Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

We can only hope! Anyway I imagine it would be incredibly hard to film romantic scenes - even scenes where Danny and Lindsay just exchange a meaningful look - when you're heavily pregnant and a baby kicking you every five minutes .....

I totally agree kissme, i cant even imagine all the stuff anna has to put up with during filming...It will be worth it though :) i wonder if shes having a girl or boy? :confused:

Im getting extremely excited...only a WEEK till the next ep!YAY!!! Im realllly hoping for some DL even a look- something! and i reallllllly cant wait to see what happens when anna returns from maternity leave....i hope PTB has some good stuffs up their sleeves !! :) :devil:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I really think that whatever D/L stuff TPTB have in store for us all depends on when Anna's maternity leave starts and how long it will last :)

Over in the spoiler thread there was some discussion about the length of maternity leaves; and it seems like it can be anything from 6 up to 12 weeks. So if she's expecting the baby at the end of January and has a long maternity leave, she will probably only be back for the finale :( On the other hand if she delivers this week and has a short leave she can be back for the last 4 or 5 ep's :D

In the first case it would be a little unbelievable if she returns and suddenly everything is OK between Danny and Lindsay :rolleyes: We therefor will probably be left with a huge cliff hanger for the next season :eek:

In the latter case having her back 4 or *fingers are still crossed* 5 ep's before the finale leaves them enough time to give us some really great D/L moments :devil:

So what do you guys think/hope? ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

muzzy, I can so picture the filming difficulty. Pan into a close up shot of Danny and Lindsay exchanging a loving look, and suddenly Anna's eyes bug out as the baby delivers a particularly vicious kick to the ribs. "CUT!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Tonight's rerun is Hung Out to Dry, which referencing kissme's awesome summary list says no D/L. I hope we at least get a mention next week!!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I'm going to catch the end of "Hung out to dry" to see if they air the preview. I hope it will be interesting.

I'm hoping that she has a little boy but all I hope is that the baby is heatlhy. That is really all that matters!

And I'm miserable, I've started to eat better and I'm in a grumpy mood due to lack of unhealthy food. If anybody doesn't mind, can somebody pass me something sweet, please? :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

vexus said:
I'm going to catch the end of "Hung out to dry" to see if they air the preview. I hope it will be interesting.
:eek: How could I have forgotten about promos? Thanks for the reminder, vex! :D

BTW, NWILL is still on Innertube for anyone who wants to watch it again (*sigh* the HUG). Since they played things in a weird order I don't know if it will be up much longer.

Aw vex, healthy food is good for you... *snickers* yeah right, would probably have more meaning if it was said by someone who doesn't practically mainline Mt Dew! :lol: **tosses vex a bag of m&m's and passes devil's food cream cheese cookies around to share, yum**
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I agree, totally forgot about the promo! You just made my day totally. I liked Hung out To Dry, but I dunno if I'd watch it again quite so quickly. The end though, I'll watch that. :D Just for the promo.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Does anyone know which is a more reliable listing, Tvguide.com or futon critic? TVguide still has the Lying Game scheduled for Jan.24, while futon critic doesn't have it listed until January 31. Things keep changing. Either way, I'm taping the promo for tonight, hopefully it will be interesting.

Mo and Vex, I hope you feel better soon.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Just saw the promo. Saw some Danny but I didn't see Lindsay.

Pretty interesting, it looks like it's going to be a good episode.

Have a good night, guys! Off to bed! :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I could just SCREAM! Oh, wait, I already did. The show started late because CBS was showing a Big Ten game, I think Purdue (go boilermakers!) was in overtime. They started CSI:NY 7 minutes late but played the whole show. However, when it came time to show the promo for the next ep they only showed 1 or 2 seconds of it before switching to the news! Aarrrghh!

kissme's awesome list was unfortunately accurate with no D/L, I was hoping to maybe see them in a spilt second shot or something but nope. I think I will now retreat and watch my s2 eps again...

rad, i love your new avie!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

therefor will probably be left with a huge cliff hanger for the next season
NOOOO! I want them together before the end of the season!!! I feel like a whiner, but hey-- you ALL want D/L just as badly as I do! They're so cute together...

and I'm so afraid of going to the spoiler-thread nowadays with all the negative things people are saying about Lindsay and especially, D/L... :( For NY-related threads, I'm sticking to the Anna, Danny and D/L threads... and the Mac/Stella ones too. Other than that, I'm now scared. I know they all have their own opinions, but Lindsay's so cute! How can they dislike/hate her so much??

:) But on the good side, I can feel that this is our year for D/L! We'll definitely get something this season! You can never be too positive!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Wierd...started on time here, and we're right next to Indiana.

I saw the promo...I don't remember Danny but I know there was no DL :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello my lovelies! ;) How are you all this lovely evening...well I hope! :D I'm doing well myself, feeling a bit better from my cold! ;) **Mo passes out hot cocoa and marshmellows!**
They might pull a GSR and just have an intimate and sweet scene where it's obvious that they've already entered in a relationship.
Delia hon I kinda hope they don't pull a GSR on us, I mean it worked for them cuz their whole relationship was like that...kept in secret, with furtive glances and no one knew if they were together or not...but with Danny and Linds they have shown us all the aspects of their relationship, so to suddenly have it turn into something secret would make me kinda pissed at them actually. I mean I'd be totally happy that D/L was together of course, but I'd feel gyped that I didn't get to see it, ya know!
So what do you guys think/hope?
Definitely, definitely do NOT want a big cliffhanger! So I'd be going for having her be back in time for a few lovely D/L filled eppy's leading up to a glorious D/L-rich finale! *Nods firmly!* Yup that needs to be what happens! :D
Just saw the promo. Saw some Danny but I didn't see Lindsay. Pretty interesting, it looks like it's going to be a good episode.
Bummer on the no Linds, yay for some Danny...double yay that it looks like an interesting eppy! :D Can't wait to see it, the promo and the eppy! :lol:
Oh and Vex here's some chocolate hon! ;) :D

**Hugs to my lovely Fluffy Twin, fluffy niece, angsty nieces and all my other lovely buddies!** :D :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

but with Danny and Linds they have shown us all the aspects of their relationship, so to suddenly have it turn into something secret would make me kinda pissed at them actually.
:lol: I think that even if they are going to hide a relationship, the whole team will see through them!! Stella and Don know them so well. :lol: I'll love to see that. At least something to light up the show!
I mean I'd be totally happy that D/L was together of course, but I'd feel gyped that I didn't get to see it, ya know!
Absolutely! I'll just HAVE to see it! Okay, it's time for some get-together scenarios!

Set when Lindsay returns from Montana...
Danny: (sees Lindsay in the shared lab as he enters) You're--you're back. (voice breaks a little) How was it?
Lindsay: (sighs and admits:) Terrible... I missed you alot. I'm--I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you I was going.
Danny: (looks away) Me too.
Lindsay: Danny. (pauses) Danny. If I told you-- you wouldn't have let me go.
Danny: (looks thoughtful) Yeah, I know.
Lindsay: And--And I would have to tell you that I love you... which--which I do.
Danny: (looks up and meets her gaze) What? You love me?
Lindsay: (without missing a beat) Of course. Maybe--I always have. It just took me longer to say it. If I told you that, you wouldn't have let me go.
Danny: (exhales) I know. (walks over to her and puts his hand on her waist) I love you and I'll never ever let you go again.
Lindsay nods and smiles, with tears in her eyes, then she pushes Danny against the window and kisses him softly, as she feels his strong arms tangle her body. She plays with his hair and then lets him kiss her harder.

From outside the office, Stella looks through the glass walls and raises an eyebrow. She's unnoticed by the couple inside the room, still kissing. She takes out her camera phone.
Stella: (chuckles) Looks like Don owes me 200 bucks now. (takes a photo) They'll never believe it unless I have proof.

Cute, huh?

Now you guys' turn! Scenarios of them getting together at last!! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Bonjour Lovely Shippers! :) Kiss, I love your little dialogue! So cute! :)

Welcome Speedslady and all other newbies! Love that you are here! :)

Daughter Lynn had a birthday. Happy Birthday my dear! Daughter Vex, I continue to enjoy your fics! And my youngest, Daughter Rad, I have taught you the right ways of life--Tongue Porn! :devil:

Does anyone think we'll get any D/L before the end of the season? I think we'll get something in the finale...

Yes I do! I feel like they will build up this great sexual tension for D/L and then have a great finale. ;)

therefore will probably be left with a huge cliff hanger for the next season

Urg! I don't like cliffhangers! They used to do this on shows like Dallas and Friends (am dating myself back here LOL) and I don't think I could take seeing something like that with NY. I think I might die if they pull a situation in which D/L see each other off in the distance and then the screen credits roll. :eek:

They might pull a GSR and just have an intimate and sweet scene where it's obvious that they've already entered in a relationship.

I have to agree with Mo that I hope they don't go that route (sorry not trying to offend). I don't have to see every detail (some things are better left up to the imagination and fanfic) but I would feel slightly jipped if suddenly they were just together. Relationships are a process and I enjoy seeing two people grow together and fall in love. ;)

On the other hand if she delivers this week and has a short leave she can be back for the last 4 or 5 ep's.

Dutch, I think that she will go this route. Anna said in the TV Guide interview that she would take a short maternity leave. After the season she will have a lot of time with her baby. So I see us having Anna back in no time. I see some D/L scenes by March--my prediction only. :D

Mel, you made my day (and a lot of other people's day) by telling us about the TV Guide letter. Thank you. ;)

Mo, I hope you feel better. Passes you some chicken noodle soup! :) Just for you and other shippers I have a nice quote that sums up our ship! I wish our lovely couple could be together this coming V-Day but I'm not sure. Here goes:

"Faith is raising the sail of our little boat until it is caught up in the soft winds above and picks up speed, not from anything within itself, but from the vast resources of the universe around us." ~W. Ralph Ward

Hope everyone is enjoying 2007! :) :cool: Will try my hand at a dialogue between D/L when my muse kicks in---that is my D/L dreams and Mo knows about those. ;) :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

They used to do this on shows like Dallas and Friends (am dating myself back here LOL)
:lol: Yeah, I remember. I've always been a Rachel/Ross fan and I waited for a hookup since they broke up in season 3 and we've been getting loads of moments, but nothing like a relationship-- UNTIL THE LAST 10 MINUTES OF THE FINALE OF THE LAST SEASON!!! God! I hope they won't do that to us on NY.

Relationships are a process and I enjoy seeing two people grow together and fall in love.
Me too. It'll be beautiful, alright, especially if it's Danny and Lindsay! But to be honest, I think our dear sweet Danny-boy has already fallen in love! :D

YAY! Applause, please.

But Lindsay is in love with him too, however she's not really able to trust anyone yet...

"Faith is raising the sail of our little boat until it is caught up in the soft winds above and picks up speed, not from anything within itself, but from the vast resources of the universe around us." ~W. Ralph Ward
Great quote, sweetie! I've got one too! :D

"Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love." - Ericc Fromm

Will try my hand at a dialogue between D/L when my muse kicks in
I'll wait until then! :D It'll be awesome, I bet. *winks*

Oh and I've uploaded my fanfic called 'Constant', because that's what Danny is to her. :D
'Constant': A D/L one-shot
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