Lab Technician
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[
MacsGirlMel said:
I wish there was a way they could do a D/L phonecall during the break, or something like that, to drop us a few crumbs at least.
I would love to have a phone call between the two, even if we don’t get all the details (like him looking at his caller ID and seeing her name or something). However, I can understand how that isn’t likely to happen. My mind wandered around without me for a while earlier and came back with an idea. Sometimes during the middle or end of the show they will show various team members and lab rats running tests, or Flack cuffing a suspect. Just little shots of them doing their jobs set to music. During one of these times at the end of an ep where Linds is gone, I think they should show a flash shot or two of her either taking the stand or on the stand in the courtroom for the trial. Not necessarily any speaking parts or anything. Just a determined Lindsay taking care of what needs to be done, something like that.