Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey guys! I am VaveAma. But ya'll can call me Vave. I am a huge D/L shipper. I would post alot here but I spend a majority of my time at TV.com. But you guys have much juicier spoilers. What would I do without you guys? I hope I can talk to you all soon. Bye! *waves*
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thank you all, for the nice welcome :D

@darx2mint4 : I love the Wall! Great Work! :D

@vexus :I love the FanFic!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey guys! I am VaveAma. But ya'll can call me Vave. I am a huge D/L shipper.
Hey, valve sweetie! Welcome! I'm grinning from ear to ear seeing all these new D/L lovers. You'll all have a fabulous time here!!

Okay guys. We need to talk more, instead of about ff alerts screwing up. (Sorry I started it. :lol:) Okay-- when did you guys first start liking D/L? Sorry that it's an old question...

I liked them ever since Zoo York (Love ya, Zoo Babies!). I remember laughing so hard when Danny first told Lindsay to call Mac 'sir' and then when she did, Mac told her not to. :lol: Then when she turned around to glare at our Danny-boy, he was like brushing off mosquitoes or something like that!! Love the mischievous boy...
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hi all, I’m finally awake! Cannot believe the new year is already 13 hours old here :eek:
Hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating or whatever you’ve been up to.

Welcome UnspokenHope and Vave. It’s great to start 2007 welcoming some new shippers. Hope you have an awesome time here!

darx2 beautiful wallpaper. mercy, vex great ficcies (left you a review). Rad I loved that poem “Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!”...so beautiful!
Can't tell you how much I've missed you and your angst. I'm beginning to write a new angsty story soon... Your angsty-ness is finally getting to me (in a GOOD way!)
Aah, kissme that’s so sweet :) I’ve missed you too. And I’m proud :p that my angst is affecting you; so please write that angsty story…I’m always curious as to how much angst you fluffies can come up with ;)
And that picture is awesome, those looks...which episode is it from??
I’m glad you liked it netartemisa! It’s from the wonderful :D 2nd ep of season 3 “Not what it looks like”.
I'm actually hopeful for the first time in a month
That’s wonderful catey! And a good way to start the new year!
"What New Year's Resolutions are they making?"
Well for Lindsay, that’s easy: Leaving the past behind so she can finally move forward. For Danny it’s a bit harder: Staying supportive and being there for Lindsay – not giving up on what they have :)
when did you guys first start liking D/L?
For me it was “Zoo York” too. The moment they first met, was the exact same moment I became hooked. The teasing, the awkwardness; I just immediately knew that they were meant to be together (perhaps even before they knew ;))
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I’m always curious as to how much angst you fluffies can come up with
:lol: Hmmm. I can be a angsty sometimes, even though I'm about the fluffiest person you can get!

I just immediately knew that they were meant to be /together (perhaps even before they knew )
Oh sweetie! Aren't you absolutely awesome? Then again, I think THEY were the last to find out how wonderful they would be together! On some level, I think Lindsay knows too... You can see how much she's fighting her feelings. Poor girl. She's strong though, if it were me-- I would have kissed him the first time he called me Montana! She just isn't ready though... I know she needs some space, but I just don't know how she does it! Danny will do anything for her... :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Zoo York was such a great beginning for this pair!

This would have to be my favorite Zoo York moment, his voice just absolutely sends shivers down my spine, so imagine what it did to Linds with his voice so close to her ear!:
Just take a deep breath. Don't let him know you're afraid because he can sense when you're nervous.

And of course, some other great moments in the ep for zoo babies:
Eye contact after “Don’t call me Sir.”
You've helped enough already this morning.
Alright... after you. (things go bump in the lab)
First time to call her Montana. (Mac was in the room, kissme, probably the only reason she didn’t kiss him right then; wouldn’t have made a good impression on her new boss :lol:)
Country girl.

I hope the writers give us more D/L moments, I miss them so much!

Mel, middle of the northern half!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh, yes the first episode was a great begginig.. although I admit I didn't though of the ship then.. I don't know where it started.. First when she calls him to the bar where Mac plays bass but..I think there was a moment during the "bug meal" I thought: OMG!! I TOTALLY SHIP THEM!!
I guess all the small moments they shared before that entered in my subsconscious and then it all appeared clear to me then!
Also, I saw a scene of one episode in a AXN, I think it's when Eiden died (I haven't seen the whole episode) when Lindsay tells Stella something like: Danny talks a lot about her (meaning Eiden) She said it in such a natural way it shows they talk a lot and they're very close..
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I hope Lindsay isn't gone too long....*cries* Even four or five eps without D/L will be a long time. *sniffle* I hope we have a lot of fanfic to tide us over, or at least a phone call or something between them.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I think THEY were the last to find out how wonderful they would be together!
I think they've known it al along, they just are not ready to fully admit it (YET) :rolleyes: Seems like everytime one of them is ready to take the next step something interferes - Don't you just love that Angst :p
This would have to be my favorite Zoo York moment, his voice just absolutely sends shivers down my spine, so imagine what it did to Linds with his voice so close to her ear!:
"Just take a deep breath. Don't let him know you're afraid because he can sense when you're nervous"
Oh yes, loved that scene! (and the total pic recap -thanks mercy- was great!) I think my knees would have turned to rubber instantly! :D

And you know what, when I just read that line I suddenly realised he was not talking about the tiger or Mac he was talking about himself ;)

She said it in such a natural way it shows they talk a lot and they're very close..
That's so true. It showed he's really comfortable around her. And a lot of people were wondering why Lindsay was in the bar at the end of that :( ep (it's called "Heroes" btw) celebrating Aiden's life; I think through Danny's stories she kinda felt like she knew her.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Happy January 1st...I've been up for 36 hours, I am so tired. :rolleyes: And I'm back to school tomorrow

I found this interesting quote from Anna on tv.com (I don't know how old this is) ::
I think it will be interesting as she gets really comfortable in the lab to see even more sides of her--see that excited stuff, see that square side of her, maybe a relationship!

This is really really good for us, because don't the writers/producers usually discuss with the actors what happens with their characters? If thats true and Anna wants a relationship on the show for Lindsay...then maybe sooner than later we will have a steady relationship with Lindsay and Danny.( i mean like end of the season.)
I know we are already canon (yeah! :p) but if the actors want it..then it is even better :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

YAY, I wanted this thread so badly.. Danny and Lindsay are both my fav characters and so perfect for each other :D
I lovlovlovlove themmmm!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hey everyone! I hope you all had an awesome new year! I love all the pictures, too! They're sooo cute!

So is that guy in the pic for sure her brother, or is that just speculation? And if it is her brother how do we know for sure? (Is that a sign I haven't been reading enough spoilers???)

I'm loving all of the fanfics! They make me all warm and fuzzy inside! Keep 'em comin' guys!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I hope that everybody had a great New Years day. And hopefully all the speculation will end soon.

It sounds that the writers always had a plan for Lindsay to have a relationship. See, the writers have a clue! :)

Thanks guys for all the reviews for my fics, I wuv you guys!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for finding that quote, darx!

darx2mint4 said:
...then maybe sooner than later we will have a steady relationship with Lindsay and Danny.( i mean like end of the season.)
Oh won’t that be wonderful!
(note that I said “won’t it be” rather than “wouldn’t it be”; see I believe. :D)

smiliee, we’ve been having some fun speculating while waiting for our next D/L fix. Speaking of which, 3x13 Obsession is in 9 days!! Barely over a week away! Of course we probably won’t get any D/L given the circumstances, but I’ll still be glued to my seat watching! :lol:
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