantasy!"
Danny/Linds #14-"Fantasy Fulfilled!"
Danny/Linds #14-"You're My Fantasy!"

Danny/Linds #14-Somebody in Montana loves me!

Danny/Linds #14 -Silence before the storm
Danny/Linds #14: Phone Sex Never Looked that hot.
Danny/Linds #14: She'll Let Her Know When She Comes Around
Danny/Linds #14: Don't worry, she'll come around!
Danny/Linds #14: He wears her heart on his sleeve
Danny/Linds #14: The fliration and banter just got serious!
Danny/Linds #14: He'll do anything for her
Danny/Linds #14: Montana and New York are getting hot
Danny/Linds #14: New York + Montana = True Love
Danny/Linds #14: Crazy for This Girl
Danny/Linds #14: Why Don't You Kiss Her?

Whoa! That's alot... Pick the ones you guys like! :D I'm proud of myself today!

All the fluffies are raining down on me!, Ahhh!
:lol: That's what we do best. Besides, we've settled that already-- as long as we want them together at the end, it's okay!

Definitely could see D/L doing that...like your whole scenario...or even hmmmm...for some reason I still see their first kiss coming after they have a "fight" (which wouldn't be so much a fight fight, but more that one of them did something risky or dumb and the other got really worried and then got mad because they were so scared for them...so passion was running high and they face off, fear and worry turning into amazing passion...) So like Danny does another risky thing and finally Linds can't take it and gets "mad" at him and he walks out of the station into the rain, and Linds chases after him...catches him on the street and says whatever she'd say and he whips around and they stare at eachother for a long moment filled with heat and then before Linds can catch her breath he's kissing the life out of her as the warm New York rain soaked both of them! Now that I would LOVE to see!
Oh my God!! Mo sweetie, You're officially Danny/Lindsay Fluffy Scenario Queen! :D


I'll gladly take the role of "D/L Fluffy Fanfic Queen!"

or the role of "D/L Fluffy Drabbles Freak" anyway
Danny/Linds #14-"What'd You Have In Mind?"

LOVE LOVE LOVE. I love all the titles guys, but that one is just gorgeous. I do like "Still doesn't mean it's not funny" though... ooo it's gonna be a tough one...
Danny/Linds #14-"What'd You Have In Mind?"
This one still has my vote. It's a hot moment, great scene, funny, and it's not too long.
I think I would smile everytime I saw it. :D
Hey guys, just thought I'd let you know that I have a question about one of those possible threads names and let you know that there's one you can't use.

Danny/Linds #14: Phone Sex Never Looked that hot. - is out..another thread couldn't use "phone sex" in the title and you guys can't either.

Danny/Linds #14: She'll Let Her Know When She Comes Around - Am I reading this right? Is "her" supposed to be "her" or "him". If it's "her", could you please explain what that means?
Yeah, I agree with Modie, can you explain that second one please?

CathStokes, baby? fic? Title please!

I think I named the first one Could It Be. Its either that ones or C/N that claimed that one, but part two is Surprises. and then this part is Flack's Reaction. Their all on ff.net. {CatherineStokes} I can't link cause its rated T.

ahh, thanks TwinCStokes! Thank you for the compliment of the writings, hugs to ya, girl!

Where's my umbrella! All the fluffies are raining down on me!, Ahhh!

I love you Twin!V! .. yeah really. Fluffies everywhere.

Hey! Angsty niece Lynny, don't you be pushing your Mom! That ain't nice!

She pushes me..

Danny/Linds #14: New York + Montana = True Love

Aww thats really cute.
dutch the avvie is quite funny, I might steal it... And I like the wallpaper very much, talk about angst, that wallpaper says it right there. A+++
Txs for the compliment Rad and of course everyone may snatch whatever I put up here... :)
BTW shouldn't we be seriously thinking about new thread titles.
Yeah we should start thinking of new titles...I know we had some ideas a few pages back, so I'll try to find those and any new suggestions, give them to me asap and I'll try to put a poll together for us!
Mo txs for taking the effort to look up those earlier suggestions...You and kissme have both put together a very impressive list. They are all so very, very nice...it will be very hard to choose :D
Love the WP by the way hon, gorgeous!
txs, I'm working on a rather fluffy one right now... :eek: i'll put that up here when it's finished too :)
Is "her" supposed to be "her" or "him".
I think it's supposed to be "him" at least that sounds more logical.
I think I named the first one Could It Be. Its either that ones or C/N that claimed that one, but part two is Surprises. and then this part is Flack's Reaction. Their all on ff.net. {CatherineStokes} I can't link cause its rated T.
OK txs I will check them out soon *adds to long list of stories I still have to read* :eek:

I can't hardly believe we're finally getting a new ep tomorrow! And again we will all be on the edge of our seats...If we're gonna get any D/L it will most likely be short... :( like running into each other in the lab or something, but we can always hope for more... :devil:
dutch_treat said:
I can't hardly believe we're finally getting a new ep tomorrow! And again we will all be on the edge of our seats...If we're gonna get any D/L it will most likely be short... :( like running into each other in the lab or something, but we can always hope for more... :devil:
I can't believe it's almost here either, dutch, it seems like forever since we had a new ep. But I have to work tomorrow night, and I won't get home till after the ep airs! :( I am setting my VCR tonight to be safe. (darn thing better work :mad:, or I will reenact that scene from the movie Office Space where they take the baseball bat to the fax/printer). At least with me having to work I won't have to decide whether or not to read lucky catey's spoilers!

Anyhow, on a happier note... Today while I was literally falling asleep in class (it's a 3 hr class taught by an almost 80 yr old professor about a topic I already know backwards and forwards) Zzzzz.... I had a daydream about D/L. Short, sweet, and weird. I dreamt that Danny was sitting at a piano playing a hauntingly beautiful song (weird given he doesn't play piano). He was wearing just pajama pants and a white tank w/his dog tags and barefoot. Lindsay was just standing in the doorway about 10 feet away leaning against the frame and listening. Danny didn't know she was there. If was a very comforting daydream. :)
Mercy, you know you like my spoilers! It gets you really interested for the show for when you watch it. You know things ahead of time. :devil: :D
1 day my fellow shippers- FINALLY. I hope we get some DL. I want some really bad. Some DL.. let's not get weird. I'm hoping the rest of the season turns out good, not that the 1st half was bad, I'm just hoping for more in the 2nd half. I guess more DL is going to be hard, considering.. well, considering. Here we go folks, head first into the world of unknown NY. I hate this feeling.
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