Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello! as a newbee I like to know every one's opinion: Is Lindsay a beautiful women,pretty,or just cute? In my opinion, she has a sweet face but not one that stands out; It really does not matter, I love her any how! Just curious.
If this to shallow I apologise in advance.
She's beautiful and cute and pretty. She looks really classy as well... hahaha. "Classy." :lol:

I've just read all the spoilers on this page. Angell and Danny??? No!!! I love Angell, but I love Lindsay and D/L muuuuuuch more. :lol: Ain't that obvious? But I think that flirting with Angell, he'll realize that she's not Lindsay and his heart belongs to Linds. He'll also realize how much he misses her. Poor Danny... But I don't think that we'll see Season 1 Danny again, with all the character developement they've made in Season 2 & 3. But then again, I'm just overreacting with the "flirting" scene, it's just "flirting"-- we all do that harmlessly all the time anyway.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[


have to put ourselves in the mind of Danny here. He loves Lindsay and if he thought she was just a casual fling, he wouldn't have bothered to call her in the first place.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I am sorry, folks, But this has got to be said-Lindsay needs to give him something to hang on to, give him hope! I believe he loves her, But Danny is a healthy male...jUST SAYIN!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks, vexus for being so amazing and sweet and cheering me up. :) Love you and yes, that's absolutely true. You're fantastic!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

1CSIMfan I was wondering if you could post the message that Danny leaves for Lindsay.... and thank you to all who posted spoilers
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

wait a minute... kissme is reading spoilers? you caved?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Yep... Guilty as charged. I gave up last night. :) heheh. I just have to, because it's so much more fun to talk about all that, than to just not know anything!!! It's more fun to speculate!! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

darx2mint4 said:
1CSIMfan I was wondering if you could post the message that Danny leaves for Lindsay.... and thank you to all who posted spoilers

I'll summarize since we can't have exact script quotes posted on the board. I had to edit one out in another thread.

He says he's just checking in. There's several pauses throughout his message, like he's unsure of what to say and/or nervous and he also says he misses her.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Sorry kissmesweet but we can't reveal spoiler sources on the board if we want to keep getting them. Feel free to pm me though.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Vex, your ideas are great. Wub! :)

Okay, I was a little bit hurt by this but I think it will be okay. He calls Lindsay right? I agree with all on this one he wouldn't bothered to call her--good one Daughter, Vexus--He still cares. Lynn, LOL you made me laugh with your prank calls. Maybe we all should help Danny until Lindsay responds. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for the warm welcome. I just love the first episode together in the lab they keep stealing glances at each other.

As for Lindsey secret, I don't think it's a matter of not remembering. It's a matter of forgetting, which she tries, but A. The job won't let her and B. She hasn't forgaven herself for whatever this secret is.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Okay people I am doing my best not to freak out in a very big way right now... **Mo breathes in and out, in and out, in and out...slowly in a very determined manner, hoping it will stave off the panic that is currently clawing at her throat!** I have decided it is the PTB's mission in life to mess with us and in particular cause me to have multiple heart failures in a short amount of time. I swear on all that is shippy, if they follow through on this spoiler, the badder one....I can't even come up with something horrible enough to do to them, but I will think of something and then I will track them down and do it... **Mo points to her avie....glad now she didn't change it like she intended!** Read it and beware PTB, cuz trust me you do NOT want to mess with us when we're pissed!
That said... **Mo steps down from her soapbox for the moment...**
I refuse to believe that TPTB are stupid enough to have Danny and Angell try to pull off a "tension-filled" scene after building up D/L so very much this whole last season and a half! I'm sorry but that would be entirely unbelievable to me, entirely! :eek: That said, I am VERY glad they show Danny calling Linds...yay! :D And he says he misses her! Double yay! :D :D Now she needs to come running back to his arms! :devil:

Okay y'all just to let ya know, I'm off to a wedding show about 4 hours away with my roommate for the weekend, so I won't be on for the next couple days, might pop in in the morning before I leave, but otherwise I'll be back in a couple days. So hold down the fort while I'm gone...and despite my rantings and freaking out...don't lose hope y'all! We will win! WE WILL!! D/L's love will prevail and our ship will sail!! (I'm a poet... :lol: )
Hugs to all y'all...my Fluffy Twin, my fluffy niece, my angsty nieces and all the rest of my buddies!

And now off to sleep...perchance to dream...! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for the warm welcome. I just love the first episode together in the lab they keep stealing glances at each other.
Absolutely. You could see the hot tension from the beginning already.

Even though I've caved in to spoilers, oh my God-- the spoiler thread isn't very Lindsay-friendly now, is it? Even though I can't stand Aiden, I don't blah about it every 10 seconds. No offense to anyone who does.

Okay people I am doing my best not to freak out in a very big way right now...
Sweetie! RELAX. I've just calmed mercy down at the 'Soundtrack' thread. We're CANON, remember? D/L all the way. Besides, it's pretty damn clear that the writers like D/L by having countless great moments between the characters. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Lol, first Delia it cracks me up that you caved! ;) But then again I applaud you that it took you this long to cave, you have WAY more self-control than I do when it comes to spoilers! So well done! But yay that you caved so you can join in the chatting! ;)

And second...yeah...I'm starting to calm down...Aud helped remind me that our ship is good and sailing and all will still be fluffy when Linds returns! (Thanks Fluffy Twin!) and thanks to you too Delia hon! ;) I'll be fine, I just tend to spaz and freak as my immediate reaction and then I take the time to think about it all and relax! :lol:

Okay time for bed for me! Long trip tomorrow! Bye y'all...I'll be back soon! :D
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