Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

kissmesweet, THANK YOU for the pictures...definitely lightened up the mood.
That's what I'm here for. :D
^^ Did you hear that everyone?? Even the REAL (non-tv) world wants D/L together!
Absolutely, even my housekeeper who loves CSI, but doesn't really like any romance and such--EXCEPT for D/L says that they're meant to be. :

Cute coincidence. :D

Oh and welcome, xxAnGeLheArtZ!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Ther is a bit in "Stealing Home" between Sid and Lindsey and she's explaining rawhide braiding to him and she replies:

Lindsey: You think Danny calls me Montana 'cause I'm a 49s fan?

Sid: He calls you that 'cause he's got a crush on you.

And she just grins and even blushes a bit.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Yeah, her smile was so cute! She's thinking about it and smiling. She was barely listening to the stuff Sid was saying afterwards.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I know i should probably ask about this in the spoiler thread but because there are so many danny/angell shippers im a little bit scared too lol, so i was just wondering if we had any new D/L spoilers?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

There aren't that many Danny/Angell shippers. Just the few who constantly post. And there's the one of which Danny calls Lindsay... which is old but whatever.

Still though. D/L is canon and that's pretty damn lucky for us. Since I'm a Sandles shipper, but GSR is canon--so that really sucks for me and other non-GSR shippers, whereas D/L is canon and things are actually HAPPENING!!!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

i'm really sorry about asking this coz its reli stupid but what does canon mean? lol its been bugging me for ages and ive been to scared to ask lol
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

hi!! its been a while since i post here but that doesnt mean i stop believing in D/L! i really hope after Lindsay deal with her issues that something good will happen between them! You cant say to someone that you have feeling for them and then just take it back. i really hope the Lindsay from season 2 come back with a big smile on her face!

i'm really not happy about the Danny angell thing its just he's supose to have feeling for Lindsay and he know she has feeling for him to so what thats he's way of showing that to her?! I dont want a stupid love triangle Lindsay deserve better. Lets hope what we eard is jsut the first version of the episode and then the writer will change some stuff.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

i really miss the carefree lindsay that would crack jokes and knew how to do her job and still have fun, even though i knew the sad lindsay would have to come at some point because of her past, i hope the old lindsay doesnt stay away for too long
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey everyone! :)

Just as I began to write a believable fluff story of D/L, this wave of angst spoilers comes along. Just when I thought things couldn't get any angstier :rolleyes:

So instead of writing a story I decided to make a wallpaper :)

i really miss the carefree lindsay that would crack jokes and knew how to do her job and still have fun, even though i knew the sad lindsay would have to come at some point because of her past, i hope the old lindsay doesnt stay away for too long
I agree, english_rose. I wish that her backstory did not come on as quickly as it did, and she stayed carefree for longer.
Since I was spoiled, Lindsay's behavior past LRC didn't come as a shock to me, but I can imagine how unspoiled people might have been shocked how she just changed behavior and felt like things were rushed.


Danny and Lindsay work so great together, IMO they try to outdo eachother and break the case quicker that way. Such sexual chemistry :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

veggie!! *snuggles*

I don't think they'll do a triangle thing either, I mean its great for fics and all, but on the show? Thats doing a bit to much.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

so keep a positive attitude, Dutch, I'll be needing the help.
dutch, i like your optimism!
dutch, continue to keep us all up there with you
dutch, I wish I had your optimism
:lol: LOL :lol: this is just too funny! Suddenly I'm the great optimist when the main reason I'm so damn cheerful is the fact that there's going to be some nice angsty moments :eek: - and you know me...the more angst the better ;)

I still cannot quite understand why everybody here is so freaked out about that spoiler :confused: This is good people...be happy; they could both really use a kick in the b*tt to make them realise what they have and if this spoiler thing is something that 'does the trick' we can only be thankful for that! :rolleyes:

And like said before by a lot of people...we don't even know what exactly is going to happen... :)

Oh, and is this D/L fate or what? While at work, I came across the name--- "Lindsey MesserXXXXX"
Something similar happened to me last week Angel! I got a phone call at work from a company called 'M&M ... ' I was so trying not the laugh that the poor lady on the other side had to repeat her question twice :eek:.. and I was like..'Uhm, yeah...bad connection...bye' :D

When all else fades my soul will dance with you, where the love lasts forever...
english_rose where is that quote from? It catches my eye every time...it's beautiful!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

You cant say to someone that you have feeling for them and then just take it back.
Agreed-but againnnn for the gazillionth time-- stop obsessing over the spoilers!!!! :D

Thank you.

Love your icon of Speed by the way, Veggie. Made me smile. :D

Okay onto happier D/L times. Did you guys find it cute when they were in Stuck On You (great D/L ep!!) and Lindsay was still outside when processing when Danny walked into the club without telling her anyway...

and she was all: "Well... uh--bye!... I'll meet you back at the lab... with the uh... D. ..O. ..A."

Of course, at the end of the ep--Danny met Lindsay at Cozy's and he was like, "So...? What's up?" He had that little cute smile on his face, as if he wanted to think it was a date or something!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh my gosh! So many new posts!

Wow. I don't know what to think about the Danny/Angell scene. I'm torn between thinking that it's nothing because everyone flirts, and uh-oh is out ship in trouble. I'm hoping (and thinking) it's the former. Something's telling me that the writers wont give up on D/L!!! Okay, and I'm really excited about the call! That makes me happy! And he does say he misses her?

Whoever posted those pics on the last page (I
m drawing a blank on who) I loved them! So adorable! So is the one you posted on this page darx!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

smiliee : Hey sweetie. This is the last time I'm saying this, but: RELAAAAAAAAAX. Don't worry! The writers all love D/L. Basically all of the writers on NY have written some cute D/L scenes for us, especially Pam (the hug!!). And they won't give up on D/L. They're doing a great job, guys.

Lindsay and Danny are CANON and that's a hell of a good thing!!! and I personally think that the spoilers are exaggarated. It's just a flirting scene. It doesn't actually mean that Danny is doing Angell for God's sake. I honestly don't think it means anything. Besides, Danny has really changed ever since his Montana came along and I know that he'll wait for her. Angell is also just a guest star. Not a regular... and even if she does have a thing with Danny(which I believe she won't.), she'll be gone. That's how I cheer myself up thinking about Peyton.

Have a little faith. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Did anyone else have a feeling that something like this would happen between Angell and Danny? I mean, in PWM, I was holding my breath because they seemed to know each other and were friendly, but then when people started shipping her with Hawkes I thought we were safe. I knew D/L was good in NWILL, but then after LRC I began to worry if Angell would mess things up. And now that these spoilers came out, I think people are just shipping Danny with Angell because they hate Lindsay with him :rolleyes:. But we know that in the end Danny and Lindsay will end up together :D

Another picture, I love pictures:

Lindsay: I can't believe I just did that..
Danny: I can't believe she just did that. :devil:
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