Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Shippy Buddies!!! HI! I missed you all! But I had a ton of fun at the wedding show...I have so many ideas now I swear I could be a wedding planner on my own at this point! :lol: It was a great weekend! Glad to be back home though, in my own bed...and back with my ships and my shippy buddies! ;)

I'll catch all up on y'all posts tomorrow probably, just wanted to pop in and say Hi! And I can't wait for our new eppy...it's amazing what a wedding show will do for one's optimism! :lol: I'm just full of it, optimism I mean...for our ships and for life in general! Things are gonna work out for us...I can tell! :D :D

Glad to be back...I'll talk more tomorrow! :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm just full of it, optimism I mean...for our ships and for life in general! Things are gonna work out for us...I can tell!
THANK YOU, MO! Thank God, you're back. Everyone here was depressing me. :) I have faith in the ship! Our ship. :) We rock and Danny and Lindsay will eventually get together when TPTB stop playing with our heads. I know that they want ratings... but they're killing me at the same tim!

The only thing that's making me alright is I know that they're meant to be and it's pretty damn obvious that TPTB (with giving us all the magical scenes filled with chemisty) knows that.

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

sorry for getting back to you so late dutch_treat my signature is from a song that's called where the love lasts forever, i don't know who sings it coz i heard it on the radio and only caught the lyrics and i fell in love with the song, it always makes me think of danny and lindsay :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Lol, Delia hon you're too cute!!! I'm glad I'm back too...and I'll do my best to stay optimistic! I'm still there right now, so it's all good! :lol: Aud Fluffy Twin, you around here? Help me out with the optimism hon, you rock at that way better than I do! ;)

And hey Delia isn't it your b'day?! Yay! I think it is!! Happy B'day to you, Happy B'day to you, Happy B'day dear Delia, Happy B'day to you! :lol: May you have a fabulous D/L filled day! ;)

Dear PTB,
we know you're secretly all D/L shippers inside, you've given us too many great moments not to be...so please, PLEASE stop sticking your heads in the sand and give us the scenes we KNOW you want to give us...hugs, kisses, long sweet looks, staring, checking eachother out, D/L throwing eachother against the nearest wall/door/bed/table/desk and having their way with eachother! :devil: Don't even lie and pretend you don't want that too PTB, we know you do! So give it to us already!
Still hopeful in WA,


Off to work, catch y'all later my lovelies!! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yeah, Mo. Take your cold back, woman!

Dear PTB,

Oh yes, it is I. Now you give me what I want, and I'll give you all the secret tapes back, well most of them. Okay none of them. Do it or I'll whack you. Teh End.

Okay thats my threat letter. My sweet letter's locked in the closet. What? I threat first then be nice.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Okay thats my threat letter. My sweet letter's locked in the closet. What? I threat first then be nice.
:lol: haha, good plan! :lol:
don't you mean there should less talking... Say some action?
haha :lol: kissme, thats exactly what i mean...:devil: hehehe..

well, who else is so excited for this ep they are spending every 5 seconds thinking about it instead of doing stuff theyre supposed to to!?!? well...ahem..maybe thats just me!
two more days...heheh.
Kissme and Vex, a happy birthday to both of you. It was my daughters birthday yesterday also, so I guess it was a very popular day for birthdays
wow happy belated birthdays to everybodyy!! im a spring baby...long time to go...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

goodnite_tonite said:
well, who else is so excited for this ep they are spending every 5 seconds thinking about it instead of doing stuff theyre supposed to to!?!? well...ahem..maybe thats just me!
two more days...heheh.
Nope, not just you goodnite. Someone I work with wanted to trade me shifts on Wednesday, but I told him I couldn't because I have "plans". I just left out of my explanation that these "plans" were to get home in time to watch the new CSI:NY ep! :D I'm hopelessly in deep for D/L and this show!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

well, who else is so excited for this ep they are spending every 5 seconds thinking about it instead of doing stuff theyre supposed to to!?!? well...ahem..maybe thats just me!
two more days...heheh.
Yes, I was in the middle of my english exam this morning and while I was analyzing this poem and trying to write an essay on it..my thoughts went to "I hope we get some D/L screen time this wednesday"...God I hope I did well on that exam :lol:

Oh crap, I promised myself I would stay off this site till exams are over....:( Bye
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ I'm so excited too! :D The wait is almost over. And there has to be at least a little D/L in it.
I think it will be very strange if the only thing we'll get before Lindsay leaves is her leaving that card. They have to at least give them some screentime together.
we need the fun back. That's when we fell in love with Danny/Lindsay and while we're enjoying the more mature/ character-developing scene, I don't think that Lindsay's character should be based on the fact that she was involved in some crime... It should be something coming out from that.
I agree kissme; I hope that when she comes back she will no longer be a victim, but a survivor who has worked out her problems and came out stronger :). Oh and happy belated birthday!! :D Hope you had a great day! :)
now I have had the Toby Keith song “A Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action”
LOL, mercy! I was immediately thinking of an Elvis Presley song:

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain`t satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark :devil:
Close your mouth and open up your heart
and baby satisfy me
my signature is from a song that's called where the love lasts forever, i don't know who sings it
Ah thank you! That's all I needed to find it :) It's from "Hillsong United"; never heard of them. Have not checked out the song yet, but judging by the rest of the lyrics it's some kind of gospel, right?

Nice to have you and your positive thinking back, Mo ! :D

Oh, and txs everyone for reading and reviewing my little story. You guys are the best! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who does what I do. Thinks about the next episode and if they will be having some sort of interaction. We are pathetic! : )

And I'm glad that somebody mentioned " A little less conversation" by Elvis. More action and less converasation, that's what we all want! :)

And after all week of watching what I eat and staying away from sweets, I lost 3 pounds!

They were hard to lose!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch_treat said:
dutch, I like angst too as long as it doesn't reach the point of no return-type-of-thing...although that could prove to be a real challange for them.
I do see angst as a way to come to a happy ending :rolleyes: I just liked it what tptb did with D/L; give them some 'trouble in paradise' :) every now and then. I think it makes a relationship more solid if it has been through some 'rough waters' ;) first and survived that.

With Danny and Lindsay I actually think they need(ed) these angsty moments (past, present and future) to help them see what a great thing they have :D But I do think at this point the angst for them has to end real soon. There's no room for any fun anymore...either they're not talking at all or they're talking and it's just about work *sigh*
^^ I'm not sure what I came off as earlier but I completely agree with everything you said right there.

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain`t satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart
and baby satisfy me

*giggling* yes yes yes, dutch. My [older/grandmother age] co-worker loves Elvis! She hasn't seen our star couple in action yet, but when she saw Danny on a CSI:NY repeat one night, she was sure that he and his on-screen-love interest would be sizzling hot! :lol:

Wish I had time to write fics (sighhh) but things have been moving around fast at work that it looks like I'll barely have time to read the fun (my favorite!) posts/your fics/your pics here!! Reading/skimming is all I shall be doing for a bit here.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

giggling* yes yes yes, dutch. My [older/grandmother age] co-worker loves Elvis! She hasn't seen our star couple in action yet, but when she saw Danny on a CSI:NY repeat one night, she was sure that he and his on-screen-love interest would be sizzling hot!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

More action and less converasation, that's what we all want!
yes yes, pleaaase PTB give us some ACTION. :devil: :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

:lol: we better get some!!:devil:

maybe danny will take his shirt off a couple more times while linds is away...wait, no lets save that till she gets back...:devil:
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