Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

But then again I applaud you that it took you this long to cave, you have WAY more self-control than I do when it comes to spoilers!
:lol: Yes, I'm not all that great... but I'm just so glad to e joining you guys!

I'll be fine, I just tend to spaz and freak as my immediate reaction and then I take the time to think about it all and relax!
Oh, you're absolutely welcome!

Okay some presents from yours truly to lighten up your day.


If used for whatever, fully credit please. Merci beaucoup.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Good morning my buddies! Thought I'd pop in quick before I head out to work and then off for the weekend! Lol, what can I say I just can't seem to leave y'all! :lol:

Delia hon you're too cute! ;) I'm glad you can join us with the spoilers too...and thanks for pic presents! Those are great, they make me smile! :D

Do any of y'all know when it is that Danny calls Linds? Is it a buried scene, like it just kinda happens in the middle of the eppy for 2 secs....do we know yet? Cuz I woke up with this idea that it was gonna be like the HUG where they end the eppy with Danny's voice on the answering machine and then either him or her standing there staring at it while it fades to black. Anyone care to take a dare and make a bet on it?! Lol! :lol: Lynny?! ;)

Okay off I go, for real this time! ;) See y'all in a couple days! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I caved and read the spoilers and now I feel bad for doing so. *slaps herself*

Love the pics kissmesweet!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh good, I'm glad to see that this thread is going just about as nuts as the spoiler thread. Good good.

A triangle. A freaking triangle with our beloved ship?! No! This kind of angst is where I draw the effing line. I want fluff. Big Puffs of fluff that carry me away to Danny/Lindsay world. (Sorry Twinny, I'm not in the mood for angst right now.) I do not like this plot line or whatever, and I'd rather have it with no DL at all that a darn love triangle! :mad: This is a crime show, and quite frankly with our ship like this, it's turning into a soap opera. Yes, I'm over reacting, and all these spoilers NEVER live up to what they always seem to be, but still. No no no no. Television. I swear. It brings out the worst in me. :eek:

mommy... :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Radical, I agree! That kind of stuff is what kills a show. Unless of course you're Grey's Anatomy which thrives on it! But everything else, especially for a crime drama .... :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Wow, it really took me forever :rolleyes: to read all your posts! I visited the 'spoiler thread' first and kinda suspected that there would be a few more posts here than usual, but this is just unbelievable :eek:

I'll try to turn the spirit around here a bit though. Somehow THE spoiler didn't upset me that much :) I actually kinda liked it; I think that those things happening (if it is all gonna play out like the spoilers say) are really great for our ship!
First Danny/Angell: It's not the first time that someone whose loved one is away starts acting 'weird' and turns to someone close for some comfort (and he is a healthy male, indeed), only to realise the great thing they already have :D And in this case Danny realises that in time - before things get out of hand. Second Danny calling Lindsay: Yeah, he says he misses her (to her machine, but that's only fair since she left him with a card :() and they at least keep mentioning her. And third: He leaves her a message so perhaps she returns that message in ep #17. :)

Just some random notes:
- Hi, to all newbies I've not welcomed yet! :)
- kissme, muzzy, great you're finally joining us in the spoiler 'fun' ;)
- Thanks catey and 1CSIMfan for the spoilers - too bad we have to wait soooo long to see that ep!
- Oh, and Lindsay's beautiful, cute, smart, classy ;) and Danny knows that too! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch I think I love you. You make everything better. I'm still quite upset over all this, and once again I'll say, people are probably taking this way, way too far. These things tend to explode then turn out to be a 3 minute scene, then it's over. So basically.. Bring on the finale and season 4.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^ LOL, :lol: I'm still not upset at all! Mainly because I too think all of this is being blown way out of proportion :p and I strongly believe it will help D/L to admit their true feelings ;)

And some 3 minute scenes are much better than we anticipated - THE HUG - so if they're going to end the season with something similar I can only agree...bring on the finale! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Amen to that. holds up cup cheers my good friend, cheers. An optimist you are. If it hadn't have been such a crappy day for me, I'd be optimisting it out too. (lovely word I know. :p) Alright well... I'm sure this'll be bothering me until it happens, so keep a positive attitude, Dutch, I'll be needing the help. :rolleyes:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch, i like your optimism! :D It just seems so long since we have had a new ep, and then the spoiler ep seems so far away too... we're getting restless, so it is like putting blood in the water with sharks.

O-okay, that was a weird analogy :rolleyes:, but you get my point!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[


Your point. When you are lonely you turn to the one person that matches your personality and that's Angell. And what I can assume is that Danny does not know the reason that Lindsay left, maybe Mac or Stella never told the team the real reason why she went back to Montana. He is worried about her and he still loves her or he wouldn't have even made an attempt to call her.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch, I wish I had your optimism. Darn I was just getting my fluffy bubble back. I'm going to have to run over to ff.net, and find some fluff, or I think I'm going to scream from all the angst. **think fluffy, think fluffy, think fluffy**
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

To answer a question on the previous page

Moriel asked about the phone call. It's pretty close to the middle of the episode. He's in one of the labs waiting for a test result and he calls her. I'd say that the scene isn't longer than a minute. When he ends the call, he leave the room and it cuts off to another scene.

Also, please keep in mind that you can't threaten the writers or TPTB on here (teasing or not).

You may be getting ahead of yourselves on the triangle thing. Someone speculated that in the spoiler thread. A love triangle seems a little too soapy for this show and I doubt the writers would go that way. At least I hope they don't. Also keep in mind that we don't know how the rest of the scenes between Danny and Angell will play out. They could be nothing. That big scene everybody is talking about takes place near the beginning of the episode and the phone call takes place later on.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm with 1CSIM, I think that everyone is just overreacting. It's not as if he's going to do it with Angell for crying out loud! It's like a scene with harmless flirtation... Calm down. After all: we're canon.

You're welcome for the pressies, guys! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Moriel21 said:
Okay people I am doing my best not to freak out in a very big way right now... **Mo breathes in and out, in and out, in and out...slowly in a very determined manner, hoping it will stave off the panic that is currently clawing at her throat!** I have decided it is the PTB's mission in life to mess with us and in particular cause me to have multiple heart failures in a short amount of time. I swear on all that is shippy, if they follow through on this spoiler, the badder one....I can't even come up with something horrible enough to do to them, but I will think of something and then I will track them down and do it... **Mo points to her avie....glad now she didn't change it like she intended!** Read it and beware PTB, cuz trust me you do NOT want to mess with us when we're pissed!
That said... **Mo steps down from her soapbox for the moment...**
I refuse to believe that TPTB are stupid enough to have Danny and Angell try to pull off a "tension-filled" scene after building up D/L so very much this whole last season and a half! I'm sorry but that would be entirely unbelievable to me, entirely! :eek: That said, I am VERY glad they show Danny calling Linds...yay! :D And he says he misses her! Double yay! :D :D Now she needs to come running back to his arms! :devil:

Okay y'all just to let ya know, I'm off to a wedding show about 4 hours away with my roommate for the weekend, so I won't be on for the next couple days, might pop in in the morning before I leave, but otherwise I'll be back in a couple days. So hold down the fort while I'm gone...and despite my rantings and freaking out...don't lose hope y'all! We will win! WE WILL!! D/L's love will prevail and our ship will sail!! (I'm a poet... :lol: )
Hugs to all y'all...my Fluffy Twin, my fluffy niece, my angsty nieces and all the rest of my buddies!

And now off to sleep...perchance to dream...! :D

A belated happy 2007 to all of you!

In addition to Mo's breathing actions, *short abrupt breaths* I need a hug. I'm not sure what to make of the spoilers provided. I'm numb. :confused:

Mo, did the wedding show give you any ideas about how Danny and Lindsay's wedding would be? :D

kissmesweet, THANK YOU for the pictures...definitely lightened up the mood.

dutch, continue to keep us all up there with you. :)

p.s. I think I just might have to order some personalized M&Ms with D/L written on them to cheer myself up. (Yeah, I was just reading an ad for their Valentines Day candies). This ship needs to sail...someone give them a new set of headlights/ship lights to help them get through the fog.

Nevertheless, I must still say with my last ounce of optimism for the night: Let's keep the D/L faith going strong!

Oh, and is this D/L fate or what? While at work, I came across the name--- "Lindsey MesserXXXXX" (where X's are other letters that I do not want to disclose due to confidentiality---the number of X's does not equal the number of missing letters)...it's almost like Lindsay's name as if she married Danny (and took on his last name)! <3 :lol:

^^ Did you hear that everyone?? Even the REAL (non-tv) world wants D/L together! ;)
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