Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"

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Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Mercy, as far as I know, 3x14 is the Lying Game, 3x15 is Some Buried Bones.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks, catey!

Me too! I want her to talk to Danny before she goes! Ya know, before reading this spoiler I was just looking at the pic from 3x12 Silent Night of Linds in the morgue freakin’ out (the pic rad uses in the excellent avie, btw :)), and I noticed the four bodies that did not belong (see here). Nice to have it confirmed. Hopefully her going to testify will start the healing process, and she'll let Danny in when she gets back. But we would like at least an itty bit of D/L b4.
And thanks guys for all the congrats! :D I love having an avie!

I was just watching 2x20 Super Men, (ya know the one with the scene 'i might ask ya to marry me' which i of course played over and over) and I had forgotten how nice the ending was for the team. There is a song playing with lyrics 'i am superman' etc, and it shows the team doing their various jobs. It's kind of a nice reminder about how important the job of a CSI really is day to day.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Just wondering, how many spoiler free people do we have in this thread?
I've wondered about that too darx2! Among the ones that are actually posting I think not many (kissme I believe has the most will power :)). But there are also A LOT of people reading this thread -*waves* come out of hiding guys it's fun in here and we are harmless :devil:- and we have to consider them too.
I'm so curious now where the murders of her four friends took place. In the picture that Mercy linked to you can see that the vic's are all girls. What happened? :confused:
futon critic has the Lying game airing on Jan.31. Tv guide.com has it listed as Jan.24. So, I don't know which listing to believe.
So the confusion starts again :p I've read that too catey, but on CSI files is this (Warning: Major spoilers! - so don't klick if you don't wanna know!) article about S03E15 and there it says: “Some Buried Bones' is expected to air on the 24th of January, 2007." So perhaps we do get three in a row on 01/10 (#13), 01/17 (#14) and 01/24 (#15) :D That of course means we will probably get a big break after that, but I hope that choice was made to limit the amount of ep's without Lindsay :cool:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hello my lovely shippy buddies! :D **Mo pops in and hands out sparkling cider and chocolate.....just cuz!** :lol:

Okay so I think whatever they do for our finale and the stuff leading up to it D/L-wise...considering the trend we've had for the last season and a half it would be completely out of character for the PTB to stop any D/L and then give us a big finish. Cuz look at how our eppies have gone...for Seas. 2 we had some kind of D/L in almost every eppy...and then this season we haven't had as much but it's been at least 50% of the eppy's that we've had something with them, if not a good scene then at least a mention of one by the other. And I realize Linds will be gone, but I really think the either A) They will take a break while Anna's gone and play some reruns....so it's not that many eps without Linds...or B) I think they'll at least have someone mention/talk about her, talk to her preferably while she's away to "check in" or something. (That's what I really hope happens...I'd LOVE for Danny to call and check in on her! That would make me totally happy!) Guess we'll see really, but those are some of my thoughts at the moment!

I think I agree with you Muzzy we've invested too much into this ship and seen too much develop right in front of us to have it fade to black right before they get together...I'd be a bit pissed and terribly sad if they did that to us now after all this too! Hopefully they won't though! **Fingers and toes crossed that we'll get to see something!** :D
Dunno how many of you have read the spoiler about Lindsay, but for those that have, I'm glad TPTB are doing it that way.
Yeah Rad hon I agree! They could have done it several ways, and I'm kinda glad they're doing it that way too! :D Now hopefully she'll come back quick and talk it all out with Danny, do some cathartic crying on his strong manly shoulder, let him kiss her senseless and start moving on! :devil: Hey I think that'd work great! ;)

Lol, I'm really excited for the possiblities our ship has this new year y'all! I really think this will the year of our ship! I'm feeling totally optimistic today! Our ship is gonna sail, ain't that right Fluffy Twin! ;) :lol:
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

dutch's[/b] spoiler]I am curious what the story behind the crime is. You think they are all girls? The vic on the right in the green shirt kinda looks like a teenage boy to me.

Moriel21 said:
Hello my lovely shippy buddies! :D **Mo pops in and hands out sparkling cider and chocolate.....just cuz!** :lol:
Thanks, Mo!

Moriel21 said:
…I think they'll at least have someone mention/talk about her, talk to her preferably while she's away to "check in" or something. (That's what I really hope happens...I'd LOVE for Danny to call and check in on her! That would make me totally happy!) Guess we'll see really, but those are some of my thoughts at the moment!
I agree that they do need to at least talk about here while she is gone. ‘Cause it would be too strange for her as a main character to just be gone with no mentions after her story is told. That is… if they even give us the whole story. :eek:

What do y’all think, do you think we’ll get the whole story:
a. before her leave :)
b. after her leave :(
c. or will they never give us the full story :mad:?

Since the spoilers we got were a little vague, anyone got any good theories to toss about?
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I think that we will get half before, and maybe some closure afterwards, of Lindsay's story.

Danny mentioning something like "yeah, I talked to Lindsay the other day and she's doing fine" would be like the highlight of the episode for me :lol:

I think that this is another thing that TPTB did to confuse us :p. I think they are all girls because of what we know already...(Lindsay has a hard time with young girls deaths) so it would be logical for all 4 bodies to be girls. Even if they are girls that look like boys. :-D. If the 4th body is a boy..then maybe he was the one who killed the other girls? Just speculation...

Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

I don't know to be quite honest, but at first sight I immediately thought they were all girls. When I look at the hands and feet of the one on the right (green shirt) I'd still think girl, but then again teenage boys can be very gangling :lol:.
mercy said:
Moriel21 said:
…I think they'll at least have someone mention/talk about her, talk to her preferably while she's away to "check in" or something. That's what I really hope happens...I'd LOVE for Danny to call and check in on her!...
I agree that they do need to at least talk about here while she is gone. ‘Cause it would be too strange for her as a main character to just be gone with no mentions after her story is told...
darx2mint4 said:
Danny mentioning something like "yeah, I talked to Lindsay the other day and she's doing fine" would be like the highlight of the episode for me
I totally agree with you guys :D It would be very strange if she just left and nobody mentions her anymore till she suddenly reappears. I don't think we get an actual conversation with her though :( (but I am hopeful :)), but people (and one person in particular ;)) will be asking how she's doing for sure.

And they just owe it to us to give us the whole story :rolleyes:, but it will most likely be after she returns (when she explains everything that has happened to her to Danny).

And I'm sorry mercy, but I'm currently all out of theories :eek: I still think (going with what we know so far) that she was the sole survivor of some horrible crime and the reason she's 'bad' with mothers is because some feeling of guilt she still has :(
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

“Some Buried Bones' is expected to air on the 24th of January, 2007." So perhaps we do get three in a row on 01/10 (#13), 01/17 (#14) and 01/24 (#15) :D That of course means we will probably get a big break after that, but I hope that choice was made to limit the amount of ep's without Lindsay :cool:
dutch, I think I will start banging my head on the wall. There are so many different dates now, I don't know what to believe. Either way, it's better than the waiting until Jan.17 for it to start again. I'm actually happy with this latest spoiler, it makes more sense of a lot of things this season.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Hi shippy buddies! :D
I agree that they do need to at least talk about her while she is gone. ‘Cause it would be too strange for her as a main character to just be gone with no mentions
Yeah Mercy I totally agree! ;) As a main character, who's had a fair share of bigger storylines (although still not as much as she should) it would be really odd for her to just leave without at least some kind of mention of her. I liked what you said Darx, have Danny say something like that...oh or even better have Mac or Hawkes or Flack ask Danny, "How's Lindsay doing?" And then he can say "Okay" or "she's holding up" or something that shows he's talked to her, lol wouldn't that be fun!! :lol:

I think we'll get most of her story either after she leaves or when she gets back, I don't think we'll get a whole lot more before she goes...although I'd still LOVE to have Linds talk to Danny and tell him what happened before she leaves...that would make me very happy!! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^^ :lol: LOL :lol: seems we were all posting at (almost) the same time! :eek:

I do like the idea of the newest ep on the 10th too catey! And what happens after that?....Well...we just have to wait and see. :rolleyes:

I'm glad we all seem to agree on what the rest of the team (and especially Danny) should be doing while she's away. They should mention her or the reason why she's absent at least every ep Lindsay's not in! :D
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

They should mention her or the reason why she's absent at least every ep Lindsay's not in!
Yeah that would be very nice! I really hope that's the case! As for when our next eppy's are airing, I really hope it works out to be the ones with Linds right away and then a few reruns and then an eppy or two without her and then have her back, so we only have to have a few eppys without her and not a whole lot ya know? Did that make any sense? :D

Okay now this is weird... imdb.com has Ep.14 listed as being on the 10th now, which would make the 13th episode air on the 3rd! Hmmmm.... and tv.com has Ep 13 listed to air on the 10th...okaaaay...and tvguide.com has Ep.13 listed to air on the 10th also...so as far as that goes, I'm thinking we're sure to get 13 on the 10th...then it's just a matter of how many weeks between 13 and 14! *Shrugs!*
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

**runs into thread, tries to stop, slips and falls on butt. ouch!**

I am watching 2x22 Stealing Home (the Sara Butler case) and at the end of the ep Lindsay was looking at what appeared to be old pictures on her computer…
Okay, so this goes back to the whole boy/girl vic thing. (I was bored, so I started watching more s2 dvds and browsing the web, hence the over analyzing, sorry). One of the old pictures Linds was looking at is a younger version of what appears to be her and a boy, and we all know she had issues with Stella’s trauma and the fact that the vic was a country girl… look here and tell me what ya think. (the pic popped up and I had to share, please forgive me).
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

Thanks for posting that mercy
hmmm I'm thinking thats either Anna Belknap's family photos just thrown in there for fun (like George Eads and having his dog on CSI) or it's Lindsay's brother who actually killed the girls! That would explain why she has trust issues with Danny...because maybe her brother was the one responsible for the deaths..
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

^^Could be! When this ep first aired, watching these scenes I thought nothing about Lindsay's secret, because at the time the only mention of her traumatic past was her bio blurb on the CBS web page, and maybe the Manhattan Manhunt pharm party blood thing. Rewatching these eps gives me a new (if totally speculative/imagined) perspective on them! Kinda fun.
Re: Danny/Linds #13 - "She likes him...A LOT!!"[

It is really fun to speculate. :) That's how I've ended up writing soo many fanfictions..but posting like none of them.


It looks like they are holding hands :devil:

I made a fanvideo for Danny and Lindsay..but I won't post the link..if you look on YouTube my username is spriteandcola..its my only video uploaded, so if want, tell me what you think :) The song doesn't really fit D/L though..I just liked the song, and tried to improvize :p
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