Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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dutch, love your avie!

"flungsty"? i think that would be a nice addition to the shipper's dictionary, aud!

What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?
I also think they would go to dinner, but unlike the time where she stood him up, I think it will be a way more casual place. After all, when you go to a nice place you are more tense and that is before you add into the fact that Lindsay would be across the table from the fabulous Danny Messer who is distraction enough on his own...
:devil: yum *drools*... See what I mean? I get distracted just thinking about him :lol:.

And to make it special, I think Danny would take her someplace that has some extra meaning. Nothing too over the top, but maybe a restaurant where one of his cousins works/owns (but not immediate family, that would be too overwhelming for cautious Linds). Or maybe if the date is going well and at the end of the evening she tells him she really liked the place, he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal). Okay, I think I put way too much thought into that. :rolleyes: But that's a typical D/L shipper for ya, right? :D
Mommy has a picket thing now? Oh hell. *runs the opposite direction*

Mercy you are a fluffy w/typical shipper in your blood, but more of a fluffy. *nods*

Date wise -- I'm not really sure where either will go or take each other. Considering I'm an Angsty person. {ask Kels, she'll tell you what I do}
I think Dutch might be flungsty, perhaps?
Aaaww Aud I love that! :lol: That's the perfect word... :D ;)

*starts singing*....I'm a flungsty, I'm a flungsty!

I wonder if the food really was insects or it was just regular stuff to make it look like it was!
It would have been so much fun if they at first told them it was just regular stuff and then afterwards admit that it was the real deal.... :) But I think it was just fake.

I think it will be a way more casual place. After all, when you go to a nice place you are more tense and that is before you add into the fact that Lindsay would be across the table from the fabulous Danny Messer who is distraction enough on his own...
That's why I always prefer the first date with a guy I really like :devil: not to be a dinner date...When I'm nervous I start messing with my food, knocking over glasses, etc. :eek:; and Lindsay seems like a girl who does that too (maybe that's why she stood him up :lol:)

he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal)
LOL Mercy, :lol: but how can he ever say something like that in a way that doesn't make it a big deal.... ;)

dutch, love your avie!
Txs! I love to see her so happy!
Aud, I loved the Elvis/wedding series! Seriously, it was one of the better fics I read.

Dutch, if your a flungsty, I think I maybe one too. I keep wavering between being fluffy(which I really think I am) and angst, which seems to have overcome me at times since the last new episode.

And, as to where they would go for a date this time, I agree with those who said it would be casual. I don't think he will go all out right now, it will be a more testing the waters type date when they finally go out. I don't think he'll go the fancy restaurant type deal until they are more established dating.

(Okay, I think I've gone nuts. I'm discussing a fictional characters date with another fictional character. Like I know anything. With me and my husband it was pretty much all casual until we got more serious. I'm just basing it on that.)
Aud, I loved the Elvis/wedding series! Seriously, it was one of the better fics I read.
Same! Sugah's stuff are so funny! :D

What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?
She'll be there this time... I think it'll be something fun, cute, but relaxing, like Lindsay bringing takeout to his house and renting some movies. I also want him to take her to my favorite restaurant in New York-- The Blue Grill! God, I can imagine Danny and her eating delicious steaks.
he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal)
God! That's so cute. I can see him stuttering and blushing while mentioning Mama Messer.
Whereever they go on a date, they will have a lot of fun. Danny knows how to treat a lady and he will treat Lindsay will a lot of respect. I think they would go out for a nice Italian dinner and maybe, just maybe, they will go back to Danny's apartment for some extra time together :).

I love Sugah's fics. She writes really well and I wished I was half the writer that she was. :)
I can see him taking her to a park, New York kind and they just have fun. They might run around or something then it starts raining. And somehow she ends up in his arms. Water dripping from their faces, they stare into eachothers eyes and...... I'll let ya'll finish the story. *wink, wink* I'm Vave by the way. *waves*
dutch_treat said:
he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal)
LOL Mercy, :lol: but how can he ever say something like that in a way that doesn't make it a big deal.... ;)
:lol: This is a guy who tackles suspects off of moving motorcycles, jumps from buildings, and acts as though it's nothing. However, note I didn't say Lindsay would buy that :D, which is why he would have to wait until the end of the date once he knows it was a success. Like mentioning it casually while helping her put her coat on, or while paying the cab driver, something where he just mentions it not making eye contact. Didn't I tell you I put too much thought into this, dutch? :lol: *laughing at myself*

DL is a lovely temporary reprieve from RL. Some people take long bubble baths, some people have a few drinks, and then some people ship. (Some people do all...:devil:.) Think of it that way catey and then it will seem totally normal to be dicussing fictional dates among fictional characters and their fictional lives.
VaveAma92: Love your scenario and welcome to our D/L thread! :D

I can see them dancing in the rain and having a great time and him kissing for for the first time in the rain. They're both soaked and having so much fun. Then as they kiss each other, they run to her apartment and they're wetting everything in seat as they are tangled in each other, engrossed in each other, as he leads her to her bedroom. :D
goodnight_tonite said:
Haha, that would be the cutest moment those two screaming at the screen

LOL, and maybe Lindsay wouldn't notice herself hitting or strangling Danny because of the excitement/suspense. :D

audacity said:
Keich, you are so right. I see Lindsay loving action and the tough stuff. Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a good one or The Fast and the Furious would work too. She seems athletic and into sporty things like bodyslamming and watergun fights. Danny, he seems more into the Adam Sandler type stuff or perhaps cartoons. I think he'd like Monster's Inc. or something like that.

:lol: Danny and Lindsay arguing over what movie to watch. She wants Blood Diamond, he wants Happy Feet. :p

As for the date thing, I imagine they'd do something a little outdoor-ish, like wall climbing, then Lindsay'll slip and Danny will come to her rescue...then the two will stare into each other's eyes...

Okaaaaaay, too much fluff even for me.
Hi my lovelies!! Yay for MLK day cuz it means no work for Mo, meaning I get to sleep in, do laundry and hang out in here! Lol, make sure I got my priorities straight...sleep, clothes, shipping..yup! :lol: :lol: Heehee! I think I say this everytime I pop in here, but I'll say it again...y'all make me smile! Really, I just love our ship, love our couple and I loves my shippy buddies...all y'all are fabulous! :D
I'd see Lindsay being a "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" type of girl if we're gonna go with her liking action movies.
Ohhh, I could totally see that Rad! That's an awesome movie by the way! Brad and Angelina are HOT in that movie! Wouldn't it be fun to see Danny and Linds do a Mr. and Mrs. Smith-like undercover op...WOWZA would that be HOT! :devil: Them dancing the tango like that.....gah...*Mo swoons at that thought!*
The kind that include a chapel, some rings, and the words "I do." Ever read The Elvis/Wedding Series?
Aud!! Hi Fluffy Twin! **Mo giggles and tackles her fluffy Twin in a big hug!** Yay for a Sug fic mention! I LOVE that series and I totally want to see that happen! That would make an awesome ep or two if they did that! :lol: Hey a shipper can dream right! ;)
Still marching along with her Fluffy twin in total ship support complete with picket signs saying "Bring on the Fluff." Our ship is sailing!
Sweet deal! Thanks hon, I can always count on you to be my picket buddy! :D **Mo grins, nods and continues marching with Aud...all the while planning ways to sneak into the CBS writers room and take it over!**
he would casually mention that was where his parents met or had their first date or something like that (but a very casual mention as though it were no big deal).
Awww I could totally see that happening Mercy! For all his tough-guy bad-ass ways and wanting to look like a manly man (which he does just fine! :devil: ) I really do think Danny's a big sweet soft romantic inside! And it would totally fit to have him take her somewhere sweet and meaningful like that! Yup, I could definitely see that! :D
Mommy has a picket thing now? Oh hell. *runs the opposite direction*
:lol: :lol: :lol: Mommy AND Aunty! ;) But no worries Lynny hon we won't use them against you...they're for beating up the silly PTB if anything! :D :lol:
*starts singing*....I'm a flungsty, I'm a flungsty!
Lol, I knew you'd like that, as soon as Aud said it Dutch! It does describe you pretty well though...some fluff, some angst...yup, that's you! :D
I can see them dancing in the rain and having a great time and him kissing for for the first time in the rain.
Awwww! I love that idea Delia! I totally want to see that! Kissing in the rain is sweet and HOT! :devil: Definitely could see D/L doing that...like your whole scenario...or even hmmmm...for some reason I still see their first kiss coming after they have a "fight" (which wouldn't be so much a fight fight, but more that one of them did something risky or dumb and the other got really worried and then got mad because they were so scared for them...so passion was running high and they face off, fear and worry turning into amazing passion...) So like Danny does another risky thing and finally Linds can't take it and gets "mad" at him and he walks out of the station into the rain, and Linds chases after him...catches him on the street and says whatever she'd say and he whips around and they stare at eachother for a long moment filled with heat and then before Linds can catch her breath he's kissing the life out of her as the warm New York rain soaked both of them! :D Now that I would LOVE to see! :lol:

Okay y'all...have a fabulous holiday! I'm off to...well do something fun! ;) 2 more days til our new eppy...YAY!!! :lol:
Lol, yeah no kidding Goodnite! It's been freaking forever since we had a new eppy! :D I really really want some kind of D/L scene this week! Even if it's just a look, a mention of one by the other...I'll take scraps at this point...but I want something dang it! Come on PTB, you got this shippy ball rolling..you had darn well better not drop it now!

I'm getting excited...I'm holding out faith and staying optimistic! :D Hopefully I will be proven correct! ;)
aww Dutchy's a Flungsty. I forgot who else in this thread was one too. I think several ppl has left. *pushes Auda out* Anyways, Flungsty is nice though. I can deal with you being one. :lol:

I'm a .. I have no clue what I am. I'm a Angsty though. Speaking of Angsty. Did yall know I updated my D/L baby fic? I added Flackie. Which makes it Angsty. :D

Twin!V aww babes, you're a great fic writer. I love your stuff!
I'm a flungsty *waves hand* But at least I'm still here lol Just wishing it'd be Wednesday already so we could see D/L and Smacked.

Yes Lynn you are evil, like I said. You torture the characters and make them cry and steal Macky from me *whacks you*
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