Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

You've helped enough already this morning.
Oh! So much meanings in that... :lol:

(Mac was in the room, kissme, probably the only reason she didn’t kiss him right then; wouldn’t have made a good impression on her new boss )
:lol: Mac should have been OUT OF THE SCENe, damn it! :lol: We love him anyway though.

3x13 Obsession is in 9 days!! Barely over a week away!
Ahhh! Yay!! Can't wait. I doubt that we'll get any D/L, but I desperately hope that we do.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello all my lovely buddies! :D Welcome one and all to 2007...or what I have aptly dubbed...The Year of the Ships! :lol: Seriously y'all I don't know why but I am so insanely optimistic about our ship's possibilities... (could be an O'D of cold medicine! ;) ) but I think I prefer eternal optimism and faith! :D I just know this is gonna be our year and it's gonna be GOOD!

I LOVE all the New Years ficcies, scenarios and poems y'all posted! Y'all are awesome and mad talented! I LOVE it! :D

Y'all make me smile everytime I come in here...even with my sucky cold...thanks y'all I just wubs my shippy family...angsty nieces, Fluffy Twin...and all the lovely rest of y'all! :D

*Mo skips out the thread and off to bed, probably a bit high on cold meds...but choosing to think it's high on life and fluffy shippy love!* :lol: :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

The Year of the Ships!
:lol: Yep...


Can I be your Fluffy Triplet? Pretty please...?

Good night, Mo! Sweet dreams.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh! I've watched American Necrophilia... not too much D/L but it doesn't matter still that scene in the morgue is pretty cute..."Dont eat them" "Too late for that joke" "Does it make it less funny?" (Well, or something like that, because it's my translation to english from the spanish translation if you understand me xDD) And those smiles...
I hope you don't mind if I make a comment about D/L scenes as I watch new episodes (which is one every monday) since you've seen them sooo long ago..
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

2007 is definitely going to be the year where Danny and Lindsay and their shippers conquer all!!! I just hope that there's going to be a majority of fluff over angst!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

"Does it make it less funny?"
He actually said, "Doesn't mean it's not funny." :lol: As Mac said the joke before. :D I liked how even though they weren't on the same cases-- they still worked together. :)

Muzzy: Love your icon. Can you tell me where'd you get it from?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I hope you don't mind if I make a comment about D/L scenes as I watch new episodes (which is one every monday) since you've seen them sooo long ago..
Of course we don't mind netar! We love to talk about 'old' ep's and all the lovely D/L moments :D; and that one in NA was great! One page back (can't believe were on #16 already :eek:) a bunch of us were even talking about 'Zoo York', the kick-off ep :); so yeah for discussing D/L history!

Since this IS our D/L year I have a little hope for some D/L in the next ep (only 8 days to go). At this moment Lindsay's story needs to be told and I don't think Danny is completely unaware of the fact that something's going on with her :rolleyes: *crosses fingers*

YAY, I wanted this thread so badly
Well, Pungo glad you've found it, welcome!

Hope you're feeling better soon, Mo! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

1CSIMfan said:
^^Right now, it's speculation smiliee.


Okay, I'm in love with all the pictures!!! They're so adorable.

Does anyone think we'll get any D/L before the end of the season? I think we'll get something in the finale... but I was just wondering what everyone else thought.

Well, I'm off to bed. I'm going to President Ford's visitation tonight, so I need some sleep or I'll be too tired!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I think they will get together in this season. I'm thinking that after Anna's baby comes, she can be in more physical scenes if you know what I mean!

And I'm also loving all the pics, cute! :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I just think thee two are so adorable together. From the first time they where together on screen you could see the connection.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hiya Buddies! :D **Mo waves and passes out licorice, lol!** Okay so at the moment I'm feeling better, which is really really nice! I think I'm on an adrenalin high though cuz I just got done leading my youth group and we had a great meeting...so yeah we'll see how I feel in an hour or so! ;)
Can I be your Fluffy Triplet? Pretty please...?
Lol! Awww, Delia hon you're too cute! Whaddya think Aud Fluffy Triplet? Ohhh, or Delian hon do you wanna be our fluffy niece?! We have 3 angsty nieces, a fluffy one would be fabulous! :lol:
(Nice avie by the way Delia, LOVE it! :D )
I just hope that there's going to be a majority of fluff over angst!
Muzzy I completely and totally agree!! I desperately want more fluff than angst, I'm okay with the angst if it leads to fluff, but I still want more fluff!! :D
Hope you're feeling better soon, Mo!
Awww thanks hon! I appreciate that! ;) I think I'm doin' a bit better! :D
Does anyone think we'll get any D/L before the end of the season? I think we'll get something in the finale... but I was just wondering what everyone else thought.
Smi! Hi hon!! :D Oh honey, I totally think we'll get some D/L before the season finale! I mean I think we'll definitely get some IN the finale...but I think we'll get some before then too! Yeah when Anna comes back from her maternity leave, I definitely think there will be more "physical" scenes! :devil: Yeah baby! ;)

This is gonna be a good season I can feel it! Can't wait for our new eppy y'all...I'm excited for it! Only a week...YAY!! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

kissmesweet said:
Muzzy: Love your icon. Can you tell me where'd you get it from?

Thanks. :D I most certainly can't claim any credit for it though alas as I my skills in Fanart are non-existent. Lidi made it over on LJ. I love this shot of Lindsay/Anna!

I think they will get together in this season. I'm thinking that after Anna's baby comes, she can be in more physical scenes if you know what I mean!

:lol: We can only hope! Anyway I imagine it would be incredibly hard to film romantic scenes - even scenes where Danny and Lindsay just exchange a meaningful look - when you're heavily pregnant and a baby kicking you every five minutes .....
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Does anyone think we'll get any D/L before the end of the season?
Me!! The writers have been pushing it pretty hard and I definitely see it coming in the near future. They might pull a GSR and just have an intimate and sweet scene where it's obvious that they've already entered in a relationship. :)

I think they will get together in this season.
I sure hope so!! After some much angst-- we definitely deserve it.

I just think thee two are so adorable together. From the first time they where together on screen you could see the connection.
Absolutely. Even the scene in the zoo with the metal bars of the cage, you could feel a certain attraction and heat between them. :) They're so fantastic together!

Lol! Awww, Delia hon you're too cute! Whaddya think Aud Fluffy Triplet? Ohhh, or Delian hon do you wanna be our fluffy niece?! We have 3 angsty nieces, a fluffy one would be fabulous!
(Nice avie by the way Delia, LOVE it! )
Ahh thanks. I've just made it a while ago! I like it too!

Yeah when Anna comes back from her maternity leave, I definitely think there will be more "physical" scenes!
:lol: I hope that too. Some hand-holding or kissing would be great. :) Something sweet and romantic. :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

*nod* That'd be my pick for best bet for more D/L.

In the new TV Guide, there are letters about the Smacked cover a few weeks back and one of the writers says they should have focused more on D/L hehe.
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