Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh, rad, i certainly hope so! If they don't I think my poor little D/L deprived heart will break. :(
...okay, well perhaps thats a wee bit overly dramatic and an exaggeration, but you get the idea :lol:

Welcome, pilgrim! :D You may not be a shipper as such yet, but stick around, this is a pretty fun bunch and we'll bring out the latent shipper in you!

I think I am leaning towards her brother being one of the victims, too. Whereas it may not explain her trust issues, i think it would help explain why she is afraid of anyone getting too close, or loving anyone too much. I mean, if it wasn't just her friends, but her brother whom we could speculate ( :D ) she was really close with. She could be afraid that people she loves always get hurt. I mean she has been in New York for more than a year now, and while it is possible she has taken a trip back and not told us, it is unlikely. I know in 2x22 Stealing Home she mentioned her dad taught her rawhide braiding when she was 10, and in 3x10 Sweet Sixteen she mentions when she was 16 she got her mom's old Pinto. Can anyone remember if she has ever mentioned anything about siblings? :confused:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

mercy- i loved your fic! so cute! makes me kinda miss the fluffyness btween them...but you gotta love the angst too <3 :)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Almost January, Yeah! The waiting seems shorter somehow when we're at least IN the month our new ep will air :rolleyes:

And here we go again with the spoiler boxes: :D

Well I don't know, I think I would like it if they don't let us know what's on the card in #ep.14 because that (again) leaves A LOT of room for more fun speculation ;). But I do wanna know eventually, so perhaps in a later ep when she has returned they can discuss it :)
And I'm still not sure if we should be discussing pictures form an old ep in spoiler boxes, but just to be safe:
Seeing the rest of the lovely pictures mercy posted (thanks for those, hon :)) I now am almost certain that the guy in that picture is not the killer. Why keep that picture with a lot of 'fun' pictures. I think it's her brother. And to answer the question, I don't think she ever mentioned siblings, so he could've been killed. I like the idea that she doesn't want to love anyone because of her fear that they too will get hurt. :(
I'm sorry you still have to wait a whole month before you can watch a new ep DL4Eva. That sounds like forever :eek:
Danny was just too cute and Lindsay too oblivious. Loved it!
I think you're already hooked pilgim_soul (and welcome btw). They just keep getting cuter and cuter and before you know it you're just like the rest of us :devil::eek: - totally D/L addicted - :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Taking care of business first! :D

First, Dutch is smart. I like your thinking. And Mercy, like your ideas too. New ficcie I hear? ;)

Secondly, hello to all of my family here--hey Daughters. LOL. Lynn I missed you so much I nearly cried. Hugs! :lol:

And welcome to all newbies! You will love shipping D/L. They are such a fun ship. We are now taking applications for new Fluffy pals. We have enough angst. LOL. :)

At this point, any theories about Lindsay's past could be true. I don't know if it was her brother or her boyfriend. She has a hard time trusting people, especically men, because it was either a bad relationship or something happened with someone else's relationship. Either way, she doesn't want to drag Danny into her mess--even if we want him to be there for her. I think that is why she will leave him a card instead of facing him. Then we will get this great scene when she comes back. I just know we will. It is good because, when she gets back we will have a lot more interaction to look forward to. Maybe not much the second she gets back, but we will get some D/L time. I'm frankly hoping that she will leave him a card that says that she does care about him. But I don't know if we will get that much from her. Maybe she leaves him one of those cool musical Hallmark cards. LOL.

Dear PTB,

Mo says "Hell hath no fury like a D/L shipper scorned." Please take note. We wub you.


D/L Shippers!

A cool friend sent me a picture of Pam Veasey- Our D/L Hero. She is lovely. ;)

Here's a fanlisting for D/L. It has started to take off but not many people know about it. :eek: ;)

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello all my lovelies! 2 days until the new year and the start of what I KNOW will be a wonderful wonderful season for D/L!! :D We have all sorts of faith and optimism about what this new year holds for our ship...don't we Fluffy Twin Aud hon! ;) Yup we do, definitely do! :D

Okay first Rad hon, I really hope they show us what is in Linds' note! They could have her "read" it while we see Danny staring at it, or looking out the window...it would totally work, so they should really tell us, dang it!! And yeah Mercy hon, the more I think about it the more I think that her brother was one of the victims and that would definitely explain why she has trust issues, if she's scared that everyone she loves gets hurt...yup makes sense to me! :D
We have enough angst. LOL.
Uh yeah we SO have hon, we need fluff and a whole whole lot of it! Good dose of fluff, PTB take note...we demand Fluff! Come on dang it! PLEASE!!! :D

Yup I do say that Aud...and PTB you should totally listen, cuz trust me us scorned...so NOT pretty! :devil:

Oh Pam Veasey pic, can I see? :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

audacity said:
First, Dutch is smart. I like your thinking. And Mercy, like your ideas too. New ficcie I hear? ;)
Good ficcie, nice ficcie, read the ficcie! Ha, it’s no biggie, just a little daydream that expanded when I tried to write it down. I blame it on the plot bunny.
(oh, and thanks for reading, goodnite! glad you liked it!)

audacity said:
A cool friend sent me a picture of Pam Veasey- Our D/L Hero. She is lovely. ;)
Moriel21 said:
Oh Pam Veasey pic, can I see? :D
Yeah, ditto. Aren’t you gonna share? *pouts* ;)
On one of the s2 DVDs they have a behind the scenes thingy and when Pam came on the screen I clapped for her. :rolleyes: I know, weird.

audacity said:
Here's a fanlisting for D/L. It has started to take off but not many people know about it. :eek: ;) http://fan.csi-junkies.com/danny-lindsay/
Look! My name is on recent members! Hee-hee! (mercy4vr)

So have we started the “If shippers ruled the world, what would Danny and Lindsay be doing for New Years” thing yet? ;)
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I don't think we have started that for this year yet Mercy! So go ahead and be the first to post something for it! (I'll think up something good and post it later tonight! ;) )

Can't wait for our new eppy's and not that I wanna see our season end, but I really can't wait until our final eppy's cuz I KNOW we'll get some good D/L...I KNOW it! I have faith! ;) :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Oh my GOd!!! I've missed you guys soooooooo much! My Internet has been down!!

*kisses everyone in sight becuz I love you all so damn much!*

Just wondering, how many spoiler free people do we have in this thread?
Me! I'm one of the only ones and that's because I love D/L so much that I wanna be surprised when they finally hook up (which I'm pretty sure they will. We're canon & TPTB are doing things that way...)

It looks like they are holding hands
That's so cute! If only they were....

hate myself so much right now...I've only watched till episode Cool Hunter and here I am reading every spoiler I find..
Hey, Netar! Welcome, sweetie. You'll have so much fun around here!

People are asking around for a picture of Pam Veasey? Here it is... She's the 2nd on the left. :) We love you, Pam! Keep the D/L coming!

Oh and here's my New Year's Eve present! I can't believe how fast this year's gone and how much D/L we've been getting! The writers are amazing!

I hope they heard me too... :lol: So they'll continue to write more Zoo Babies Love!

Here's my present(s):

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I remember seeing Pam in the Season 2 DVD extras. She was talking about "Charge of this Post". She was great!

I think that Danny and Lindsay do need to set up a New Years Resolution. And that is to trully trust each other. And that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. She told Danny that she has some things to "work out" before she can be with him. She needs to know that Danny is there for her and will always be there for her.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

And I'm still not sure if we should be discussing pictures form an old ep in spoiler boxes, but just to be safe:
Actually the pictures from the previous episode don't need to be in spoiler boxes especially when you're wondering who/what they are but when you add them in with episodes that haven't been aired, then they need to be in a spoiler box.

As I stated before, I think that guy in the picture is Lindsay's brother. I think he may have been murdered with the others. I think her trust issues may be stemming from who did the killings. Maybe it was a boyfriend or someone else she was close to. If the killer was someone she was close to, maybe that's why she's having issues with getting involved with Danny. Maybe it was the brother himself who did the killings. Although I wouldn't want to keep pictures of him on my computer unless she was just thinking of happier days. That guy in the picture looks so much like Anna, I wonder if it really is her brother.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Delia there you are! Hey hon! :D Missed you around here! ;) Glad to see you back, for sure! And with presents...now that's always a nice way to return! :D Love those pics, hot Linds and Danny can't help but check her out! LOVE it! :devil: :lol:
I think that Danny and Lindsay do need to set up a New Years Resolution. And that is to trully trust each other.
Oh yeah, works for me Vex! Lol, I think they're working toward that though! Slowly, but it is getting there! And once they do get to that point, it will be solid because it was hard fought for and won so it will be good and stable for both of them! At least that's what I say! :D
Yeah I definitely am leaning toward what you've said...I think that is her brother (and quite possibly Anna's real brother, they look SO similair!) and that he was killed...I'm thinking though that he didn't do the killings, but just was killed and that their mother along with all the other mothers blame Linds for living and maybe for not stopping it! Especially if it was like a boyfriend of Linds' who did the killings cuz she should have had "influence" over him...although that's crap, but it could be spun that way, ya know. So yeah, trust issues abound from that on all sorts of levels! Poor Linds, gah!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

People are asking around for a picture of Pam Veasey?...We love you, Pam! Keep the D/L coming!
Txs for that pic kissme (and it's so good to have you back!). It's really nice to finally see the lovely lady we all admire so much for her outstanding work. Keep it up in the new year, Pam - We adore you! :D
We have all sorts of faith and optimism about what this new year holds for our ship...
Couldn't have said it better Mo! :)
So have we started the “If shippers ruled the world, what would Danny and Lindsay be doing for New Years” thing yet?
Great question Mercy! Little scenario I thought of (sorry no time to make it a fic -that's why is probably totally fluffy too- :rolleyes:):

The will both have volunteered to work on New Years' Eve. And since not many people want to work at such a night they end up on a case together. Just when they're packing up to head back the fireworks start and he stops next to the car and grabs her arm:
- He gives her a kiss on the cheek (A/N I know we want more, but I don't think they're ready for that yet)
* "Happy New Year, Montana! I hope this new year gives you a change to work out all that's bothering you."
* "Thanks Danny, I know it will. I'll make sure it will!"
* "You know that my promise still stands, right?"
* "I know that, and I wanna thank you for understanding and being so patient with me. I will not let you down, you still mean A LOT ;) to me."
- She blushes and gives him a kiss on the cheek too.
* "Happy new year, Messer."
- They get in the car and drive of into THEIR new year.


Definitely what it looks like! :D

Happy New Year everyone!
Be careful with the fireworks and I hope to talk to you all in the next year!
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

mercy said:
Welcome, pilgrim! :D You may not be a shipper as such yet, but stick around, this is a pretty fun bunch and we'll bring out the latent shipper in you!

dutch_treat said:
Danny was just too cute and Lindsay too oblivious. Loved it!
I think you're already hooked pilgim_soul (and welcome btw). They just keep getting cuter and cuter and before you know it you're just like the rest of us :devil::eek: - totally D/L addicted - :D

Thank you for the welcome guys, like I said I try not to get too involved with ships, I've had nasty experiences before, but I'm a hopeless romantic at heart and enjoy the interaction between Danny and Lindsay. I'm still catching up on CSI:NY, I'm in the UK and have only come to the series recently so I haven't seen all of the earlier eps yet, so if no one minds I might pop here from time to time with my thoughts.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Delia there you are! Hey hon! Missed you around here!
Oh, sweetie! I've missed you to bits too!
I've had nasty experiences before, but I'm a hopeless romantic at heart and enjoy the interaction between Danny and Lindsay.
Welcome! You'll love it here! We all do! Need help? Ask as you wish!
The will both have volunteered to work on New Years' Eve. And since not many people want to work at such a night they end up on a case together. Just when they're packing up to head back the fireworks start and he stops next to the car and grabs her arm:
- He gives her a kiss on the cheek (A/N I know we want more, but I don't think they're ready for that yet)
* "Happy New Year, Montana! I hope this new year gives you a change to work out all that's bothering you."
* "Thanks Danny, I know it will. I'll make sure it will!"
* "You know that my promise still stands, right?"
* "I know that, and I wanna thank you for understanding and being so patient with me. I will not let you down, you still mean A LOT to me."
- She blushes and gives him a kiss on the cheek too.
* "Happy new year, Messer."
- They get in the car and drive of into THEIR new year.
AHHH! So adorable, dutch! Can't tell you how much I've missed you and your angst. I'm beginning to write a new angsty story soon... I've wrote out the basic plan for it and I have the whole of this week before school starts again to write!! Your angsty-ness is finally getting to me (in a GOOD way!).

But of course, my heart still belongs to fluff. Speaking of, I've written a new fluffy story and will type it onto the computer real soon! I'll keep you guys updated on that!

Now for a scenario for New Years... I'm thinking and typing. Here goes:
Danny: (enters their shared lab) Hey, Montana.
Lindsay: (brightens up and pokes her head out of her evidence and files of the case she's working on) Danny.
Danny: (looks at his watch) 30... 29... 28... 27... 26... 25... 24...
Lindsay: (looks him in the eye) I'm sorry for everything. Well, for what it's worth. You never ran away from me like all the other guys in my life and for that, thank you.
Danny: 17... 16....
Lindsay: (grins) Shut up. 3, 2, 1. (quickly)
(moves in to kiss him softly) Happy New Year, Danny. You've been more than amazing these past months. They've been hard, but--but you've been here. (pulls away slowly) Thank you. (looks at her watch) And... I'm off my shift. Bye. (whips off her lab jacket and puts on her jacket)
Danny: Happy New Year, Montana. (smiles) Are you on shift tommorow?
Lindsay: Yep. (grins) I'll--uhh-I'll see you then.
Danny: (nods) Yeah, I'll see you then. Bye.
Lindsay: Bye. (softly)
(Danny touches his lips, where she kissed him as she closes the door, leaving him alone in the lab.)

Really boring. I wanted more action, but it just didn't seem that natural especially with the cliffhanger in Silent Night.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Yea, that was sooo boring. :rolleyes: pleasse. That was great! I loved it. Write a fic, post it, then I want to read it! I cant wait till our favorite ship is all back to goofing around and firing jokes again. The good old days. All this speculation and spoilers are killing me. I want the eppys to air, and everything to be okay.

Happy new years Family and Fellow Shippers!
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