Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Aud I adore you! **Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin happily!** You're fabulous! Thanks for the chicken soup, it will help wonders I know! :D And I love the shippy quote...might have to snag a bit of it for a new icon later, we'll see! ;)

I gotta say, you mentioned the Friends "cliffhanger" and I gotta say, I did love how they ended that! I mean it was cruel, but I swear when Rachel walked in that door I was literally up on my couch shrieking and jumping up and down! That made my month when I saw her standing there! So I could live with something like that...but only because 1) they actually had her come back before the eppy ended, otherwise I would have been throwing things! And 2) we got to see their relationship develop up to that point! It wasn't like we had none of them until that last scene! So I could handle something like for D/L if they continued to show us their relationship developing and then gave us a cliffhanger that ended that well...then I'd be okay with it! Did that make any sense? It made perfect sense in my head! :lol:

Oh you're D/L dreams...Aud yeah tell your muse you'd like to write some of those down! ;) You totally should, that would be a good thing! :devil: :lol:

Delia loved your little scenario hon! That would totally make me happy to see that! Who am I kidding, if they said they loved eachother and kissed, I'd be totally freaking out and overjoyed!! :lol:
And yeah I agree, they already are in love with eachother, I'd bet good money on that...they just haven't been able to admit that to eachother...but they will, all in good time! :D

Have faith shippy buddies...I just know good things will happen, I can feel it down to my bones! :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Holy cow guys, you all write so much stuff, and quite frankly I'm way too lazy to read every inch of it. That main thing I saw was "big cliff hanger..." and I'm guessing it's for DL. My guess? Yea, we'll be left with some cliff hanger that wants us to go are they or arent they? And it'll kill us, and we'll whine, and probably send outrageous letters to TPTB. I'm mad just thinking about it... :mad:

Hello to all my family, and all you lovely shippers! And modie, hello to you too! waves and gives hugs and gives everyone a freshly baked choclate chip cookie. Pies Mo in face

My avvie idea I believe goes to mommy. I think she metioned this pick a while back. If it was YOU and not AUDA tell me!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

haha, knowing mommy it probably was her. She loves the tongue porn thing that they do. love your banner btw ;)

Teh big cliffhanger. ooh Sounds scary. It really is, Modie likes to threaten me with them.

I like writing angsty letters. I wonder why. *scratches head* The are they or aren't they question. That will be fun. Even though they are.. or.. *mumbles certain things that only Twinny will figure out* :D

I love you D/L. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

LOL 'Cause you're evil? I also love your banner BTW.

I don't like cliffhangers...I will write them but I hate seeing them or reading them. But I know they won't let D/L be happy right away, it's just not like PTB...they love dragging it out on us.

*whacks Lynn on principle* MINE
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

If it was YOU and not AUDA tell me!

It was AUDA not Mommy. LOL :lol: But that is your sister's creation not mine--Auda. Tongue porn is love, Lynn. :devil:

Great quote, sweetie! I've got one too!

"Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love." - Ericc Fromm

Ah, thank you. I love your quote. It is perfect for our ship. ;)

Me too. It'll be beautiful, alright, especially if it's Danny and Lindsay! But to be honest, I think our dear sweet Danny-boy has already fallen in love!

YAY! Applause, please.

But Lindsay is in love with him too, however she's not really able to trust anyone yet...

Yes they are in love already. But I'd still love to see them maybe be together and find out that they are in love with each other. You know the discovery that 'he loves me, she loves me' thing. LOL.

Aud I adore you! **Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin happily!** You're fabulous!

Back at you, Fluffy Twin! :) ;)

I gotta say, you mentioned the Friends "cliffhanger" and I gotta say, I did love how they ended that! I mean it was cruel, but I swear when Rachel walked in that door I was literally up on my couch shrieking and jumping up and down!

Jumps up and down with you. Come on, you know you are still jumping up and down about that one! ;) Ah, my first ship before I knew what shipping was. I wish this would happen with D/L: Lindsay leaves an answer on Danny's machine. He's afraid she is gone for good after he went to the airport. He hears her but thinks she is gone for good. But he discovers she is at his door and then... :devil:
I'm using the quote for my signature, but I'd love to see you do something shippy with it in an icon or banner. Wubs! ;)

Looking for my poetry and dialogue muse... :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I am not evil.. much.

You live to write them. I don't like writing them unless I'm bored or something, but I hate reading them and I hate seeing cliffhangers. I'm always the one screaming Finish it, dagnamit!

Yeah, they won't give us DL right away, because their evil like that. They like to make us wait.

*whacks you back* MINE!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

*whacks you back MINE*

Yes they are definately evil that way...with Smacked too. LOL yeah me too..."ackkkkk" is my usual response.

I wish there was a way they could do a D/L phonecall during the break, or something like that, to drop us a few crumbs at least.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

My guess? Yea, we'll be left with some cliff hanger that wants us to go are they or arent they? And it'll kill us, and we'll whine, and probably send outrageous letters to TPTB. I'm mad just thinking about it...
It will be so frustrating Rad I totally agree. We all want them to get together and I absolutely believe they will be one day :D...I just have a feeling it will not be in this season :eek: :devil:

That doesn't mean that I think we don't get any cute D/L scenes anymore; but if they want to make this a relationship that will last they probably have to take a few steps back when Lindsay returns. Start the whole flirting and teasing thing again :) (yeah for that :D) to really make a fresh start :D

Now you guys' turn! Scenarios of them getting together at last!!
Lovely scenario kissme. I wish I could come up with such cute fluffy stories, but somehow the thought of them not getting together immediately after her return keeps interfering :p And to turn that around again would take much more than just a few lines ;) - have a few ideas though; so maybe I make a little fic :cool:

I wish there was a way they could do a D/L phonecall during the break, or something like that, to drop us a few crumbs at least
Well, I don't see why not. I think they came up with the idea of shipping ;) Lindsay back to Montana a while ago (since Anna announced her pregnancy); so they could have shot a few scenes with Lindsay calling Danny in advance :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Aagh! I hope they don't do the phone call scenario showing Lindsay phoning from Montana. It reminds of Three's Company when Chrissy left, and they had a cheesy set with her phoning Jack and Janet(reruns, I know, but it still dates me). Anyway, I don't think they will do that, probably just a mention of her being there when she is gone. I'm just going by the fact that they have no continuity on some things, and I don't think they will do anything to advance the ship while Lindsay is gone. And, just to depress further, I don't think they will make a big deal of it when she does return. Something like they did when Flack was injured so badly, and there has hardly been mention of it since. I'm depressing I know. I am, however, excited about next weeks episode. It's a new one and I'm so happy because it's been almost a month. **does happy dance now**
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

i can't wait for the finale - i know this is reli stupid but i have this feeling that we'll get a huge D/L moment at the end of the season - though i think it's just my lack of D/L speaking lol
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^ Well catey I think you're not depressing at all :D Giving what we know about TPTB and their continuity in some stories it could be quite possible.... :eek:
but on the other hand, her final scene would probably be the one where she's leaving that card for Danny :( It would be useless to have her do that and not mention it again while she's away or when she returns :)
And the promo for next week (which can be viewed at the CBS site btw) looks exciting...and funny :cool:

Hi, english_rose, welcome!

It's not stupid what you're thinking. I have the same mixed feelings :mad:: I don't want the season to end but I can also not wait for the finale because I'm really thinking something major will happen! :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

just watched the trailer for the nxt ep...there seems to be alot of danny, (hehehe *drools* :devil:) but Linds wasnt in it at all. :( :( Well, ever since the pregnancy she has been in the show less and less...ahh i miss her! I just watched the sucicide girl episode and i just love hte part when shes like "classy" and gives that smile :).
so hopefully, there will be SOME D/L nxt week...something...pleassse lol.
sry. im getting a little anxious. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yeah, I didn't see Lindsay in the promo. But we get plenty of scenes after she comes back from maternity leave.

And is just me or is this season flying by? We are already on ep. 13.

Welcome all the newbies! And hi to all my family here, you're the best! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Delia loved your little scenario hon! That would totally make me happy to see that! Who am I kidding, if they said they loved eachother and kissed, I'd be totally freaking out and overjoyed!!
I'm with you on that one, I'll be be over the moon if that happens!

I mean it was cruel, but I swear when Rachel walked in that door I was literally up on my couch shrieking and jumping up and down!
Oh my God! Same! I was crying first when Ross was like "Did she get off the plane? DID SHE GET OFF THE PLANE?" Then she comes and goes, "I got off the plane." I jumped on my couch and clapped. I was soooo happy! My dad was jumping too! :lol:

Ah, thank you. I love your quote. It is perfect for our ship.
Oh you're welcome, sweetie. :) I'm glad that you think so.

Yes they are in love already. But I'd still love to see them maybe be together and find out that they are in love with each other. You know the discovery that 'he loves me, she loves me' thing. LOL.
Yeah, I get what you mean. You wanna see all that. Declaring to each other their love. I really wanna see that. :)

Start the whole flirting and teasing thing again,(yeah for that)
Oh my God!! I miss that so much!

It reminds me of 'Stuck On You' when she invited him to Cozy's and then Mac was playing and Danny had this adorable shocked face. "How'd you know he played?" So cute! Missing those moments...

At least I wanna get the whole. "Don't tell me you know something about football." "Why is that so hard to believe?" "Just dangerous, I might ask you to marry me." The expression on Lindsay's face was too hard to miss.

have a few ideas though; so maybe I make a little fic
Great! Lemme be the first to read!

so they could have shot a few scenes with Lindsay calling Danny in advance
I don't see that happening. Since they've already written the next few episodes and Anna really SHOULD get a break! Besides, the makes her getting back from Montana all the better. :D

Something like they did when Flack was injured so badly, and there has hardly been mention of it since.
With so much stuff that's leaded onto Lindsay's past, I really doubt that will happen. But speaking of Flack-- they have only talked about that in the premiere episode and haven't touched it ever since. And last season's finale was more of a Mac-centric episode with his flashbacks of him as a marine and poor Don was just a prop!! :( :lol:

i can't wait for the finale - i know this is reli stupid but i have this feeling that we'll get a huge D/L moment at the end of the season - though i think it's just my lack of D/L speaking lol
Same here. I wish for a get-together too! :) I just know that it'll be something great!! Like a quick kiss or something like that.

and i just love hte part when shes like "classy" and gives that smile
Aww! Me too. She's so adorable.

Man, that was a long post!!
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