Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

hey dutch, i read your fic! too cute, and so funny with linds and the banana! :) made me feel a little better about the 'stuff that might happen when lindsay leaves' stuff. lol.

OMG the m&m's are so funnyy!!! those are great dutch!! did you make those, or get them somewhere? hahah, i love them.
wow, im really in the mood for some m&m's now....
figuratively and literally.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^Txs for reading. I'm glad I succeeded in turning all that angst into something sweet :D

And no, I didn't actually make the M&M's :) It was an idea from darx2 :) I just followed this link and made a screencap after I filled in the names. We can do some funny stuff with those :devil: - anyone?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

darx2mint4 said:
Did anyone else have a feeling that something like this would happen between Angell and Danny? I mean, in PWM, I was holding my breath because they seemed to know each other and were friendly, but then when people started shipping her with Hawkes I thought we were safe. I knew D/L was good in NWILL, but then after LRC I began to worry if Angell would mess things up. And now that these spoilers came out, I think people are just shipping Danny with Angell because they hate Lindsay with him :rolleyes:. But we know that in the end Danny and Lindsay will end up together :D

Another picture, I love pictures:
Lindsay: I can't believe I just did that..
Danny: I can't believe she just did that. :devil:

^^ When were those quotes?? LOVE how she's looking all serious and leading him to...!

Something similar happened to me last week Angel! I got a phone call at work from a company called 'M&M ... ' I was so trying not the laugh that the poor lady on the other side had to repeat her question twice .. and I was like..'Uhm, yeah...bad connection...bye'

Haha, I would've cracked and giggled a bit. It's so D/L fate. :D

I've been trying to save a picture of the custom m&ms I made online, but no luck
So instead, here is the website vexus write in Danny Messer &Lindsay Monroe, and pretend its from us d/l shippers
I'm procrastinating from studying for exams..

darx, I was playing around with those custom M&Ms too...I'm not sure if it's linkable. What colors did you choose??? Fun, huh? :lol:

Hmm...what would be D/L's colors?

dutch, I like angst too as long as it doesn't reach the point of no return-type-of-thing...although that could prove to be a real challange for them. To quote a line from Richard Bach, heard in the show Veronica Mars, "True love stories never have endings..." [I'm a slave to the couples...sigh]

Picture posters --- don't mind if I squeal [for joy]!

Thanks for all spoilers as well...you know who you are!

For a "haha" moment: I'm the better "angel" than angell! :lol: It's just a username, it's just a username, it's juat a username...always & still DL cause it's not over yet [daughtry; I guess you know I'm listening to right now, even if it's not completely appropriate for our couple]. I'm suddenly inspired to write some DL ficcies. Can someone point me in the direction about how/where do I post such things if I were to start writing?

And of course, HAPPY belated BDAY, Vexus...hope your wishes come true!

Last but not least, thanks for all the good DaLicious company here since my joining. You gals/guys are awesome.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^Thanks for screencapping it, dutch :). I was on my mac and couldn't figure out how to use printscreen :rolleyes:

I uploaded my first DL fic on ff.net (though its definitely not the first one i've written) here: Phonecalls and Lies *It DOEShave speculation for spoilers for episode 16 though....

Btw-Great fic Dutch! :)

eta: xxAnGeLheArtZ, you can upload your stories at fanfiction.net :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:
The picture is from Stealing Home, dutch
Txs darx2, couldn't remember it :eek: BTW I forgot to mention that I like the style you've used for that wallpaper you posted a while back and your icon. I am working on a wallpaper myself and will post it when I like it :)

Can somebody hand me some m&m's so I can fulfill this dream of mine?
I've been trying to save a picture of the custom m&ms I made online, but no luck
Well since it's still your birthday Vexus, I went to that website darx2 posted and see I bring a gift:


this is because Anna's pregnant though, so, it's for a good cause
I think you've got a good point there Rad. When Anna had not been pregnant I don't think they had written the whole 'Lindsay's leaving story' ;) And then there would have been no reason for 'those other things' :eek: too, because she could've tried working out her past issues in NY.

mercy great pics! They both look so happy and carefree in those :)

Does anyone have any humorous fics to keep me from drowning in the pool of angst....?
I've finally finished the story I promised to write a few days back about Lindsay returning. And because I loved the spoilers so much ;) I've used them too. It starts angsty (couldn't help it with those spoilers), but I've tried to add a lot of humor and fluff, so you fluffies can enjoy it too (I hope). So here it is (it's a complete story -about 1850 words-):
Drop the banana! (I know...weird title :D)

kissme I've started reading your '25-things..' story too. I like it so far, will review when I'm at the most recent chapter :)

^^ I guess it's possible! YAY! Now who's going to buy them?? :p Thank goodness for Custom M&Ms!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

read your fic darx! loved it!! :)

hahah, ive been playing with the m&m's too..so much fun...
...always & still DL cause it's not over yet
perfectly put angel, (not angell, lol) its definitely not over.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch, I like angst too as long as it doesn't reach the point of no return-type-of-thing...although that could prove to be a real challange for them.
I do see angst as a way to come to a happy ending :rolleyes: I just liked it what tptb did with D/L; give them some 'trouble in paradise' :) every now and then. I think it makes a relationship more solid if it has been through some 'rough waters' ;) first and survived that.

With Danny and Lindsay I actually think they need(ed) these angsty moments (past, present and future) to help them see what a great thing they have :D But I do think at this point the angst for them has to end real soon. There's no room for any fun anymore...either they're not talking at all or they're talking and it's just about work *sigh*
I'm suddenly inspired to write some DL ficcies. Can someone point me in the direction about how/where do I post such things if I were to start writing?
Yeah, another (possible) writer :). Just give it a try, hon! And if you have questions on how to do it or if you need someone to beta (=advice/read/correct) it, you know that you can always ask.
^^Thanks for screencapping it, dutch
You're welcome darx2. I loved the idea...so funny... :lol: :lol:

And you wrote a great story too! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I do see angst as a way to come to a happy ending I just liked it what tptb did with D/L; give them some 'trouble in paradise' every now and then. I think it makes a relationship more solid if it has been through some 'rough waters' first and survived that.

With Danny and Lindsay I actually think they need(ed) these angsty moments (past, present and future) to help them see what a great thing they have But I do think at this point the angst for them has to end real soon. There's no room for any fun anymore...either they're not talking at all or they're talking and it's just about work *sigh*
dutch, i couldnt agree more.It adds to the story, and definitely makes their relationship more solid. Think it this way, we are going to be SOO excited and SOO built up, that when it finally happens its going to be SOOO good. I mean if it was like "hey whats up?" "I LOVE YOU" *makeout* we would have gotten bored after like 5 minutes. well,most of us.lol. hehe. The writers just want rating etc, so of course theyre going to elongate everything and make us go CRAZY before anything happens. But when it does, all this angst will pay off!!! although i am sad that they dont talk as much, but as soon as anna gets back from her break, theyre should be alot of talking...if you know what i mean...:devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for the comments on the fic, guys. :) I'm moving away from that a little though since the beautiful dutch_treat is influencing me to be a little angsty. I'll keep you guys posted on that.

I do see angst as a way to come to a happy ending I just liked it what tptb did with D/L; give them some 'trouble in paradise' every now and then. I think it makes a relationship more solid if it has been through some 'rough waters' first and survived that.

With Danny and Lindsay I actually think they need(ed) these angsty moments (past, present and future) to help them see what a great thing they have But I do think at this point the angst for them has to end real soon. There's no room for any fun anymore...either they're not talking at all or they're talking and it's just about work *sigh*
Absolutely. :) I think that they will eventually hook up. :) Good thing. Thank God. Lately that's the only thought keeping me happy when it comes to D/L... I'm with you about giving them so obstacles. They'll be stronger after that and some angsty bits are needed as they play out so well with fluff. :) And God knows, D/L are turning into drama queens. I don't blame them, but I miss the easiness between them now. The way things flowed. We need more fun! "Hello, Ms. Monroe" or even, "Footage from your 30th birthday party, Messer?"!!

C'mon, TPTB we need the fun back. That's when we fell in love with Danny/Lindsay and while we're enjoying the more mature/ character-developing scene, I don't think that Lindsay's character should be based on the fact that she was involved in some crime... It should be something coming out from that.

Sorry for blaberring and going on and on-- but that's how I feel. :)

theyre should be alot of talking...if you know what i mean...
:devil: Don't you mean there should less talking... Say some action?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch, I love the m&m's. You know, I would have picked the same colors. You must have my mind. :)

Thank guys for all the birthday wishes! I needed those today, thank you! :)

I went and read some fics at ff.net and I had to say that I read all the stories that were recommended. I loved them all. Keep up all the good work guys!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Sorry, vexus sweetie! I've misssed some posts, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! My birthday was yesterday, the 7th. :)

I'm actually stuck in a lecture and it's so boring... so I'm here. :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Well happy birthday to you too!

I'm sorry I didn't know this! :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Don't worry, thanks! The cake thing didn't show up. :lol: Oh well, thanks again. :D Oh and did I tell you that I love your avatar and icon. Messer's got nice abs... ah.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Vex, I hope you got a chance to read that fic I recommended yesterday. It should have lifted your spirits.

Dutch, I read your fic, and laughed. Really good, I enjoyed it.

Kissme and Vex, a happy birthday to both of you. It was my daughters birthday yesterday also, so I guess it was a very popular day for birthdays.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

goodnite_tonite said:
…all this angst will pay off!!!
Heck yeah! D/L will come out on top... uh rephrase... um... Danny and Lindsay will... dang, can't think of anything that doesn't go right into the gutter :devil:

kissmesweet said:
:devil: Don't you mean there should less talking... Say some action?
Thanks, kissme, now I have had the Toby Keith song “A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action” stuck in my head for the past 2 hours :lol:! Just wanted to say HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY!! :D

PS. Mo, i think you shared your cold before you left town! :lol: take it back!
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