Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Ya know, I was shipping D/L before I even knew what shipping was. I have always followed the three CSIs, but CSI:NY and M&M's have gotten me so hooked!

That's me too. I loved them since I saw them then the show grew on me, then I found this place and felt as though I was in Heaven!
Just popping in for a quick comment. :)

I somehow get the impression that Lindsay loves action/adventure movies. Like, I don't know...Die Hard, maybe? I can picture her and Danny watching an action flick and reacting (like groaning or screaming "Look out!") to certain scenes at the same time. ^_^

Okay, off to bed I go!
Moriel21 said:
ya, dutch sweetie! I bet you're actually a fluffy at heart!
:lol: :lol: Yup, that's what I say...Dutch's a fluffy, just gotta admit it! ;) :D
:confused: :confused: OK, now I'm officialy confused. What makes you guys think I'm a total fluffy all of a sudden. Is it because I've quoted 'Wuthering Heights'. Because if it is, you really need to read that book, cause that is I think the most tragic love story ever :(; the love between Catherine and Heathcliff is so great that it takes over their lives, changes who they are and devours them. :( There is really no fluff there...and although I love that book I really hope that the D/L story has a different ending :)

I've never denied that there is not a bit of a fluffy inside me :p, but I really do like the more dramatic stories better. The ones that give you that feeling that someone is squeezing your heart only to have it released at the very end, enabling you to breathe again ;).
Radical618 said:
Ya know, I was shipping D/L before I even knew what shipping was. I have always followed the three CSIs, but CSI:NY and M&M's have gotten me so hooked!

That's me too. I loved them since I saw them then the show grew on me, then I found this place and felt as though I was in Heaven!
Didn't know what 'shipping' was either. Always did like some couples together in TV shows, but never as fanatical as I am about this one. I just know that they will end up together eventually, but when and how is still open... :eek:

I'm really happy I have found all of you to share this weird obsession with... :D

And I'm glad you all like the wallpaper. Since I have Photoshop I've totally abandoned my real paint and brushes and am trying all the options the digital ones have. So if you guys have any requests feel free to ask :)
We all know that dutch is an angsty, lets not switch up her words. That's just being mean. :p We're very alike you and me. I love the dramatic stories and all the angst you'd ever want but, a bit o' fluff isn't all that bad. Don't turn those words against me Fluffy Crowd... us Angsty's will have your head! We do love you though, if we didn't, we'd wouldn't have as many DLer's shipping this gorgeous ship with us!
I love the dramatic stories and all the angst you'd ever want but, a bit o' fluff isn't all that bad.
me too rad! :)
I somehow get the impression that Lindsay loves action/adventure movies. Like, I don't know...Die Hard, maybe? I can picture her and Danny watching an action flick and reacting (like groaning or screaming "Look out!") to certain scenes at the same time. ^_^
thats what i imagined too! Lindsay seems like an action movie kinda girl :). Haha, that would be the cutest moment those two screaming at the screen :lol: I could see them both watching football and doing the same :lol:
We all know that dutch is an angsty, lets not switch up her words. That's just being mean. :p We're very alike you and me. I love the dramatic stories and all the angst you'd ever want but, a bit o' fluff isn't all that bad. Don't turn those words against me Fluffy Crowd... us Angsty's will have your head! We do love you though, if we didn't, we'd wouldn't have as many DLer's shipping this gorgeous ship with us!
Txs Rad! I couldn't have said it any better myself :) And of course we do love our fluffy buddies ;) That's just one of the things that makes this such a great ship to be a board; we all want them together, we just have different opinions on how they should get there :D
I could see them both watching football and doing the same
:lol: That would be so much fun to watch goodnite I can just imagine them watching a really important game in a football stadium - cheering and singing with the rest of the crowd. And Lindsay's most likely going to be even more fanatical than Danny :D :D
That's just one of the things that makes this such a great ship to be a board; we all want them together, we just have different opinions on how they should get there
I like both: angst and fluff, but fluff wins me over at the end of the day. But I know that you want D/L at the end, so I'm totally okay! :lol:

I want a confession and feelings spilled and emotions running high and kissing, definitely kissing!
Me too! I want her to take him by surprise by a kiss, then surprising herself when she realizes that the kiss is exactly what she was searching for since forever.
Basically I want the Friends finale, D/L-style!
:lol: Yep, "good times"! I was sooo happy, but I don't want D/L to hook up at the LAST EPISODE. :lol: That made me angry and happy at the same time. :lol: But I want D/L to hook up at THIS SEASON'S finale or before. I want it soon. But since you guys read the TV Guide article with Melina and Gary on the cover.
I also never shipped anybody together until I saw the reaction they had when they were at the Zoo. The way that Danny gave her a hard time, I knew that the writers were going to do something special with them.
Awww! Me too! They're so special and they deserve each other so much. They deserve happiness after what happened with Louie and with Lindsay's secret... :)
I will be so relieved when it finally happens. They belong together.
Same, I'll jump on my couch again and cheer!
Ya know, I was shipping D/L before I even knew what shipping was. I have always followed the three CSIs, but CSI:NY and M&M's have gotten me so hooked!
Me too! :D I've never "shipped" a pairing until D/L. I just thought they had the craziest and most beautiful relationship ever.
I somehow get the impression that Lindsay loves action/adventure movies. Like, I don't know...Die Hard, maybe? I can picture her and Danny watching an action flick and reacting (like groaning or screaming "Look out!") to certain scenes at the same time.
Oh my God! That's so cute! I can totally see that happening!
dutch: I love a little drama too, but at the end of the day, I want something sweet and peaceful. Maybe with some bumps and obstacles, but I want them happy at the end!
D/L is the first pairing I fell in love with. Period.
I want them happy at the end!
I think that just perfectly sums up what we're all feeling here, kissme! :D

All this talk about them watching movies or going to games together gave me an idea for a new question :) (which probably has been done before :p):

What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?

Since it's winter I would love to see them go ice skating, making a snowman and throwing snowballs at each other :lol:
I think they will have dates that are fun and exciting. They may go out for a movie or watch a movie at her and/or Danny's apartment. I'm all game at this point. At this point, I would love for him to kiss her.

That is a very good question!
Good evening my fabulous buddies...angsty's and fluffy's alike...I just adores ya all! :D **Mo giggles and huggles all her lovely buddies!**
I somehow get the impression that Lindsay loves action/adventure movies.
Lol, I could see that Keich! It could fit I think! :D
(By the way did I shriek and tackle you yet?!) Hi honey!! :lol: :lol:
The ones that give you that feeling that someone is squeezing your heart only to have it released at the very end, enabling you to breathe again
Those are the stories that take me forever to finish, I keep having to stop in the middle and do something normal and not sad before I can go back and read more, but....as loathe as I am to say it (I swear I'm a total fluffy!) but still...those type of stories are the ones that are SO very amazing! Heartbreaking so full of sadness but so amazing you can't help but love them. I've decided that despite how fluffy I am (and I AM fluffy!) somewhere inside me I love the whole unrequited love thing...cuz most of my ships are in some state of unrequited love! **Mo shrugs!** What can I say...it's the most classic type of romance! :D
I love the dramatic stories and all the angst you'd ever want but, a bit o' fluff isn't all that bad. Don't turn those words against me Fluffy Crowd
I guess we won't Rad hon! ;) You and Dutch have admitted that you like some fluff, that's enough for me! :lol:
Yep, "good times"! I was sooo happy, but I don't want D/L to hook up at the LAST EPISODE. That made me angry and happy at the same time. But I want D/L to hook up at THIS SEASON'S finale or before. I want it soon. But since you guys read the TV Guide article with Melina and Gary on the cover.
Technically they hooked up before the last eppy... :lol: But nah I get what you mean! I want them to be together for the last few eps...not get together in the last few minutes, but honestly as long as they get together I'll be happy...I'd just be MORE happy if they were together longer! :D Ya know! ;)
What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?
Ohhhh, good question hon! I like it! :D
I like your ideas too...that's totally cute! :D Um let's see...I'd love to see Danny take her on a carriage ride in Central Park! That'd be SOOO cute! :D

Psssttt...Fluffy Twin where is you? ;)
dutch_treat said:
What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?

The end of that question made me crack up. But I think they would try dinner again. For some reason I can't see them doing much else right away.
I'd see Lindsay being a "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" type of girl if we're gonna go with her liking action movies. And I think she'd like the movie "Forrest Gump", despite Lt. Dan and Mac having a remarkable resemblance. :lol:

I think if they had (or will have) another go at a date, they'll try dinner again. I think it should be at a more casualy kind of place though. Like when they went to that place in SoY, what was that place called? Cozy's? Maybe I'm mixing up the ff with the real stuff... :lol:
Hiya Shippers! :)

Hi to my kids too! ;)

What kind of dates will they have (if Lindsay shows up)?

The kind that include a chapel, some rings, and the words "I do." Ever read The Elvis/Wedding Series? :D

I somehow get the impression that Lindsay loves action/adventure movies

Keich, you are so right. I see Lindsay loving action and the tough stuff. Mr. & Mrs. Smith is a good one or The Fast and the Furious would work too. She seems athletic and into sporty things like bodyslamming and watergun fights. Danny, he seems more into the Adam Sandler type stuff or perhaps cartoons. I think he'd like Monster's Inc. or something like that. :lol:

Psssttt...Fluffy Twin where is you?

Still marching along with her Fluffy twin in total ship support complete with picket signs saying "Bring on the Fluff." Our ship is sailing! ;)

I think Dutch might be flungsty, perhaps? :confused: :)
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