Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

rawr. i swear this is the last im gonna post on the spoiler.

I see that too. Loads of people don't like Lindsay and that's a huge reason why there are LOADS of people cheering for Danny/Angell just becasue they have one short scene together... But me too, darx! I know in my heart that D/L will happen. Maybe by the end of the season or the next. I just know it.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh, I love those pics. The look on Danny's face is priceless. It looks like Lindsay is leading him to the crime scene.

Also not going to mention those spoilers again. My lips are sealed!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

kissme, you crack me up. Don't worry, I'm not freakinig out yet. I don't freak out easily.

I didn't really think anything of Danny/Angell at first. I mean, yes they knew each other, but I didn't, and still don't, think that the writers would just leave D/L. I mean, we are cannon, they can't just leave us in the middle of nowhere!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

'Kissme, reading spoilers is fun right!? ;) ;) I'm so sorry to dissappoint you, hon, but this happens every time with every major spoiler...people start speculating and once that starts there's no end to it :rolleyes: untill the actual ep airs. And as you've already said...most of the time nothing really happens...*sigh* :D

And you're right 'Stuck on you' was a great D/L ep. I can still remember how my heart jumped when I saw Danny enter 'Cozy's' at the end of that ep :D I was so happy that I at first didn't even notice that it was Mac on stage... :eek:

darx2, where is that pic from? :confused:

Edit: Seems we're all posting at the same time again!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Happy birthday Vexus!!!!!!! :)

The picture is from Stealing Home, dutch.

Does anyone have any humorous fics to keep me from drowning in the pool of angst....?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VEXUS!! Hope you'll have a magical Danny/Lindsay-filled (i have no idea what I'm saying. :lol:) day!! :D

Humorous fics? Sure, can I offer one of mine? It's the latest chapter of my story. Which is basically chapters of drabbles and drabbles. It's kinda funny. :lol: I have no idea.

Click here.

Okay and thanks for telling me that we're constantly speculating... I'm new to spoilers. ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks guys! *Hugs everybody**

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and dreams. I wish I could have a danny/lindsay filled day!

Can somebody hand me some m&m's so I can fulfill this dream of mine?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I've been trying to save a picture of the custom m&ms I made online, but no luck :(
So instead, here is the website vexus :lol: write in Danny Messer &Lindsay Monroe, and pretend its from us d/l shippers :D
I'm procrastinating from studying for exams..

eta: I forgot to say, I loved your fic kissmesweet :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Where's that pic from? It looks like "Stelaing Home". I'm still kinda bummed about the upcoming spoilers... not to mention I've been pushed over the edge by someone about the spoiler. I want this show to come back on. I know it comes back Tuesday. But I'm done with all this angst. This season there's too much Angst. I want it like last season.

I guess the ponly reason it's like this is because Anna's pregnant though, so, it's for a good cause.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[


kissme, I loved the scenes you mentioned so much, I just had to go and find the matching pictures!

kissmesweet said:
and she was all: "Well... uh--bye!... I'll meet you back at the lab... with the uh... D. ..O. ..A."

and then at Cozy’s before he hears Mac’s voice

darx2mint4 said:
Danny and Lindsay work so great together, IMO they try to outdo eachother and break the case quicker that way. Such sexual chemistry :D
I completely agree, darx, their competitiveness really gives them an extra edge in investigations. It also adds fuel to the fire that is D/L.

kissmesweet said:
Okay and thanks for telling me that we're constantly speculating... I'm new to spoilers. ;)
Hee-hee-hee, you want to see some fun spoiler-ish speculation, kissme, go back a couple of pages to here starting a few posts down.

See, a completely angst free post! Yay, fluff rules!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Vex, if you want an angst free fic, go to ff.net and read Best Eaten Cold by foxdvd. It will get your mind off of this new round of speculation, and make you wonder if it could ever happen. A funny fic, kind of AU, but worth a read. It's not really fluff, but it is a good read and funny, in my opinion.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ I second that opinion. It is a very good read!
In fact, we'll make it easy for ya, just click here: Best Eaten Cold
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

eta: I forgot to say, I loved your fic kissmesweet
Awww. Thank you! :) I'm glad that you liked it.
Speaking of FF, the alerts are dead again. Their servers are bugging me and I'm getting a little angry!!

I completely agree, darx, their competitiveness really gives them an extra edge in investigations. It also adds fuel to the fire that is D/L.
Without sounding like a angst-freak, it also adds fuel to the beautiful disaster/trainwreck of D/L...

Of course. Beautiful Disaster/Trainwreck leads to true love for the two.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

hey everybody! :) only 3 more days!!

i just read all the spoilers...i guess im kind of not surprised about the whole Angell/danny thing, but im not sure why. Im sure its nothing, harmless flirting, we all do it! danny and linds are canon, and they wouldnt build it all up to mysteriously drop it and make it danny and Angell all of a sudden!! If something does happen between him and Angell, (which i dont think it will) I wonder if Linds is gonna kick some butt...hehhe. WE all know danny loves linds, no worries peoples! :) :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

The picture is from Stealing Home, dutch
Txs darx2, couldn't remember it :eek: BTW I forgot to mention that I like the style you've used for that wallpaper you posted a while back and your icon. I am working on a wallpaper myself and will post it when I like it :)

Can somebody hand me some m&m's so I can fulfill this dream of mine?
I've been trying to save a picture of the custom m&ms I made online, but no luck
Well since it's still your birthday Vexus, I went to that website darx2 posted and see I bring a gift:


this is because Anna's pregnant though, so, it's for a good cause
I think you've got a good point there Rad. When Anna had not been pregnant I don't think they had written the whole 'Lindsay's leaving story' ;) And then there would have been no reason for 'those other things' :eek: too, because she could've tried working out her past issues in NY.

mercy great pics! They both look so happy and carefree in those :)

Does anyone have any humorous fics to keep me from drowning in the pool of angst....?
I've finally finished the story I promised to write a few days back about Lindsay returning. And because I loved the spoilers so much ;) I've used them too. It starts angsty (couldn't help it with those spoilers), but I've tried to add a lot of humor and fluff, so you fluffies can enjoy it too (I hope). So here it is (it's a complete story -about 1850 words-):
Drop the banana! (I know...weird title :D)

kissme I've started reading your '25-things..' story too. I like it so far, will review when I'm at the most recent chapter :)
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